Resolution 127-1996 RESOLUTION NO. 127-1996 A RESOLUTION TO IWMDE ADVANCE REGISTRATIONS FOR TRADE SHOWS FOR TIE FISCAL YEAR 111'1 BE PAID FROM TOURIST DEVELOPUBIT COUNCIL FUNDS IN FISCAL YEAR 1996. WHEREAS, the Tourist DevelopllWlt Council participates in various trade shows that promote tourism; and . WHEREAS, it ,is sometimes necessary to secure registration at these tourist related trade shows up to one ~'in advance, in orderm secure a desirable space, secure any space since some shows become filled quickly, or to meet an early registration deadline; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to pay tha registration fees during the aJrrent fiscal year for trade shows which will occur in the next fiscal year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners as follows: Section 1. The following costs of advance registrations for fiscal year 1997 are approved for payment in fiscal year 1996 out ofTOlIiIt Development Council Sales and Marketing funds: ABA V Brazilian Congress of Tmrel Agents Trade Show October, 1996 $7,200 Salvador de Bahia, Brazil Detroit Newspapers Show October, 1996 $1,100 Uvonia, Michigan International Meetings & Inc8nliw'!)5 Show October, 1996 $1,100 San Jose, Costa Rica ~ ~ -" c -- :z ';.. r A:r_. :r.. r'T1 ~- " 'Z ~ 0 ;:;;.; ~.< 'T' ,...., -- , , 0 ,-- ,-, I c ::r '0 ."AJ :z ;:0 .,. :..z:; - ~"-, --. ~ 1-., -< ~. -0 ...... N (""; ""Tl - 0 - . U. ::0 r'" :=:... \It r.~.1 Incentive Travel & Meeting ExBadives Show (IT&ME) October, 1996 $5,100 Chicago, Illinois USA Today Shows November, 1996 $3,000 Buenos Aires, Argentina Santiago, Chili Discover USA Workshop for SauIh America November, 1996 $2,800 U.S. City TBA WortO Travel Market November, 1996 $10,000 London, England Florida Encounter November, 1996 $2,200 Naples, Florida Florida Huddle January, 1997 $2,300 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida NESRA Annual Convention & Exposition April 1997 $3,800 Chicago, Illinois La Cumbre De Turismo August 1997 $4,600 Orlando, Florida Total Request: $43,200 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of March. A.D. 1998. MayorFr~an yes Mayor Pro Tem London yes Commissioner Douglass ye s Commissioner Harvey ye s Commissioner Reich y t::::; BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~~~T: BY:cS'~~ DANNY ~. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~c. LiJJ.~ CLE~