Lease Assignment 10/16/2002 Clerk 0111le Circul coun Danny L. Kolhage Office 305-292-3550 Fax 305-295-3663 Memnranlium To: Mark Rosch, Director Monroe County Land Authority Isabel C. DeSantiS~ Deputy Clerk From: Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 At the October 16, 2002, Board of County Commissioner's meeting, the Board granted approval and authorized execution of a Lease Assignment between Monroe County, the Florida Department of Transportation; and Robert W. Lyne and Carolyn A. Lyne. Enclosed are two duplicate originals of the above for your handling. Please be sure that the Clerk's Ori2'inal is returned to this office as quickly as possible. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Cc: County Attorney Finance fiile ,('-" LEASE ASSIGNMENT BE IT KNOWN THAT the State of Florida Department of Transportation, Assignor, in consideration of the sum ofTen ($10.00) Dollars, paid by Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, Assignee, hereby assigns unto the Assignee, that certain lease made by Florida Department of Transportation and Robert W. Lyne and Carolyn A. Lyne, bearing date the first day of September 1, 2001, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A", covering that portion of the property described therein as follows: The land described in Exhibit "An as Description of Lease Area together with the premises therein described, the buildings thereon, and all appurtenances thereto, To have and to hold the same unto the Assignee from the / .:.7 day of /J 0 V,C.Ni t\~ ,~ , 20 C::z..... , for all the rest of the years mentioned in the said lease, subject to the rents, covenants, conditions and provisions therein also mentioned. 1. The Assignee hereby assumes the performance of all of the terms, covenants and conditions of the lease herein assigned by the Assignor to the Assignee, and will well and truly perform all the terms, covenants and conditions of the said lease herein assigned, all with full force and effect as if the Assignee had signed the lease originally as lessor named therein. 2. The Assignee hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Assignor from all manners of suit, actions, damages, charges and expenses, including attorneys fees and costs that the Assignor may sustain by reason of the Assignee's breach of any of the terms, covenants and conditions of the lease herein assigned. 3. This is an assignment and the Assignor's interest in the premises is as Lessor under a lease made by Florida Department of Transportation and Robert W. Lyne and Carolyn A. Lyne, dated September 1 st , 2001, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A". Except as provided to the contrary herein, this assignment is expressly made subject to all the terms and conditions of said underlying lease. If said underlying lease is terminated, this assignment shall terminate simultaneously. The Assignee hereby agrees to assume the obligation for performance of all the Assignor's obligations under the aforesaid lease. 4. Governing Law. This agreement, and all transactions contemplated hereby, shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. 5. Attorneys Fees. In the event that litigation results from or arises out of this Agreement or the performance thereof, the parties each party shall be responsible for its own attorney's fees, court costs, and all other expenses, whether or not taxable by the court as costs. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. this Assignment has been duly executed by the Assignor, this;l1f "1# day of 0 ,r~o /..J:'/i.'.. , 2002. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: " Wi=~/~ ~~( Witness ' ~ Monroe County 1...... ::;T.:;,:;:;~,,~. It u. ~~"\ ^-. ~ :~'5~~.. '.. fides McCoy, Mayor 10 -/ (p..a:;.. ~~ ~';:::W"'.::--.J '\.