Additional Terms & Conditions 06/21/2023 AddifioriA`Ti�,arnmt,,r arvri for, ar,i,;f Gn,,,gnt
Sat 2-213-4,)k 40
1 his Girant Aeveement�s cirftered ir�ito by and between the Florkla Depairtiment of Mainagernent Serviices (the
"DepartnuiisnV'or "UMS")and Miunroe ODRAirrty BOCC("Graintee"),coflecVMy refer r red to asr the "iPai de&,"The
terirris of tNs docuirnerrit supp�ement t1m terms rIind coinul ifio iris cointa ned in Iin "I Fmirrii 1A, Appficaticin for the
E911 Rural Cotaity Grant Pricigrairn or IN Formi 3A, AppHcatoin f r the 93.1 Grarvt Programs (hereirafter, the
'Appkaflon"'),and the Grantee's award tter.
By eitecii Aing tHs agreery'rent,fl,i,rr Grante�,",agrees Ito the folloviviing:
1,1.....r"hire AppHication, thie Grantee's Iaward kAter,and tfris docluirrievni., OmIuding fts attachirnents and exNbots
(herreinafter r6kectivepy referred ID air the"Agrc!ernerit"),contMn a of the terims ariid conditons agri!amd
upon Iby th 1partles, ff Chel.ire aire any c:rDirvFhc6rqi(proviiMons between the dociuments thiit finake up the
Agirceirrient,the foHoMing order of precedeirrice aippUcs:
1,1.2. Attaichiment J,Auirfit Rei!pjirements foir Awards ofAssistaince (wkh irs; Exhibft 1);
1-1.4 t1m Grantee's,subirnitted At�qAjcatJoin.
I-L In accordance with secdons 365,J32 acid 365,173, F.S.,thie Graiintee shaH peirforini the tasks specified
herehi in acr-ardanice with the terms and cond Moins of Ons.Agreeirrient.
1.3. The terrn of Ofls agreeirinent begIiins oiri JamjarV'9t,20123 mmid einds air 1Warx1n24,VMS.
1-4.11)e parties shiaH Ibe girweirried by A appficaWe state and federid Wws, nfles, executive ordeirs, airrid
r V
egulations,includiing, but! ri finifted to,those klenfified in thie"ApphcaWe Statutes and Regalatining"
table Wow.ArRy i refeircince in this Ageearrient to a statute,rt.Ale,or regulat�on fin no mayinnipfies
thiat no r),their statue, r0e, or re�gm flationi appfle& Faflluire to MiTij;fly ni'my aff6a,thie cuirren1l grant award
and fiAtirue graints amirards,,
I A,I The Grantee agrees to cornply with tire State of I!Ioirida Reference Guide for State Expendki,ires,
which cain be ol)talned at',
1-5. lbislsa(!��ol!stre�[n�i�bw,oirsleiryif.,intagirieeiiiTif*riit, pNsAgveeiments[iafl notexceled Ore
Grairitee's award letteir, and payrrrii:mt shaR ordy bile msvgied by the Departmient after acceptance of the
Grantee's perforrinarice as set forth by the terirns and coneffboins of this Agreement. No rk:Memfls of this
Aig,'reeirrent are avaflande.
1 11'iie Cirantee algreestai usle the funds awarded urridew this 4relevil6ent Cafly�rnjjr,COSL.,j djrreC:tpy kwurred for
the grant project actrivities spicictfied tri Che Appfication.Costs irimist tic reasonalfle,necessary, aUcii,cable,
arrid,afiomraWe for the appiroved project and ordy 4icurir f:11i jjrjjrjag terra terin"i of this Agreement
L6.1. The Giraintee MW P efir n d to this DepaF tunient any ban �la nice of r,inobligated fun cls that was advanced
or,paid to the Grantee.
1-6.2, 1"f1le Gfe U
intee shaH mf ind any mc)MeS used foir kriefigflble piiiirposes urinder tl'w WNS, rirdes, and
r,eVipal�tonsgc'rverirmingltlle useofthese funds.
Jr.7 The Grantee agrees that the fir'W rief4iLiest Ickir rehi,ibuirsernent and sullisporfing docurnevitaflon for
incuivrecl obbgairionsshaR be sub irnitted tro fire Delpartn"writno Weirthain the terrn ofiddisAgripernent.
