Item P09 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDAITEMSU~RY Meeting Date: December 20, 2006 Division: COUNTY ATTORNEY Bulk Item: Yes No Department: _ Staff Contact PersonlPhone #: Natileene W. Cassel AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of an assignment of contract from Maximus, Inc. to Providence Community Corrections, Inc. ITEM BACKGROUND: The County has a contract with Maximums, Inc. to provide probation services for the County Court system in misdemeanor cases. Maximus, Inc. has been sold to Providence Community Corrections, Inc. This item allows Providence Community Corrections, Inc. to continue and complete the Maximus contract and insures that the same level of staffing will be maintained. The contract terminates on March 1, 2007; however. the County has the option to renew for two succeeding periods of one year each. This item allows continuity in probation services for the County; and allows time for the County and Judges to evaluate the new company, Providence Community Corrections. Inc. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: On January 21, 2004, following a bid process, the County entered into an agreement with Maximus. Inc. to provide probation services to County Courts. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: 1) Agrees to the change in ownership and assigns contract to Providence Community Corrections, Inc., 2) maintains current staff levels in all County venues, 3) provides for English and Spanish speaker availability in office and for testimony in trial. and 4) provides for insurance levels. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: BUDGETED~ Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No \. AMOUNTPERMONTB_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty ~.MB/Purchasing _ ),,/ Risk Management _ DOCUMENTATION: Included Not Required DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: <,~ ~r4f;l: /.6t} 3J.; ~ DIsPosmON: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 11/06 12/05/06 Tl~ 16:04 FAX . D~C-05-2006 03:01 305211i3516 Mt)NKUt.I.:UUN IY All MH",!I'l~ @002 U J ~""l ;"C J.I ,n J .(:...U:J.,c,U....U .I.'''' AMEND_NT MW CONSENT TO ASSIGm'4ENT OF AGREEMENT BE1'WBE.N >><<OmwE cctJNTY AND MAXJMt,l'S mo. FOR. dOM'M11NlTY CORRECTIONAL SEliVICES TO nc.OV1D;ENCE cOMMUNITY CORRECTIONS, mo. 1'JU$ cc)n.aent t;4) Aeslgnmf'ut and Amtlndment is made and entl!lred ic.to this _ day Qf Oecember 2006, in which Monroe Coun'l1Y ("COUNTY") consents to tbe assignment of the Community Correctional Services Agt'eement ("AGREEMENT"') 'between COUNTY and Maximus In!;;. ("MAXlM'US") from MAXfMUS to '.Providence Community Corrcction5. Inc. ("PROyrDENCE")- '\'YElBUAS) MAXtMUS an.d. COUNTY have ente:l:'ed in.to an AGREEMENT on JanulU'Y 21, 2004~ and ~S, said AGREEMENT far is still in effect:: and t CorflXttotU' ~u.s t lle SS WHERJliA~. MNClMUS .!tas been pU1l:hased by PROVIDENCE and MAXIMUS desires to assign. i AGR~B:MEI'IT with COUNTY to ?itOVIDENCEj and 'WBlliRlllASt PROVIDENCE desires to accept the assignment ofthe AGREEMENT from MAXlMUS; and W'BEPAS, PROVIDENCE fi.u."thec agrees to EWlenQ the AGREEMENT aEl set forth. below. NOW ".11I.BREFOQ, in oonsideX'ation of the ;m.u tual covel'lants oontained herein the patties have Ia@jrt::ed as follows: L. CONSENT TO ASSlGNJvtENT l.. By a. change ofovm.eubip eff'ective fj~30 ) 20of;rrom MAXlMU$ to PROVIDENCE, MAXlMUS has assigned to F'RO OENCE s:t1 MAXIMUS'S :rights, title and il'I.terest in the original AGREEMENT with COUNTY dated Ja1l:u.a.tY 21,2004 2 All ref'erea.ees in the AGREEMENT betWeen M.AXIMUS and COUNTY shall pertQin to, artd are 'binding 1.lpcm. PROVIDENCE and C01JN'I'Y. 3 In c.m.Gidaal;j.Q!l. for such consentl the PROVIpENC;E agrees to bo bO\1,uQ by all tlu: tenus .and conditions of the oIigina1. AGREEMENT, and to all a:m.lmdecl ptoviaions as set out herein below to pro'Vide for Miad(:lO.eanOI cOITcctional :Ie1"Vices to COUN'I'Y, n. AMEND.MENT TO AGRE~MEN':t " 1 follows: Section 2.1.1 ,6 of the AG~ENT ;shWl bej,amcnd.eli to l'CCld as .v 1B/OS/OB TU8 u;a1 rT1/RI. NQ ::I:)04J lil002 12/~5/06 Tim 16:04 FAX DI.:~-0S-2006 03~02 rlI'1A1nU'" 30G292~a15 MONROllCOUNT'f ATT 01.48: 14 P iii l.i:,'"'"",M-.V"'- 141003 oISectiOn 2 L 1.6 M;m;age PrOba.tione:r ca.se lirmtt:l and- tnaint.ai.n a reasonable uumb~ l;)! "tar! in each aIe$. of !:he Florida K.eys ( (Upper 1(eys/ Middlo Keys. a:r;I.d Lgwet' Keys) in tll"del" to prQ\Tide attention to all Cd-urt ordered tenIi6 anc1 conditions. PRoVIDENCE J;l,gt't:.es to :maintain at a rninimuro th= sa:me level of staffing in ~ach ax-ea of the Flotida Keys < (Upper Keys. Middle !Ceys, and Lower :Keys) as was employed by MAXTh/IUS Oil September It 2006, provid.ence :further a.grees to ma.irl.tain or increase $ta!l'salaries in all areas of ~ Florida Keys (Upper ~St Middle KeYs, and Lower Keys} during thlil :rem;tin.d~ of the tetm gf"tb;i6 Agree=ent. PRO,VIDENCE shall provide bilingual probati.on supervision services in each area of the FlQrida K=YS There shall be at l~ast one staff meJ;Q.ber on dUty u.t all times duting regular business houtS with fluency in both English a:n.d Spanish. There shall be at least one ataff !Ile:mber avaUable to testi..fy in eaoh area. of' th~ Flcrlda. J(q9 who is lluent in EIlgli~h. P'ROVIDENCE \Shall have sufficieX'l.t stlUt to supetv!e,e all misd.emeanor pr9batiOIlers. of the County COUtt ofMomoe County~ Flotida-n 2. Section 2.5 of the AGREEMENT sha1l be ame:o.ded to add tbe foUowing standard lan~agc: "Semion 2.5. ~PPRQ~RIA't'ION. Monroe County's pelfonnance and. obligation to pay undm this oontnlot, is contingent up{)n an sIIlliual appropriation by the aocc " 3. Se~til:)n a at the AO~MENT sball be amended to read os foUQ\W:: QSection a, mSURANOEl. PROVIDENCE covenanw and agrees to indemnify and hold ha.tmless MOlU'oe COl,U1ty Boaro. of'County Commissicnerl'l frotn any and all claims for bodily injury (including death), personal injuI'Y, and ptoperty dama.ge (including ploperty owned by Monroe: County) and any othet losses, damages, artd expenses (including attoro.ey's fees) whid1 ariflC out o~ ~ connection with, 01' by reason of sEltVices provided 11)' PROVIDENCE ool;llLSioned 'by the neg1igen~> eII'Ors, Of' othet VIJ'Ongful act of omissi~ ofPROV1DENCE, its ev1plOyeeB, or agents. the;: eXtent of liability is in no way limited to, reduced, or ll!:SSencd by the insuranoe teq'Uitem~nt!il contained e1sewhet'e within this agreement, FaUl,Ire of PROVIDJnNOE to comply with. the requU'ements of'this section shall be ca.use for lnunediate temtination of this agreement. Prior to exedUtion of this agr~ent. PROVIDENCE shall' funolish the CO'tmTY Certiiicatctl of InSUflmCe indicating tbe minimum coverage limit:ilnorn: in the following amounts: WOIt'KERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYER.S lIABlt;rlY INSURANCE. Whl!ll'e apPlicable, QOverfilge to apply for a.U ernpl()yees a.t a mmiIftum llt'atutory limits as -required by lilorida. Ll\w .i/ 12/05/00 TUB 13:~7 I~/RX NO 53D41 ijU003 12/95/06 TUE 16:05 FAX nE,f.;:;-05-2006 1213:~2 '"Il"l^H1U,", ::!1J~;!92<1\)' U 1VI1.71'iJi,Ul::. \JVlJrH Y ^ 1 I 14J004 "]~"tO"'Y' t..r 1n COMPREHENSIVE AUTOMOBIl<E VEmCLB LIABILITY INSURANCE Motor vehicle liability insulan~ in\:lluding il-pplioable nQ~fault cov~ge, wilhlimits of liability of' n~t lells than ILOOO,OoD,aq pet" oe<:UUeQCe., coro.bined single linrit for Bodily InjuIY Liability and Property Damage Lia.bility" Cove~age shall include aU owntd ytShicles, all non~owned yehictes~ and alll1ired vehicles, COMMERCJ.A!., GSNBR.AL LIABILITY Commeroial gcnoral liability ~verage with limits of liability of not less thfltClJ.OOOrOOO,rJO p~ occurrence combined si:ng1e limit for Bodily Injury Lia.bility and Property Pama.g~ Liability, CBR.1'lFICA'I'ES OF INst1RANCE. Original Certificates ~f Insurance shall be provided to the CQUN'IY at the time of e;>tecutlolJ. of thls Agreement and certified copi es provided If tequested. Each policy certificl'Itc shall be endorsed "With 11 provision tha.t not less tban tbirty (30) calendal days' written p.otice shall be proviaed to the COUNTY befwe any polley or covertlge is canceled ox' xestrictw Ihe underwrit~ of suoh insurWice sball be qualified to do business in the State of Florida.. If requested by the Co'Unty Adinini:ltraklr, the inS\lr3nce covmg.:l shall 1;Ie primary it\SUI'~nce with respect to the co'UNTY. its offioial~, employees. agents and volunteers." ~. f(llloWs: Se:ction 10 17 ofthe AGReEMENT shall be aw..ended to read ~ "Section 10.17 NONDISCRIMINATION. PROViDENCE am1 cOUNTY' agrltC tbat there v;ill be 'tlo diacJ:1mination age.inst any p~$on., and. it is ~S$ly understood tha.t upon a detenninatiCIU 'by a court of competent jurieidicti.on that tU5cti.ulination has occurred, this AGREEMENT a\1to~caJlY tJ:irniinatoIJ without tU1Y ftuiher l.