Grant Application 11/08/2023 GVS COURTq° o: A Kevin Madok, CPA - �o ........ � Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller Monroe County, Florida �z cooN DATE: November 13, 2023 TO: Julia Todd 911 Database Coordinator, MCSO FROM: Liz Yongue, Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: November 8, 2023 BOCC Meeting The attached item has been executed and added to the record. F10 911 Grant Application for GEOCOMM to perform Professional GIS Services for Monroe County-GIS, MSAG, ALI Data Sinc. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at(305) 292-3550. cc: County Attorney Finance File KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33050 Plantation Key, Florida 33070 w N T S I R. . ��' H ^^ M 14NAttflMI?-M(FT N Ntt ttAIN M N W I a � .... .. ......... .. „,..,.. .i.i.:..,...,... .........,,.. ..,,.. ..... .. .... .... .. .. ... .. a ... ... ..,, 1 III MONROE COUNTY 9 ,11 GRANT" APPLICATION FOR FALL GRAtqT PROGRAM 1 15 5' y � / i � �'' �h"P�:.. � * () ,'u.:fYV 4AN A , u 4p " I .. . .. " ...... 711:11V.71 '15k J MONROE COUNTY 911 GRAN'r APPLICATIOD1 INDEX 1. MONROE COUNTY GRANT APPLICATION 2® SCOPE OF WORK—Attachment 1 3. BUDGET REPOR.T.-Attachmeat 2 4. GEOCOMM Milestone Table.-Attachment 3 5. FORM 6AANNUAL REPORT.Attachment 4 911 Grant Programs Application and instructions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 2023 Forgo 3A, incorporated by reference in Fla.Adman.Code R„60FF1-5.003 911 Grant Programs 1 IPurpose....a. ..,,....,.a......................®,.,........,...........___.......... ........., ,.,..3 2. Eligibility...—..........................a.,®.„.®..®.............,.......m... __............. „....,....... _®.tl.,.,..3 3. Definitions.....,o............................................®..,,.....................,.............—.... ....___.........3 4. 11 Grant Programs Calendar...........................................................a,m®.......................... 5. General Conditions,....................._.. 5 6. Guidelines for 911 Grante ................................................................................m. ® Approval and Aar .....................................__....................................... ....................... 8. Financial and Administrative Requirements.-....... ........................... 1 9. Grant Reporting Procedures.,....................................................................._....,..,_,...,.__ 1 10. Change Requests .......................................................................................................... 12 Application.............—.....................................................................___.......... ....,,.,..........,.,,.. 13 Appendix fl: Florida 911 Regional Map............................................................ ........................20 Addendum I: Funding Priorities ................._..,. ....,,..,................ .......___..... ..... ......_.........21 Application and instructions For 911 Grant Programs,revised May 2023 Form 3A,incorporated by reference in Fla.Admin.Code R.6OFF1-5. 03 911 Grant Programs 2 1. Purpose Each county, group of counties or region applying for E91 1 State Grant, to be further known as 911 State Grant, to assist counties with the replacement or upgrade of 911 Systems; for counties to develop and maintain statewide 911 routing using Emergency Services Internet Protocol (IP) networks (ESInet), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and services, and Management Information Systems (MIS),- and develop and maintain Next Generation 911 (NG91 1) systems and services. The State 911 Grant Programs distributes funds collected pursuant to section 365.172-173, Florida Statutes. 2. Eligibility Any county in the State of Florida is eligible to apply for these grant programs. 3. Definitions .1® Alternate Contract Source (ACS)­-A competitively procured contract led by a federal, state, or local government. The ACS contract is cost-effective, contains language contemplating its use for cooperative purchasing, and the best interest of the county to use for purchases, provided the county's purchase is not over expansive in size and scope. 3.2. E91 I System: The Public Safety Answering Point equipment, in accordance with the State E911 Plan, including 911 call routing, processing, mapping, and call answering communications equipment. 3.3. Enhanced 911 (E911): An enhanced 911 system or enhanced 911 service that is an emergency telephone system or service that provides a subscriber with 911 service and also directs 911 calls to appropriate public safety answering points by selective routing based on the geographical location from which the call originated, or as otherwise provided in the state plan under section 365.171, Florida Statutes, and that provides for automatic number identification and automatic location-identification features 3.4. GIS Maintenance: Ongoing GIS maintenance of a coup as GIS data that consists of road centerline, site/structure address points, primary PAP boundaries, MSAG and AL.1 maintenance services and address assignment services. 3.5. Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB): The independent organization that establishes and improves standards of accounting and financial reporting for U.S. state and local governments. ® m Grantee: The county, group of counties, or region awarded a grant. 3.7. Hosted Services: Technology services using the vendor's servers for a fee. ® d Maintenance Contract: a business agreement between a contractor and customer covering the maintenance of equipment over a specified period., Application and instructions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 2023 W Form 3A, incorporated by reference in Fla.Admin,Code R.60FFI-5.003 911 Grant Programs 3 3.9. Memorandum of Understanding: A signed agreement between a group of counties outlined in a formal document, It signals the willingness of the parties to move forward together. The MOU can be seen as the starting point, as it defines the scope and purpose. 3.10. Next Generation 911 (NG911): The designation for an advanced 911 emergency communications system or service that provides a communications service subscriber with 911 service, NG911 also directs 911 emergency requests for assistance to appropriate public safety answering points based on the geographical location from which the call/signal originated, or as otherwise provided in the State E91 1 Plan and that provides for automatic number. 3.11. Next Generation 911 Core Services (NGCS)- The base set of services needed to process a 911 call/signal on an ESInet. Includes the Emergency Service Routing Proxy (ESRP), Emergency Call Routing Function (ECRF), Location Validation Function (LVF), Border Control Function (13CF), Bridge, Policy Store, Logging services, and typical III services such as Domain Name System (DNS) and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). The term NG911 Core Services encompasses the services but does not include the network on which they operate. 3.12. NG91 I Equipment: Hardware equipment and peripherals needed to implement and maintain NG91 1 services. 3.13. Public Safety Answering Point(PSAP): The public safety agency that receives incoming 911 requests for assistance and dispatches appropriate public safety agencies to respond to the requests in accordance with the State E911 plan. .14® Region: Refers to counties grouped by the Florida 911 Regional Map. 3.15. Regional Next Generation 911 project: A project in support of the NG91 1 interoperability with at least two-thirds of the counties in a region with the intention of achieving a NG911 statewide call routing capability in accordance with Section 365,177, F.S. 3.16. Service contract: A written contract to perform, over a fixed period or for a specific duration, duties relating to informal and technical services. 3.17® Warranty Contract: A written guarantee given to the purchaser of a new item by the manufacturer or dealer, usually specifying that the manufacturer will make any repairs or replace defective parts free of charge for a stated period. Application and instructions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 2023 W Form 3A,incorporated by reference in Fla.Ark in.Code R.6OFFI...5.003 911 Grant Programs 4 . 911 Grant Pirograims Calendar The 1911 Board w i l accept appkations as noticed in the F11orida AdministrafiveRegister. Action Eligible entity submits Submission date(s) as application puulbllilhd in the (Florida Administrative Register 911 Board members r v iu t Within two months of the applicationssubmission date 911 Board votes on Within three months of the ppllic tion to-fund at Ir gauluady scheduled meeting submission date 911 Board sends notific 'ti rn letter of awards approved or WV'iftin four moriths of the denied-ffor-funding to the uuturrni i In date counties ................ .................._.._.___........._........_ Performance Perand _._._._.............. _........ County, group of counties or Two years from receipt of Ir giornal irxnplermn lnt ti®rul award notification irnst 11 tiorn period .-Two Year Award � eglon Il NG911 (Project— IFive it at i aat 2/3 of the counties in Year Award region participate, rnaximum of five years ----- County grant conversion to a Up to three years from -the r gion ll project ( -yr grant) original grant expiration date lniti l database syrnchr lniz tion "rwo years -ffrom receipt of (such as ALII, MSAG, and award (notification Interliun ) Approved only with IR giona IDatabase maintenance ( such Projects as Ail, MSAG, Centerline.... General Conditions Applicationsmust The d lliv r d to the trnill wiing address, Application and instructions for 911 Grant(Pro rams,revised May 2023 IForm 3 ,, incorporated Iby reference iirn Fla.Admin. Code IR. 9CIFIFl.- .903 911 Gir-ant Programs 5 State of Florida E911 Board A UN: E911 Board Adirnlinistrative Staff 44030 Fspla .........0242...WAY Siulte 1,35 ...... ....... ......... Tallahassee, F::I 32399-0950 Or electronically to E9"I Electronic ferred. 