Item H1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY ADD ON lIME CERTAIN: 2:00 PM Meeting Date: September 20, 2001 Division: County Attorney AGENDA ITEM WORDING: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, September 20,2001, at 2:00 PM, or as soon thereafter as can be heard, at the Marathon Government Center, the BOCC will convene in an attomey-client session with County Administrator Jim Roberts, County Attomey Jim Hendrick, and Wayne Smith, Esq., in order to discuss the following litigation: Monroe County v. Post Bucklev Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. ITEM BACKGROUND: PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT I AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: COST TO COUNTY: BUDGETED: Yes 0 No 0 APPRoveD BY: County Attorney . Risk Managernent 0 K DOCUMENTATION: Induded 0 To Follow 0 Not Required 0 ~"HI AGENDA ITEM # 1/1 3:JVd SISC~6~S0c'al 3~lddO ^~~V ^~NnO~ 30~NOW'WO~d CC'SI 10-~I-d3S --. 09/19/01 WED 15:18 Fful 3052892442 DCA MARATHON ......... Me PLAN~T\G I4J 003 FLORIDA KEYS AFFORDABLE HOUSING TASK FORCE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Whereas, lhe Department of Community Affairs convened the Florida Keys Affordable Housing Ta<;k Force in 2001 in order to develop a coordinated, multi-faceted strategy to preserve and increa.."ie the stock of atrordable housing in the Florida Keys; Whereas the Task Force consisted of representatives from the Department, local governments, other local agencies (Sheriff, School Board, etc.), private and non-profit sector and concerned citizens to ensure participation by all community sectors; Whereas, the Deparuncnt and South l"lorida Regional Planning Council provided support services for the Task Force, including facilitation, research and analysis and meeting reports; Whereas, the Task Force met February 22nd and 23rd, June 51h and September 241h and identified obstacles to affordable housing and strategies for improving opportunities for affordable housing; Whereas, the Task Force determined that constmcting new affordable housing units represents only part of the solution to the housing deficit and that a multi~faccted strategy must include housing preservmion, rehabilitation, redevelopment and control of potential demand resulting from land use dccisions~ Whereas, the Task Force reached consensus on the need for each local govenUllent to adopt Affordable Housing Action Plans that provide specific, multi-faceted strategies whieh shall be implemented according to a specified time schedule; Now Therefore, each pan}' agrees that the signing of the agreement demonstrates support for the idea of a Memorandum of Understanding and for the development of an action plan designed to mainlain the Cllrrent or in(;re~1.se the Current supply ur afTordable housing, preserve the existing affordable housing stock, convert from transient or market rate housing to affordable housing and construct new units which will result in an increase of affordable hDusing supply. The signing of this Memorandum of Understanding does not commit resources but instead represents the will to refine the anachcd Memorandum of Understanding so that local governments can evaluate and modify the document to meet the needs of the local government and public and private parties involved in the affordable Housing Task Force. The signing of this document indi(;ate~ the solidarity of purpose achieved by this group to enSllre continued coordination among local governments, local agencies, and public and private sector entities to facilitate housing preservation, redevelopment and construction. 09/19/01 WED 15:18 F~\ 3052892442 Signatures Sleven M. ~eibert, Secrt~tary Department of Community Atfairs Jinuny Weekly, Mayor City of Key West George Neugent, Mayor Monroe County Robert Miller, Mayor City of Maratholl Frank Kulisky> Mayor Village ofI~lamorada Yvonne Harper, Councilwoman City of Layton ......",-....._- Marguerite Lewi::;, Commissioner City of Key Colony Beach Other Task Force Members: DCA MARATHON ~-H ~lC PUS:'\I:'\G I4J 004 09/19/01 WED 15:18 F~\ 3052892442 DCA MARATHON "'-H YC PLANNING I4J 003 FLORIDA KEYS AFFORDABLE HOUSING TASK FORCE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Whereas, the Department of Community Affairs convened the Florida Keys Affordable Housing Task Force in 2001 in order to develop a coordinated, multi-faceted strategy to preserve and increase the stock of ailordable housing in the Florida Keys; Whereas the Task Force consisted of representatives from the Department, local goverrunents, other local agencies (Sheriff, School Board, etc.), private and non-profit sector and concerncd citizens to ensure participation by all community sectors; Whereas, the Depamnent and South l-'lorida Regional Planning Council provided support services for the Task Force, including facilitation, research and analysis and meeting reports; Whereas, the Task Force met February 22nd and 23rd, June Sdl and September 24th and identified obstacles to affordable housing and strategies for improving opportunities for affordable housing; Whereas, the Task Force determined that constmcting new affordable housing units represents only part ofthc solution to the housing deficit and that a multiwfaceted strategy must include housing preservation, rehabilitation, redevelopment and control of potential demand resulting from land use decisions; Whereas, the Task Force reached consensus on the need for each local govenUllent to adopt Affordable Housing Action Plans that provide specific, multi-faceted strategies which shall be implemented according to a specified time schedule; Now Therefore, each parry agrees that the signing of me agreement demonstrates support for the idea of a Memorandum of Understanding and for the development of an action plan designed to maintain the clIrrent or increase the Current supply of aiTurdable housing, preserve the existing affordable housing stock, convert from transient or market rate housing to affordable housing and construct new units which will result in an increase of affordable hDusing supply. The signing of this Memorandum of Understanding does not commit resources but instead represents the will to refine the attached Memorandum of Understanding so that local goverrunents can evaluate and modify the document to meet the needs of the local government and public and private parties involved in the affordable Housing Task Force. The signing of this document indicates the solidarity of purpose achieved by this group to ensure continued coordination among IDeal governments, local agencies. and public and private sector entities to facilitate housing preservation, redevelopment and construction. 09/19/01 WED 15:18 FAX 3052892442 Signatures Sleven M. Seibert, Secretary Department of Community Affairs Jinuny Weekly, Mayor City of Key West George Neugent, Mayor Monroe Counly Robert Miller, Mayor City of Marathon F rauk Kulisky ~ Mayor Village ofI!>lamorada Yvonne Harper, Councilwoman City of Layton -..........""'.......-- Marguerite Lewis, Conunissioner City of Key Colony Beach Other Tnsk FOl"ce Members: DCA MARATHO~ I4J 00-1 ->-H Me PLA:\~ING