\cti.on ~n the patt of any part}l\ ef!ective the date of the court order. ~OVlDENCE agrees to comply with all FedeJ al and Florida statute$. and all local ordinatlCClol, as applh::ablc=. rd.ating to nancUscriDili1a.non These include but me not liItrited tOi 1) Title V1 of the Ciw Rights Act C)f 1964 (PL 88-352) wbich prohibit$ disc.riJ:nination on the ha$B of ~cet colQr 0-"; national origWj 2) 'title lX of tlte EduQatioJ'1 Amendment af 1972, as amended (20 use f3"S. 1681~16S3, and 1685.1686). whiah ptoh1Dits discrimination on the basis of S!:Kj 3) Section 504 of' the Rehabllita:tion Act of 1913, as amended (20 l.1SC s 794), which pr"ohibit$ di$crl:roinatl.an an the ba.sis of handi~p5j 4) The Age l'isc:rlmin.atioD Act of 197$. as amf:1lded (42 use as, 6101~6107) which prohibit9 diEicriadnation OIl the baois of age; ~l The Pmg Abuse Office iUld 1'reatx:nent Act o! 1972(PL 92.255). a3 amended. relating to nondiscrin).ination on the basis. of drug abUse; 6) The Co:rnprehensive Alcohol Abuse and AlcoholislXl preventionj 'l'reatro.ent. and Roh.abilitation Act of 1970 {PI.. 91-616\. a$ amended, relating tQ nondisc:ril:ninatiop, on the b~i6 of l11c;ohol abuse or al~ohQlistn.l 7} the Pu'blic Mea1tb. Service Act Qf' 1912, as S23 and 527 (42 use as, 690d.d-3 and. 290ee-3). as amended.. ~lating to Cdnfidentiality of WCQb(J! and. mug abuse patent recordl1~ 8) Title vm of the Civil Rights .t\ct of 1968 (42 use B. et seq,.), as c;1.mended, re1ati:n,g to nondi~crlm.i.t:J.a.tl.on in the sale, rental (It financing of utlusing; 9) 'the Amltt'icans with ,I;li5a.bilities Act of 1990 (42 use s. 1201 Note], as ma.ybe amend.ed fro::m. ti1Ae to tUne, felliting to notldi$etimination on tb.(!( basis of diss.bility; iO) Monroe County Code Chapter 12/05/06 TUB 13:81 [TXlRX NO 63041 ijDQ04 12/05/06 TUE 16:05 FAX . ',DEC-taS-2006 03: 02 MRX I MU~ 305211235Hi MoNROIi COUNTY ATT 141 005 01 ,4D::<3 p m 12-05.2006 5/5 13, Article VI. wbich probibit$ discrimination on the basis en race~ colort sex, :religiun, na.tional origin, f,Ulceatt'Y. sexual odentatian. geuder identity or Cl(..presmon, fat:r::Ulial sta,tu.s OJ; 8.ge~ 11) My oth(:r nondiscdnlinatiQn ptovision5 in any Fedeuu or state statutes which may l::\pply tt) the pat ties to. or the 8\lQjf:ct matter otJ this Agreem~t." nI PB.oVISIONS CURRENTLX IN AGREEMENT The:: rl::n1Wnmg p.ovi6iQn~ (If the Agreement I;lated January 21, 2004, Dot inccmstster1t herewith, shall remain in full force e,p,d effect, IN WITNESS WB.ERJWF the parties have set theiI hanl1s and. seal on the day and year fIrst written J;l.bove :aOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUN'l"Y AngST: DANNY L KOLHAGE, CLERK Deputy Clerk Mayor Mario DiGenano Oat~; a~'~f:Z~ " Per9 AU~ority to legally Bind Ma&:lnua Inc. ftvm R. FIl.AA(e.~~ PrintI'fame Tz-/~/rrv Date Witness to Maxim.~s: ~ 1 eS$ SIgnature 5p\,\{\}~@, GhD <;d\ Plit1t. Witness Name ----l..~J~_.--~-- pate ili thpfity to legally ~~~ JJ: e~'?LL~," Print Name h6u- S,7m~ Date L~~ W mesa si.gnatuut CJ/IrX A//I~LJ Print witnese'Nwne IdA~6 Dato .. /' MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY ARPROVED A9 TO F. M: ~ ' '$i1 tV .&~ NAT1LEENE W. CASSEL ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Date rZ -~ -CJ6 5/wnp 'AI Co17. . O""I~;1pfV J.-z; I:k seJ .ba?L 1'5 lUlHiloe TUB 13: 37 ['J'X,/RX NO 53041 ~ DlHi TOTAL P.104 C2/ e.. J'" j:: ;::; t/' /""/~ //"1 "'-I (,/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND MAXIMUS INCORPORATED This AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made this ..2./4 day of J a..-r'\-. ,2004, by and between MAXIMUS, Inc., with its principal place of business at 11419 Sunset Hills Road, Reston, VA 20190 and for the purposes of this Agreement at 1051 Culpepper Drive, Conyers, GA 30094 ("MAXIMUS") and Monroe County, Florida ("County") , a political subdivision of the State of Florida, with its principal place of business for the purposes of this Agreement at 1100 Simonton Street, Room 2-213, Key West, Florida 33040 WHEREAS, the County has determined that a present need exists for certain community correctional services for misdemeanor probationers, hereinafter referred to as the "Services", and WHEREAS, the County is authorized to enter into this Agreement by the laws and regulations to which the County is subject; and WHEREAS, the County and MAXIMUS agree that the terms and conditions of this Agreement apply to the Services purchased hereunder; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows: 1. INTRODUCTION. The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the Agreement between MAXIMUS and the County concerning the Supervision Services that MAXIM US agrees to provide the County and the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit hereunder as referenced in County RFQ # 289-076-CAY 2003/LC. Supervision Services for misdemeanor probationers are required by Florida Statute 948.15, which sets forth the minimum of requirements to be specified in this agreement. 2. SERVICESrrERM. 2.1 Services. MAXIMUS agrees to provide to the County and the County agrees that the Court shall order Probationers to make the payment for the Services. All Services provided by MAXIMUS hereunder shall be governed by this Agreement. Capitalized terms used in this Agreement refer to the corresponding terms defined herein. 2.1.1 To the degree permitted by law and ordered by the Court, MAXIMUS shall: Monitor and collect payments for fines, court costs and restitution. Monitor compliance with conditions placed on referre~ cases as ordered by the court. Face-to-face contacts shall, at a minimum, be established at. the outset of the supervision and prior to the final report to the Court regardlng compliance with the order of probation. MAXIMUS' probation personnel shall conduct such other face-ta-face cOntacts as may be deemed necessary or beneficial to the successful completion of probation. Provide staff to attend Court to perform case i~take on referred cases. Provide weekly reports to the Court of collections made and remittances to Court. All collected fine and cost payments shall be remitted on a weekly basis to the Clerk of the Court. Confer with the Court staff, the Judges, and the State Attorney's and County Prosecutor's offices on cases as appropriate. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Manage Probationer case limits and maintain a reasonable number of staff in each area of the Florida Keys (Upper Keys, Middle Keys, and Lower Keys) in order to provide attention to all Court ordered terms and conditions. MAXIMUS shall provide bilingual probation supervision services in each area, with the minimum capability of Spanish in addition to English. MAXIMUS shall have sufficient staff to supervise all misdemeanor probationers of the County Court of Monroe County, Florida. Due to the physical configuration of the Florida Keys and the factors affecting travel and work in areas outside the area of residency of many residents, with an office in each of the three areas, MAXIM US shall determine the degree of staffing needed in each area. Employ professional probation personnel that meet or exceed the standards required by the American Correctional Association as of January 1, 1991, and who have been cleared through a criminal records check, as required by State Statute. Maintain appropriate records on Probationers. Monitor community service records. Report to the Court any and all violations of court-ordered conditions for any probationer who is materially in violation of such conditions. Probation personnel shall make recommendations for revocation of probation when the probationer has been arrested or a warrant issued for the probationer's arrest and when multiple probation violations have occurred. File petitions. warrants, and orders as directed by the Court. MAXIMUS shall coordinate with the Court related to hearings. MAXIMUS shall provide testimony and supporting documentation as may be required by the Court, and shall, upon disposition by the Court, assure that all required documents are filed and take actions as ordered by the Court. Provide oversight of any offender placed on pre-trial supervision program, provided such cases are subject to the same conditions as other cases referred under this Agreement. Submit a weekly statement to the Court or its representative for the amount of Court fines, costs and restitution ordered by the Court and collected by MAXIMUS from the Probationers. This report shall provide to the Court collection data by area of the Florida Keys. A quarterly report summarizing the collections and remittance activity by area shall also be provided to the County Attorney. Tender all fines, costs and restitution ordered by the Court and collected by MAXIM US weekly. Provide Electronic Monitoring ("EM") services as ordered by the court, with the expense to be borne by the Probationer. The description of the Electronic Monitoring Services, the responsibilities of both MAXIMUS and the Court, as well as the level of notification for alerts are described in Exhibit A attached hereto. . Provide programs ("Programs") to Probationers when ordered by the Court. See Exhibit B (MAXIMUS Programs Menu) for a description and pricing of the Programs offered. i"j Provide random drug testing as ordered by the Court, with the expense to be borne by the Probationer. ~ 4/ Comply with all laws regarding confidentiality of Probationer records. Maintain fine, restitution or court costs collected from the Probationers in an escrow account without benefit or profit from said accounts. Provide services based upon a sliding scale if the Probationer is determined to be indigent by the Court following sentencing for up to 10% of the average daily population of active cases referred, and at no cost for the probationers for whom the Court waives all fees due to extreme indigency. The number of probationers for whom all fees may be waived is estimated to be less than 1 % of the total 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 probationer population (probationers for whom services are required to be rendered under this agreement). Should the number of probationers for whom the Court orders all fees waived exceed 3% of the total probationer population, the parties shall work toward a mutually satisfactory solution including but not limited to amendment of this agreement. Provide to probationers, when needed, information regarding local resources for employment and educational opportunities. MAXIMUS shall make available the Job readiness Program described in Exhibit B to probationers who have not been ordered as a condition of probation but who want to enroll in the program and pay its cost. Maintain in each area an office to which probationers shall report, and which shall have flexible hours, including hours after five PM on weekdays and hours on Saturdays as needed to ensure that Probationers are able to report while maintaining employment. 