Item O4
Meeting Date: Dec. 20. 2006
Bulk Item: Y es ~ No
Division: County Administrator
Staff Contact Person/Phone #: Tom Willi
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of issuance ofRFP for a private operator to provide ferry
service to maintain traffic between Marathon and Pigeon Key until such time as the Old Seven-Mile
Bridge span from Marathon to Pigeon Key is rehabilitated and re-opened.
ITEM BACKGROUND: The easternmost portion of historic Seven-Mile Bridge, approximately 2~
miles in length, is the primary means of access between the City of Marathon and Pigeon Key, an
unincorporated area of Monroe County, Florida. The physical condition of Seven-Mile Bridge has
deteriorated to the point that there are serious safety concerns associated with it remaining open. The
Florida Department of Transportation anticipates its closure by the end of 2006. Rehabilitation of the
bridge structure is not expected to begin any sooner that 2009.
Pigeon Key is presently occupied by the Pigeon Key Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted
to marine education and historic interpretation of the Key's heritage. The Foundation considers it
vital to conduct its educational and interpretation programs on the Key in the context of its historic
buildings and environment. It also considers vital to continue other fund raising activities (tourism,
festivals, weddings, proms) that provide resources for the operation, maintenance, preservation and
restoration of the Key's historic collection of structures and other facilities.
DOT has provided a Scope of Services for County to use in soliciting a provider of ferry services. See
Lease of Pigeon Key to Foundation. Approval oflease 7/29/1993 and ofarevised lease 10/19/1993.
APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management_
Not Required_
Revised 11106
Monroe County
Board of County Commissioners
Office of the Count)' Administrator
The Historic Gato Cigar Factory
1100 Simonton Street, Suite 205
Key West, FL 33040
(305) 292-4441 - Phone
(305) 292-4544 - FaK
Mayor Charles 'Sonny" McCoy, District 3
Mayor Pro Tern DiKie M. Spehar, District 1
George Neugent, District 2
Mario Di Gennaro, District 4
Glenn Patton, District S
{3QS) 294-4641
TO: County Commissioners, County Attorney and Clerk of Courts
FROM: Connie Cyr, Aide to County Administrator
DATE: D~cember ]9,2006
SUBJECT: Agenda Item 0 - 4
The attached Scope of Services will be incorporated into the County's customary RFP format and maybe
modified to proviide for proposer's to add alternative components
Scope of Services
The easternmost portion of historic Seven-Mile Bridge, approximately 2~ miles in
length, is the primary means of access between the City of Marathon and Pigeon Key, an
unincorporated area of Monroe County, Florida. The physical condition of Seven-Mile
Bridge has deteriorated to the point that there are serious safety concerns associated with
itl'emaining open. The Florida Department of Transportation (hereinafter referred to as
"the Department") anticipates its closure by the end of 2006. Rehabilitation of the bridge
structure is not expected to begin any sooner that 2009.
Pigeon Key is presently occupied by the Pigeon Key Foundation (hereinafter referred to
as "the Foundation"). The Foundation is a non-profit organization devoted to marine
education and historic interpretation of the Key's heritage. The Foundation considers it
vit:al to conduct its educational and interpretation programs on the Key in the context of
its historic buildings and environment. It also considers vital to continue other fund
raising activities (tourism, festivals, weddings, proms) that provide resources for the
opc:ration. maintenance, preservation and restoration of the Key's historic collection of
stmctures and other facilities.
Thc:refore, the [INSERT NAME OF RESPONSffiLE AGENCY] (hereinafter referred to
as "the Agency") is soliciting a qualified private operator with experience in the
waterborne transport of passengers and goods (hereinafter referred to as "the Contractor")
to provide for temporary ferry services to maintain traffic between the City of Marathon
andl Pigeon Key to permit the Pigeon Key Foundation to continue its educational and
historic functions without unreasonable interruption until the Seven-Mile Bridge
connection is restored.
This Request for Proposals (Scope of Services) will be available between [RELEASE
DATE] and [DUE DATE]. Six (6) signed original copies of proposals the proposal,
identified by "Pigeon Key Ferry Service" on the envelope. must be submitted by [DUE
Draft Version3.l
All inquires with respect to this procurement shall be directly solely to the Agency's
contact person:
An informational meeting will be held at [MEETING TIME AND DATE] at FDOT
Marathon Operations Center, 3100 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050.