~...s;\ ~'fl~l~~ ..'."" I;.~ ~~m ~ ~:~-:~0.L~.Q ~ ~~c~<~: .;;., Ci .~L \'\S' '. .~~"-."i' ... ..'<..."'.'.' .....". '. ... 0.' ,. . ...4- . 1 ~~c \~~.....:.;;;. . /~~I-.tlt +. . . . .,. _ ~ '\ \:1'2~:i ",?,): ~'. . OEPUTYCU:~ '~~;','/--~'<< ":. Witness Witness B oc:rc62e- ~~ Exhibit A ''-.......--.. ,TAn! OF F'.ORIDA DfPARTlo4eHT OF n,' 'ISPQFTAn)N LEASE AGREEMEf\ 1" ;-OR~I S1S-00C.J3 R!GHT 00 '^ AY - ry61C' :tee:;;, 1 of 4 ITEMI ~EGMENT NO.: MANAGII.'G DISTRICT: FAP, NO,: _~/A STATE ROAD f\I,~.: 5, Bayside. tv:M 63 COUNTY.: Monroe f'.ounty PARCEL NO,: 6081 2503081 -- VI --- THIS AGREEMel~T, made this day of ' by and bet'" ".\en the STATE. OF FLORIDA DEPAR7MENT OF TRANSPORTATION, (hereinafter called the Lessor), .and ,Ea:'€RTw. LYI~JIK)CJlRlYl A: L YNE, whose post office adcress 1 s 1129 Pebblebeach Lam'! # 7, Marthon, Florida 33050 ___ (hereinafter cailed the Le~ee.) WITNESSETH: In consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable considerations, the PdrJes ago ~e as follov.'S: 1. ProO/ilc.tY and Term. Lessor does hereby lease unto Lessee the lands described in ExI11bit "N, for ~ term of Five (5) years beginning ,July 1,2001 and ending June 30, 20CL... This Agreement may be renewed for an additional five (5) year. term at Lessee's option, sutject to the rent Mjuslment as provided in Paragraph 3 below. Lessee shall prov;de Lessor 120 days advanced vritten notice of Its exercise of the rene'lVal option, If lessee holds over and remains in possession of Ihe land after t'1e expiration of the term specified in this : ease, :x ar,y renewals of such term, Lessee's tenancy shall be considered a tenancy at sufferance, subject to the same te..rns and conditions as herein contained in this Lease. . This Lease is suoject to all utilities in place and to ti,e rnQintenance thereof as well as any other COVe:"lGllts, easements, or restrictions of record. This lease sh2l1 be constn.:ed as a lease of only the interest, if f,ny, of Lessor, and no warranty of title shall M deemed to be given herewith. 2. Use. The leased land shall be usecJ solely for the purpose of parJ$in~ If the land is used for any other purpose, the Lessor shaH have the option of immediately :erminating this Agreement. Lessee shall not permi1 a:1Y use of the land in any manner that would obstruct or interfere with any transportation facilities, The Lessee Vim further use and occupy said premises in a careful and proper manner, and not commit any waste therecn. Lessees will not cause, or allow to be caustJd, any nuisance or objectiol"labJe activity of any nature on the premises. Aflyactivities in any way Involving hazardous materials or substances of any kind Whatsoever, either as those terms may be defined under any state or federal laws or regulations or as those terms are understood in common usage, are specifically prohibited, The Lessee will not use or occupy said premIses for any unlawful purpose and will. at Lessee's sole ClJst and expense, conform to and obey any present or future ordinances and/or rules, regulations, requirements and orders of governmental authorities or agencies respecting the I,;se and occupation of said premises. 