2.1.2. Court. The Court shall provide the following: Refer appropriate cases to MAXIMUS for community supervision. Order each probationer to remit to MAXIMUS payment according to the services ordered by the Court according to the Services noted In Section 3.2 of this Agreement. The Court shall enforce payment and failure to pay shall be a violation of probation that may result in revocation. Utilize pre-trial supervision program, EM and Programs if and when appropriate. Such conditions may be ordered by the Court through the initial court order or as a result of an amended order of the Court. 2.3 Term. The term of this Agreement is an initial period of Three (3) years commencing March 1, 2004, or at such earlier time as may be mutually agreed to by and between the County and MAXIMUS. This Agreement, its terms and conditions, and authorized Exhibits and Amendments may be renewed at the County's option for two succeeding periods of one-year each, provided County exercises these options in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the termination to this agreement or any extension hereof. 2.4 Termination. County may terminate this Agreement for cause by giving MAXIMUS written notification of a breach, providing thirty days from the date of such notice for MAXIMUS to cure, and if not cured, giving an additional seven (7) days written notice of termination of this agreement. Failure of the County to exercise this provision for any breach does not constitute a continuing waiver of any subsequent breach, whether of the same or other provision. 3. PAYMENT/PRICING. 3.1 Payment from Probationers. Any payments for specified services herein will be the sole responsibility of the Probationer unless otherwise agreed by the County. Further, there may be additional amounts that the Court may instruct MAXIMUS to collect (such as restitution, court fines and fees). As used In this Agreement, the term "Probationer" shall mean the person actually receiving the services or meaning the person actually being supervised, or partiCipating in a Program or directly receiving or using any other MAXIMUS service or equipment. ' },/ 3.2 Pricing Table. The Services provided hereunder shall be priced according to the following pricing table: 3.2.1 Application Fee for Intake Interview $10.50 3.2.2 Basic Supervision Cost: $50.00 per month 3.2.3 Standard Program/Class Cost: $20.00 per session 3.2.4 Alcohol/Drug Testing: $20.00 per test 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 3.2.5 Risk! Needs Assessment: $25.00 per assessment 3.2.6 Electronic Monitoring Cost: Compliance Monitoring Program EM Unit): $10.00 per day $5.00 per day $5.00 per day Voice 10 Sobrietor Unit used with an EM unit: 3.2.7 Additional Services and Pricing are referenced in Exhibit B to this Agreement. 3.2.8 Any adjustment to this pricing shall be by mutual consent of MAXIMUS and the County and shall be in writing and attached to this Agreement. 3.2.9 The application fee for intake interview includes a charge of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($2.50) to help defray part of the County's monitoring and oversight functions related to this Agreement, and the basic supervision cost includes a charge of Five Dollars ($5.00) to help defray part of the County's monitoring and oversight functions. These charges shall be remitted to County in the same manner as fines and other Court fees collected from probationers. 4. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. 4.1 Disclaimer of Warranty. MAXIMUS makes no warranties regarding the services or any equipment provided hereunder. MAXIMUS excludes the warranties of merchantability and fitness of the services or any equipment provided hereunder for a particular purpose. The foregoing warranties are in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied. 4.2 Acts of Probationers. In no event does MAXIMUS assume any responsibility or liability for acts that may be committed by probationers in connection with the services provided under this Agreement, or for any damages caused by the County's failure to fulfill its responsibilities. 4.3 Damages. MAXIMUS covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, and the officers and employees of the County and of the County and Circuit Court for Monroe County, from any and all claims for bodily injury (including death), personal injury, and property damage (including property owned by Monroe County) and any other losses. damages, and expenses (including attorney's fees) which arise out of, in connection with, or by reason of services provided by MAXIM US or any of its Subcontractor(s} in any tier, occasioned by the negligence, errors, or other wrongful act or omission of MAXIM US or its Subcontractors in any tier, their employees. or agents. The extent of liability is in no way limited to, reduced, or lessened by the insurance requirements contained elsewhere in this agreement. 4.4 Liability. MAXIMUS assumes no responsibility for the selection of participants for its programs. The responsibility for placement is solely the responsibility, of the referring agency or Court. Termination of placement in any MAXIMUS program is also determined by the referring agency or Court. Such termination may be defined by the term stated in a Teferral document, or upon special order. It is the responsibility of MAXIMUS to inform the referring agency or Court of1lrogram violations during the term of placement as determined by the agency or Court. The referring agency or court may determine that early termination and other sanctions are required. Formal policy may be developed between referring agency or court and MAXIM US that pre-defines placement and terrl'!ination conditions, provided such policy is written and is consistent with the levels of authority defined in this statement. 5. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION AND TRADE SECRETS. 5.1 Agreement Not to Disclose. During the term of this Agreement and for a period of two (2) years following the termination of this Agreement, for any reason whatsoever except as required by applicable law, the County shall not disclose to any person or entity any information which is or has been 4 ] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 11 ]2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5] 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 disclosed to it or of which it became aware as a consequence of or through its relationship with MAXIMUS, which has value to MAXIMUS, and which is treated by MAXIMUS as "Proprietary Information," except in compliance with and pursuant to any public records law requiring disclosure. In addition, the Court shall not, at any time while MAXIMUS is performing services for or on behalf of the Court and at all times following the termination of its relationship with the Court for any reason whatsoever, disclose to any person or entity except as may be required by applicable law, any Trade Secret of MAXIMUS. In those instances in which applicable law requires the disclosure of information, the County and Court will inform MAXIMUS of the request and information disclosed. 5.2 Proprietary Information. All Proprietary Information and all Trade Secrets received or developed by MAXIM US while MAXIMUS is performing services for or on behalf of the Court, are confidential to and are and will remain the sole and exclusive property of MAXIM US. The Court will hold such Proprietary Information and Trade Secrets in trust and strictest confidence and will not use, reproduce, distribute, disclose or otherwise disseminate the Proprietary Information or Trade Secrets or any physical embodiments thereof and may, in no event, take any action causing or fail to take the action necessary in order to prevent, any Proprietary Information and any Trade Secret to lose its character or cease to qualify as Proprietary Information or as Trade Secrets. It is anticipated that MAXIMUS shall convey to County very limited, if any. records containing proprietary information or trade secrets. 5.2.1 Definition of Proprietary Information. "Proprietary Information" means information related to MAXIMUS (1) which derives economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to or readily ascertainable by other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use; (2) which is not generally known by MAXIMUS competitors; and (3) which is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy. Proprietary Information also includes information which has been disclosed to MAXIMUS by a third party and which MAXIMUS is obligated to treat as confidential. 