5.1. The applicant shall provide Application Form items 1 through 14 and the applicable procurement documents. The grant application package must be postmarked or delivered on or before the submission date specified in the E911 Board notification of an E91 I Grant Programs published in the Florida Administrative Register. Failure to timely provide these documents will result in a rejection of the grant application. ® e Pursuant to sections 365.172(6), 365.172(10), and 365.173(2) Florida Statutes, grant funds must only be used for the following items/services: to upgrade or replace 911 systems; to develop and maintain statewide or regional 911 routing; geographic information and management information systems (GIS and MIS); to develop and maintain Next-Generation 911 (NG91 1) services and equipment, and remotely provided hosted 911 answering point call- taking equipment and network services directly attributable to establishing and provisioning E91 I or NG911 services, Warranty costs shall be calculated to account for only the first-year warranty® ® ® GIB grant funding will be limited once the county, group or region has achieved the minimum 98% accuracy rate as identified in the NENA GIS Data Model. Additional funding limitations for annual GIS database maintenance will be limited as stated in Addendum 1. 5.4. Although a Next Generation 911 Regional Project can_be awarded for up to five years, the cost shall be accounted for on a yearly basis. ® The Board recommends for any Next Generation 911 (NG91 1) grant projects, counties must certify in writing that the proposed systems are interoperable with existing or proposed bordering counties, regions, and/or adjacent state NG911 systems, Certification must also affirm compliance with current NENA NG911 standards or NG91 1 certification programs established by federal programs. all vendors for next generation 911 projects vendors certify in writing that their systems are interoperable with bordering counties, regions, and adjacent state lines, if applicable, consistent with current NE NA NG91 1 standards. ® a Only the percentage of service and equipment directly attributable to provisioning of 911 services is eligible. 5.7. All maintenance requests, within a single priority, for eligible services and equipment shall be combined into a single application, including the breakdown of line-item costs. See funding limitations in sections 6.2.1 ® ® All grant applications shall be accompanied by at least one complete quote for equipment or services. Application and instructions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 2023 W Form 3A,incorporated by reference in Fla.Admin.Code R.6OFF1-5.003911 Grant Programs 6 ® .1. Grant applications totaling $35,000.00 or more must be accompanied by at least two written substantiated quotes from different vendors. Complete quote submittals shall include a detailed scope of work, all pages included in the vendor proposal, breakdown of all costs, including equipment, service tasks, and deliverables. Any county that has made a goodfaith effort to obtain at least two quotes in accordance with the competitive procurement process in 267.0 7(1)e Florida Statutes, and has not been able to obtain the quote can request F 11 Board review based on substantiated proof of posting of the request with documentation of the limited responses subject to the following exceptions; a) When purchasing from a DMS State Term Contract or DIVIS authorized Alternate Contract Source, the county shall follow the DMS State Purchasing ordering instructions and their county procurement rule and policies. Counties shall provide vendor contract number with the grant application. Should the DMS State Purchasing ordering instructions and their county procurement rules and policies conflict, the county procurement rules and policies shall prevail. When purchasing from an Alternate Contract Source that has not been approved by DIVIS Mate Purchasing, the county shall follow their county procurement rules and policies, with provision of a letter from the coup ss purchasing department. c) Services or commodities provided by governmental entities do not require more than one quote. } The county, group of counties, or region can initiate a request for approval to procure from a single-source vendor. These will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Justification for single-source procurement shall be provided with the application, which shall include a costs analysis that reviews the allowili necessity and reasonableness of all cost elements. The single-source procurement will be considered if provided in accordance with chapter 267, Florida Statutes. A letter from the applicable coup 's purchasing department(s) that the project is a single-source procurement based on section 7. 7( )(c), Florid Statutes, shall be provided with this grant application. Applicants requesting items from different funding priorities should complete a separate Budget Report (Rule 6 F 1- . (l), F.A. ) for each priority, See Addendum 2 - Funding Priorities for the 911 Grant Programs, for a listing of funding priorities. Items from the same funding priorities should be combined in the same Budget Report and shall comply with General Conditions, item 5.9. 5.10. An individual county application must include, 5.10.1. A detailed description of line item and cast. This would include the item, model, or version. Additional information requests shall be made for more clarification, as needed. 5.10.2. if possible, software servicelmaintenance dates. 5.10.3. Budget Report. 5.10.4. Most current Form 6A in Pule 6 FFl- .00 ( ), F.A.0 The form can be submitted during the annual collection of county fiscal data for the annual report or with the grant application. Application and instructions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 2023 Form 3A,incorporated by referencein Fla.Admin.cads R.6OFFI-5.003 911 Grant Programs 7 p11 a Should a region or a group of counties apply for a grant, the following additional information needs to be provided: ®11.1a A summary of the casts for the entire region or group of counties detailing the following- } Total amount of funds being requested. The scope of work(S that clearly establishes the tasks and deliverables being performed for the successful completion of the project. All deliverables must be directly related to the SOW and-_-Include information can how the region will be interopera le. c Single source documentation if applicable. } All individual county plication(s), see requirements in 5.11. 5.12. A memorandum of understanding ( 11) or an inter-local agreement from all counties involved must be completed ithin 3 months of E911 Board award. 6.13. Funding application requests must include a scope of work that establishes the tasks and deliverables to be performed. The applications shall include all tasks that are required for the successful completion of the project. The project shall be divided into quantifiable units of deliverables that shall be received and accepted in writing by the county, group of counties, or region before payment. Each deliverable must be directly related to the scope of work and must specify the required minimum level of service to be performed and the criteria for evaluating the successful completion of each deliverable. 6.14. Funding application requests must include all necessary costs required for full implementation of the proposed solution including that of any third party. Should the county, group of counties or region grant application request or grant award be less than the projected cost of the equipment or service, the county, group of counties or region should provide verification of the ability to fund the difference. Pricing submitted cannot be contingent upon "yet to e" determined fees for products and services by the proposer or any ether third party required for implementation. 5.15. The county shall provide information on the coup 's preceding year E911 fee revenue amount and the preceding year's carryforward amount. Use Fora 6A in Rule 60FFl-5.0 6(2). 1 11 1 for this purpose. The form can be submitted during the annual collection of county fiscal data for the annual report or with the grant application. ® A state grant award may be limited by the carry forward balance. 5.17. Detailed information is required for any grant application requesting funding for systems that require immediate system replacement for provisioning of enhanced 911 in the county, group of counties, or region. Include detailed justification and explanation for any 911 system with an expected remaining life of less than one year. 5.18. Funding application requests contingent upon "beta testing" or products and services not in general production and installation will not be funded. Application and instructions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 2023 Form 3 , incorporated by reference in Fla.Admin.Code R.60FF1-5.003 911 Grant Programs 8 6. Guidelines 1Grant Expenses ®1 The following expenses will not be funded through grant award- m1.1a Salaries and associated expenses for 911 coordinators, call takers, or other 9 11 personnel ® m Wireline database costs .1® ® Vehicle expenses Funding limitations are specified on the following items: .1® Hosted 911 answering point call-taking equipment and network services, recurring network and circuit costs, equipment maintenance and warrantycosts will not be funded for more than the first-year implementation period. Service contracts for Next Generation 911 Regional Projects n be approved for up to 5 years on a case-by-case basis, Ongoing cybersecurity maintenance may be approved on an annual basis, Grant funding shall be limited (per grant cycle)to eligible expenditures for one PSAP r county, either one primary or one secondary PSAP, Counties with only one PSAP with no other primary or secondary PSAPs, may be eligible for grant funding for one backup eo®dive e systems may be considered one PSAP for the purpose of grant funding. Except for NGCS, selective rotor equipment costs are limited to a primary Ply system. 6.2.4. Training cost funding is limited o the new system n equipment training. ® a ® The allowable grant funding for travel expenses is limited tot e authorized amounts established in Section 112,061, Florida Statutes, and the Department of Financial Services uielines for State Expenditures, 7m and Award 7.1. The 11 Board will review each application for compliance with the requirements of terms and conditions. ® DMS grant agreements shall be signed by an authorized signatory authority for the county after the grant is approved. 7® a Grant awards ill be withheld for any county, group of counties, or region that has a grant with a past-due quarterlyreport or past-due final documentation and closeout of previous E911 Board r nt awards. rant awards are eligible to be withheld if the county, groupof counties, or region is not in compliance with Board reporting requirements. ® . Applications will be awarded based upon the priorities set by the E911 Board as listed in Addendum I ® Funding Priorities for the 911 Grant Programs. 