3. Rent. Lessee shall pay to Lessor as rent. on or before the first day of each rent payment period, the sum of $2,365.00 taxes included plus tax, for each one (1) year of the term. If this Agreement is terminated prior to the end of any rent payment period, !.he unearned portion of any rent payment. less any other amounts lfJat may be owe,j to Lessor, shall be refunded to Lessee, Lessei'l shall pay any and all state, county, city and local taxeS that may be due during the term hereof, including any real property taxes. Ref'lt payments shalt be made payable to the Department of Transportation and shall be sent to RiSht of Way Administration, 1000 NW 111th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33172 . The Lessor reserves the right to review and adjust the rental fee biannually and at renewal tel reflect market conditions. Any installment of rent not received within ten (10) days after the da:s due '- FORM 57x,GCo:l3 ~IGHT ?" "'A Y . :~IC 1 P3~.Z?f4 shall bear Interest at the highest rate allowed by law from the due date thereof. This provision srall not obligate Lessor to accept late rent p;)yments or provide Lessee a grace period, 4, Imorovemeilts, No structures or Improvements of any k.ind shall be placed upon the land without prjo~ ;;lpproval in writi!",g by the District Secretary for District Six ,_ of Lessor- Any such structures or Improveme~ts shall b~ constructed in a good and worKmanlike manner at Lessee's sole cost and expense_ Subject to any landlords lien, ary structures or imoro'/ernents constructed by Lessee shall be removed by t~e Lessee. at Lessee's sole Gost ard expense, b:; midnight on th,~ day of termination of this Agreement and the lar.d restored as nearly as practical to its condition at the time this agreement is executed. Portable or temporarl advertising signs are prohibited Lessee shall perform, at tile sale expense of Lessee, all work requi~ed in the preperatiollof the prop5liy or prem;ses hereby leased for occupancy by Lessee, in the absence of any special provision herein contained to the contrar{ ar.d I_essee does hereby accept the !eased property or premises as now being in fit and tenantable conCi,ion fer all plJrpcses of Lessee Lessor reservl~$ the right to inspect the leased area and to require whatever adjustment to structures or improvements as Lessor, in its sole discretion, deems necessary, Any adjustrr,ents shall be done at Lessee's sale costs and expe:lse. 5. Maintenance. Lessee shall keep and maintain the land and any building or other structure, now 0' hereafter erected thereon, in goad and safe condition and repair at Lessee's own expense during the existence of this lease, and shall keep t'1e same free and clear of any and all grass. weeds, brush and debris of any kind, so as to prevent the same t:ecoming dan!:;ercus, inflammable or objectionable- Lessor shall have no duty to inspect or maintain any of the land, bui:dings Oi other structures, if any, d'Jiing the term of this Lease; however, Lessor shall have the right, upor, twenty-four (24) hours notice to Lessee. to enter the property far purposes of inspection, including cor,ducting an environmenial assessment. Such assessment may include but would not be limited to: surveying, sampling of building materials, soil and groundwater; monitoring well installations; soil excavation; groundwater rernediatior.: emergency asbeslos abatement; operation and maintenance inspectionsj and, any other actions which might be reasonable and necessary. Lessor's right of entry sha!1 not obligate ilispectlon of the property by Lessor, nor shall It relieve the Lessee of its duty to maintaIn the property. In the event of emergency due to e release or suspec~ed release of hazardous waste or. the preMises, Lesser shall have the right of immediate inspection, 2nd the righi, but no the obligation, to engage in remedial action, without notice. 