Attendance by respondents is mandatory. All individuals planning to attend the
imormational meeting should notify the Agency's contact person identified above no later
A !iUmmary of key dates associated with this procurement are as follows:
[RELEASE DA TE]............................Release of Request for Proposals
[MEETING DATE] ...........................Informational Meeting
[DUE DATE) .....................................Proposals Due
[AWARD DATE] ..............................Notice of Award
[NTP DATE]......................................Notice to Proceed
[One week prior to ROD] ..................Start of Trial Operations (TOD)
[REVENUE OPERATIONS DATE].Start of Revenue Operations (ROD)
The: required start date for revenue service under this agreement is [ROD). Service
provided under this agreement shall be for an initial period extending to June 30, 2007,
and. thenceforth renewing for up to eight (8) six-month periods at the Agency's sole
option. At the end of the initial period and each subsequent renewal period, and upon 30
days notice to the Contractor, the Agency may terminate this service without penalty.
A, Ferry Service Requirements
The successful respondent shall enter into an agreement with the Agency to provide ferry
service as well as manage and maintain lands ide facilities necessary to operate the
service. The service shall consist of two components, passenger transport and goods
transport, as described in the Sections IV.A.! and IV.A.2. The Contractor shall be
responsible for providing all staffing, vessels, and associated equipment and services
necc:ssary to operate the service.
I. Passenger Transport
The Contractor shall provide for the safe, reliable and comfortable transport of
passengers between existing mooring facilities in the City of Marathon and on Pigeon
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Key consistent with the functional requirements described within this section. Base
service will be provided daily between the hours of lOAM and 4 PM at headways no
greater than 90 minutes supplying a functional capacity of 45 passengers per hour (or
60 passengers per 90 minute interval) in both directions (plus two additional round
trips operated within 90 minutes before and after the hours of lOAM and 4 PM for
staff access, as noted below). Other passenger service will be provided in accordance
with the functional requirements of this section. Prospective Contractors are
encouraged to propose a base service, supplemented by a minimal number of on-
demand trips, that would consolidate ferry trips in a cost-effective manner and shall
not, in the sole opinion of the Agency, unreasonably disrupt Foundation operations.
a. Educational Groups
The Foundation provides educational programs year-round for on a prearranged basis.
There are typically 85 educational groups per year, ranging in size from 15 to 70
persons per group. Access to Pigeon Key for educational groups is presently provided
by two vans operated as needed and a tram-service operated on a fixed schedule by
Foundation staff. At present, many groups are school groups that arrive and depart
during the school day, while others may arrive and depart outside of school hours
(including weekends) and may stay overnight on Pigeon Key. Every effort should be
made to accommodate these trips within the base service in a manner that shall not, in
the sole opinion of the Agency, unreasonably disrupt Foundation operations.
b. Historic Tours
The Foundation provides historic tours for the general public every day of the year.
There are on average 16 persons daily on historic tours with a recorded high of 50
persons on one-day. Access to Pigeon Key for historic tours is presently provided by
a tram-service operated by Foundation staff on an hourly fixed schedule between 10
AM and 4 PM daily or by foot across the Seven-Mile Bridge. Persons on the historic
tours presently may return to Marathon on any scheduled tram trip or by foot at any
time. While maintenance of an hourly schedule for historic tours is desirable, the
time between tours can be temporarily expanded to 90 minutes if necessary without
unreasonably disrupting Foundation operations.
c. Ans Festival
The Foundation hosts an annual three-day Arts Festival. The volume of persons
Itraveling to Pigeon Key for historic tours and other functions typically increases
during the Festival up to 2,000 daily trips. Past access to Pigeon Key has been
provided by foot across Seven-Mile Bridge and by a motor launch operating between
Marathon and Pigeon Key on 90 minute headways. Scheduled ferry service shall be
provided during the Arts Festival with sufficient capacity such that no waiting
individual queued for 30 minutes prior to a scheduled trip will be denied boarding.