The Depairtiment has b een appropriated fuawrudsfrorn'the Emergency CornmunicatJons Number E9115ysteffll Trust
to provide grants to countiies for thie purpose of upgra&rig E911.systenns, The Department has the authority,
pursuant to section 282.702, I'S,to enteir,irsto thiis Agreement'and to lu isbuirse the appropriated funds to the
Grantee undeir the ter-iris and conditions set forth lier6n,
The State's obfigafloin to pay, under this Agreenwrilt k continglent upon an annual apprcpr2bnn by the
LegWature and is subject to any snodfficatIon In accordance with efther Chapter 216, VS., or the Horida
41 The Scope of`Work in thie Ap pfi cati on is lie ire by mod if ied to spe cify,the f 1u3flcmfiqg d efiverah,le(s):
DeRveiraWe No. I—I"asks to C.;W1 Handfing Systeim Replacement
Pe ir for v n ancP Stan dar d Documentation 17r�'an,c_i"a'�—Consequences
C"Ornplefe fill wol*ftm the 1) Reirinbursemeinit&ifirn in ff Grantee fa�Hls to cornpiy
System Re&c(,-?n7ent accordance with Secdon wilh any term of the award,
Project in accordance 15,beilow. DhAS shaH take one or rnowe
mliith the Grantee's 1� 2) V,iie Grantee shaH subrrdt of the froHowing actions-
copiiias nf
Granteeshall attioch thh; a. Any contracts or 1. Temporarily Mthhold cash
contract,which shall purchase orders wilth payments pending coi r ectiioin
jjaCrjjjde r edactions mfith vendors„ of 0-iP,tleficiency by G i uttpficable exemptionsfrv, I), Vendor WVOa ces,' 2. Msaflow A�or part of the
public reef ds within r. Proof of pqrnen, cost 0"',f,a ctivl'y '"'ac
veindom and rml pn compflance;
d Pir oof of v eeiip ct of -3. Whioflyiui pavtily susIppind
defiverai:bles, or,terrninate tjjp�Crwjrrent
.ward for the CIrantee",
4, Suspend or deny future
grant awards;or
rnay be legafly avaHable,,
DiNASIMN proMe no
reiiirriburserTIN-i'It.IX alilTy
Irnprovarneinitthat does not
nreet 1the standanis
estaNished in th s award,
TOTA L R Eil M B L)R SAB I E A NA 0 LIM'IN OTI 0 EXC EE D$72 6,�393,0'()
5.1, The Depautmeii'V's Grant Ndarrager, l re:011sonsible foir eirfouding,p-Irerfoirffrance of tWs Agreerrient's temrs
and cciri,dibons and ME seree is the Diepartnrent's Illsaison with the Graintee� As paM of j'fls or her duvies,
the Departi,neii''W's Graiiiit Mariager,MIL
S.1,1 i0oriftor,and document tire Giraritee's peii'fov'rniancie,of the terrns o!pf this Agireement,whkJh u�niay
include Ifbut shah nat be krinited to, oi;Wte units try DIMS staff, Morted scope au&ts, air desktop
5.1.2. Review A docrurwntatMan for Wiflich the Clirantee II M�utrst't payrflient;and
Sa,Jr3. ecii and verify al fuuj(js rec6ve1d agairrist all fixids expended dwing the period of t1flS
Agreement arid produce a fbi,M reconciRaflon repoid: that Wenflfies any furids paid kin excess of
tire expenciftj nJres incurred by the Grantee.
The Department's Grant 11"Awinagers resisionsikOe lor the
wh'nh[Ostr aflor,Of thiSAgreernent are��
Sarah G._MMjikmtjj
4030 Es Adt W11y
term Ott G
5.2 Ir i'm Gii-aiiitee's Agreement Manager is rtssponsible for rnionitoring perforr'narrice of t�liij!:, Agree nw nt's
ti and condifloiiis an 'grill sentie,as thin Giiiintee's lWscrir w4h thin IL,)qisartrrrent �As partr of his or,to
duties, the Grantee's Agiieecinent Mt witager slmii i.iiii-olvide 0 reports, as %Peh as any d al'hefr reqii fted
�C iocLA��,ieii,it,s�jr)derthi!sAgreernepit,tothe E911 Board in co i acridarice wiflr 'e OP lCt� "r 9.0 ,fr the Apipficatiiaiiii,
The Graraee's Agriceirrent Maiiiageir r esponsil-,fle tor the
aid rn iriiistration of this AgreeirvwM N:
Laut:a"W, ii,
294S Owers
53, 1111 the Event 0iiat Merent mama orr addresses are odeMginiated by efther party afteir execution of this
Agivemerit, �rIOCCe Of the narne, tidie, and address of the new nvainagi�:w wHi be i)rovkied to thie od-ler
party hir wrifing Such cli,anges do not req u'Mte a form,W wNttein arnendimprint to the AgMreenient,,
61. "f lie Ciraritee shaH retaMn afl yts uiecorids,finandali reccvds,sqpporting docurtipirits,Statjja
fiCaM rrPrord5,and
airy otireir darurvilents, indiudirig electronic storagit, nedia perdnent to this,Agreement iiva acrordance,
winh the record retenlJoin requirenleilits of Il1art V of Attaichawnt 1,AWK RcqWreniieints flDr-Awards of
State FlnanciA AsMstairi:e The (Dantee siiail cooperate withi the i)epautmnent to fadhtate the
ch,jisfiratiiaiii and tmirsferof such a eicords is dcjcUments upon the Deparinrent's request,,
E2, Ihe Giantee shall rnahitapn Lmoks, reccprrk, and documents in accoidaince Mth flrie generaffy accepted
acxiountirig pidndp es trrm suffidently and Ip iopedy mflect aH expenditures ruff' funds provided by the,
Depw trinent under tWs Agreeirinent,
6-3, "Cho e Grantee shafl comply with afl arpjrAicable requt'rerneints of!;ecfia,riu 215,97, IF=mS., ar)d Attachment I,
Audit Awards of State HnaiwW Ass!Mance. Grantee is required ito uridergo an
audit,tfiic�Grantee shall discImse afi re4teid party transactionsto die auiditrar.