7® . The E911 Board will adjust the amount awarded to a county, group of counties, or region based upon the availability of funds, the reasonableness of the cost of requested items, published quotes, increased effectiveness of grant funds, minimum system requirements for performing the needed E911 function as specified in section 365,173(2)( )1., ., and 3., Florida Statutes, Application and instructions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 2023 Form 3A, incorporated by reference in Fla.Admin.code R.60FFI-Sk 911 Grant Programs 9 11 State Flan, or documented factors provided in the grant application submission. NG911 network systems should include a comparative presentation of network alternatives, including applicable L C, CLEC, County, group of counties or region, and State alternatives. All stepped pricing should be thoroughly explained, including the corresponding eneits for the county, group of counties or region, and the E911 Board. 8. Financial ii ivRequirements 8.1. Grant funds are provided on a cost-reimbursement basis. ® Each grantee shall submit reimbursement claims to the E911 Board as needed-, however, each county is limited to only a single claim request per grant, per month. Receipt of reimbursement funds from the E911 Board is contingent on the timely and accurate submittal of funding requests. Requests for reimbursement of expenditures must be submitted on the approved Financial Reimbursement of Expenditures Form in Rule 1® .0 5( ), F.A.C. Incomplete claim forms or claims not submitted on the correct form cannot be processed and will be returned for corrections. Submit Only for the amounts in each u e category in which you have incurred expenditures, Incomplete reimbursement requests will be returned after 14 days if no updates are received from the county. 8.3. Upon written request and withdocumentation justifying the need, a progress disbursement shall- ll® e considered witha completed inanci I Reimbursement of Expenditures Form in Rule F 1- . 0 ( ), F.A.C., itemized purchase order, and vendor itemized invoice. All items must comply with the Florida Department of Financial Services (DF ) Reference Guide for State Expenditures, Within 45 days of receipt of funding, the grantee shall submit verification of vendor payment. Abuse of this policy will lead to denial of future payment. 8.4. Reimbursementclaims shall include only expenditures related to the specific grant and include purchase orders, itemized invoices, and proof of successful payment to the vendor. The reimbursement request must match the scope of work and budget proposed in the grant applications to include the quote provided with the application. Grants that include casts defiled by a set number of work hours dedicated to a project must include additional documents as requested staff. II items must comply with the DFS Reference Guide for State Expenditures, ® n To assurer si , complete reimbursement fl should it to: """"91"I Boa uu°dE'leatiu°oii�°iuuic ra rrms1'"116 ��� cv e . Grant funds can Only be expended between the beginning and end dates of the grant term, unless the E911 Board authorizes an extension. Request for reimbursements may be submitted up to 120 days after the end of the grant terra. ® ® It is the county responsibility o maintain the property, equipment, orservices in accordance with the scope of work. If a sale or transfer of such property or equipment occurs within five years after a rant ends, funds must be returned to the E911 Board on a romra a basis. If the equipment coss over $5,000, a county, groupof counties, or region must maintain it on an inventory for five years unless the item becomes obsolete. ® m If a grantee terminates a contract for prepaid services, the unused portion must be returned to the E911 Board on apro-rata basis. Application and instructions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 2023 Form 3A,incorporated by reference in Fla.Admin.Code R.6OFFI-5.003 911 Grant Programs 1 ® w The grantee agrees that any improvement, expansion, or other effect brought about in whole or part by grant funds ill be maintained until the system or equipment becomes obsolete (on average five years). 8.10. If a grantee materially fails to comply it any term of an award, the Board shall take one or ore of the following actions, as appropriate in the circumstances: • Withhold rant payments pending grantee correction of the deficiency. • Disapprove all or part of the cost of the activity or action not in compliance. • Suspend or terminate the current award for the grantee's project. • Suspend or deny future grant awards. 8.11. The Board will provide the grantee an opportunity for a hearing, appeal, or other administrative proceeding o which the grantee is entitled under Florida Statutes. 8.12. When a grantee wants to terminate a grant award or portion thereof, e grantee shall provide written notification to the E911 Board, detailing tereasons for such termination, the effective tee and the release of allocated funds. The Board will then consider the request. 8.13. Proof of paymentand deliverables, met in accordance withthe DFS ReferenceGuide for State Expenditures, shall be provided by the grantee. When the information is unclear, additional documentation to confirm the information provided will be requested by Board staff. ® Grant Reporting Procedures 9.1. Grantees will be required to submit: 9.1.1. Quarterly Status Report in Rule F 19 .0035(2), F.A.C. 9.1.2. Reportingwill begin at the conclusion of the first full quarter after the award. The report periods will end on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31 of each year. Reports are due within 30 days of the ending report rio 9.1-3. The Quarterly Status Deport shall inform the E911 Board of significant impacts on grant-supportedactivities and provide a summary f completed tasks/deliverables, Significant impacts include project status developments affecting time schedules an objectives, ntici ate lower costs, or producing beneficial results in addition to those originally planned. Additionally, problems, delays, or adverse conditions that will materially impair the ability to meet the timelycompletion of the award st be reported. The disclosure must include a statement oft e action taken or contemplated and any assistance needed to resolve the situation. . ® FinalReporting: ®1® . Upon receipt of final reimbursement from F e a final Quarterly Status Report, in Rule 0 F1- .0 ( ), Fm .C, shall be submitted based on the same reporting requirements described in grant reporting item .1. 9.1 A. Final i@pDrtjng shall be submitted ithin 90 days of project completion. The "Final Report" box on the Quarterly Status Report, shall be marked and include your project completion date, Grants that were forequipment installation should include date of Application and Instructions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 2023 Form 3As incorporated by reference in Fla.Ad in.Code R.60FF1-6.003 911 Grant Programs 11 final acceptance and start of warranty period. Service grants should include the date service was started. ®1.7. Final document submission and closeout of a grant does not affect the E911 oard®s right to disallow costs and receiver funds based on an audit or financial review. The county shall remain obligated to return any funds expended that do not comply with the terms and conditions of the grant award. 9.1.8. The counties must provide DIVIS with a copy of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (C ), consistent with section 218.32 Florida Statutes, no later than August 1. ® . All reports, associated information, and final reporting documents should be e®mailed o: EO°t1111111111toai°°dlllllllll'��Clo .troiliiiic°�:Craul°ii��lll'm't.o rli� �diil°ruust`'l. ov 10. Change Requests .1. Change requests shall be submitted prior to deviation from any awarded grant application. o changes or departures from the original request are authorized unless approved in writing by the E11 Board. Such requests shall be submitted using the Change Request Form in Rule 6 FF1®5,0035(3), FA.C. 10.2. Prior to a county signing a contract with a different vendor from the original vendor stated in the grant application, the county, group of counties, or region must request a grant change on the Change Request Form in Rule 6 F - . ( ), F, .C, and include an itemized quote and a copy of the new contract. ® . Time extension requests will not be granted unless the county has executed a contract for the grant equipment and services or demonstrates goad cause for failure to execute contract within one year of the award. Good cause documentation shall include a new project timeline schedule. 10.4. Time extensions shall be limited to a maximum of one additional year if approved by the E911 Board. Conversion from two-year grant to a five-year r nt will add threeadditional years from the granVsri ii I expiration date. Change requests must be submitted 10 business days prior to a Board meeting to be reviewed. Late submissions will be reviewed at the next ont `s E911 Board meeting. 10.6. The Change Request Form and associated information should be e-mailed to E911 BoardI r n icG rantReports@dms.fl.gov, Application and Instructions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 2023 WW Form 3 , incorporated by reference in Fla.Admin.Code R. 6OFFI-5.003 911 Grant Programs 12 Application County Monroe Total Arnount Requested- $90,578.60 ProJect Title:, GEOCOMM Professional GIS Servlces for Monroe County.—GIS, MSAG, ALIT Data &nc 1 Chair, Board of County Commissioners: Craig Cates, Mayor Mailing Address: 500 Whitehead St. Sufle 102 City: luny'West .......... State: Zip, 3304,0 Phone: 305 292 3440 Fav NIA Email Address: 41,gov ® County, 911 Coordinator: Laura it Mailing Address: 2945 Overseas I bAfy cfty° Marathon State: Rorlda Zip" 33050 Phone: 305 ) 289-6035 Fax: NIA ...............................................................................................I............................................................................. .............................. ........................................................................ ............................. Email Address: lwhite@keysso,net 3. Fedeirall "rax I[) Number: 59-6000453 Application and instrucfions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 2023 W Form 3A,incorporated lby reference M Ala.Admin. Code R.60FFI-5.003 911 Grant IPrograrns 13 44 County information Number of PSAPs 4 Number of Call-taking Positions per P AP -6; P -6;PK-69 P - PAP(s) in which grant funding will apply. MCSO, FC P ,CARPS, PIK 5. Financial Information a. What are the current annual costs for your 911 system g. . circuits, customer recur s�hardware and software, etc.) not including maintenance? 04, 923.32 b. What are the current annual casts for maintenance of items included in 5a? $73,496.65 c, Total amount of 911 fee revenue received in the preceding year, This does not include any special disbursement, Rural County supplements or training disbursements. $506,038.16 d. Total amount of county carry-forward funding retained in the preceding fiscal year. 0 e. Total-amount of county carry forward funding your county currently has accrued.? 0 f. Two-year maximum calculated amount for applied carry forward funding. (2 times the amount calculated on your Form 6 , item 9, in rule FF1-5, 06) 0 . Subtract the amount in 5f from the amount in 5e. a h. If the amount in 5g is greater than zero, insert that number in the Budget Report as "carry forward funds applied." Application and instructions for 911 Grant Program,,revised May 2023 Form 3A9 incorporated by reference in Fla.Admin.coda R.60FF1® v 03 911 Grant Programs 14 6. Describe your county's existing 911 system. Include specific information on existing system equipment upgrades and when the installation of this equipment was completed. Please include the PSAP(s) that the grant will be implemented at to include the type of PSAP(s), primary system, and number of position seats. Please state if this is a part of a group or regional project and how you will be interoperable® Monroe County, as part of the Region 6 DATA Repository project, individually needs to update and maintain all GIS, ALI and MSAG information as part of the Regional initiative. The goal of this project is to bring our county's (CIS, ALI and MSAG data up to the 98 per cent accuracy level to be NENA i3 compliant and support the NG911 validation initiative in readiness for Next Generation Core Services (NGCS.) 7® Describe the scope of or for the proposed project including any goal(s) and objectives. Include the tasks to be performed as part oft project. Provide scope of or in quantifiable units of deliverables that shall be received and accepted. For each deliverable specify the required minimum level of service to be performed and the criteria for evaluating the successful completion of each deliverable. For any scope of or that includes milestones, please describe in detail at deliverables are expected to be provided in each milestone. Attached to this Grant Application as Attachment 2 is the GEOCOMM GIS Professional Services Proposal for Monroe County, Florida, quote for this project. GEOCOMM to update and maintain all CIS, ALI and MSACS information, individually for Monroe County as part of the State of Florida initiative to improve the delivery of 911 services to our residents and visitors by improving the accuracy of the GIS Data used in the ALI and MSAG addressing and mapping portions of our 911 services, The goal of this project is to bring our county's IS, ALI and MSAG data up to the 98 percent accuracy level so that it conforms to NE NA B compliance and supports the NG911 validation initiative going forward. Introduce project stakeholders to the GeoComm project team > Review project objectives and goals > Define mutual expectations > Establish communication processes > Review the project timeline, including periodic progress reporting > Review PSAP mapping system requirements > Discuss initial GIS data schema > Discuss existing resources that may be used in developing the GIS data layers Throughout the project, regular status updates will be provided which include progress updates; issues encountered or foreseen, with plans for mitigation; goals for the next reporting period; a schedule review; and customer responsibilities. The following proposed project scope of work will apply to GEOCOMM's Professional services performance. The following phases for a timely completion of the project based on the implementation of the system: Application and instructions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 2023 W For 3A,incorporated by reference in Fla.Admin.Code R.SOFFI-5.003 911 Grant Programs 15 IProlect Phases (Payment Milestone Project Milestone Ph s t: Contract finalized and Contract data--clock (begins submitted to Vendor Phase : Project, Within 30 days of contract signing lmpl rn ln't tin tiln Phase 1 GIS Datali rn di tion Months and Phase : GIS Data deliiry & Month 7 (review bv Customer (Phase 6:: Final data delivery, Month 6 GIS data acceptance Iby customer and project cI se u ut meetiu Phase 6: Invoice to client IFull amount dare NET 45 Montlh Phase 7: Ongoing Maintenance Invoiced Annually Ongoing Starting Month 16 and anno 1-Hy thereafter Justification of the need for the proposed project. IProvide detailed !information on the existing systems/componeints that need replacement,, ocu rn nt'th condition with d tails t justify any system with an expected lif span of(lass than one year.. Each component n the system, ( . memory,ory„ Ihaird are, size of drives),, updates of software andi r replacement versions needed, standalone muiipm ent,, and additional upgrades fin lumd UPS.) must b listed in the requests. ts. GIEOCOMM was slat as-the Region 6 Data Repository project v ndoir. "i"he Monroe County project is in conjunction with the Region 6 Data Repository project. It's purpose is to anallyze Monroe oun'ty"s GliS Data, IMSAG and AU and (bring iit up to NIEINA O s 9 % accuracy standard. Monroe County, thru this grant, will ensure that the Couynty°s GIS Datas t its Il ext Generation Core Services ready.. 'This project will also provide-tools for continued GIIS Data Validation to ensure N 9-1-1 GlS data compliance. 9. Bribe why your county, group of counties or region will not be able to complete this project without this grant funding.. EOCO IM was selected as the Region 6 Data. Repository project vendor. The Monroe County project is in conjunction with the Region 6 Data Repository project. It's purpose is to analyze Monroe County's GIS, MSAG and Al l IData and (bring it up-to NENA iTs 98% accuracy standard. Monroe County is requesting state grant funds due to the county"s limited availalNe'ffuandung. The loess of substantial income -from the decrease in 'the 911 I:: to (40) cants has over tiiirne, significantly diminished our income and affected the Coun'ty's abli'ty to purchase the necessary 911 equipment to provide the Next Gen 911 service that our residents and visitors expect and deserve.. Because of the decrease, Monroe County does not have any available Carry Forward Funds to offset'the overall system costs, pp icatlon and Instructions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 292 w IForm 3 ,incorporated by reference in Fla.Adimin. Code R.99FFli.-S.003 911 Grant Programs 16 This grant prcgr Irn is our best hope to iimprov rid upgrade our equipment in a times y manner, 10. Describe the required steps with an anticipated time schedule which includes procurement and payment milestones and a,t i project completion date., Project lP Payment Milestone project Milestone ................ Ph '9Contract l�irn it d rnd u� rm it:p d ontr ct date —clock begins to Vendor Pr � ct iu�npl rr� r t 'turn 14� tirngWithin 30 days of contr ct signing �� p i� t Ur� ditucln �d Ilcrnttln m ............_..._........................... Phase 4, GIIS Data d ipv Iry & review by Montlh 7 Customer Phase ° Final data d lliv Iry„ GIS d tMonth acceptance by customer and project. closeout meeting ................................ ase & Invoice to client Full um amount due "'l'"45 Month g ...... Phase 7. Ongoing Maintenance Invoiced Anrnuuallly Ongoing Starting Month 10 and annually thereafter 11.If applicable, sole source justification rmnuust meet the smote procurement guidelines and chapter 287.057 (3% F.S. The County WH be using a GSA Contract, By using s GSA Contract the county will be receiving pre-approved pricing. The Federal Government has already determined the pricing as fair and reasonable by government standards and tine pricing also has a rAliirug rate for all prcduucts and services.. GEOCOMIM has provided GSA pricing for this project and is the vendor selected for the Region 6 GISData Depository project. This prcJ ct is a companion project with the Region 6 Data Repository project, Its purpose its to arnspyze Monroe Couurnty's GIS, MSAG and ALI data and bring it up to the NEINA i3 98% accuracy standard. GSA pricing and vendor continuity meet the sole source requirement., GSA.Contract Number- ._3 IF 0594& 12. If applicable, please include your previous service dates for any maintenance r support services. INS t Applicable. 113. s uranc s Application and instructions for 911 Grant(Programs,it vu ed May 2023 W Form 3A,incorporated by reference in Echo Admin.,code IP„ 0FFI—S..003 911 Grant Programs 17 ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The grantee accepts all grant terms and conditions. Grantee understands that grants are contingent upon the availability of funds. DISCLAIMER: The grantee certifies that the facts and information contained in this application and any attached documents are true and correct. If this requirement is violated, the grantee is subject to revocation of the grant and return of all grant funds and interest accrued (if any), pursuant to the E911 Board authority and any other remedy provided by law. NOTIFICATION OF AWARDS: The grantee understands and accepts that the notice of award will be advertised on the Florida E911 website. MAINTENANCE OF IMPROVEMENT AND EXPANSION:The grantee agrees that any improvement, expansion or other effect brought about in whole or part by grant funds will be maintained. No substantial changes or departures from the original proposal shall be permitted unless the E911 Board gives prior written authorization. Any unauthorized change will necessitate the return of grant funds, and accrued interest (if any) to the E911 Board. The county certifies that all applicable state procurement rules/procedures have been met. Failure to use grant funds as represented jeopardizes the grantee's eligibility to be considered for future funding. l 14.Authority I hereby affirm ority andM pon '.ility for the use of funds requested. .�:..