5.2.2 Definition of Trade Secrets. "Trade Secrets" shall include the whole or any portion of any scientific or technical and non-technical data related to the formulas, patterns, designs, compilations, programs, methods, techniques, drawings, processes, finances, actual or potential Courts and suppliers, existing and future products and services, and employees of MAXIMUS. Trade secrets also include information which has been disclosed to MAXIM US by a third party and which MAXIMUS is obligated to treat as confidential. 6. INDEMNIFICATION. MAXIMUS will indemnify the County from and against all liability resulting from the negligence or willful misconduct of MAXIMUS and its employees in the provision of Services hereunder in accordance with paragraph 4.3 above. The County will indemnify MAXIMUS from and against all liability resulting from the negligence or willful misconduct of the County and its employees in the operation and use of the Services, subject to the limitations of Florida Statute Section 768.28. Further the County agrees to indemnify MAXIMUS from and against all liability resulting from the acts committed by the Probationers receiving Services hereunder, subject to the limitations of Florida Statute Section 766.28. The term "liability" includes but is not limited to legal fees and expenses, penalties and interest. In no event, however, shall either party be responsible or liable for any indirect, special, punitive, incidental, or consequential damages. This indemnification provision shall remain in effect even if this Agreement is terminated. \\ 7. FORCE MAJEURE. MAXIMUS shall not ~be liable for any delay in performance or nonperformance which is due to causes beyond MAXIMUS' control.tlincluding, but not limited to, war, fire, floods, sabotage, civil unrest, strikes, embargoes or other transportation delays, acts of God, acts of third parties, acts of governmental authority or any agent or commission thereof, accident. breakdown of equipment, differences with employees or similar or dissimilar causes beyond MAXIMUS' reasonable control. 8. INSURANCE. MAXIM US shall maintain comprehensive generalliabilily insurance, including acts, errors or omissions and contractual liability insurance, in an amount not less than $1,000,000. Prior to commencing services under this agreement, MAXIMUS shalf furnish to the County a Certificate of Insurance or other evidence that the required insurance is in effect, and shall provide County, with certificates of insurance for all new or renewal policies. The Monroe County Board of County 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Commissioners shall be named as Additional Insured on aU policies other than the errors and omissions, worker's compensation, and contractual portions issued to satisfy the above requirements. Certificates shall bemailedtoBillGrumhaus.MonroeCountyRiskManager.1100SimontonStreet.KeyWest.FI. 33040. 9. NOTICES. Any notices or communications given or required in connection with this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when sent by U.S. regular mail, postage prepaid. to the other party at the address stated herein above and directed to the attention of the person signing this Agreement, his successor, other designee or officer of the party. Notice sent by other means, including by facsimile shall be deemed effective upon receipt. Notification for MAXIMUS is: Steven P. Merrefield Senior Vice President 1051 Culpepper Drive Conyers, GA 30094 Phone: 770.761.7300 Fax: 770.761.7344 E-Mail: Notification for the County is: John R. Collins County Attorney PO Box 1026 Key West, FI. 33041-1026 Phone: 305-292-3470 FAX: 305-292-3516 E-Mail: Collins-iohn@monroecountv-f1.QOV With a copy to: A change in the address, telephone, facsimile number, or eOmail address of either party may be made in the same manner as for giving of any other notice. 10. GENERAL. 10.1 No Assignments. Without the prior written consent from the County, MAXIMUS shall not assign or transfer this Agreement. 10.2 Entire Agreement. The entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof is contained in this Agreement, the Request for Qualifications and response thereto. Unless contradicted by the terms of this agreement, the parties shall be bound by the provisions of the RFQ and Response. To the extent the RFQ and response are contradicted by the language in this Agreement, this Agreement supersedes all prior oral and written proposals and commu\~ications related to this Agreement between the parties. No provision of this Agreement sl)aU be deemed waived, amended or modified by either party unless such waiver, amendment or mbdification is in wJjting and signed by the party against whom the waiver, amendment or modification is claimed. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto. their permitted successors and assigns. 10.3 Severability. If a term, covenant, condition- or provision of this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms, covenants, conditions and provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby; and each remaining term. covenant, condition and provision of this Agreement shall be valid and shall be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law unless the enforcement of the remaining terms, covenants, conditions and provision of this Agreement would prevent the accomplishment of the original intent of this Agreement. 6 1 The parties agree to reform the Agreement to replace any stricken provision with a valid provision that 2 comes as close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision. 3 4 10.4 Captions. The captions set forth herein are for convenience of reference only and shall not 5 define, modify, or limit any of the terms hereof. 6 7 10.5 Governing Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in 8 accordance with the laws of the State of Florida applicable to contracts made and to be performed entirely 9 in the State. Venue for any legal action which may arise out of or under this agreement shall be in Monroe 10 County, Florida. 11 12 10.5.1 Conflicts in interpretation. The parties agree that, in the event of conflicting 13 interpretations of the terms or a term of this Agreement by or between them, the issue shall be submitted 14 to mediation prior to the institution of any other legal proceeding. 15 16 10.5.2 Ajudication of Disputes and Disagreements. The parties agree that all disputes and 17 disagreements shall be attempted to be resolved by meet and confer sessions between representatives of 18 the parties. If no resolution can be agreed within thirty (30) days after the first meet and confer session, 19 the issue or issues shall be discussed at a public meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. If the 20 issue or issues are still not resolved to the satisfaction of the parties, then any party shall have the right to 21 seek such relief as may be provided by this Agreement or by Florida law. 22 23 10.5.3 Cooperation. In the event any administrative or legal proceeding is instituted against 24 either party relating to the formation, execution, performance, or breach of this Agreement, the parties 25 agree to participate, to the extent required by the other party, in all proceedings, hearings, processes, 26 meetings, and other activities related to the substance of this Agreement. The parties agree that neither 27 party shall be required to enter into any arbitration proceedings related to this Agreement or any 28 Attachment or Addendum to this Agreement. 29 30 10.5.4 Legal Obligations and Responsibilities; Non-delegation of Constitutional or 31 Statutory Duties. This Agreement is not intended to relieve, nor shall it be construed as relieving, any 32 party from any obligation or responsibility imposed upon the party by law except to the extent of actual and 33 timely performance thereof by the other party, in which case the performance may be offered in 34 satisfaction of the obligation or responsibility. Further this Agreement is not intended to authorize, nor 35 shall it be construed as authorizing, the delegation of the constitutional or statutory duties of the County, 36 except to the extent permitted by the Florida Constitution, state statutes, case law, and, specifically, the 37 provisions of Chapter 125, Florida Statutes. 