T.1 As reqrAredi Oy sectioriii 215,97, F.5,,and IlUle�69���-5,r006 FI'Ddida Administrative Code(RA,,C),the Depar trip eint,
thie f3epartment of Financial Services, and the Florida Auditor General, cir any lr!)f their authmized
repi rase Met hre s, shaH enjIDY the right of access to ainy documimts, financial maternentS, papei-5, cw otbPci
recorsis of the Gii'smtee mifflich �are perUnent to this Agreernent', 41 orde r to niake audits, exarn natlisns,
excerpts, and tirariscripts, vile flght off access akm irickides flrnepy and reasonaWe access to, thie Grantee's
persminel fbiir the purpose of intewiew avid(Pscuss�oj,j related to such docurnents, '11his pmw�skpn dc�es incif
N r0t thie Department's m,rttvn to Condilict�!m-airi�ange for the ClOnduct of addidona audh!s of,evatuaflons
of state finaricW ass11stance oir lirnitthe withority of ainif,sitsite amwPar6ng agencj(iinqpectov jm?ineral,the AUiditor
Genera,or any offm lip tam offi(JaL
/.2 1 he Granteeshah rrWntaun afl records,,�inch.Wingthose peri.Minh�p,,to any andafl coritractom,siubcontiracto�,s,
and constAtarrts to bql;�rmid frarn hinds provWed under thN Agreiernieria and fUrtheir lncAudft doic:iumentation
of alt prograim costs hi a foret mAficient to d eternnine wimpkaince milth tfr. requ�rernents and c�bjecitJves of
the Appficatkm, and aH atheir irk"IV hllws and regtdatic�ns,fm the bang of five(5)years after the eirid
Of:tIM Plerformince plerind specifleid in the talfle alpavie ariild all penrPng inatters or the pwric),ij rv�ijmfiied by
Chie (ieneW Records Sdmediijles mah"Ai.flned iby the Florida Dialmirtrnent of mate (avaflaWe at:
73 ff the Eirantee's recoirid retevvfiun requfirernents tierinrdriate prjap to the veqWreimeints stated h[(,!�irein, thW
Grantee rriay rueet the Depautrrm"Ws record reteirl'lon recju�rernents foir tt�is Agreement by firig its
records tID tlie Departrrient a? Ithat time, airid by destroying dUpkate records hi acxmidance Wth secfioir i
501.171, F.S.,and,,if appUcable,section 1�mllrr.oa'mh
011 F's, I file,Grarwree shaN adhere to estab4shiiml irdop matpon
destruction staridad suciii asti mmcl by the Naflonai Institute of Stmulards and reOu[oliogy
SlPecliai Pubkabon 800-88, "GialdeHnes for Media Sanitizatlair" See
7�4 In acc�ioridance,Mth section 2➢1.6 �'1366,1, Sr"the Departrwienit is authodzed to inspect t1w:(a)firiandal records,
pampaeirs, and docurnents uf the lkecip leint that are directy re�ated to the perft)nriance of:the Ajgriemwnenft or
the expen&ture of slote funds;and(b)progranni,natic remids,Papers, and duciurnents�rpf the lterJpient whkh
thie Department det0lnines af e necessary to inon0tor the performance of tfine Algreernient or in ante that
Ow terma of the Agreeirnent are being rnet� Ihe jjec�pjejA shail provk.le such records,papers,,and documents
recluiesed by he re iDepnwri 11) buspirass diiys after .the request is rnad(
Ili Girantele, an agency as defintrd in section 119,011(2), F.511ir Must r0n,01Y wifth thie requiremerits inif Chapti:i,
3 39, F,&, irr the nedcumarice of fts,abNgatjirjj�� uinder �uadta
rgreernent. rhe Grantee must also ensure that any
cointractois aind subicontraclAns that perforrnmrork pur this,Alp eernent coriinpllly ihdth the requirerrients
of Chapter 319, F S,, as applicatpie,
9. IIIR..IY 191111117Y
91- The GrairItee is sufelV responsible tio parfles rt deals withi in carrvhig uuiL Ihe terirns of this Agreemenii
wad, SLAbject to the hrnitatk)n of secfioin 768,28, I-,S.,the Grantee shah hold the Depairtmeint Karmless
agia nst all chlints of whateveir nature by third par ties arising friorn performance under th6AgreeYnent,,
5AZ"llre Grantee, a stiltdiI as df,..4@UnIe IIIYw secdoin 168.28, F.&, agrees to E)e ftifly riespoinsUe for its
ineefigentor tortious r'Psultirl c1cflirris;Chi r'auits agabuttliIe pia pairtment and agrees
to Ilbn Haifle for airy dannages pro,,irirnately caused iry the acts or ornissic.ons to the extent set forth in
secAioin 768,,28, F.S. Nothing fin this Agreement is �intended to Serve as a vifaiver Df SOVF.Irelgn Nnrrisnity
by the Grarfll�ee,.. Notldrmg ir�iii II Agreement [nay be construed as coinseirit by a State agency or
SUbdivislon of the State u)be sued by IlWrd paibes in any rnatter airWng out of any courtract.
