Item C33 C33
COUNTY of MONROE Mayor Craig Cates,District 1
The Florida Keys Mayor Pro Tern Holly Merrill Raschein,District 5
Michelle Lincoln,District 2
James K.Scholl,District 3
m' David Rice,District 4
Board of County Commissioners Meeting
October 18, 2023
Agenda Item Number: C33
BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: Budget and Finance
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Monroe County Sheriffs Office request for expenditure of Federal
Equitable Sharing Funds for FY2024 in the amount of$166,580.00.
Approval of a request by the Monroe County Sheriff's Office for TRAP funding. The funds will be used
to staff several annual events that occur throughout the County. In addition, funds will be used to target
specific crime prevention and investigations as needed.
At the September 16, 2020, the BOCC approved a budget amendment to accommodate the new
directive issued by the Department of Justice and the Department of Treasury to transition the Sheriffs
equitable sharing accounts to the county finance offices.
FY24-1000 Funding for Special Events & Crime Suppression.pdf
Source of Funds: Fund 162 - Law Enforcement Trust Fund
F1C -1
Requestor's Name: Department: Administration Phone Number:
I.A.Col.Chad Scibi'lia 305-292-7086
Fax Number;
Items)/fnitiatives Requested:
TRAP funding for annual special events and crime supresion
Description of How This Request Will Benefit Law Enforcement Efforts:
Funds will be used to staff several annual special events that occur through the county. In addition, funds used to target specific crime prevention and investigations as needed.
Cost of It.em(s)/Initiatives(To include shipping and any other ancillary costs):.
See attached budget
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Detail other funding sources er»plored to fua�de th's initiative(this explanation shotald include�.�stateme: t
regarding the requestor's existing budget and all other options explored):
I"imeframe to Integrate Items/Initiatives Into the Law Enforcement Effort:
Throughout F?i2023-2024
Approval of Chain of Command:
Requeston- Lv—, Printed Name:-[.,t,Col,Chad Scibilia-.- Date--6-2-23
Captain: Printed Name: Date:
MqJor:_ Printed Name:--------- Date:-..-----
Printed Name: Lt.Col.Chad Scibilia---.- Date:-6-2-23—
Lt.Coloneh�,- "-
Colonel: rr f Printed Name: Date:
Finance Director:--.. Date:-.--
Approval Denial
Comments Regarding Decision:
General Counsel:
Approval [ V/1-] Denial
Comments Regarding Decision:
Statement By Chief Law Enforcement Of
Signature: Date: �
Anticipated TRAP funding needs for FY2023
Christmas/New Year 57180M 112 hours,
Fantasy Fest $11,050M 170,hours,
Labor Day $22,750M 350 hours
July 4th $22,750,00 350 hours
Mjnj Seaison $17,875M, 275 hours
Halloween $6,500.00 1010 hours
Mernorial Diav 522,875.00 350 hours
Festivals $6,500,00 1010 hours
Bridge Run, $3,250M SO hours
National nieht out(not TRAP but Fed forfit 5) SMOOOM Material Purchases
Yearly average of incidental such as crime
suooresion and one time events S35,750.00 55O hours
Total BudRiet S166,580,,00 Hours are estimated at'565.00 Per hour
18 1 Guide to Equitable Sharing
Equitable sharing funds may not be used to pay the salaries and benefits of sworn or non-sworn law
enforcement personnel.The purpose of this rule is to protect the integrity of the Asset Forfeiture and
Equitable Sharing Programs so that the prospect of receiving equitable sharing funds does not influence,
or appear to influence,law enforcement decisions.
Exceptions: Equitable sharing funds may be used to pay the salaries and benefits of current law
enforcement officers and personnel in the limited situations listed below.'
(1)Matching federal grants—Shared funds may be used to pay the match requirement for the
salaries and benefits of current sworn and non-sworn law enforcement personnel funded by
federal grant programs provided the grant provision permits matching with federal funds.
(2) Overtime—Shared funds may be used to pay the overtime and related benefits of current
sworn and non-sworn law enforcement personnel involved in law enforcement operations.
(3) Federal task force replacement salary—Shared funds may be used to pay the salary and
benefits of current,sworn and non-sworn law enforcement personnel hired to fill vacancies
created when a law enforcement agency assigns personnel to a federal task force. If the
vacated position was sworn, the backfill position must also be sworn. If the vacated position
was non-sworn,the backfill position must also be non-sworn. The replacement personnel
cannot engage in the seizure of assets or narcotics as a principal law enforcement duty. A
principal duty is a duty that the personnel is expected to perform regularly.
When such personnel return from the federal task force,the law enforcement agency may
continue to use forfeited funds to pay for the salary and benefits of the replacement personnel
for a period not to exceed six months.
(4) Specialized programs—Shared funds may be used pay the salary and benefits of current,
sworn law enforcement officers assigned to specialized programs which do not generally
involve traditional law enforcement functions, such as school resource officers (SRO) or
officers assigned to programs such as DARE. SROs and other officers assigned to specialized
programs must be employed by the law enforcement agency.If the officer does not serve in
this position on a full-time basis, only the pro-rata portion of the salary and benefits covering
the time worked in the specialized position may be paid with shared funds.
C.Transfer of Forfeited Tangible and Real Property through Equitable Sharing
In certain instances, a participating state or local law enforcement agency may request the transfer of
tangible or real property in lieu of proceeds for official law enforcement use. MLARS and TEOAF must
approve all property transfers. If approved, the recipient agency is responsible for reimbursing the federal
government for costs and expenses, the federal share,and for tracking the property in its inventory.
For the purposes of this provision,prosecutors and members of the National Guard are considered sworn law
enforcement personnel.
Anticipated TRAP funding needs for FY2024
Christmas/New Year $7,280.00 112 hours
Fantasy Fest $11,050.00 170 hours
Labor Day $22,750.00 350 hours
July 4th $22,750.00 350 hours
Mini Season $17,875.00 275 hours
Halloween $6,500.00 100 hours
Memorial Day $22,875.00 350 hours
Festivals $6,500.00 100 hours
Bridge Run $3,250.00 50 hours
National night out(not TRAP but Fed forfit$) $10,000.00 Material purchases
Yearly average of incidental such as crime
suppresion and one time events $35,750.00 550 hours
Total Budget $166,580.00 Hours are estimated at$65.00 per hour