38 39 10.6 Attorney's Fees and Costs. In the event any cause of action is initiated or defended by 40 any party relative to the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be 41 entitled to reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, investigative, and out-of-pocket expenses, as an award 42 against the non-prevailing party, and shall include reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, investigative, 43 and out-of-pocket expenses in appellate proceedings. Mediation proceedings initiated and conducted 44 pursuant to this Agreement shall be in accordance with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and usual and 45 customary procedures required by the circuit court of Monroe County. \, 46 47 10.7 Records. MAXIM US shall maintain pll books, records, and documents directly pertinent to 48 performance under this Agreement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, 49 consistently applied. Upon ten (10) business days written notice to the other party, representatives of 50 either party shall have access, at all reasonable times, to all the other party's books, records, 51 correspondence, instructions, receipts, vouchers and memoranda (excluding computer software) 52 pertaining to work under this Agreement for the purpose of' conducting a complete independent fiscal 53 audit. MAXIMUS shall retain all records required to be kept under this agreement for a minimum of five 54 years, and for at least four years after the termination of this agreement. MAXIM US shall keep such 55 records as are necessary to document the performance of the agreement and expenses as incurred, and 56 give access to these records at the request of the County, the State of Florida or authorized agents and 57 representatives of said government bodies. It is the responsibility of MAXIMUS to maintain appropriate 58 records to insure a proper accounting of all collections and remittances. MAXIM US shall be responsible 7 I for repayment of any and all audit exceptions which are identified by the Auditor General for the State of 2 Florida, the Clerk of Court for Monroe County, the Board of County Commissioners for Monroe County, or 3 their agents and representatives. 4 5 10.7.1 Public Access. The parties shall allow and permit reasonable access to and inspection 6 of, all documents, papers, letters, or other materials subject to the Florida Public Records Law, as 7 provided in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and made or received by the parties, unless specifically 8 exempted by State Statute. County shall have the right to cancel this agreement upon violation of this 9 provision by MAXIMUS. 10 II 12 10.8 Access to Program Records. Upon ten (10) business day's written notice to MAXIMUS, 13 MAX1MUS shall make available to the County or Court program records for Probationers subject to the 14 Court or the Court jurisdiction in connection with work performed with this Agreement. 15 16 10.9 Ethics Clause. MAXIMUS warrants that it has not employed, retained or otherwise had act 17 on its behalf any former County officer or employee in violation of Section 2 or Ordinance No.1 0-1990 or 18 any County officer or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 10-1990. For breach or violation 19 of the provision the County may, at its discretion terminate this agreement without liability and may also, at 20 its discretion, deduct from the agreement or purchase price, or otherwise recover, the full amount of any 21 fee, commission, percentage, gift, or consideration paid to the former or present County officer or 22 employee. County employees and officers are required to comply with the standards of conduct 23 delineated in Section 112.313, Florida Statutes, regarding, but not limited to, solicitation or acceptance of 24 gifts, doing business with one's agency, unauthorized compensation, misuse of public position, conflicting 25 employment or contractual relationship, and disclosure of certain information. 26 27 10.10 Authority. MAXIMUS warrants that it is authorized by law to engage in the performance 28 of the activities encompassed by the project herein described. Each of the signatories for MAXIM US 29 below certifies and warrants that the Contractor's name in this agreement is the full name as designated 30 in its corporate; they are empowered to act and contract for MAXIMUS, and this agreement has been 3] approved by the Board of Directors of MAXIMUS or other appropriate authority. 32 33 10.11 Public Entity Crime Statement. A person or affiliate who has been placed on the 34 convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on an agreement to 35 provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a agreement with a public entity 36 for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real 37 property to pubUc entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, sub-contractor, or 38 consultant under a agreement with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity 39 in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 40 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. 41 42 10.12 Anti-kickback. The Grantee warrants that no person has been employed or retained to 43 solicit or secure this agreement upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, 44 brokerage or contingent fee, and that no employee or officer of the County or TOC has any 45 interest, financially or otherwise, in the said funded project, except for general membership. For breach or 46 violation of this warranty, the Grantor shall have the right to annul this ,agreement without liability or, in its 47 discretion, to deduct from the agreement price or consideration, the full amount of such commission, 48 percentage, brokerage or contingent fee. j/ 49 50 10.13 Modifications and Amendments. Any and all modifications of the terms of this 51 agreement shall be only amended in writing and executed by the Board of County Commissioners for 52 Monroe County and MAXIMUS. ' 53 54 10.14 Independent Contractor. At all times and for all purposes hereunder, MAXIMUS is an 55 independent contractor and not an employee of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. 56 No statement contained in this agreement shall be construed as to find MAXIMUS or any of its employees, 57 contractors, servants or agents to the employees of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe 8 1 County, and they shall be entitled to none of the rights, privileges or benefits of employees of Monroe 2 County. 3 4 10.15 Compliance with Law, In carrying out its obligations under this agreement, MAXIMUS 5 shall abide by all statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to or regulating the provisions of 6 this agreement, including those now in effect and hereafter adopted. Puly violation of said statutes, 7 ordinances, rules or regulations shall constitute a material breach of this agreement and shall entitle the 8 County to terminate this agreement immediately upon delivery of written notice of termination to 9 MAXIMUS. 10 11 10.16 Licensing and Permits. MAXIMUS warrants that it shall have, prior to commencement of 12 work under this agreement and at all times during said work, all required licenses and permits whether 13 federal, state, County or City. 14 15 10.17 Non-Discrimination. MAXIMUS shall not discriminate, in its employment practices and in 16 providing selVices hereunder, on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, disability, national origin, ancestry, 17 sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial status or age, and shall abide by all federal and 18 state laws regarding non-discrimination. Upon a determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that 19 such discrimination has occurred, this Agreement automatically terminates without any further action by 20 the County, effective the date of the court order. MAXIMUS is aware of the provisions of Section 21 13-IDI ..Is..." Monroe County Code, relating to non-discriminaticm, and agrees to abide by the Code's non- 22 discrimination requirements. 23 24 10.18 Claims for State or Federal Aid. The parties agree that each shall be, and is, 25 empowered to apply for. seek, and obtain federal and state funds to further the purpose of this 26 Agreement, provided that all applications, requests, grant proposals, and funding solicitations shall be 27 approved by each party prior to submission, and which approval shall not be unreasonable withheld. 28 29 10.19 Non-Reliance by Non-Parties. No person or entity shall be entitled to rely upon the 30 terms, or any of them, of this Agreement to enforce or attempt to enforce any third~party claim or 31 entitlement to or benefit of any selVice or program contemplated hereunder, and the parties agree that 32 neither the County nor MAXIMUS or any officer, agent, or employee of each shall have the authority to 33 inform, counsel, or otherwise indicate that any particular individual or group of individuals, entity or entities, 34 have entitlements or benefits under this Agreement separate and apart, inferior to, or superior to the 35 community in general or for the purposes contemplated under this Agreement. 36 37 10.20 Attestations. MAXIMUS agrees to execute such documents as the County may 38 reasonably require, including a Drug~Free Workplace Statement, and a Public Entity Crime Statement. 39 40 10.21 Signatures of Parties Required. THIS AGREEM.ENT SHALL NOT BE EFFECTIVE 41 UNTIL EXECUTED BY BOTH PARTIES AND RECEIVED IN FINAL EXECUTED FORM BY AN 42 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF MAXIMUS AT ITS PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS. 43 44 10.22 County Authority. By execution hereof the signer below hereby certifies that signer is duly 45 authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Court. \, 46 47 10.23 No Personal Liability. No covenant or agreement c~lained herein shall be deemed to be 48 a covenant or agreement of any member, officer, agent or employee of the Board Of County 49 Commissioners of Monroe County in his or her individual capacity and no member, officer, agent or 50 employee of the Board Of County Commissioners of Monroe County shall be liable personally on this 51 Agreement or be subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason of the execution of this 52 Agreement. 