- f i t 1 8i 3 SIGNATURE-- , Al , BOA'D OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DATE OR COUNTY MANGER/ADMINISTRATOR MONROE COUNTY A TORNEY'S OFFICE APPROVED AS TO FORM Holly Merrill Raschein �. aj?k,:e4Qt Printed Name _____aSSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY DATE: 1 O-18-20a 3 v,fly 54>6��vy+✓ w7:i+d 1 Mayor Position � r Kevin Madok, Clerk l� Regional Signatures if Applicable (add additional lirfes:j �h-,�fi ede try °z ' 1 k "� � As a ut �k 0 Application and instructions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 2023 W Form 3A,incorporated by reference in Fla.Admin.Code R.6OFF1-5.003 911 Grant Programs 18 911 Grant Program Appendix 1: Authorized Expg iditures of EajjfAj,9hA2jjL2§AdZ&_E& NO requests for funding will be acknowledged for any items not specified in Section 365.172, Florida Statutes, Emergency communication number"E91 V; paragraph (10) (shown below). Section 365.172 (10), Florida Statutes: AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES OF E911 (a) For purposes of this section, E911 service includes the functions of database management, call taking, location verification, and call transfer. Department of Health certification, recertification, and training costs for 911 public safety telecommunications, including dispatching, are functions of 911 services. (b) All costs directly attributable to the establishment or provision of E911 service and contracting for E911 services are eligible for expenditure of moneys derived from imposition of the fee authorized by subsections (8) and (9).These costs include the acquisition, implementation, and maintenance of Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)equipment and E91 1 service features,as defined in the providers'published schedules or the acquisition, installation, and maintenance of other E91 I equipment, including circuits; call answering equipment; call transfer equipment; AN I or ALI controllers; ANI or ALI displays; station instruments; E91 I telecommunications systems; visual call information and storage devices; recording equipment;telephone devices and other equipment for the hearing impaired used in the E911 system; PSAP backup power systems; consoles; automatic call distributors, and interfaces, including hardware and software, for computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems,- integrated CAD systems for that portion of the systems used for E91 1 call taking; GIS system and software equipment and information disp lays;_network clocks; salary and associated expenses for E911 call takers fort hat portion oft eir time spent taking and transferring E911 calls, salary, and associated expenses for a county, group of counties or region toemploy a full-time equivalent E911 coordinator position and a full-time equivlent mapping or geographical data position, and technical system maintenance, database, and administration personnel for the portion of their time spent administrating the E911 system; emergency medical, fire, and law enforcement pre- arrival instruction software; charts and training costsjraining costs for PSAP call takers, supervisors, and managers in the proper methods and techniques used in taking and transferring E91 1 calls, costs to train and educate PSAP employees regarding E911 service or E911 equipment, including fees collected by the Department of Health for the certification and recertification of 911 public safety Telecommunicator's as required 16 ,under s. 1110,"1 5�. and expenses required to develop and maintain all information, including ALI and ANI databases and other information source repositories, necessary to properly inform call takers as to location address, type of emergency, and other information directly relevant tote E91 1 call-taking and transferring function. Moneys derived from the fee may also be used for next-generation E91 1 network services, next- generation E911 database services, next-generation E911 equipment, and wireless E911 routing system(c) The moneys should not be used to pay for any item not listed in this subsection, including, but not limited to, any capital or operational costs for emergency responses. Even any is occur after the call transfer to the responding public safety entity and the costs for constructing, leasing, maintaining, or renovating buildings, except for those building modifications necessary to maintain the security and environmental integrity of the PSAP and E91 I equipment rooms. 911 Grant Pro Aram Application and instructions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 2023 W Form 3A,incorporated by reference in Fla. in.Code R.60FF1-5.003 911 Grant Programs 19 I .I w3Yi0' 44.,e.,e Lp , Jf h. �I 1�ttl4 MOW �IX60 d�tl5(IS rY4neFn M. a 1 cik, l-0be Florida 911 SumBer � Regional e ILI Region 1 . Pensacola HIIP Pdk Region 2-Tallahassee Region 3-Jacksonville [� Region 4-Tamps I [� Region 5- Orlando �I _...._I Region 6 a Ft. Myer Region 7-Miami Updated April 19,2023 dIN� !e. Application and instructions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 202 Form 3A,incorporated by reference in Fla.Admin. Code R.60F I-5.003 911 Grant Programs 20 E911 Grant PEggrarn Addendum 2 LFundinq Priorities The criteria for determining acceptability for disbursement of funds from the state of Florida 911 Grant Programs will be made on a PRIORITY basis. Regional 911 system project requests related to systems and equipment will be considered the highest priority within each priority category. If you do not see yours ecific 911 project listed, you are still eligible to receive funding and can apply. 1.0 Prepaid and Wireless Funding Priorities PRIORITY 1: Primary and Secondary PSAP systems that require immediate system replacement to provision enhanced 911 status orwhen the expected remaining life of the system is less than one year. PRIORITY 2: Development and maintenance of 911 routing statewide, geographic, and management information systems. A) Statewide routing system B) Regional, as an incremental step towards systems statewide 1. GIS Repository 2. NGCS 1 Map Display and Services 4 Management information systems and services C) GIS Services required for the delivery of a call 1® GI S Data support-assisting counties in meeting the 98% NENA GIS Data minimum standards 2. Creation of the required layers of the NENA GIS Data model! 3. GIB Maintenance Tools- this includes software or software as a service D) Management Information System and services E) Cybersecurity 1. Cybersecurity assessments 2- Cybersecurity hardware and software 1 Ongoing cybersecurity maintenance PRIORITY 3: Implement and maintain next generation 9 11 services and equipment. PRIORITY 4: Mapping system and services necessary for provisioning Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This includes the following, listed in order of funding priori : Application and instructions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 2023 W Form 3A,incorporated by reference in Fla.Admin. Code R.6OFFI-5.003 911 Grant Programs 21 A) Map System Equipment- map generation hardware and software licensing are limited to components for two stations. B) GIS Centerline point generation and map accuracy systems C) Synchronization of GI S data and databases that support location repositories to meet a minimum 98% data accuracy for Geospatial call routing. D) Map display and services PRIORITY 6: Develop and maintain Next Generation 911 services and equipment. A) Next Generation 911 Equipment and Emergency Services IP based network B) Next Generation Core Services PRIORITY 6: Systems that require new or replacement of critical or necessary hardware or software. This includes the following back-up PSAP's system equipment, listed in order of funding priority A-H- A) Hardware and software for communications or terminal equipment located at a PSAP for 911 call processing, AN I and ALI display, and call answering. B) Map Display Equipment C) Logging Equipment D) Lightning Protection Equipment E) Uninterruptible Power Supply system and or Generator Equipment F) County, group of counties or region Standalone ALI Database Equipment G) 911 Call Taker Position Equipment H) Net clock PRIORITY 7: GI S sub-addressing projects PRIORITY 8: Aerial Photography, Overhead (Nadir)/ Imaging PRIORITY 9: Infrastructure cabling and building entrance buildout cost. PRIORITY 10: 911 Call taker workstation console/furniture (the portion related to 911 operation) Appilcation and instructions for 911 Gmint Programs,revised May 2023 W Form 3A,incorporated by reference in Fla.,Admin.Code R.6OFFI-5.003 911 Grant Programs 22 Application and instructions for 911 Grant Programs,revised May 2023 Form 3A,incorporated by reference in Fla.Admin.Code R.60FF1-5.003 911 Grant Programs 2 ATTACHM.ENT GEOCOMM Mpg! lmw ''w"I a u / p I I%lf%m00% t ' f "'r/ll�yli � r� uu� ti � J I r rt i(�I i� IIIIIIIIII�� ��ry �p r , a3 , t v, County,GIS Professional Services Proposal for Monroe l September GKr II'lmfass�on'aP Services Mordoe HrcOfla Table of Contents IScope of Work.............................. ..........................—.........-.................--....................... 2 Project Management Services Description.............-......... ....... 2 G IS Professional Services Description......... .......... .......... ...... ......— 2 GIB Maintenance... ...... ............... 8 2 Responsibilities and Deliverables... .................. ..............................................10 3 Pricing........................... .................................................................................... ...........—12 GE(o)''COMM Public Safety GIS Simplified September 29,2023 FL 2 Scl oix of Walrlic GeoComm proposes to complete the following Geographic Information System (GIS) data professional services, resulting in a highly accurate IS dataset for use in Public Safety Answering Point(PS AP) mapping systems. The final dataset will comply with CAD and PSAP mapping system requirements. Services description and customer responsibilities and project deliverables are provided below. Project Managei nent Services GeoComm will dedicate time to project management and ongoing communication throughout the project. GeoComm will hold a project initiation conference call with your project team to: • Introduce project stakeholders to the GeoComm project team • Review project objectives and goals • Define mutual expectations • Establish communication processes • Review the project timeline, including periodic progress reporting • Review PSAP mapping system requirements • Discuss initial GIS data schema • Discuss existing resources that may be used in developing the GIS data layers Throughout the project, regular status updates will be provided is include progress updates; issues encountered or foreseen, with plans for mitigation-, goals for then reporting period; a schedule review; and customer responsibilities. GS Sionfims Descr llllpticouin Provisioninig Blota''idaiiry I ayeiii III''ii'iovoioirrr°iuouu°°�t or Ulpdate!!115 If existing provisioning boundaries are provided, they will be updated to correct topological errors and inconsistencies identified during the analysis. If no provisioning boundary layer exists, GeoComm will develop a layer based on existing municipal and/or county boundary layers or other resources you provide. Topological adjustments along borders will be made; ensuring boundaries are snapped to road centerlines, where applicable. Development or updates tothis layer will be based on resources provided and an understanding of the extent of your GIS provisioning responsibility within an NG9-1-1 deployment. After the layer is developed, GeoComm will provide a digital map for your review and approval, GI!E.