1(11V EVEN IS OF 11130YAW Ir
if any olf the follomilrtg eivents OCCkj?F(MrVer
rts,of Def aaaht:"")®all obfig@flons oni he parit of the E91 11, Board 'to rrulke
any furtheI� payment of funds shaIll, if the Department iniefts,teirirnIinate wid the De-Ijri)artrnent has the optilon'to
exericise any of its reurwrfiessel.foirfir heirein, I fowevei,thie Deqpaii trnent maly make payrinthurts OJIF
partial payrnents
afteir artV Elivento of Default without waiving,the dghttia exeirdse such remedies arid s0thout beciorning kabk to
rnalwany further payrneint.1 The I,:Iventis of Default are-.
10.1, If wiry warranty or,repriesen tat:lon mal by-the Grantee in this 1M reerw:!Tft or any premfious agreernent
wfti,a the Departnient is oir becomes false nir mWeading fin any reSpinrt.;
102r If shoe Grantee fails to keep ox timely pleirfoirrni any of the obhgations, terrym, or colvenants In tNs
Agreement crr any pre' ous agreenicirin Asith the Dep�arlrnent arxi has I cured t1wrn in firin6ly
10.1 If thia Grantee or is unable OF'ILI III*king to rneet its oblilgatioriis uroler this Agreern(4111�t;
10,4, If material adveirse chariges nrricur in thiD financial cairi&don of the Grantee at arry time diuring the
ternriG of thds Agreenient;or,r
110,5. If any reports required by 11fls Agreerneira havca not been subirnitted to the Depayunerit rain fiave bieen
subrniltted with Incorrect, @ncoinnphlltip, or insiuffjciero kwfoirn,Ial1ain,,
If an Event of Default occurs,thien the Department shaH prom vide�a written Irlrotrce to the Granitee, airol,uawhron tlie
f3aantee's faflure to the default.Mthin tire Nity(3o)cakuidair days,the Depaitiment inray exercM any orm
(3)or niore of t,iiieft0fowing rernedies,afther corwriurrenfly or conSiRCHIJIVe Y'.
11-11I..I terminate this Agn eernerit In accordance with Ser,1(m 1.2, ferrnirraticcn,belo%v;
withhold or s�.jspend payrnent of aR w any part of as reqtrest for payinmrit;
exeirc�lse airq coirrecfive or rerne(hal acHoi*1,iirxhAiding but.not hImitied to:
11.1.1, request additiorial mnfurmatkm from the Grantee to determine the reasons for or tile extent
Ofinon-cusnpfiar".Pr or lack of peirfcormance;
11.3.2,ismie a written ivarirflngto advise that rnure seflaus rr eaisajir(n,rnay be tAeir if the s1ruation is
r[ot cc)rrected;(.!)rr
]J,.K3,adv�se the Granteeto suspend,dIscointNnue, ar refrain from hicurrivig costs foir any aictkiaies
in quesljoira.
Pinsukig any of the ab1DVe remedIies MU nat precIude the DelpairtrTient frolM Ilpursu@walg any rrPther reirnedies
avaflaWp under thils Agree rnen t or arr We c)r 41 equity, If the Department vipaives any fight or renniedy in d Wis
Agreement or fails to insIst on striet perforrnaincc isy the Grantee, ft does not affact,extendl,or mWve any otheir
Oght Omar rerviedy Oftile Illrqlimrttlumment,cir affelct this biter exercise of the sarne Irk gk ft Or renredy by ttie IIDepartment
for any other defaidt by thqh,Grantee.