53 54 10.24 Execution in Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of 55 counterparts, each of which shall be regarded as an original. all of which taken together shall constitute 56 one and the same instrument and any of the parties hereto may execute this Agreement by signing any 57 such counterpart. 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 10.23 No Personal Liability. No covenant or agreement contained herein shall be deemed to be a covenant or agreement of any member, officer, agent or employee of the Board Of County Commissioners of Monroe County in his or her individual capacity and no member, officer, agent or employee of the Board Of County Commissioners of Monroe County shall be liable personally on this Agreement or be subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason of the execution of this Agreement. 10.24 Execution in Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be regarded as an original, all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument and any of the parties hereto may execute this Agreement by signing any such counterpart. WHEREFORE, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed on the day and year first above written. - 1_ '0::... '. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF :;~R;~ MAYOR MU Y E. NELSON Date: /- ~ 1-04 ATTEST: DANNY U,KOLHAGE, CLERK . ~Y: cM~C. Lfl-,51~ Deputy Clerk Date: /-~~.. 0 $I MAXIMUS, Inc.: B':~~'Y, Title: ~ v'( ~ Ae.~ Printed Name: S(C:::.....~ p.. rfIII.:ea.ll f p{ ~,jj Date: {( ~ (0 '-f Date: I, 10 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 EXHIBIT A: ELECTRONIC MONITORING SERVICES COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Between MAXIM US Incorporated ("MAXIMUS") and Monroe County, Florida In addition to the terms and provisions set forth in the above referenced Agreement, the following terms shall apply to all electronic monitoring services provided under the Agreement: 1. SERVICES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF MAXIM US 1.1 Monitoring Services. MAXIMUS will provide the following monitoring services to the Court for the Court's operation of an electronic monitoring program. The monitoring services provided hereunder are specifically designed to determine by electronic means the presence of a person at a specified location (typically that person's place of residence). 1.1.1 MAXIM US will perform the functions of data entry and data storage for all properly enrolled Probationers. The data entry function consists of the input of all required demographic, curfew, and system configuration information on each case into the central host computer system. 1.1.2 MAXIMUS will maintain twenty-four (24) hour, seven (7) days per leek management of Probationer data enrolled hereunder. 1.1.3 MAXIMUS will provide notification of Alert Conditions to authorized and identified Court's staff. Alert notification will be in accordance with Section 2.1.5 herein or as agreed upon in writing by the Court and MAXIM US. 1.1.4 Alert Condition and Equipment status information for each Probationer will be documented and maintained by MAXIM US. 1.1.5 Notification Options. Compliance Monitoring Program Level. The Compliance Monitoring Program has as its primary intent the non-immediate monitoring of compliance to ordered conditions. This program does NOT provide 24-hour enforcement of conditions. This program is NOT recommended for high-risk probation cases, if any. At this level of monitoring, the Court determines that next business day (or later as determined by the Court) notification is acceptable on any and all vfol~tions incurred curing the monitoring period. Other Notification Levels. Because certain electronic monitoring equipment provides round-the -clock monitoring, it is possible to increase the notification frequency for higher-risk cases. In such cases the Court may desire more immediate notification; MAxIMUS will increase the level of notification provided appropriate County personnel can ~e made available for response. The absence of written notification procedures to the contrary, the Compliance Moni~ing Level will apply. 1.2 Maintenance. MAXIMUS shall maintain the Equipment at its expense. The Probationer shall be responsible for lost or missing Equipment and/or the cost of required repairs necessitated by (i) the Probationer's negligence or (ii) the damage or destruction. of the Equipment by parties other than MAXIMUS. The court will assist MAXIMUS in enforcement of this policy. 2. EQUIPMENT. MAXIMUS shall supply a sufficient quantity of Units to meet the Court's need subject to forty-eight (48) hour notice prior to shipment. 3. MONITORING SYSTEM 11 1 2 3.1 Description. The monitoring system utilized hereunder is an active monitoring system 3 consisting of a Transmitter, an FMD and a central computer system. The Units communicate with the host 4 computer system through the Probationer's standard telephone service. S 6 3.2 System Maintenance. The Court acknowledges that periodic maintenance on the host 7 computer system is required. During the performance of this maintenance, the system may be required to 8 be temporarily 'off-line'. The Court will be notified in advance of any such situation. 9 10 3.3 MAXIMUS expressly disclaims any warranty that any equipment provided hereunder is 11 impervious to tampering. 12 13 4. THE COURT'S OBLIGATIONS. The Court shall have the responsibility to: 14 15 4.1 Refer appropriate cases to MAXIM US for supervision under as contemplated in this 16 Agreement. 17 18 4.2 Identify authorized personnel to which MAXIMUS may report violations. 19 20 4.3 Provide to MAXIMUS required Probationer case and curfew information and Court Order. 21 22 4.4 Identify and make available the Court's staff and/or Equipment (fax, pager) for the purpose of 23 notification by MAXIM US to the Court of alerts and equipment status problems. 24 '., .V 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EXHIBIT B MAXIMUS PROGRAMS MENU COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Between MAXIMUS INCORPORATED ("MAXIMUS") and Monroe County, Florida Domestic Violence Program 24 modules Anger Management Program 8 modules Standard Cognitive Program 12 steps Parenting & Family Issues 12 modules Job Readiness 6 modules Responsible Living 8 modules Domestic violence offenders (separate malelfemale groups) Pretrial, probation, parole, court ordered or self-referrals Basic Program is 24 modules + orientation group + an individual assessment. Designed for use with adults who have been involved in assault or violence in non-domestic situations and/or anyone who has obvious difficulty dealing with anger. Developed for chronic offenders, particularly those who have been resistant and unsuccessful in various other treatment programs and/or who are at risk of revocation. Appropriate for those who have multiple alcohol and drug offenses as well as other repeat offenders. Program designed for enhancement of parenting skllls. This group is designed for anyone who needs enhancement with employment or career skills A program designed for first-time misdemeanant offenders. This is a cognitive-behavioral program. This educational approach confronts batterer beliefs and behaviors. The focus is on power and control issues in domestic relationships. Designed to comply with content and length regUlations for DV programs. Groups are task-oriented with each client working at an individual pace. A cognitive-behavioral program that helps the client to understand and manage feelings and behaviors that accompanies anger. In this group, the client will identify stress and frustration levels and establish goals and self-control plans. A cognitive-behavioral program designed to enhance social, moral and positive behavioral growth in a progressive, step-by- step fashion. This program addresses criminal thinking patterns, relationship issues, values, attitudes and decision- making processes. The goal is to move offenders from predominately pleasure and pain reasoning to a higher level of social rules orientation. A cognitive-behavioral program designed to teach parenting skills. Focuses on children's values, problems, and developing traits of a healthy family. A cognitive-behavioral program focusing on correcting faulty beliefs about work. Topics include career identity, why people get jobs and promotions and other. issues related to employment. A cognitive-behavioral program that Challenges offenders to look at their behavior and how it relates to their involvement in the criminal'jlJstice system. The program includes topiCs and exercises regarding responsible b\ldgeting; appreciating, building, aTld maintaining interpersonal relationships; self analysis of behavior and value clarification; and the development of short-term and long~term oals. . $75.00 evaluation assessment $20.00 per group session $25.00 workbook Open-ended (No n-domestic violence) $20.00 per group session $10.00 workbook o en-ended $20.00 per group session $25.00 workbook Open-ended $20.00 per group session $15.00 workbook o -ended $20.00 per group session $ 9.00 workbook Open-ended $20.00 per group session $10.00 workbook Open-ended 13 Thinking for Good This program addresses This 10-module program is directed at criminal thinking. Can be challenging criminal thinking, beliefs, 10 modules used with lesser grade attitudes, and behaviors. Addresses faulty crimes. patterns of behavior using MRT personality Open-ended stages. Managing Moneyfor This program is for clients This is a seven-hour, one time program $90 Financial Success who have had difficulties designed to assist clients with financial $5 workbook managing their finances. issues. Topics include rating financial 7 hour program This can include, but is not behavior, looking at financial strengths and limited to, clients convicted weaknesses, planning a budget, information of writing bad checks or about obtaining and using credit, and more. sho liftin . CHOICES-Ghanglng This program is for clients This is a seven-hour, one time program $90 How Often I Choose who are first time offenders designed to have clients assess some of the $5 workbook Effective Solutions or are convicted of lesser choices they have made in their lives. offenses and might not need Topics Include listening, communication, 7 hour program a long-term program. responsibilities, dealing with conflict, goal setting, choices and consequence, and values. Making Responsible This program is for clients This three-hour program is deSigned to have $45 Choices whose irresponsible acts clients explore what it means to be a $5 workbook have resulted in violations of responsible person. 