-;F`rofesslalu.M Servic'es N,Aonron-,,County. Fiorid,:,i The data schema will follow your PSA P mapping system requirements and NG9-1-1 GIS data standards. At minimum, CIS layer attributes categorized as "mandatory" (or the equivalent)will be populated when attributes can be obtained at the time the updates are being conducted. Other attribute categories, such as "optional" and "conditional,"will be retained if attributes already exist in the current layer. Service Bouindarty Layers: F��SAI� Bouiirdanf Layeir Develq,)imeint or, Updates If existing PA P boundaries are provided, they will be updated to correct topological errors and inconsistencies identified during the analysis. If no PSAP boundary layer exists, GeoComm will develop a layer based on existing municipal and/or county boundary layers or other resources provided. Topological adjustments along borders will be made; ensuring boundaries are snapped to road centerlines, where applicable. The data schema will follow your PA P mapping system requirements and 1®1 GIS data standards. At minimum, GI layer attributes categorized as "mandatory" (or the equivalent)will be populated when attributes can be obtained at the time the updates are being conducted. Other attribute categories, such as"optional"and"conditional,"will be retained if attributes already exist in the current layer. Note that some mandatory attributes (such as URN and URI) cannot be obtained until there is an active NG9-1-1 deployment underway and the Next Generation Core Service(NGCS) provider determines the attributes to populate. Other categories, such as"optional"and "conditional,"will be retained if attributes already exist in the current layer, Service, Bouridapy I.,ayers: Police, 19iiiie, EMS I ayers Devdlqpinnient or Updates If existing emergency service boundaries representing the areas covered by police, fire, and EMS responders are provided, they will be updated to correct topological errors and inconsistencies identified during the analysis. In some systems, these layers may also be used for connecting incoming calls to the correct emergency responders. These layers will also be used for populating attribute information in the road centerlines and site/structure address point layers. If emergency service boundaries do not exist, three layers will be developed representing the areas covered by police, fire, and EMS responders. These new layers will be based on resources you provide depicting the boundaries. After each layer is developed, CommGeo will provide a map for your review and approval. The data schema will follow your PSAP mapping system requirements and NG9-1-1 GIS data standards. At minimum, GIS layer attributes categorized as "mandatory" (or the equivalent)will be populated when attributes can be obtained at the time the updates are being conducted. Other attribute categories, such as "optional"and"conditional,' will be retained if attributes already exist in the current layer. Note that some mandatory attributes (such as URN and URI) cannot be obtained until there is an Public Safety GIS Simplified September 29,2023 C Oil M M wwy,geiocolnrn carn CAS Prd' ,icna�'S'arvrces Munime C,,ounty, Rorkia active NG9-1-1 deployment underway and the Next Generation Core Service (NGCS) provider determines the attributes to populate. Other categories, such as"optional" and "conditional,"will be retained if attributes already exist in the current layer. If required by your data standards, a fourth layer will be developed representing the emergency service numbers throughout the area. Road Centerlines I ayeir: GIS ll'�)ata AtWillbtxle Standardization: rransforrn Scherna to PSAP Mapping Systeiii!ii Reqtdreinierits GeoComm will review the IS data schema of the provided road centerlines to determine their conformance with the latest NENA NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model and PSAP mapping system requirements. A side by side comparison of the existing and recommended GIS data structures will be provided. GeoComm will then convert your GIS data into a schema following the NENA NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model(NENA-S TA®006)and PS AP mapping system schema. GeoComm will populate Mandatory and Conditional attributes with provided resources. GeoComrn will also add edit tracking fields to the GIS layers to identify features that have been modified,the type of change made, who made the change, and the date the feature was last updated. ll(oad Ceiiiterllines I qVer��n AttrElDtite Updates for MSAG S�V ncliroiirilizafioi i GeoComm will update the existing road centerlines layer based on inconsistencies noted during the analysis. If there are discrepancies between approved resources, GeoComrn will work with you for verification. Road centerlines layer updates include: • Updating legacy attribute fields to correspond with road names, communities, and ESN values in the Master Street Address Guide(MSAG). • Extending address range attributes to synchronize with the MSAG, or, if it is the MSAG range that needs to be modified, GeoComm will include that in the list of discrepancies for you to submit to your database provider for updates. • Left and Right Field Attribution for Country, State, County, Incorporated Municipality, and MSAG Community based on resources provided. Optional attributes will be retained if attributes already exist in the current layer, Road Centerfines La)fwr: Attrfl)ute Ullpdatps four Al A synchiiioii°flzatlon GeoComm will update the road centerifnes layer based on inconsistencies noted during the analysis. If there are discrepancies between approved resources, GeoComm will or with you for verification. Road layer updates include: • Road Name Updates—road name attributes will be updated to correspond to road names in the ALI database. Public Safbty GIS Simplified September 29,2023 GEQ, C01A11'A wwv0,g!Loqqnyn,,aZx?� US Flro s° onal Servica,,,,, Nloinr(��e Cowflrv, Ror'da * Road Range Updates- road range attributes will be updated to accommodate ALI records. * Legacy Field Attribution- legacy fields in the GIS data will be attributed to match ALI record information. However, if it is the ALI record address which requires modification, GeoComm will identify these and provide the for you to work with your ALI database provider for updates_ ReadCenterfluies� I ayeir: Street Cc)inulectivfty Updateilll;' GeoComm will update the existing road centerlines layer based on inconsistencies noted during the analysis, If there are discrepancies between approved resources, GeoComrn will work with you for verification. For street connectivity updates, road centerlines will be broken and snapped to create topological accuracy for proper address location. Road centerlines will be broken at emergency service boundary layers, available community boundaries (including county, municipal, postal, and zip code boundaries), PSAP and provisioning boundaries, and true intersections with other road centerlines. Corresponding boundary updates will be made to emergency service and incorporated municipality boundaries (if provided)which run alongside road centerlines to ensure coincident lines with corresponding road centerlines. Road Centerflnes, Layeiiu: Ad&reems Rain Updates GeoComrn will update the existing road centerlines layer based on inconsistencies noted during the analysis. If there are discrepancies between approved resources, GeoComm will work with you for verification. Road centerlines layer update processes include validating or correcting the following address range issues: * Overlapping address ranges * Invalid high address range is less than the to address range * Invalid oddieven address ranges in both the from and to fields SitelStiructtire Address Points I ayer: GI 13ata Attirilm iiito Staridardiz;atioiin: rrarisfoiii,rn Sclllhieirna,to 1"SAP MaplAng Systerri Requirernentp, GeoComrn will review the GI data schema of the provided site/structure address points layer to determine its conformance with the latest NENA NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model and PSAP mapping system requirements. A side by side comparison of the existing and recommended GIS data structures will be provided. GeoComm will then convert your GIS data into a schema following the NENA -1®1 GIS Data Model (NENA-STA-006) and PSAP mapping system schema. GeoComm will populate Mandatory and Conditional attributes with provided resources. Public Safety GIS SimpliW September 29,2023 GE9COMIA US Professkoa� sw,o,:Ces Monroe Florwda, GeoComrn will also add edit tracking fields to the GIS layers to identify features that have been modified, the type of change made, who made the change, and the date the feature was last updated. Slte/Str,tjcb ire Addiress ���Oolrft I ayei�. Aftii�ibute with lioad Centerfines and Boil,indailf l[�ayeiirs GeoComm will update the existing Site/Structure Address Point layer based on inconsistencies noted during the analysis and provided resources. If there are discrepancies between approved project resources, GeoComrn will or with you for verification. GeoComm will update the existing Site/Structure Address Point layer to ensure attributes are synchronized with road centerlines and boundary layers, points fall in the correct PSAP boundary, and are spatially placed along the correct centerline segment where possible. S[te/Str,ucto ire Address F)olint I ayer: Attribute Updates for At I Synchironizatiorl Road name attributes will be updated to correspond to road names in the Automatic