1 erminatk)iii Dg m to the Lack of Furls. If funds bec()rrie unavaplable for the Agreeirnent's purpose,
- , _._ � =............. � r
siridii eveirit wfll not ion stitute a default by tfne Departrnen't or-the St aim. The DepaiturRent agrees In
niotfythe l3rantil.,e hi writing at.the eadjest posslb ie I Irri[e if funds are urcr iongeir avaHable. m the even't
that army funiding klieinflfied bythe Grantee as funcisto be provWed for cornp�keticrn of the pirajeTt as
descirflibed hetein IIirpcoImues uinava!Iahie, Mchiding if nny State funds upori wi kh this Agreenmnt
depends are 41thdvawrii or redirected,tire Department nialyteirminate this,Agreernient by providing
writtein noUce ID the Grantee, The Departrineyft jmkflj iDe t1re fjrmal authority as to tire avadability of
12.1 Termi in ati or m to ir Clau e Dep se. the arbe v ft m i� ay te�iir n in a te th is Agreenr e n t for,cause afte r ten f,10)d ays
................................... ............_"of upritten,nobce,wtfth%NHI be issued after the 30-day cuiie period ends, Ca use 4u:hj des,brut is not
Hirnftvd to, inisuse of funids, firaud, pacic of cornpUnce with apphcali,fle riufea, knvs, and rpgiulaCorrs,
failure to Perfor im rain birne,or efusal la Ittaerirnft irubk;access tID any doicurnent,palseir,Better,or,•other
rnateirial sul�iject tcp diWosure under-Chapter 3.19, F,5,, uMess exernpit frorni Section 24(@) &Arlticle i
luf the State Constrtuflieir arid sectioii 119,07(1)� F5,, s3ir apjOicable state or"federai iaw, viihickir the,
Graintee created or rec6ved uirider this Agreer inierst.
12 3, 1 er?'111�11,111atorl for Ca ve IiCng I he Departiment may terriMnate thris Agreernent for, convenierice, or
111111111111111��������.................. .........................................."I', ............M---i�
when it delreirrnines, in its soW discretion, thiiat candinWrig thie Agreierment woiWd not produce
benul,,ficial rrsuks in Kne mifth the furtfier experiffiture of Funds by plfoviWng thie Gr aritee%mivfth thitty
(30)4ieindar days";aisior wirftten rWka�
12 4, Mutua1i T rrrmiu"mattura1, The parties may agree t:o teri-rdruate this Agirvernen't for their rnutual
corrven'kence t1irough a writ"ten airneiridinent Of tik Agreement, Me arrse ndivent w0i state the
effective date o�f theteinrininaticin aro id dw priocedw .gin for proper dioseout of the Agreernent,
12_E5,, Granteir Re& a s,!,fli ies,� on Tirerndir aflon:: Upon notice of terrnirmflcrn,the Grantee slvaH:
2 . .P [1 111121 ...................................
3.2 5.I not inicur new ot)iigebons;for Ciie teirrniinaLed poirlk,rr Of tihe Agireerviient;and
125.2, canc6i as niany OLAtStaindping 6iflilgations as irpossUe. Costs inICAR111'ed afte�r r'eiceipt of the
terrr&iation noUcle are &sallowed,, me Gvaintele EAhail not be relieved of: U;flriiihty to the
Depairtment because of any breach of tih s Agreernerot by lf°ie Grr;4ntee. 'IFFie Departrnerft rinay,
to the extent authorized Ilby law,wM,flhold payrneruts to Um(ir"airitee finr the purpose of sett,off
untilthie exact aFTIRM11-1 cif darnages duie to the Dr"partitiert frorn the Grantee Vs deternAinedl.
13, E'Stki:1 1114G THIRD PAIi,"TYCOIM'IltA.(-r.SANIDMJBC.014TnACIS
13 1. The Gr a ntee m a V cairt tr a ct w ith th�rd pa riJ es to pe rforirr wo irk. I h e G ra n tee rern ai ns far k py res p o r si bf e fo r
satisfactory coirnpletmn of w-qarid all rNoirlc perfornred try any cointrartu irsarid quIbcontractrirs
ff the Grantee contracts a r Iknalrt of the mioilIc rointiempiated under this Agreenrient, liorr,kunrfkng
entering hnto contracts with vendors foir servic(M, it IlIS Understood by tilmm Girantee that A such
contract airrangenrmrnts sbafli be evidenced by as writtien drocumient ciorftaWng afl proOsiorm
necessar'i," to einsure the contractor's 4:101inpiliarrice with appkz,mMe state and fede4' I4narr. "The
Q antee fLliu"t�ieragir"eestllwiettI�lic Departmentsfiali not be 14bie tothe
or, fiabikfies incurred uindeir thie corritr act and that the Grantee shn:04 be solely hable to tim
:,ontraictoll, for afl ex;mnses and liabMtIes 0 icurred onder- the cantract, 1he Grantf:rip, at its
expense,wifl defi?nd the Departarent agahi�tft stich cWrns,
112. Mth 11're Grrj'rItee'S afrprova% the Gilantee's contractor, man subcontract woirk pefforrirried, aind the
Giirai mtee"s contrFmtor mffli be Nfly respon!OlJe for saVsfactory cornjplelicrn of aH!,u,xbcorwtiracted work,
3,]11.3� I he(irantee agrees aH Grantee contracts iDr subcontirairts entered Wo :xjirsuant to this Agreenient shafi
coriitra n p'ianppmge rec"dfinp contiractor(s) or mpho are paid fr'om 'funds prgmfided unoel,
this Agreerneint (p) be bound Emy Om terims of thOs Ap,preemeint, as appficable; and (H) he bound 1q,and
corritarriV afl proidsions necessary to eirrsurie the contractor's corripflanice wfth, all appficaWe state and
fierleira6 laws and iegi�dalkjns.