3 hour program the law or violations of societal rules. SAFE-Smoking This program was designed This four-hour program is designed to $60 Alternatives and for juveniles. inform juveniles about the risks and dangers Future Effects of smoking, both to themselves and to others. 4 hour program Groups subject to availability \. 1/ ACORD.~ CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DAT~ IMMIODIYYI [) 111 5/(J4 PROOI/CCR THIS CER.TIFICA.TE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION MARSH USA INC ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 12~S 23rd STREET, NW HOlOER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR SUITE <100 Al.TER THE" COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. WASHINGTON, DC 2003i' COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Attll: PATTY MUNIZ 202 263 Y600 -------.......--. ,. . COMI'ANY - S00625-0PRO F -0 NL Y- A FEDERAL INSURANCE CO "... - " . ...- ..-...._... I~SU~"'O COt>~~.JA.N'" MAX1MUS. INC.. AND ALL SUBSIDIARIES a ATLANTIC MurUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 11419SUNSETHILLS ROAD ___+h ___. ._, '. .. ---- RESTON, VA ~0190 COMPANY C EXECUTIVE RISK SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY ---. COMP^"IY D COVERAG~S This ccrtlflcat~ superl;edE!s and replaces any previQus.ly isslled certifiC<lte. 2 TrliS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED yo .fHti:. IN$UI{t:!O NAM[:;D AJ}OVC rOR THC POLICY PCRIOD 1NDICATED. NOTWIT['I5TANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF "NY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMF.NT WITH RESPE:C'I' 'ra WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUEO OR MAY PERTAIN, TI"JIO INSURANCE AF;;-ORDED BY THE POLICIES OESCRlBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH PCLlCllO$. I\GGr~L:G^'n; 1.IMITS SHOWN MAY rlAVC [lCeN RCDUCED !3Y PAID CLAIMS. ~I------- -. .. . '" . - ~--........ ........_c POLICY NUMllCR ~OI,lCY 1:~~I:CTIVt rfJLICV tx.rlRATlQN LIMITS LTR I TY~[ or INSUIUINC[ IlAT~ (MM/ODI'fY) OAW [I.lMIOI)'VYf I G~N~IlAL llAHIU'ry C,FNFRAI. 4C,(.;RFC;A TF $ 2,000,000 A X (;O"lMtHCIAL GO:NtiAAL clAl;IlLITY 3537-42-97 0il/01/03 04/01/04 ~Q.U_C~$":"c.Q~l:Jq~.~CC I $ . 2,000.000 .--.. ~ Cc^lM" /MOC LiJ OCCUR '" ".. - I'tl-\~ONAL /I. AIlV INJURY I $ 1,000.000 - OWNFk'S & CI)Nr~c..-oK'~ 1'''0 r CACH OCCURI'lCNCr. i$ 1_, ~,oQ ,000 ..."...--- I FIFlF OAMAG~ (A~Y. O!:'."_f:!.~LJ $ , .000,000 ,'--- I . i Ml:L~ !:XI' [Any 011" person] $ 10,000 I~OMO~IL.f U"'RILlH I COMBINeD SIN (;LC L1Mrr $ 1.000.000 A __. ANY AUTO 74978992{AOS) 04/01J03 04101/04 , .. .'_4_ _.. A ~ A~~ OWNr.C AUTOS 740780!J3 (TX) 04/01/03 04/01104 , 600lL Y INJURY $ A SCHl:UUI.J-:ll AU! 03 74978994 (VA) 04/01/03 04/01 {04 (f'~ Pef<..onl - 4 ... , ....---.- .!:-_' HJR~DAUTo~ OOD1L Y INJUHY $ X NON-oWNCD AUTOr, {Pt'r ~c.cI('Ii:~nH '---- I PROPFFlTY OIlMAGF u, S GARACl C l\,l,OILITY !..6.l!IP _Q1'l.1 Y. '. FII ACCIOF.NT .$. , ~ ....NY AUTO I 0 IHtH THAN.~.UT?_I:!!!~.Y: CACH ACCIDCNT $ Mi(;F1[;C',^TF. $ ~ ~C..S$. LIAH1Llrt CACI1 OCCURRt:N~L--_ ~. ~.~?.?O,~~ -, A X ! VM~Rl.:lLA I'ORI,l 7Di"(-05.6" 04/01J03 OA!()1/0<l _~~r..n:t:GArr $ 5.000.000 i OTHt:1"\ THAN UM1lI'lCLLA rOnM , $ I WORI\~F\S COMf'ENSATlON {\NO X I T'0\:<'';: L~J,'=:-;; I I...~ri ~Mf'LOVH;$. lIP-Hnny B 400-53-1 3.82 (OR,WI) 04/01/03 04/01104 EOACll ACClDI'-NT 5 ---;:-ooo,Oiilr B ' 'f"H~ f'HQf'KII:: I ON' ~. 400-53-13.63 (AOS) 04/01/03 04/01/04 [)ISE~S.E . POLICY ~IMII S 1,000,000 PI\RTNFRSI~XFC\.il'iV" . __ INt;L OFFICt:I'l/; I\R", [XCL I OIS!:ASI; . D\CH eMrLOY!:!: S 1 .000,000 IUIHtK I, e PROFESSIONAL LJAO B 1 ()5-714G 05/01/03 OSlO 1f04 . 1.000,000 ~ O~$Cl'llrlION OF OPCRATIONSILOCAnONSNCfllCLESISPIOCIAL ITEMS k" CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS ADDITIONAL INSUREI) IN RESPECT OF GENERAL L1A81L1TY AS REQUIRED DY CONTRACT CERT1Ff';ATE HOLDER CL~-OO 11137140-04 CANCELLATION :;HOU~O A~V O~IH~ A~OV~ OtSCRI8~D POLtCI~S ElI: CANC=Ll~D D~Fonc TlIC tXPIRATlON O^'= n1~REor, TH!: INSUI'lANC[ COMPANY WILL GNOEAVQR TO' MAlt MONRO~ COUNrY, FLOR:DA _3~_ DAYS WRITTeN NOTice TO THe CEIlTIt'IC...f~ HOI.IJ~K t'AMt;o TO THE LEFT, ATTN: BILL GRUMHAU5 MONROE COUNTY RISK MANAGER llUT FAILURE TO MAIL ~tJCli NOl'IC~ SHALL IMPOS~ tlO OBUOATlQN QII UAlJILlTY OF 1100 SIMONTON STRE:ET 4NY HIND WON Ytn; COMPANY, ITS AGEllTS OR llCPR!:SCNTATlV!:S. KEy WeST, Fl 3304(} 1UIl"~~D:~l<l<Ilm1'<1l( M"HSH U~A l"it;, Timothy M, Sa~ser AC ORD 25 (1 f95) @ ACORD CORPORATION 19138 1 . d 2i>'Et.-SS2 rSOEl ~~~~~.t~ h~Uno~ ao~uow eSl:l! ~O !2 uec COMMERCIAL AUTO CA 00 01 ll7 97 BUSINESS AUTO COVERACE FORM Various proviswns In this policy rC,;ll'iel ~'~)V<;rag.t.. Reat! ehe entire polky (:ardiJlly 1I~ determine righls, dulles and Wh:!l i~ :ll\disnot cn\'crcd. SIi:CTION r - COVERED {\lITOS lIen, Two orllle f),,:dar;l\iUIlS shm\i)i ll\e ",tlllo~" Ill,ll ilre eovCI'cd "amos" fur <;;(ch or )luur covcr,l~c::;. Thl; lotlow- lng ll\lllll:ric.ll syrnbob (h:~cl'ihc lh~ "aulOs' tb,ll muy bl; covered "aUK\S". The symbol:- cnlcn:d 11cxl to ;1 COVQr- agl: on llll: [)<;(;lar;lli(Jl\~ desigllllt~ cl1l; only "all{o~' that ~Irl~ (:()Ycf\-.:d 'l:lu1n~l. Throughollt this p()1 icy the words "you" and "YOUl" rcJer to the Namc<llnsuretl shmvl1 in Ihe Declaratiuns. The won.!!> "we", "u:./' :lnd "our" rdel' \u lilt: C~'mrany provid- ing: (hi:; insllf<lne;;, Otl1<.:r words and phl'ascs lh:lt arp.:ar In qlJotatiOll marks hilvc sfleei.d ITI~~;tTlil1g. Rer.,;t' to SC::~'li~1I1 V Definlt;on:;, Symbol Any "ALH~)" 2 Owno.:.u "A\uo:-:' Only .3 Q"7ICd Privat.,; Pa~M.:ngcr "Alltos" Only 4 Owned "AU1(\{ Olh(;r Than Pri- v;lI~ Pu:>scngl:r "AUlO:;" Only 5 Owno.:tl" Autos' SubJcct To No. F~\lllt 6 Owncd "^U!Q~' Sul~jc~'l To ^ (")111 pi.J I:,l.,ry Uninsurcd Mu!orists Law 7 Spl)cifically Dc- sel'ibcu "^lItO~' 8 HI rc(]" ^ lltm;" Only 9 N01\-(h~11l:d "A\HO:;" Only CA 00 01 07 97 cod A. Dl~scri])tion Of Covcr~d 1\ uto Dt!signatioTl S)Tllbllb Dc~crip(10n Of Covered Auto D~~si;.:.n;llioJJ Symbols Only those "autos" you own (and for l.lability (\wem~e any "trtJilcrs" you don't own while attached to power unit~ you ,WI11). This indutks those ";lul~"~;" Y(lll ,lcquirc (I\vn(.:rship of :.If: lcr the policy begins. Onl) tbe priv<llc passcnger "autos" you OW'll. This induu;;, !b~.,.,~~ priv;Hc pas.o;c n2Cl' "autos" y~)tl :lnll'ir<:: ownership ~\f after the policy begins. Only those ":lUto1' you own lh~l arc not ()f the privatc passenger t)'pC (and for Liabilily CO\'erage iHly"lrailenf' YOll dOll" own while attached to power tlr:ul> you own), This in- cludc~ ltH)S(~";IUI~)~' nol of the private passellger type yuu lll.;<10;1'(. l)wncn;hip of :liter the the ro1iey bcgil\~. () Illy tlwse "au Ills" you own 11\;]t art: required tlJ hav..: No.flllll! benefi1s in 1Ill: Slate whl~rc they arc Iiccll"cd OI'principally g:lrilgcd. This includes those "autos" yuu ill.:l]uire ownership oraflcr lhc pulicy begins provided th<.l)' ate J'cquircd w h~vl' No-Pault rll.:ndil" ill lhl~ st;ltc where (hey an.: liccmctl or pnJlcipally f~;lra!:.cd. Only those ",lUlos" you o\..n lhat bcc:.Jus~ of tile law in the ~ratl' where: t ht~y arc lit;cn~c(i or priJlcipally l~aragcd af\.: required ~o h,m; and C;IIlllO!l'c,icct Uninsured Motorists Cowrirgc. Thi:- includ.;:~ those "autos" you acquire owrll;r~hip l,r ;d1cr the policy bq:il1s prtl\<lded they :lrc !iubjcct 10 the same $l~ltc llnlIl:>ured motori~ts ,'cq(lircmcnt. \"j Only those "atilt,s" !h:scrihcd in Hem Three or th~~ L>cdllr,ltiOllS for which 11 premium clwrge is shown (alld for Liability Cm,!drag<l any "tr<li1cr~" you dUll'l ovm while attilehcrJ to any power \lnit dc:;cribed ;11 Itc.:m Threc). Only th()~c ":m!o:;' you Icase, hire, rem l\j' borrow. Th.is d~;I:~ not include any "auto" you lease, hire, rent, or borrow Irom 'any ofyolll"\:mplu)'ccs", partllcfli.