Location Information (ALI) database and to synchronize with road centerlines attributes, Legacy fields in the GIS data will be attributed to match ALI record information. However, if it is the AL I record address which requires modification, GeoComm will identify this in the list of discrepancies for you to submit to your database provider for updates. In addition, duplicate addresses and potentially missing address points will be investigated with assistance from the customer, lncoiirporated Mun1cfipality Botindaii-y Layeiir 1.1pdates ear Development If existing incorporated or municipal boundaries are provided, they will be updated to ensure no gaps and overlaps exist between boundaries. If incorporated or municipal boundaries do not exist, existing publicly available GIS data and/or provided resources will be used to develop a polygon layer representing incorporated municipality boundaries within your jurisdiction. After the layer is developed, GeoComrn will provide a digital map for your review and approval. The data schema will follow your PSAP mapping system requirements. At minimum, GIS layer attributes categorized as 'mandatory"(or the equivalent)will be populated when attributes can be obtained at the time the updates are being conducted. Other categories, such as"optional"and "conditional,"will be retained if attributes already exist in the current layer. This layer will be used to populate municipality attributes in the road centerlines layer and/or site/structure address point layer and will be available for visual display in your PSAP mapping System, ................................... ............................. .............................................................................. ........................................................................................ 01111111114 0 1A M Public Safety GIS Simplified September 29,2023 G 11: US ProfbsslonW Ser0c-1 Mowo�,' (;ounfy Fkxida Road Centeii,firees Layer-, Vehicle Routing Attribitition GeoComrn will update the road centerlines layer with street routing attributes using provided resources, publicly available data, and aerial imagery. Topological updates will be made where needed. Attributes may include: • ne® Roads® attributes will be added to one-way road segments along interstates, ramps, and dual carriageways, as well as local one-way streets • Road Classifications® road classification attributes will be added to each road segment • Speed Limits-speed limits will be added to each road segment • Elevation and Bridge Topology®based on your needs, roads will remain unbroken at bridge and intersections where two roads cross but turning is not possible, or elevation field attributes will be added to distinguish between true intersections and bridges Road Ceritiefl$iiies, Layeiin 111ghiNayffireeway ai'�i�d Rarvip hiarnling Standardization To optimize the routing capabilities of the road centerlines layer, road name attributes for highways will be attributed consistently and, if applicable, match any GIS data model requirements you have. Highway ramps will be attributed with the name "Ramp". Sti°eet Naate Nas Table Cireatioiiii An alias name table will be developed based on provided resources indicating alternative street names in your jurisdiction, allowing the 9-1-1 system to utilize multiple street names for the same street segments. A unique road ID will be used to relate the names for each road name in the alias table to the correct road segment in the road layer. Road CeiiideidIries III' ayes: Spatial Allgiimeiiiit Roads not aligned with publicly available or provided aerial imagery will be spatially adjusted to fit within a minimum of twelve feet from the street centerline, from the visual road center as determined by imagery. Imagery will appear smooth at a scale of 1:4,632 in rural areas and 1:1,968 in urban areas. Line direction will follow the increase in address numbers. As part of this process, missing named roads will also be identified and added, as needed. Public Safety CIS Simplified September 29,2023 GIS P'rofessionall Services h4onroe Ccun',.y, Fk:)rid,&. SitelStriucture Address 1""'Oilint Layer': Spatial Aligill"ent Based on provided resources including a tax parcel layer containing a situs address field and any available building footprint data, GeoComm will develop new address points with accompanying descriptive attributes for structures where a point does not already exist. New points will be placed at a location (e.g. on structure rooftops or at driveway entrances) according to your PSAP mapping system requirements or the methodology used for existing points. On-site collection or verification of address points may be provided for an additional fee. For multi-unit structures(e.g. apartment complexes, strip malls, mobile home parks)where a point does not already exist, GeoComm will create one new point for each building with a unique street address number(not including unit numbers) and will or with you to establish an agreed-upon point placement methodology. If multiple points already exist for individual units of a multi-unit structure, these points will be retained but will not be moved unless resources indicate the points are incorrectly placed. The development of points for individual units, such as individual apartments or office suites, may he provided for an additional fee. The accuracy of newly developed points will be dependent upon the provided resources. Site/structure address point development requires a parcel map with sites address information or another GIS resource containing the location and physical address of each addressable structure. Whrrtenw� itm ................................................................................................. GIS I)ata Layer Mah"itetiaince Services GeoComm will use provided resources, including digital copies of the MSAG and ALI database, to update GIS data layers for location validation in 9-1-1 systems. As needed, GeoComm will: • Update the Road Centerline layer with additions, deletions, and corrections • Update the it Structure Address Point layer with additions, deletions, and corrections • Update Service Boundary Layers(PSAP, police, fire, EMS, and ESZ/ESN)with additions, deletions, and corrections when requested • Update the Provisioning Boundary Layer with additions, deletions, and corrections. • Update the Incorporated Municipality Layer when there are annexations GIS data attribute standardization following the NE NA Standard for NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model and/or your PSAP mapping system requirements are included. GeoComm will populate Mandatory and Conditional attributes with provided resources. GeoComm will perform quality control (QC)checks on GIS data to measure GIS data quality and synchronization with MSA G and ALI databases, if available. If GIS data errors are detected, GeoComm will make appropriate corrections. If IVISAG or ALI errors are detected, GeoCornrn GEF Public Safiety GIS Simplified September 29,2023 9COAM US Ser,.�oes MarmcIe Coifflty, Flmidla will correct the error if contracted to do so. If resolving the MSAG or ALI errors are outside of the scope of service, GeoComm will provide you with a list of required updates. GeoComm will provide updated GIS data packages (zip file containing the updated GIS data layers in file geodatabase format)for you to provision into your local 9-1-1 systems, If the local 9-1-1 system is a GeoComm mapping application, GeoCornm will execute the update process. If requested, GeoComm can provide.pdf files representing one combined Service Boundary map(Police, Fire, EMS)which you can print to hard copy wall maps. WISAG acrid Al,.A Maintenaince Seiivices To ensure ongoing synchronization with GIS data layers, MSAG, and ALI database, GeoComm will update and manage your IVISAG based on provided resources. As needed, GeoComm will: • Submit MSAG updates to your database provider when roads are added, changed, or deleted if allowed access to the database provider's MSA G maintenance system. • Assist in the resolution of MSAG discrepancies, as provided by the database provider (E.g. overlaps with other MSAG entries, address validation, etc.) • Assist in the resolution of inconsistencies between the MSA G and GIS data layers. • Assist in the resolution of telephone (TN) records that do not match the MSAG. • Request new Emergency Service Numbers (ESNs)from the database provider when new responder combinations are created. • Complete periodic reviews of the MSAG, ALI database, and GIS data layers to ensure a high synchronization Rate and complete updates. Note: If clarification is needed, GeoComm will work with you to ensure accurate updates are made. Address Asslgrirnent,Ser�vices GeoComm will update the Site/Structure Address Point layer based on resources provided. As needed, GeoComm will: * Update the Site/Structure Address Point layer with new address point locations using provided accurate location information or latitude and longitude forte approximate placement of the address point, * Assign addresses ton added points based on the road centerline layer attributes (street name and address ranges) and return the newly assigned addresses within three business as® * Provide support regarding unique addressing situations or addressing discrepancies. Note: GeoComm is not responsible for notifying residents of the newly assigned addresses. Public Safety GIS Simplified September 29,2023 G !Ehn C 0 IM 11A ON '3 Pro%s,,kn a�S d vice!; I,Aonroe,GouMy, H(xida aind DdIJlllveiiiablies .................... ............ We believe our customers play a critical role in a project's success, While GeoComrn will lead the project efforts,we will partner with you to ensure you have in-depth project knowledge and are kept informed about the project status and meeting project goals. I12roject I)eliveraliler, • General project support • Project schedule • Regular status reports and conference calls • Provisioning Boundary Layer • PAP Boundary Layer • Police, Fire, and EMS Layers • Road Centerlines Layer • Site/Structure Address Points Layer 40 Incorporated Municipality Boundary Layer 0 Street Name Alias Table OpfionW Malinteinance D6:iverables * Updated GIS data layers and synchronization comparison results between the ALI database, MSAG, and GIS provided as frequently as quarterly * MSAG updates submitted to the database provider, quarterly synchronization comparison results between the ALI database, MSAG, and G IS, and GIS map data update recommendations (if maintained by you)or updates to GIS map data (if GeoComm maintains) * Updated address of layer provided as frequently as quarterly, new structure addresses provided within 3 business days, and consultation for unique addressing situations or addressing discrepancies The final IS map data layers will be delivered in Esd format and in the projection in which the data was provided to GeoComm. of that the completeness and accuracy of the final G IS layers is dependent on provided project resources. To achieve a high synchronization rate between the G IS data and the M SAG, you may need to make additional updates to the MSAG. GPublic Safety GIS Simplified September 29,2023 " EIN-CUIVIIA GAS,Flird'ViesskwW Monroe County,F:Ioida Clustol"Ill�"Illiel"' ROSl sibilll fties It is requested that you provide the following support and resources: • Assist in coordinating and attending periodic conference Its • Provide pertinent project information and documentation Assist in ongoing quality assurance tasks Provide a single point of contact available for communication throughout the project Review preliminary emergency boundary maps and provide in on updates needed Review final synchronization results and provide any needed GIS data updates back to GeoComm within a 30-day timeframe 0 Submit required GIS information (e.g. GIS map data, public safety databases, and/or other resources) to our website(,L�s// F4)�g 0 Existing GIS data in Esri format including map projection information 0 Current copies of your ALI and MSA G in Microsoft Excel format 0 Digital or hard copy resources depicting road centerlines and boundary updates Public Safety GIS Simplified September 29,2023 GEQC'O'.OMM GIS PvAesswail Servces [Oonr,:)e�County, Rorida 3 Pridn'g, ..............."I'l�'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll,'ll""I'll"�,��������.",�..................................................................... ....................... Pfices are valid for a period of daYs. Total does not include sales tax. Applicable taxes will be determined upon contract signing. Monroe County is responsible for paying all sales taxes. GIS �P)rofess lona I Services ............................................................................................................................................ F11110 WrMg Services Nice(GA 111-abor Cataqory:O.S. Spec.iallist 1911N Non� Non-Recuvring �*-Re)cunlng Services Nice 54151,S) Recurdinq GSA Fee lWSRP ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ G11S Data Analysus ..................................... ...................................................................................... Prwisioning Boundary 11 ayei%Devek.aprnent eau..Upidates ............................... Service Boundary 1 ayers:� FISAP Boundary L�.-ryer DeMopment or Upirjat,L".'s ...................................................................................................... ....... Sery ce i3oundary t ayer&; Police,Pre, EIMS ayii!Yr,Development or Updates ..................................... Road Centeriines I ayer: GIIS Data Attrib,ke. Staridar6zation ............... IR.i,,)ad Centediniams I ayer:Attribute Updatiam for MSAG SynchroNzation -.1.1--.-........................................I....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........... Road Centei1ines Layer AtHbute Updates for Al i Synchronization .................................................................................................................................................... Road Cir-,mitedines Layer Street.ConnectM�y iJj��)dates ............ Road Centerfines Layer-Address IRange Updates $93,386.54 $90,578.60 —1................ Site/Structure Address Po nts Layer GiS Data Adhbute Standalrdlzaficn ............................................. &to/Structure Address Points i ayer:Syirirhron zafion wfth Road Centerlines w,id Bouridary 11-v,.iiyers Attributes ....................—.... .........................-.11............................... ................................ SiteiStructure Addnass Polhts Layer,Attribute Updates for�-'&Il Synchronizat& .1-1......................-, ............................. ----....................................................................................................................... Incorpor,atiad Mun�djji)ahty 13oundary Layer DevOopment or Updates ....................I..................................1-1 1---1 11.....................................................--- ........ V:Zoad Centeirfines,Layer Vel,-kle Routfirig Attdbut& ...........— --.................................... ........ Road Cent.4-whries 11 ayer� Highway&ri,-,�eway and Rarnp Naming Sfandardizatuoin ..........................----- ............................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... Street Name�Mas Table Oreation Road f,",eirnterhnes Layer: Spatall Afignment .... .. ............... &te/Structuiv Address Poinils L,,qer. Spatal Alignment ............. Contract'rotali: $93,386.54 $90,578,60 .................................. Notes- Pricing hilp subjeci:to increases at the sole discretion of Gee Cornm,annuaily,as a result in changes irn rrarket condiVons irch16rig the Consumer Nce Index and inflation, Notice of price increase wauld be provided at least ISO days prior to the start of!each contract,year, Pricing!is based on General Sendai es A1.,,k-T0nistra0on(GSA)Contract Number GS-35f:::0594S. ........... Public Safety GIS Simplified September 29,2023 GlIS Prcafe~ba,xlon,aaU torrame County, F:rNr°riidrs dial'tial uU'�kullll,uin, Mainteriance Recurring Services Price(GSA Iale A ar°f,ste r)ury GIG Spmrrmastlust IIIN dmt8tat � FocrnmmmmmmT nring di"3 U Fee Year One GIS Data N Faye mn Maintenance ntenlarrnr r Sm"minces 7 - 0 $7,543,20 .. hASAG amid Ttt.0 Mall it 4e ne,noe t a��wic „a tt,8�dt.twt8 $Y lt44m.8884.., Address Assignment Services .... .. j.... $5,555L 8 $5,38UM Year Oirte 1lo a i $t5 183 Tmt ... $1 4 727,20 Year Two G S Data 8 a"ayei dd nnrntr^.(leer r r�rmlY V�llaa as ... ... �3 4�;m.8m,8 $7„920.36 .... IMSAG'mmmr4 AII...0 ai ntenrariiiceServices $1,944,m8m t,88t18r.'88t8 Addrrr s s 8tsslii Irnl rient .e. 8 .rVrnrme a ...... $5 4U4;u2.4"44 yu5„657.,40 Year..i wo I ctai $15,942 r 93 ' t o ,6 r,o 4td.... Year Three ...ItNN�utrutarrmm�nlrna.e yam .... _ _... ... ...m.�_._..� .. ...... GW S Il)ataa Layers iry nc es;. ..., $8„574,119 $8,316.3 8.. ddti8:8 and AU M allnutelnence S nfices ....,.. �. $2,0 1I 4'T .... � ..... 4,98118.09�.... ._Addli. ...... .... . Ttis,§lg'Ilrvnrrrmurarnt Seinrncers 8'u,t24.d2 5;,9 8d 8t.'m' n l"matrslU ,!106pt4"d84.T8t8 "'ttm 36.74 �...�_ .... ......_- Yea... ..........,_ ... .... .... r Four GUS Data U a'amrrwm Mai lruta,muamunrr Sr,u libt�d4t8"�sand All UI II'u8taainta'rrinaro :m term 6 Tt8 09 .. ,... gal mr. ��rancaaa^a'a �2�1Yd ��u�t �448„t'8° .�. Address Asslignirrient Services $6,430,64 � $6„23 T8t... °r'r:sir t°:ouir""rotQai $17,57T.08 $17,0 488,57.... Year Here GIG Data it as r rr ma..liftin eruaaunrr e Services °�daa0,tro,,04 f . d 168,881.. y i manid AUl Mai ilntemmaance Serivices, $2,250 7 $2,188.t45 Add ress Assignment Seances $6,752 17. 6,5419.1 . .... Year 8 mmae .4 iotaalU , dt d,d1s"m 93 $17,901 r(48) Coin'8:rmsm't't"mr'4rst', 83,899,m " "t8'lllk,d"8""t t84!t Notes:Pricing is subject to increases at the sole discretion of GeoComm,alnnuatiy,as a uresult in changes in market n n n conditions incWding the Consur ner grace Index and inflation. NotiliGe of price increase woulJd be provided at least 180 days prior to the start of each contract year. (Pricing is based on General)Servilices Administration(GSA)Contract Number S-35F-0594 . IIII� m Public Safety CIS Simplified September 29,2023 mm�m tt III 0 warrrrnrama rmr°:n�amrmmrrru �rr„mnnli A'T"TACHMEN T 2 ? rLO ens as c 0 cn „_ aa�tr oW CIL 0- in �,x,•� M EF LL cu 2 ca w ca. '* cn IS 0 p'-1 CIO �' N...7 °aa` a�"i a,4-P., ID C63 'J„+0 as ° u na as CJ U C)C J CJ .$ Complete GEOCOMM Services list on Budget Report Provisioning Boundry Layer: Development or updates Service Boundary Layers: PSAP Boundary Layer Development or updates Service Boundary Layers: Police, Fire, EMS Layers Development or updates Road Centerlines Layer: GIS Data Attribute Standardization Road Centerlines Layer®Attribute updates for IVISAG Synchronizaton Road Centerlines Layer:Attribute updates for ALI Synchronizaton Road Centerlines Layer-Street Connectivity updates Road Centerlines Layer: Address Range updates Site/Structure Address Points Layer, GIS Data Attributes Standardization Site/Structure Address Points Layer, Synchronization with Road Centerlines& Boundary Layers Attributes Site/Structure Address Points Layer:Attribute Updates for ALI Synchronization Incorporated Municipality Boundary Layer Development or Updates Road Centerlines Layer:Vehicle Routing Attribution Road Centerlines Layer: Highway/Freeway& Ramp Naming Standarization Street Name Alias Table Creation Road Centerlines Layer. Spatial Alignment Site Structure Address Points Layer.Spatial Alignment ATTACHMENT 3 MENIMINEEZIMMICMINEMMEM IS Services and Maintenance Pr(.�Ject Milestones Tabs e GEQCOMM h , rl- ru�tract finalized and Contract date-�clock VoIrIclor urrrt Iuuuurou°nLtirlru fit�na�n days of Meeting.... .................... ._......... contract ug��nu g IP�'u sr I GIS I'Dat Reme 'afi yin Months .,. aind QAJQC Month '7 rev Customer er Phase :: IFun« II data defivevy, GIS Month data accelptanc.;e by Mstorner and FIhas 7: ng6 ng Mai nteu•anc..,e Invoic d u"bn u Hy ung mrwg �t tit'u ng Ub uu 0 Attachment 3 2 23-1 -06 U. II �nW'��h'�OV�� r�u.uR,wn" �°�'IP I.. I��q�:� E)ocument^ausrxwrel ATTA CHMENT 4 �county III 1 1:::Iscal Information . 1 County Fiscal Year 20 1-2022. 2 Wireless Fee Revenue14® 6 .1 3Non-Wireless Fee RevenueE� 12 , 0T.22 (LF , Wir line, VoIP) 4 Pre-Paid Fee Revenue 70, 5.7 Total Fee Revenue =506�038.16 Carry Forward Fe Revenue Calculation (Item #2 + Item #3 + Item ) 1 MENNEEMEMEMBEEMEM 6 Fee Revenue nu F. p nditur' s 35 912. w Allowable Carry Forward 1 1,611 4 Maximum Allowable ( 0% of Its ) Limited by Para 6 .17 (2)( ). Florida 10 Actual Carry Forward 0.00 Statutes, Assure amount is equal (=) to or less than (<) Item 11 Excess Carry Forward 0 0 Recovery 12 Preparers Namu Julia F Todd 13 Preparers Title/ Position 911 Database Coordinator 14 Telephone Numb r E305=-289-603 16 jPreparer's Email [��jto�dd@y -net 16 Cute 12/2�2022 0 h9car perated by reference vn Fla,Adm4i.Cade RuW GOF"F1-5 0016 County Egli Fiscal Information, ReqWrornents for County carry Forward Fun:ds&ExcassrunM g 0,412020