6. Indeiln,ficatiQn. Lessee shall indemnify, defend, save er.d hold Lessor, its agElnts and employees, harml",ss of and from en~" losses, fines, penalties, ';05tS, damage, claims, dem(;nds, suits end liabilities of any nature, including a:tomeys fees. (including regulatory and appellate fees), arising out of, because of, or due to any accider,ts, happening cr occurrence on the leased land or arising in any manner on account of the exercise o~ attempted exercise of Lessee's rights 1ereuncer whether the same regards person or property of any nature whe~soev9r, regardless of the appor.ionment of negligence, unless due to the sole negligence of lessor. Lessee's oblJgaticn to indemnify, defend, Md pay for the defe:'lse or at the De~artrnent's option. to participGle and associate with the Department in the defense and trial of any claim and any relatec settlement negotiations, shall be. triggered by llle Department's notice of claim for indemnr.ication to L.essee_ Lessee's inability to eV~IL;&te liability or its evaluation of liat.il;ty shall not excuse Lessee's duty to defend and indemnify within seven days after s:.Jch notice by the Department is given by registered mail. Only an adjudication or judgement after the highest appeai is exhausted ~pec;ficatly find the Department solely negligent shall excuse performance of this provision by Lesse~. Lessee shal: pay all costs and fees related to this obligation and its enforcement by the Department. Department's failure to nOiify Lessee of a claim sh~1I not release Lessee of the abcve duty to defend, 7, Insurance. Lessee at its expense, shall maintain at all time during the term of this Lease, public liaJilit'y bsurance proteclir,g Lessor and Lessee against any and all claims for injury and damage to persons or property or for the loss of life or property occurring In, on or about the land arising out of the act, negligence, omission, nonfeasance or malfeasance of Lessee, its employees, agents. contractors, customers Iictmsees, and invit8~$. Such inSUri3nCe shall be c3rr1ed in a m:i1irnum amount of not less than one million (S 1,00'1000.00 ) fer beei'y i.i;UI) or death to any Gne person or any number of persons in anyone occurrence and not less than one m:lIion ($ J .OOO,O_Q9-00h : for propert'( damage, All such policies shall be issued :JY companies of recognized respons"1ifmy licensed Ie dG b~J$iness j,'l the State of Florida and all such policies shal! contain a provision whereby the 3ame carmo: be canceled or mcdified unless Lessor is given at lease sixty (60) days prior written notice of such cancellation or modification. L.e5see shall provide ~essor certificates Showing such Ir.surance to be in plaCE: and shOWing Le'3sor as ..-/ .-- "..' "OP.l~ !75.c..oC.33 RiGHTOf' W~y. OSlO' Cl:.ge 3 0' 4 additional name insured under the pollcies- Lessor may require the amount of any public liability insurance to be maintained by Lessee be increased so that the amount thereof adequately protects Lessor's inte,reSL Lessee furtl'er agrees that it shalt during the full tenn of t.l1is Lease and at its own expense keep the land a~d any Imp,rO\lemer,ts on the lano fully insured against loss or damaQe by fire and other casualty. Lessee also agrees that It shall d~nng the full term of this Lease and at its own expense keep its contents and personal property located on the land fully Insured against loss or damage by fire or other casualty and does hereby release and waive on behalf of itself and its insurer, by SUDrogation or othe"'Nlse, all claims against Lessor arising out of any fire or other casualty whether or not such fire or other casualty shall rave resulted in whole or in part from the negligence of the Lessor. 