14J, 71tis,A17rererrient shaU be construed wrider the Nyws of the Sb:te of Hodda,and vernie fai any actions m asfiig
out of,tkds Agreemim vt shafli pale 411 the CN-CUit CIDurt of Lerxin County.
14-2. If any proWskrin of I'h0s Agireernent' is in cxprdfict wfth any appHcakfle stalute cm rule m is uneirifofr(eable,
64;!in the provWim shafl be ntfll aind void to Ow eidlent of the conflict and shaU be severa!Ae tyUt 511iffl jrj()f,
invandate any other prcr,OsictiiriI�of fl,Os I reeinwrrir-
14.3 1he Reddppent and its coi,itractors aind subcontractors have!an cflAgation to,utilize the u.S.Department of
11-birnefland Seicuirity's (IN pS) E-Veirifry systeirn for all neyvu y hired empk)yees fin accarrJarwe vvfth secflon
44&095, F.S, The Iknk 'to E-Ver&V ps 12111111'tll i ffifit. 135y execufling this Agrelenriierit, the
RedlAerrt ceffifies Chat it Iis regl ativred Mth, mird uses, the E-Verify systern for aH neWy hireid wimp Mayaces
en aiccordairice with section,44S.09!3, FS.The Ileciplient,nwst obtahn an affidavit frorin itscontractom aincl
subcontracuirs in,accordance with paragraph (2)(h)of secUon 448.095,F,S.,aind vnairltah,u a C1OrJ[Y rah SUCh
affidavii for the durilition of the Agreeirneria. 'The lRecipient shafl pirovide a coloy of its I'HIS Memorandurn
of Understanding (MOU) to the Department's AgueenhentIII' alma ger w'pthiin five (5) days of'Agreement
T'his sq?r-tion serves as notice to the pp cup regarding the requiriernents of secfloin 448.095, F.S,,
specfficaHy sub-l)aragfr�3p�j(2)(c)],,anid the Depwtvneint's obligalian to terininate the Agreement iif it has
as good Nth behef that fliie Recipk:Mir has knomAirg[V vioNi Led sectrion 44r8.frq(I), F S,I Ihe Department will
proirnpl]y inatify the Recmpieyit and oriderthe irmwiediate teninhination of thc contract between the�Rec ppent
and a contraiclar and/or arry subcointractors perforrviing mfouk ori[its behalf firr this Agreement should the
Dqrbartme,irt have a grood Nth belief:that the contractor or subiccriiianactior pm krwmdrigy vialated Section
14.4. fin ac.cicrinclance wfthi section 11.062 and 236345,RS.,FuriAs received under. this Agreement are nc to be
used for the purpose c)f poblrying wear used tia,diirecMy oirr hPid[reeMy influence legWation cAr ari)(other official
action by the Hoirlda LegWaln me,the jn idlicial bvand,oir any state agency,
J 5.L —15121fMa''1 Subject 'to the terms and CiDinditions establishied rn Ode Agreement and the Wing
proceduires estatiNshcO Iby thie Departrrrent, the Department agrees to pay tfia raatee irr accamdance
wlth m,Kflon 215 22,F,& Thilr, 91!Pp4cabk! interest ra te Carr be obtaMed au
........... ..............T...........
3-5.2, Juvfjiciag� Ipp e Graintlee sPiialN afll cWirns for rcernbuiseirinent and for progreSIri paynw!nts, as
described pn ttm Appllcafiaiijrn, ij!Jng Appendbc IV, f1naiiicW ReirnbLl rserrhervt of Expenditures Repoirdrig
shali not subvnit more than w iie clahii 1per month. After receipt of the recrinbursetirwrit clahn,, and in
acccirdaincewith the jpavn ient proviMons estabNsheid in Ods Agrvement,the Departmentrshali irapprrbt,wse
thie alITIMUM Of flUnds approved by the Board,
353. jr7iygige twivokes submitted IIby the Grantee must fiNdl aM requ rrr--rriients spedfied in the scmqpe of
work airrid Ipndude aH supporting diricuirnerctaflon, Wlien apphcabkp . The Grantee shall alsia s,ibriAt
hvolces pn sufficrent arpmmrapp to fuffifl afl apiphic:able requirernents of the Stale of FW4@ Reference Guide
For State Exlpemlltures,,
15.4. Intellectual Property. Where activities supported by this Agreement result in the creation of intellectual
property rights,the Grantee shall notify the Department, and the Department will determine whether
the Grantee will be required to grant the Department a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free,
nonexclusive license to use,and to authorize others to use for State government purposes,any resulting
patented, copyrighted, or trademarked work products developed under this Agreement. The
Department will also determine whether the Grantee will be required to pay all or a portion of any
royalties resulting from such patents,copyrights,or trademarks.