(if yotl arc a partner. ship). Incmbcrs (i C you arc ;). Ii mll.cd liOlbHity comp.wy) or I11cmbcr~ or their households. Ollly those '.aulo:," you rJo nD! OW1I, Ica:;c, hilc, rent or borrow lh:1I an: l1~ed in connection with your bu"inc~", This indudcs";uuo:t nwncd by yOLlr "r;rnpJoycc:.". partners (if you arc :J pnrlnership). members (if yt)U :Ire a limiLcd liabilily compllny), or mCTIlbers of their hOll$C- hutl.ls but only while used in your busi[H~SS 01' your pr;:rsonnl aflilirs. CoriYl'ight. InslIrance ScrviccsDfficc. Inc., 1996 rage 10.1' 10 [] ct.E:iP- SSC r SO€:l 1?61:rr VO 12 we[' F;~uno:J aO-lUoj..[ B. OWIWrl Autos You Acquil'e AftH Th~ Polic~' [t~'gil1s I. lfSvlTlbol~ I. 2,3.4,:;: or 6 :lre entercd nL'X( to ;j (;~\'cr.Ig.t' in lt~rn Two of lhe l)cclilrati~)I1~, [he'll YOLl 1\;1\'1; c,}Vcral~c for "aUlQs" thaI yO\! ~IC- quire ~,r the lyre lk:in-ibcd for I ht.: remainder or tile pol it.:)' pcri~ld. 2, UU1. i r Svmb(ll 7 i~ ('l1tcrl'u fl~lil 10 a !.:ovcra!!:t: III Ikl11 i'wo orthc Ikc1:traliol1$. an "lIUlO" y~n a,~qui rc wi!! bc ;1 Ci.\VC l'I'd ";)1110" lor thaI ('over- <Jgc 0111)' if: a. We aln~aJy ('o\'er all "aulDs" lhal yOu Own lor th,ll <.:OVCI age 01' il n::pl<ICr:S .." ":.lull'" you previously O\\1lccI Ih:ll had [hat C(WCI'- ;I!~\~; and b. '{I'll Idl U~ \\j[hiJl :'\0 (j<lyS altel' you <1(;- quire II 111.1\ you Wam uS 10 C()V~]. It J;')r thai l'ovcragc, C. Certain TI';aill'I'S, Mohilc Kquillmellt And T~~mp()- r<ll)' Substitute Autos (I' Li ability Coverage i~ provided hy this Coverage Form. the lotlowing types 0 r vehicles ;lre ~lbo cov- ered "aut(I:-!' Jill' Li,lbilit)' Coverav,c: I. "Tr:likr~' with ,1 It.lao C:lPilcl[y of 2,000 pounds or Ic$." dcsigned primarily for travel 011 public roads. 2, "M()bilc l'quipmclIl" ",hi k being cat'rico or lowed by a cf.)\'cred "allw". 3. Any "aulo" you lIo not own wlule.: ll~ed wilh the penni:;:;ion of it~ O\\1ICr <IS a tt.:!Ilporary substi. I.ute for ;1 cOVl.:rcJ "auto" yt)u OWTl lhat is out ur service bcca\lsc of it~: . ~. Breakuown: h. Repair: c, S<';J"';l.:iilg; d. "L{~ss": or c. t)eslrllClioJl. SEcnON lJ - I.IAI3IUT\' CO\'EIV\GE A. Cuvcrage We will pay all sums UIl "msurc[f' legally mustpay as d;lmagcs bCC;IlJSC or "bodily i l~ill1yt or "property dama~~c" [0 whil.:h !his In;;urancc applies. callsed by .m "ac{;ident" and resuhing h'Olll lhe oWIIership, 1Uuimcnancc or us~~ tlf ,I c(,\:ercd "auto". Wc will also pay all Slun" :'HI "insured" legally must pay ,IS " "covered pull ulion {;C1s1 or expense" to which this in~~\Irancc applies. cau$cd by 3n "acci- dent" and n::iultirll,: Irom lh..: ownr:rsbip, maintc- f).l nee or use (l r l'(Jvr:rr:l! ":'luto~t. HowC'ver. we mIl only pay fol' the "covered polll1tj())) cost or experls,,::" if there ;s eilher "bodily inj\lr~lt ol'''propcrty dam- age" In which this insurance applies thm is c,luscd by the sam..:: "a('cidem". E'd 2t.Ev-SS2 (SOE) We ha\'e the righl :lnd outy to dcfi.:nd any "inslIrr:, ~Ig,linsl ,\ "suit" "skin;;; ror ~;uch till Iltagc~ or a "Cll crcd pollution cnst vr expense", l'lnwcv..:r. we hil' no dUlY to defend any "insuretf' u)!.;Jinst :l '\ui sec\';ing damagL:)i rix "bodily injurY' or "rr{)pcl' damage" <11' .1 "covI'rcd PO!llllitln (;0:;1 or L:xpcn~c" v.4\idl lhis in:-(lf,!ncC docs not ;Jpply, \Vc may ilWC IL,'.:IIC :.ll1d s\~tllc anv c1.lim ,)1' ":;uit" as .....e consilio a;;pr(\pl'l~llC. OUI' - duty t[) defend or sctrl,~ en Wllel) the Liability CO\'t:r:Jgc Limil or Insurance h been CXh~U~I('d by p:lyml:nL ~\rjuJf-mcms or senl mcnt~. l. \VIm Is An losurl'd The 1;}ll()\~1 fig arc "i n:,~1 re(b": a. Y (iU l[lr any t:[)vcr~d "auto", h, ..\nYl")\' ~'I.,c whik Ilsi I)g wilh YOlll' pl mis~ion ,I covered ..~ lIl0" you ('11\11. h(r~~ h(l rrow except: (I) Th..: O\7,mcr or anyolle else li'om wh( you hire or borrow u covercd "tllIt[ Thi~ r:xccpllOn um:s ntH llpply if tl covered ";juto" i~ () "trailer" connect, 10 a C()VCrl:lI ";.allll" yml Own. (2) Your "cmrloycc" ii' the cC\\.cred "auI is OIVlICd 11;< that "employee" or mcmbcf t)f hi~ OJ' her household. (3) SOmC()flt: llsUlg :.t t;(,vcn.lJ ":.1uLo" wit he or she is work.ing ill a business selling. ~c,.vicinl~. fcpairing, p.u'kJUg slMing "atll~'~" lInl c~s llltH business yOllr~. (4) Anyone <lther than your "cmpl~)ycc r.\l'1tlcr~ (it' you <Ire a p:'II'ln~'rshil lJlcml.H.~r:; (i f you ;lrt~ a Ii milcd !iabil l:onwany). or ,I tcs:-cc or borrower any or tbeir"e Il1pJoyces", while movi property 10 or ITom a covered "auto" \. (5) A panllcr (iryou ,H'C a p:lrtnershifl), a lTll:mbn (if you :Irc a limited liat ily comp:lny) 11:". a cftvcrcd "auto" 01' cd bv him or her Or a m~mbcr \If I or h~r htltl>l:hokl. J .' ~/ c. ^nynn~ !table Jl.lr the l:UnUlICl 01' an "; SlIrccT' dC$Cfibc~1 ;] b\:l'.'e buT. only to (11C I tellt of that li~lbilily. 2. Covera~c Extensions :1. SllllplclllC'mrcry ~:\ymcllts 111 addiltoll 10 lilt: Urnil of InSlIl'<lncc. will r~Y for the "inslil'ed"; (1) All ci(pcns~~:; w(." incur. f::';l.uno:J aO-lUOt.l E1'SY:II VA 12' UE1'r (2) tIp 11.1 :liZ.UOO Ill!' c,',sJ (of b:lil bonds (in. .:;:uding b.)nJ)> En' rd~1<.:d h,)lli<:: J.l\.\" vlol:t!W:l<' TCqtlll'cL1 b~~catl"~ .:li' ~11t "ell..'- c',den:" we I.:lW-':T. w~. do n(.l IW\'C: W furoh:Jl :h,':;'; b,>1'IlL. 1_ Comrnc1unl L.j" bilhv ;..\:{suml:d umkr ,my COl1tnlCI or :It'I'<:<:' ]rH~rl'- (J} 'lite .;,."t of [;.0J1d~ In n:kl>:'c all.!Jclf m~::1l~ ill :In\' "~I:it" illpi Ilst Ib~ "i 1\- mr':lr' Wl' tJ~knd, I)U~ - 01\,Y fi.-,r lHI:ld :1l11':lUllt; ",ilhi:l ~llI" LiHlI: ",( IJl~lIranc.c. 1J1It lhi;; ,:x..:Jltsim! (h~;;~ I1N :ll'plV to 1i:.!1.ll(il~' f'u~ ~b rl\a!.',~s: a. liss1Jnwtl in ., (."J[llr;I~~t or a!;'rccm~'nllh;11 i~ ,\0 "in>1II'.'d i:"lllrall" provld..:d ..tl<:' h,-,(!i;)' lTl'ury" Of "r)]'op.:.Jiy (],m:,:'\" oCclr;; sub,!:'- quem [0 th,: <::,l;nJlIU:I ,,1' ti,e c,',JlTr.lCI l)l' :t:l;n.'(; Hll':tr: l~r b. Tkll 1l,~- "11l:>t1I cJ" W,)U[,.1 h.1\'" in Ih.;; l1b- S~["J(.;~: of lln' \~ot)tracl .)f 11gT1.:~m.:1!1, .~, \\'m'ku;lO' CQmpI'nsati'H1 An;- obliglljj",n II", ",hicl-, the "lnSll"',f' "I' iI.,,- 'i[L~m~d"b" tllS\l: c. m.Jv tx:: bdd Ibhl~ lm,li;J' ~\Il\ worker};' cl.lmpeJls:l[l(ln, di~btil) bC'ldih I'; ~1Il\;mfllr.>)1nl:{]1 u)TTlI}<~II;;.alL\)n !;lW or ~n:... ~illli- Lu law. 4. Emplu).{'t' Indt~nmitic:l.!i(ln Anti Errrrlloy\'ro; 1,1' abiWy ('l) .l\l\ rca;'(>:labJ~ !:'~:p.:n;:c: "tlC-UII''''' l)~' the "ill~'.ln:-d' :Ii 0\11 I <"ll'It;~l. iJlcI~ldin8. acm:1J kl:;:- ,)f'<~amj 11[; up to $250 11 d:LY bCr;\lllic of time olr ITom wtJrk, (S) 1\11 \.'(J~;~ 1;1 x<~d ~2:ii n-;l the "'j'I";ll:l'\f in IIU,' "~ll:iL" a~~lil1,'l Tlti.', "im.:ln\;lr' ..,.t: de- tend. '. ((.) t,t! im...r(.;~n WL tl1(' lidi <lmoum "I' ;.,,)' iuugl:1Clll (lml ;tC,.XUG:~ ,dter ,;nlr..,. \~I' the jud.~~111cnt i L .111:' "~~Ill"' a~;wl;:T thi: ''In.:;un,l(r' W'~ Jd\:JlJ, but l1ur \hily 10 ~~;IY iJ1(crcs~ end:\ when WI.' b,,-,.~ 1',11..1. cn~red h' pay \")1' dcposilctl ill ClJurt t!ll:' p;1 n l,f the ju,lgm,.:nt lh:!l :s wil b;Ul)l!r l.t rr,i [1'1' hlmrance_ "Uodily in.iIU~/' k): a. ,'\n "c:mployec" of rh.: "lIl~l1l'Cd" arisin~ Gu1 of ~!ld in lh.;-..::o LJI'l<C oj: b. Out-Of-State c..,.c l'\I~~~' I':~lcll$ion~ (I) 12mp! oyml'n1 by 11." "ill~ur~J"; or \Vhilc II -c::(')'..cr~d "CiUl,f h a""';I)' )fOUl lh:: Sl~ll: wJ\(:re LIIS h;~",;...:i1 wo:.' \~ill: (2) p,'dr.H'fTlill" lil... ,t~lti....s n:J~'kd 1', H... Ci'lll.dtl I; I "ttlle "il~;:urcd 's" L'lIsin<;,.: (l:- 0) 111~t'ca'iC :11C Limil {jrLn~tlr:It:C<: (<,)1' Li- ahilily Cm'~l':!S~ t" mect th;: Ilmll~ spcciJi\,1 b)' /I ..:ompul~.y Ot' t;:n~lllC;it11 I'\~,..p~~'n~i bility l<1w of Ihe .ll1d'(,lll:lltlll ';o.'hcrc :hc ..:o\'.;rl'(1 ":'1\110" is beil)!~ used. I'hi;; ,~xh'mi()n dOGS 11(}( :ippl,y -IU the Jim;1 (W limi(~ sp,",cincd by ~my tww ]~4.n.t:1 uirlj; ln~or (i.ln-i.:rs ":'1r .r.,.!;:-;t,~ni~(;::r~ 01' pr()~:c rty tlJ P'J'Ovide the milHmltm am')lInt~ m:tl t)Vcs 0" olhl:r U)'''(;nl).:c~, s:ud1 il:': n(1,- 11'11](, r~qL" red (If <\ll~-(,f-!;~a[~ '1('.hidc.;; by tr.~~ jurbdil:tion wh<:"t: the covered "~lI.tl(1" I!' hdl\!!, u'cd. b. Tit\.: Spt)~l';~. child. parent, broL!ler or ~i51"l of rhln ,o(.:rnplu)t:\:" ,l~ a CL"'II!;CqllCIKC: () P:l1'~lgr;lph ::I. l'.nQ','c. Th.is C:o.;clllSior! :.Lprh~s: (I) Wh clh.~f t'1C "j I'Isun.-iJ' 1Il;1 y be kd.1 ~ a: all cmploy~r [II' In ilny \1thcT (;i.~a(j[)' ~md (2) T,., :1 III r\hlit'.~lt[L)l) 1\) ;b~rc: d:Ul\M:~': 'vitb or n:r,!y ~,)meaile ('!h;", ......h, 1<11" pilY d,i"f1ag.;:~ hc<:;\u~, Clr'llw injury_ \V.e wU not pay l.l'r.y,ml; rm.we 1h:l11 (om~e- for th..: :;:.tme C'i<;Ir1....JL1S uf 10,,) oL'causc -of these cXlcn'~lt>n7;. BUllhi~ e.,clu;.it;l~ ,1I)C~ n,.,1 apply m "bo.;ilr In jL.:ry' llJ uU!Ucslic "cmplt'yi:c':' n';'l cnriltcd (( \, \'>~)rkers' ctlmpCn"lIlIOi'\ h~l\clits 01- to h;.1:>t111: assurnerf hy the ",n:;UIl.,'1.f' II:ldeJ an "in'~lr~', conlr:,cC, I 'or the pllrp()~'~" (\f tlh~ c:'\v....r:!.l.~, .,L/ funll, :, dlJtlh:SILC "l;mr1o}'c.::" J., a pcr;con ,m gag()tl ill h(lu.;;,~I'(Jld u r domcSt,l~ ','.'(lrK Ill;,. forll1er! 1\I'lnL:Lp"Jly in (:QIlIlcct5llLl \"'1(11 ~I res! d~'fJ.t;,~ ~)il~nI;Sr.-:_ n. I>:,.chlsiom. This in!':lfr<lnc(~ rill(" lJ"1 :ll'ply tr, an)' of dlC iillltlW- mg: ~_ }-....1Inw F,mpll)YH' l. E.'I.J1Ci:tl:t1 Odu[j.'nded InjU!~ "1'k,.;JiJy ja,iury' or "pnlpcn)' dMlI;' l?':::" cxpccr.:::tl t'T Jaleilded ironl I.h.; ~;t;lndp(ljnl or (lle "ill- sure<l" . "Bmjj:y IOjuri' )(l an:.' fcllo'_~ "l'lTlp~{1'y~<:" .-:f tll "in"-\lrc:d' :\rt!:ingO:Jl ,,!, :lt1d intho COlH"" 1\1' III fdh,W "<:Iuploy<:c't' cmpl":v11I<,'ll\ or )',ld.:- per tOl'1lling t\utit.:s r<:IHt~d II) lh.;: t:tmuuc: (JL' Y')\l buslue-ss. (;.\ no IH 07 9'1 CLlpyripht, In....ul.:;.n..:e ServicesJ)tfi<::c. Jll<:.. 1~/qfo Pa~c 3 of 10 I v'd 2vE:v-SS2 (SOE:l h'a,unO::J QO..,JUOW 261:11 VO 12 uer