8, ~minent Domain. Lessee acknowledges and agrees that its relationship with Lessor under this Lease is one ot La~dlord and Tenant and no othfjr relationship either expressec or implied shall be deemed to apply :0 the parties wr,der this Lease. Term ination of this Lease for any cause shall not be deemed a taking under any ,~minent domain or other law so as to entitle Le,ssee to comper,sation for any interest suffered or lost as a result of termination of this Lease, including but nol limited to <I) any residual interest in the Lease, or Oi) a:1Y other facts or circumstances arising out of or in connection with this Lease. Lessee hereby waives and relinquishes any legal rights e.nd monetary claims which it might have for full compensation, or damages of any sort, including but not limited to special damages, severance damages, removal costs or loss of business profits resulting from its loss of occupancy of the leased property specified in the Agreement, CJ; adjacent properties owned or leased by it, when any or an such properties are taken by eminent domain proceedings 0' sold under the threat thereof. This waiver and relinquishment applies whether (I) this Lease is still in e:<iste;'lce on the dat~ of takin:;J or sale; or (ii) has been terminated prior thereto, 9. Mjsce!lanel~us. a. This Agreel;\ent may be terrninc<!ted by Lessor immediately, without prior notice, upon defaiJlt by Lessee hereurder, and may be terminated by either party upon thirty. (~) days prior written notice to the other party. b, In the case of litigation arising out of the enforcement of any terr\1$, covenants or provisions of this Lease, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees from ~e non-prevailing party. c, Lessee acknowledges that it has reviewed this Lease, is familiar with its terms and has had adequate oppurtunity to review this Lease with legal counsel of Lessee's choosing. Lessee has entered into this Lease freely and voluntarily. This Lease contains the complete L'nderstancing of the parties witt. respect to the subject matter hereof. A!I pr'or understandings and agreements. oral or written, heretofore made between the parties andlor between Lessee and ti1e pre'/ious owner of the leased property and landlord of Lessee are merged in this Lease, which alane, ~uliy and completely expresses the agreement between Lessee and Lessor with respect to the subject matter hereof, No modification, waiver or amendment of Ihis Lease or any of its conditions or provisions shall be binding upon Lessor Dr Les!'Jee unless in writing and signed by both such parties. ;1- Lessee sMllliot sublet the teaSE property or e.ny PQrt thereof, nor assign this Lease, witl:out the pr:or consent in writing of the Le:3sor, this Lease be:ng executed by Lessor upon ltle credit end reputation of Lessee. Acceptar.ce by Lessor of rental f:orn a third party shall not be considemd as an assignment or subiease, e. Lessee shall be solely responsible for all bills for electricity, lighting, power, gas, water, telephore and telegraph services, or ar,)' other utility or service used on the Jand. 1. Yhls Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida, and any applicable laws of the United States of America. g, Ail nctlces to Lessor shall be sent to the address for rent payments and ali notices to Lessee srall be st:ln; to: ..&l~....rt 'IN I yne and Car.OIYJ'! A I ym~ a1112aEjilihleb.~_Marnthon Florida 33050 , ---,......-- -.._,' ~OR!.l S7S-OIlc.:3 'tGMT QII y.,AY.. ~5i<.l1 Fsg.' ,f 4 IN WITN~SS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed. the day and year first above written. LESSOR LEGAL REVIEW: C~.il-2.C2---.- District Counsel Michael Schloss Print Name Jose Abreu Print Name Attest fY2(U~."'n I'.}-N~ .?, ~ 'SEAL' ~~~--\ , Executive Secretary By: Robert W.. LYTle & Carcly.1 A. Lyne Print Name Title; Attest: (SEAL) Title: RECY::LF.ll PAPeR @ ..........,....'__ .-.... a. ....._...~... -- .---".- ...--' U.J .J I) I}";;' IJ tJ. ... I l' .""~ .~ '.J.J # .... 