15.5.,_Conflict of Interest. This Agreement is subject to Chapter 112,F.S. The Grantee shall disclose the name
of any officer, director, employee,or other agent who is also an employee of the State. The Grantee
shall also disclose the name of any State employee who owns,directly or indirectly, more than a five
percent(SY.) interest in the Grantee or its affiliates.
15.6. Non-Discrimination. The Grantee shall not unlawfully discriminate against any individual employed in
theperformance of this Agreement clueto race,religion,color,sex,physical handicap unrelated to such
person's ability to engage in this work, national origin,ancestry,or age. The Grantee shall provide a
harassment-free workplace, and any allegation of harassment shall be given priority attention and
15.7, Electronic Funds Transfer Enrollment,The Grantee agrees to enroll in Electronic Funds Transfer(EFT),
offered by the State's Chief Financial Officer,within thirty(30)days of the date the last Party signed this
Agreement. Copies of the authorization form and a sample blank enrollment letter can be found at:
http.] Questions should be directed to the EFT Section
at(850)413-5517. once enrolled,invoice payments will be made by EFT.
15.8. Survival, Any right or obligation of the parties in this Agreement which,by its express terms or nature
and context, is intended to survive termination or expiration of this Agreement,will survive any such
termination or expiration.
15.9. Notices. All notices from both parties,outside of the notice of award and notices related to the business
of the E911 Board,shall be effective when placed in the United States,first class mail,postage prepaid,
by registered or certified mail-return receipt requested,to the address in section 5 herein.
I hereby affirm my authority and responsibility f6r'the use of funds requested. MONROE COUWYATTORNEVSOFMCE
ate:-Tune 21,2023
Mayor Pro Tem,Monroe County Board of County Commis
Kevin Madok,Clerk
Printed Name
As Deputy C16rk
Department of f anageme ntServices Date: 9/18/23
Pedr Allende, SeCretary�ofManaement Services Printed Name
The Grwidee and the DepanmentWH begovmned byaP apokabW Swte,,tne fudlera�
General An-uAmments
Fborid,,&SUAutes A7,5,)
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Attachment I
The administration of ii,esouicear awarded by the Den*rbrent of Man agornienfServirps fli)eparlment) to the
Grarlitee rnay&,&siubjert,to udits andlormoriftuding by fl ie [)eparftriient,as described in thiss' ection.
liin addffionto rpndevs rg audAs condiurted k,b auxneenim Yvithserfion 2,15 97,, Florida Statutes(F,S.),, as reWsed
(see AUDirrs below),rnorflix)r1rilig Pro(%xiiijiles rnay iinchide, but not be firnited to,on-sRe omits liby Departr i nt F':'P"I",Irf,
Minded scope aucift,oi oti,�ier praimditnes, By entering linto this agreenrrent, the Grar1ee agrees to comply arid
anoperate Wth any monitaring pioceduires or xoce.sses deOFTIEKi approphate by the Depaitaient. In the event
the C)avarttnenl detenTiOnies that a Mn1ed isoope aud�t of the Grardoe is appropriate,the Grantee agrees 1x)counply
Mth any w1difior iial inshructions, provided by Department staffto the Grantee regardMg Such audit. hire.Grantee
ftjrthe agsees to cnrnpVy and coopefate, WpIprlj any jinspections, reviews, tnvestigafiorrs, i'm auldfts diet-jined
neces,,4my by the C1 W FfinancW Officei, (CF`01)or Audkoir Get iersif.
Part 1r State Fyinided
in tiiie event,that the Grantep exlpem!ls a tat al arnount of state finanrAal assisiance equal to or M excess of
$750,MM fin ear iy fmcM year of surki Grantee (for fiscal years ending hpine 30, 20 117, or thiereafter), b ie
C13"rentee must have a state s0gle aiir pmje(A-specific w idit fbr such fisc6i year in acvardaii nce with sier.tkxri
215.9711, F.S,,', appkalAe i0sis of tire Departme 0 of Financial Sewices; w haptiers 10.550 (kxW
gove,rniswint,4 erifffies)and 10.650 (ncjirrprofit sinvi tor profft organizations), Rules of the Auditor GaineraL
Exii�&r 1 li.() ttims fonn jj4;ts the ��;hqte fillarrlri4� assistance awardied through thp Departirrient by this
agreerneriM In dieternsining the state financial ass�atqjjnce experided in its fiscal year, the Grantee shaff
consider all sourceis of state fillaincM assMance, incAuding slate firiancial assislaiace reireived frairn Ciie
Departnaent,other state agendes, and other,rionslate eintAies State finanicAal assistanre does not iinciude
fedeina�� d1reo,-A or pas&41hirough awards aind resources recaiveld by a ntmns�tate enfity for Wesal prograirn
rnatzh&�g recjt.A�rernenN.