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Methods for regulating traffic and managing crowd control during the Arts Festival,
such as timed boarding passes, shall be addressed specifically in the Contractor's
operating plan.
d. Contracted Functions
The Foundation contracts for weddings, proms, retreats and other group use of Pigeon
Key facilities on a prearranged basis throughout the year. Retreat groups typically
involve 15 to 70 persons. Wedding and proms typically involve 50 to 200 persons.
Retreat groups stay overnight on Pigeon Key. At present, access to Pigeon Key for
contracted functions is presently provided by two vans operated as needed and a tram-
service operated on a fixed schedule by Foundation staff. Every effort should be
made to accommodate these trips within the base service in a manner that shall not, in
the sole opinion of the Agency, unreasonably disrupt Foundation operations.
e. Guest House Use
The Foundation provides overnight use of the Guest House on Pigeon Key on a
prearranged basis throughout the year. The Guest House is typically occupied 250
nights a year by groups up to eight persons. At present, access to Pigeon Key for
Guest House use is presently provided by a van operated as needed or a tram-service
operated on a fixed schedule by Foundation staff. Every effort should be made to
accommodate these trips within the base service in a manner that shall not, in the sole
opinion of the Agency, unreasonably disrupt Foundation operations.
f. Staff Access
Foundation staff presently arrives and departs Pigeon Key on irregular schedules. Up
to five staff members remain in residence on Pigeon Key. Staff access will be
accommodated within the base service in a manner that shall not, in the sole opinion
of the Agency, unreasonably disrupt Foundation operations.
g. Emergency Access
On-demand, emergency access for the evacuation of up to six persons from Pigeon
Key to Marathon is required whenever persons are occupying Pigeon Key within 15
minutes or less of identified need. Prospective contractors shall specifically address
solutions to satisfy this special service requirement in the Contractor's operating pan
that are creative. practical and cost-effective. Use of Pigeon Key staff in residence for
the provision of this service may be considered as long as the Contractor's operating
plan makes provisions for their training and oversight in accordance with Section
2. Goods Transport
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The Contractor shall provide for the safe, reliable and environmentally secure
transport of goods between existing mooring facilities in the City of Marathon and
Pigeon Key consistent with the functional requirements described within this section.
The Contractor is required to provide for safe, efficient and environmentally secure
loading and off-loading of goods at either end of a trip.
Prospective Contractors are encouraged to provide for goods movements using the
scheduled base service, supplemented by a minimal number of additional trips that
would consolidate ferry trips in a cost-effective manner that shall not, in the sole
opinion of the Agency, unreasonably disrupt Foundation operations.
a. Consumables
Foundation operations require regular delivery of diesel and propane fuel, food, and
other consumables to Pigeon Key and the removal of trash, garbage and other rubbish
to Marathon on a regular basis.
Diesel fuel is presently conveyed to Pigeon Key in 250-gallon increments by pick-up
truck as often as three days per week when groups are in residence and no less than
twice weekly. Propane is deliveries are presently weekly in tanks off-loaded from a
pick up truck. The volume of food delivery varies in proportion to the number of
persons/groups occupying Pigeon Key and deliveries are typically required every
other day.
The volume of trash, garbage and other rubbish likewise varies in proportion to the
number of persons/groups occupying Pigeon Key and may be required by demand to
be removed as often as daily but no less than weekly.
Fuel, trash, garbage and rubbish may not be transported on the same ferry trip as
passengers. If a prospective contract intends to transport fuel, trash, garbage and
rubbish on the same vessel used for passengers when passengers are not present,
proposed methods for effective vermin control and cleaning prior to reuse of the
vessel by passengers shall be specifically addressed in the Contractor's operating plan.
b. Other Material
The Foundation requires delivery of other materials as needed to support operational,
maintenance and facility restoration activities. Special delivery requirements
associated with the Arts Festival and contracted functions described in Section IV .A.I
also require delivery of tents, tables, chairs and other similar material and catering
supplies on the prior to events and the removal of the same the day after the event.