'J. ....,.... ,_/ EXHIBIT IIA" LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF STATE ROAD No, 5 (U.S. HIGHWAY No. 1 RIGHT -OF-WAY) SOUTHEASTERLY OF AND ADJACENT TO LOTS 32 AND 45, "co~eH KEY", A' SUSD!VISION AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 130, OF SECTiONS ! 4 I-,NO 15. TOWNSHIP 65 SOUT~, RA;--JGE 34 EAST, OF THE MONROE COUNTY, FlDRIDA, PUBLIC RECORDS, AI\iD BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: aeGINNING AT A POINT AT THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 32, ON 7HE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID STAT~ R::)AD No, 5; BEAR NORTH 68 DEGREES 33 MINUTES 26 SECONDS EAST, ALONG SAiD NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT -OF -\~AY UNE. FOR .A. DISTANCE OC' 153,00 F::ET. TO TrlE SOUT~EASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 45; THENCE BEAR SOUTH 21 DEGREES 26 MINUTES 34 SECONDS EAST. ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTf-i[A5TERLY L1~~E OF SAID LOT 45, FOR A DISTANCE OF 84,20 FEET, TO A POINT; THENCE BEAR SOUTH 68 DEGREES 33 MINUTES 26 SECONDS WEST, ALONG A LINE 115.80 FEET NORTHWESTERLY OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE (BASELINE OF SURVEY), FOR, A DIST.6,NCE OF 66..32 F::ET, TO A POINT; THENCE BE.AR NORTH 67 DEGREES 16 MINUTES .34 SECONDS WEST, ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHEASTERLY RiGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF NORTH CONCH AVENUE, FOR p, DISTA~~CE OF 120.84 FEET, BACK TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAiNING AN AREA OF 9,232,9 SQUA,=<E FEET, MORE OR LESS. LEGEND ABBREVIATlO;-.lS lh;. ,.,\;(i,t L"at THE 5~(TC,~ 01' \-teN.. O~' - $1.'1 ~OMROL I'(;INT eo-c. _ cONc~CE ~~S~~'~,T~~a~' o~~a-:::,;.:t.;';':T;I~' :::,~; ~:d'" .. 5$ ~R(~/O'Se,.g,:'6 II(" . ~(J"T-CF-W"Y ......."':m TIC";'" 51"NI."'" ..I to(\n O' ,_ . IS':~Jt~'~ ~~r ~..~: ~~UfiiCC lIr IhCl n~iLJa D~at~ of !,,,,hna.;Q'1U! lu'u,' ,.". ":11', _ (OJ T I Su("\Oc~t;t", If' ehQP~u 61.,1'..0, flor,dc . . ro.....O .f. PIP( . O~:l/O~~IP IO~ ,~min"'ra:'v. COOf, pLn:uanl ~o S.c;llan ~ /SIIE/c;.p 1'YPf: P.C.C... i'QIhT cr COMMEt.lct"":NT (7~.O:Z', rll;;r,40 $lot",~e'. ." . . powER -OLe P,~,8- . POl".kOf BECINN:NO 001. Sl:tTCH ;...0)0'.0 ,___-1~l:LJlJ--. ,,<- '_ F~UNO CO/<l1'RCi. P,:NM ~ . C~N. UNE sKET'::H Of Si'ECU1C p"/lrOSI! . .~. IoWl/P'f~ur "-~A. AI,!<:l J(HCWN AS SURVEY rolt 1.I::CAL lJESCRIPTlLJ.'i _~_r_."_ . c~.. POwCR Ttlcp..ON,. mOtOR C>.6' ~ ,,,[; ctRTlf':ED TO; . ~ ,. _,~_ ' ~' I.L : JCEN WILLiAMS N~.[: \JNQEa.RcuNO [~~QAC..loI(NtS It joN' ARt NoT 1.').<"tEO. fLClllOA DEllt.RTMEX'I' or All. .....cur All! 90' UNL[S5 OTHeRWISE NQ~Ltl, 7RANS?O~TATlON . J.P. c:R"'[~, R.~IS1E..EO 'LO~OA SuRvt'!CR ,,^il IoI..,ppr, ~' " p c..sex ~ 1Q40~ I" 61" ~!"l:(T ........--. _tv e~lc"r 8;;":". n, ~O~I'O";l' AEv.Se:o o!>/O,/QB .io', PJ.UL cii'iif:. . iJJ ii:'~~o~ Ok. (JO~) 7'~-'5'" P,N, 97'022ill JC ~""S~y[~r~'[~~s~~"'Nr ~O'E VAL'O FAJ! (;lC51 ]'J-HYT ?N. g7102, !If T_15 5')""('1' SlAIJECT TQ A Tlllt iCNIC". PACE 1 OF 2 FLORIDA DEPARTME~T OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT .Yl W,P,I. No, 5rAl~/JJ6 N~. : re~ero' Jo~ Nc, : Slale Raod No:, : :~Llnl.y/l(ey "'c'eel No. 6116523 9005C- :~09 N/A 5 (8(;)'si~e) ""enrol!. Conch <ey W.1 6J 6CB 1 ':I.eooe) .1):) ,J lJ.' IJ~ "U _ -I'" r:\..i. ,)U;J I ., .Jt: _ ,J <1 -.-- .- .--..----------.--.-- ,~ LuT 32 ~<~,~ / ." ,c', "', "", ' i.... .. ".. r.'T .C'~.... .J{ \ ..", /~' .<,<,,<,. /'';!J,'/T~ ,~- " .'> . ~~ ' ,.,' ~/ /" \01 ~ Il.!pi.' ,1/, ,fTrJ,I:Zl7TTrr-' ~ ,.::: :':~:;l~ \ ' ','./ .' :P.' -;':.._11 ,...,,' ,:;., ,,'/1';>;,;;: ,III'/if,r;-fnt~ ;< ". '. r"-"' ',' I.. ,\t.'to .. . . ':/ i '~.f!1:J1hd''J'I/!!!/~' ' -< :" . , "I ... . 7 ' ' .t.!, 'JJ.JJt. ,(.., II ~"1:#.' .; ,/'; / ~~' ,^,_', .,)~,. . /.' '" o,,\~' I" ' . 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