I P br thp w6t requkerneints addres"ed uin F)airr. 11, paragraph 1, the Grantee shall ensure that thmi audit
cornplies loAth the requkernents of section 215,97(8),F,S,, 'This mciudes subinission of a firrancial reerxprfing
package as defineid by, section 215.951(2,), FOE`, and Chapiers 10,550 (Iorjah governMenta� eintifies) and
10,650(norqprofit and forprofit organizations), FbAes of the Auditoi General.
1 It:the Grantee wrrxands less than $750,000 iin state financia[� assistance in [ts fiscM year(fix fnscal Years
ending ,huie 30, 2017:1, or thereafier), an audil- cmnducWd �n acAmodance with the provisions of section
If the'Granteelexpends less ti'iian$75(),11000 hn state financml assrstarwe in its
fiscat year a nd cflects to I iiiave ain audR cmiiolucled in accordance Mth the puovisirms of seclJon 215 97,F`.S_
the cost rff the audit miust be piMd from the nonstate entfty'�;reSOLWCOS ii e, the cost of siuch an au(jitinrist
be pa id frorn the Grantee's resoii irces cA!)traifled frcx n Other thi aln state entities),
Part,II III: Oti'leiiirAoid!tRequitremegits
Par,t M. Report S,ibmission
1. Co;Aes of immarmm t 11 urqhmmxtmr'w,,q packages repAred by Part H of this forn'usfdl besubritltted by or on t)etiNfof
the Grantee ft)eadlm of the fb11m,Vng-
"i"'he Department at each of tl'me fofloviving addresse&�
Siectrorilic qzupues(prefened):E91 I gov
Palm(jlard vvy)�
I'he lDe au'Isnent(A Mariagement Services
E911 Board
4030 Esplanade Way
T'Wlahassee F1,32399
L The Audftcjr GrnnerW's Office at the foflowkig addirems:
Audrtor General
L.oiml Goveu niry mait Audft,1342
(,'.'iaude Papper N flKing, Ro orn 40 11
111 West Madison Sh Eral
.f dahassee,f1crdda 32399-1450
'i I meAt,idttorGerTerall'swf,.%b,.;tte(nllpI io for fifli mg an electivAc copy
of a flimindai reporfir@ padwge
2. Any i epiDds,n iarragierymr'1 1EAters,ar,other inifooi niabion required to Ilbe su tuNtiord to the Departriniont pi irsuant
to ttiis agmenRent shaff be submitted tiirn6ly section 215.97, F.S.,and Chapters 10,550(�rm .ml governmerhILM
� l o,f ti ditor ener ,entifies)and 10.650(imrnpiofit and for prOft o ) ii[q o A appficabie
3. (314antees, Wtlerl SLabrirdilfing firmindWi ieportfirm�g IprmutUmmnmtts to the I)apartrnent for audits done lirm ac=rdance
Mth Ctwaipteirs 10,550 (local govemmental sinfilries) and 10,6150 (nanput,AR and fbr-pwofit ow'(jaNz;a'iJons),
Rules of the, GeriieirM, should �ndicatie Ilia date that Hie reportirg package was deflverg:W to fli'm
Granteinl�, in mrrespondience acminpairiy1rig the rprioding package,
ParIN: Recofd Itatentim
Thie iGIralli,tee st'Wi retaki suffident mmurds demoinstnifing Ks comi�dianc;e math the teuvis luf thit"avlaiud(s)and this
agreement for a i.)eidod�of Mile yea�,rS rport j,
�from ftie date the w,jdft re t issued,and stwfl alka"r the Depailmerilt,
cir Rs dies�gnee, the CF011, orAudKor Gerreral acm;s to such iirecnrds rulpan ieqwst, "I Graintee shafl ensure
that arudd workinc.1 papers are lurmade avaR atile to ff e Depairtivievil, or itS desmgnee, the CFO, oir Athdfto r Gerlev'Al
upon rrequest for a peincM of five(5)pears firr yn the datethq,ro audit report is issued, urfless extended lin wMing by
thile, Departirneint,
r Ii.
SubjOctea Section 215.97',1!:.S..
I. State Pi rqect A-
Staie,Piqjev� E,911 Sune Grant,fliqp am
State A mfWingAjpeucy State of Florida, Services
CM21rig of State Hiiancial Assislanec"dais and Nwrnbcr 72,002 Wirelesi E911 State Grant IIProgram,
I. State F)rcject B:
Compliance Requirernierds Applicable to S at Ilp sources Awarded
Flursuain'tto this Agreement Follows:
'n w coinpliaince mquirm,i ilents are as stated i°iin Graint AgreeirneiiiI.S22-23 01-40 between the Gran e.and the
Departmeint,entered lira State FiisicW)(ear 2022 2023.