These requirements will be identified to the Contractor by the Foundation no less than
two weeks prior to the event. Requests by the Foundation for the transport of other
Draft Version 3.1
material shall be accommodated by the Contractor in a manner that shall not, in the
sole opinion of the Agency, unreasonably disrupt Foundation operations.
c. Special Equipment
An 80 kW electric generator on a trailer must be evacuated from Pigeon Key in the
event of a hurricane warning and subsequently returned. The Contractor shall
accommodate this need.
B. Vessel Requirements
Vessels to be used by the Contractor shall be compatible with the existing docking
facilities in Marathon and on Pigeon Key. If the Contractor chooses to suggest
modifications to any landing facilities, those modifications should be explained in detail
in the proposal and all associated costs should be included in the cost proposal.
Any vessel to be used in passenger and/or goods transport must carry a valid Guard
Certificate of Inspection from the United States Coast Guard and comply with all safety
and accessibility laws, regulations, and requirements pertaining to the transport of
passengers and goods, as applicable to the intended use of each vessel in the Contractor's
op€:rating plan. Vessels must be equipped to safely and efficiently operate year round in
the navigational and weather environment of the Florida Keys, including, but not limited
to, dense fog, high wind, squalls, heavy rain, sea state and heavy vessel traffic conditions.
The: contractor must, at all times, utilize vessels that offer clean, neatly furnished and
heated inside accommodations with clean restroom facilities, good lighting, waste
rec,~ptacles, and an audible public address system.
C. Docking and Operations Requirements
The: Agency will provide for access and use to existing landing facilities in Marathon and
on Pigeon Key to be used by the Contractor. If additional landing facilities or
modifications to existing landing facilities are deemed necessary by the Contractor to
operate the services, they shall be provided by the Contractor and should be included in
its proposal. All associated costs should be included in the Contractor's cost proposal.
All modifications to landing facilities will be subject to approval by the Agency.
The Contractor's ferry operation is subject to all regular operating permits and license
requirements of the United States Department of Transportation and Coast Guard, as well
as the Department, including any associated fees. The Contractor shall be required to
prepare and follow an operational plan approved by the Agency. The vessels and
associated equipment to be used in this service, as well as the operational plan, shall be
subject to approval by the Agency. At a minimum, this plan shall address docking, vessel
operations, passenger and/or goods boarding and discharge plan, emergency procedures,
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and a projection for the length of the contract of the Contractor's capability to maintain
the, vessels and crew in a satisfactory passenger transportation operational condition.
The Contractor shall maintain zero-tolerance policy for drug and alcohol abuse for all
employees directly involved in the provision of services under this agreement. The
Contractor will provide for a program of random drug and alcohol testing for the duration
of this agreement consistent with the requirements of the Federal Transit Administration.
I. Performance Measures
The Contractor's operating plan shall define a combination of proposed scheduled
and unscheduled trips anticipated to be operated in a typical week for the
maintenance of traffic. Trips transporting passenger may be considered a minor
violation of on-time performance if it either: a) arrives at or departs from Pigeon
Key more than 5 minutes late but less than 10 minutes late; or b) arrives at or
departs from Marathon more than 5 minutes but not less than 10 minutes late. All
other trips may be considered a minor violation of on-time performance if it
either: a) arrives at or departs from Pigeon Key more than 15 minutes late but less
than 30 minutes late; or b) arrives at or departs from Marathon more than 15
minutes but not less than 30 minutes late.. Each trip may be considered a major
violation of on-time performance its arrival or departure excess of these
times up to one hour. Each trip lilTiving at its destination more than one hour late
may be considered a single incident of a missed trip.
The Contractor shall provide for the payment of liquidated damages for each
instance of a violation of on-time performance or a missed trip identified by the
Agency in accordance with the following schedule:
. $ 1,000 per missed trip
. $ 250 per instance of major lateness
. $ 50 per instance of minor lateness
· $ 250 per day per vessel for a violation of the passenger service standards.
Violations include, but are not limited to, untidy vessels, inadequate safety
appliances, an uncomfortable passenger environment, and inaudible or
improperly used public address system, or discourteous crew behavior.
The Contractor shall not be liable for liquidated damages for either late or missed
trips in instances caused by factors strictly beyond the control of the Contractor,
such as docking facility failure, schedule modifications approved by the Agency,
heavy fog, requirements of the Vessel Traffic Service and Coast Guard, law
enforcement actions, medical emergencies and rescue operations. In any event,
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every effort should be made to maintain safe on-time performance.
However, in no circumstances shall the failure of lack of availability of the
Contractor's equipment or crews, or any other such circumstances within the
Contractor's control, be an acceptable excuse for late or missed trips.
2. Reporting Requirements
The Contractor shall provide detailed daily and monthly reports with accurate
information on the ridership. departure time. and arrival time for each trip. These
reports shall identify any late or missed trips. Reports shall be submitted by fax
and email in a format acceptable to the Agency. Daily reports are due by noon the
following day. and monthly reports are due by the Slh day of the following month.
3. Substance Abuse
The Contractor shall maintain zero-tolerance policy for drug and alcohol abuse for
all employees directly involved in the provision of services under this agreement.
The Contractor will provide for a program of random drug and alcohol testing for
the duration of this agreement consistent with the requirements of the Federal
Transit Administration.
D. Insurance and Indemnification Requirements
Five (5) copies of the proposal identified by "Pigeon Key Ferry Service" on the envelope must
be submitted to AGENCY and received by [DUE DATE AND TIME]. Proposals must be
delivered 1tO:
All respondents must submit the following items. Failure to submit any of these items will result
in a finding that the submission is non-responsive, and the submission will be rejected.
A. Description of Services to Be Provided
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Proposal shall include a description of all services to be provided, in accordance with the
service requirements detailed in Section IV of this Scope of Services. In order to be
deemed responsive, proposals must include a Contractor's operating plan documenting
ability to to safely and reliably operate the required services and containing the following:
. Vessels: Description of vessel types. seating capacity, number of vessels, vessel
speeds, description of passenger amenities on vessels, and vessel specifications
demonstrating a capacity to dock at existing landing facilities at Pigeon and
Marathon. If any modifications to landing facilities would be required, they should be
explained in detail. Any modifications would be subject to the Agency's approval
and would be the responsibility of the Contractor. All costs shall be included in this
proposal. Explanation of whether required vessels are currently in the Contractor's
possession, their current use, or how they will be acquired. Commitment that all
vessels meet all United States Coast Guard and other permitting requirements.
. Service Schedules: Provide schedules for ferry services, demonstrating a commitment
to meet service requirements stated in Section IV. Shuttle schedules and headways are
open to some flexibility if Contractor thinks an adequate level of service can be
maintained using fewer vehicles.
. Stamm! Commitment: Provide number of staff to be committed to providing each
service. staff hours, level of experience, and assignments of each staff member.
. Service Disruotion Contingency Plan: Explanation of how service will be provided in
the event of service disruptions, equipment failures, or breakdowns.
. Reoair and Maintenance Plans: Description of preventative maintenance plan and
warranty-related repair practices.
· Passenl!er Service Plan: Description of capabilities to handle customer relations and
complaints, marketing of services, and printing notices announcing service and
schedule changes for public distribution.
B. Past Experience and Other Resources
Proposal must detail the operator's past experience operating similar marine passenger
and goods transportation services, including descriptions of other services currently being
provided, past experiences providing similar services, and ridership numbers on all
similar services cited.
In order to be deemed response, the proposal shall demonstrate that the proposer has
sufficient financial resources, professional responsibility and experience to safely and
relillbly operate the required services, including any documentation or information
evidencing the strengths of the proposer's team in the start-up and provision of common-
Draft Version 3.1
carrier passenger services. Experience managing lands ide facilities and scheduled
opc:rations, such as management of administrative services, record keeping and public
relations, shall also be demonstrated.
C. Timeframe for Implementing Services
Proposal shall provide a detailed schedule for implementing all services by [ROD],
including acquisition of all vessels, equipment, personnel and training as required. It is
anticipated that the Contractor will operate trail service for up to one week prior to the
stlllt of revenue service. If this schedule cannot be met, an alternative schedule may be
presented. However. there is a strong preference for service that can start by [ROD].
D. Proposed Fee
Responses should propose a single monthly fee to be charged to the Agency for the
provision of all services described in this scope of services, including an itemized
breakdown of all anticipated costs. This fee should include all costs necessary to provide
all services, including, but not limited to, all vessels, vehicles, equipment, staffing,
inslW"ance, and administrative costs, including the cost of any approved modifications to
landing facilities and other start up costs identified in Section V.A, as well as other
ope,ration costs and profit. The Contractor will only be paid for services rendered, net of
liquidated damages.
E. Statement of Agreement
A statement of agreement signed by an authorized principal or officer that the principal
has read this Scope of Services and all exhibits hereto and agrees to the terms and
conditions set forth in the Scope of Services and the exhibits
F. Basis of Compensation
Thl: Contractor will be compensated monthly by the Agency in the amount of the
proposed fee identified in Section V.D, net of any liquidated damages incurred during the
prior monthly period as identified in Section IV .C.l, within 30 days of submission of an
approved invoice and required supporting documentation to the Agency.
G. Suspension of Service
The: Contractor shall suspend all services in the event that the Foundation suspends
activities on a temporary or permanent basis. The Agency, at its sole discretion, will
detc:rmine which days the Foundation is or is not active.
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The: Contractor shall be compensated only for services actually provides on days which
the Foundation is active. The value of days in which service is suspended shall be
calculated on a pro-rated basis from an annual accumulation of monthly fees identified in
Section V.D. The Foundation, Department and Agency are not responsible for Contractor
costs incurred or revenues lost by the interruption of service and/or suspension and restart
of services.
The basis of award for a contract under this agreement will be the Contractor submitting the
lowest responsive proposal as identified in Section V.D.. In order to be deemed "responsive", a
prospective: contractor's proposal must adequately address all of the terms and requirements
described in this Scope of Services to the satisfaction of the Department and the Agency, in
particular the requirements identified in Sections V.A through V.C.
The Agency will only accept responses from qualified vendors. The Agency will review all
responses for responsiveness, after which the Agency may pursue negotiations with one or more
respondents. The Agency may pursue either entire submissions or portions of submissions for
designation. The Agency may award designations to one or more vendors. At its sole discretion,
the Agency may also elect to take no action toward selection.
The successful respondent will be required to fulfill all Agency contracting requirements,
including, but not limited to submission of questionnaires and surveys.
In addition to those stated elsewhere, this Scope of Services is subject to the conditions, terms,
and limitations stated below:
A. The: information set forth in this Scope of Services concerning tasks and procedures, legal
requirements, and other matters is believed to be accurate, but is not so warranted. The
Agllncy, its officials, officers, agents and employees assume no responsibility for errors or
omissions. Respondents are advised to verify independently the accuracy of all
information and to make their own judgements of the risks involved in the development
contemplated in this Scope of Services.
B. A nespondent may be eliminated, in the Agency's sole discretion, if (s)he, as an individual
or e:ntity, any principal shareholder of a corporate applicant or any member of the
applicant's tearn is, in the Agency's sole discretion, determined to have been convicted of
a felony or crime involving moral turpitude, to be an "organized crime figure", to be
under indictment or criminal investigation, to be in arrears or in default on any debt,
contract or obligation to the State of Florida or otherwise to be a "prohibited person" as
defmed by the Agency. Any principal shareholder of a corporate applicant or any partner
of a development tearn may have to complete a background questionnaire and be subject
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to investigation by the Department's Inspector General.
C. The Agency is not obligated to pay and shall not pay any costs in connection with
assisting the respondent or the project, or incurred by any respondent at any time unless
the Agency has expressly agreed to do so in writing.
D. The Agency shall be the sole judge of each response's conformity with the requirements
of the Scope of Services and of the merits of the individual proposals. The Agency
resc:rves the right to waive any conditions or modify any provision of the Scope of
Services with respect to all or any portion of the project, to establish additional terms and
conditions, to solicit additional details or information from any or all respondents, to
accc:pt more than one response, or to reject any or all responses, if in its judgement it is in
the best interest of the Agency to do so.
E. In all cases, the Agency shall be the sole judge of the acceptability of the proposals.
F. All proposals submitted to the Agency in response to this Scope of Services are subject to
disdosure in accordance with the provisions of law.
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