Resolution 129-1996 RESOLUTION NO. 129 -7 lc:J :z: > ,3:' ~- ?:'- .--- .. -1996 A RESOLUTION WAIVING A PROHIBITION AGAINST:":-' CONFLICT OF INTEREST FOR RITA IRWIN AS flt.- MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TIj,E GREATER MARATHON CHAMBER OF COMMERGE SERVING AS DISTRICT III ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBER WHOSE CHAMBER IS FUNDED BY THE MONROE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL (MCTDC) TO PROVIDE TELEPHONE & TOURIST INFORMATION SERVICES TO THE MCTDC. ~ -T1 - . ,.." :z,. C) ;g 'n ..-. I - .::.::- -.'-1 .....' :z:, ...,.., \0 c; N 0 ::Q \0 '.J WHEREAS, under Florida Statutes 9112.313(3) and (7), a member of an advisory board is prohibited from doing business with one's agency and having a conflicting employment or contractual relationship, respectively, except pursuant to a waiver under Fla. Stat. 9112.313(12) by the appointing body (The Board of County Commissioners) prior to the waiver and an affirmative vote by 2/3 vote of that body, and WHEREAS, Rita Irwin has made full disclosure of her affiliation with District Advisory Committee III an advisory board to the Monroe County Tourist Development Council, and a proposed administration of the TDC's contract with the Federation of Chambers concerning the Cultural Umbrella, which would create a Conflict of Interest. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners wishes to waive a prohibition against Rita Irwin's conflict pursuant to Fla. Stat 9112.313(12) , now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. As per Florida Statute 112.313 (12), a waiver is hereby extended to Rita Irwin a member of the Monroe County Tourist Development Council's District III Advisory Committee to administer the Cultural Umbrella contract on behalf of the Federation of Chambers provided she abstains from voting as a DAC III member on any relevant issues or motions pertaining to MCTDC funds to be paid under the Cultural Umbrella Contract. I Section 2. So as to conform to the 2/3 voting requirement under Fla. Stat. 9112.313(12), the following vote reflects the action of the Commissioners as concerns this Resolution: Mayor Shirley Freeman yes Commissioner Keith Douglass yes Commissioner Wilhelmina Harvey yes Commissioner Jack London yes Commissioner Mary Kay Reich yes PASSED AND ADOPTED by 2/3 vote of the Board of County Commissioners Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 20tl\jay of Marc,h 1996. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: i~:~ (SEAL)Attest: Mr. Danny Kolhage, Clerk ~c. Df1~ ~~~r~afl~ncy Date: 'iJ / (J 'I/'N' 2 I I SeeUoDa 112.313(3) aDd 112.313(7). Florida Sta"ues. prohibit certaia buaiDe. rela~ OD ~ pan of public offic.n uul _ploy_ inc1udiDC penons I IUYiD& OD aclviaon' bOWL S.. pan Ill. Chapter 112. Florida Sta&u\ea uul/or Ut. brOcbun aUUed..... GWde w Ut. Sull8biD. .....adm.D' uad Code of Ethics 1 for PubUc Offic.a. Candlclates aDd Employ_" for more d.tails OD thes. problb1Uoaa. B__r, Secuon 112.S13(12), Florida Sta&u_ (1.7.. permits the ! appoiDtiDa official or body to waive the.. requirements In II particulllr I...tllnce prorided: (a) waiYer bJ' tbe appoiDUDI bodJ' anlll' be upon · ,wo-thinls , I aftiJmauve vote of tha' body; or (b) waiv.r by lbe appoilltiDI p.noD mus' b. .ffec\ed ....r a pubUc hnDa&: a"d (c) lD .ilber - lb. advt.ory board member i mus' tully diKlOH \be uansacUOD or relationship which would otherwise be prohibited by SubMcUoDS (I) or (7) of SecUOD 112.313. Florida S\a&u&eL This Pan , of Form .... has beeD prescribed by the Commission OD Ethics for such d1aclosur., If IInd w,.." oppltca"" to aD edvtaOry boud member. ! I PI_ complete lbe foUowilll only if required to do so iIllilllt of the above: WHO MUST COMPLETE THIS P...RT !, 1996. 1. TIle pUUlenblp, d1rectonbiP, proprietorship. ownenhtp of a material iD~ PoGtIaa of officu, _pIOJ'ID.a&., or CODtnc&ual nlaUoDShiP which would otherwu. violaa SUU....t.lOD (3i of (":) :): 1':,;:;;.. 112.313. 1"1::::= S~t'.l.~s is h.ld by; ( ) Th. ~crUD" pMWD: Pu..___' to S.CUOD 112.313(3). Florida Sta&utes: peDOD who" IUIID. 1a Spouse of repOnUll penOD whose lUlDe is or ( ) Child of the nponiD!: .. 2. TII. panicUlar uaaucUOD for wblch this waiver 1a soUlht iDYolv..: .. SupplYiDI the foUowiDI leaity. 100ds aDd/or ..mees: 1>>. TII. foUowiDC busiD_ enut)' will supply th.. caauaocliUes: e. TII. relaUonship of the W1deaicDed aclvis~ boud member or sp_ or cbiI4 of such _YiaorJ' boud member w Ute persoIl or busiD.. enUty tnmaCUD& this busiD_ is [check appUcable lIPaces): ( ) Officer: ( ) PUUlU: ( ) Aasociate: ( ) Sole Proprietor. ( ) Stoeldlold.-. ( ) DIneWr. ( ) Owner of In 0:_ of ,.. of Ut. _u or capital stock In such buaiDess enUty: ( ) hbllc Off1cR or emplOY" holdlDa a eoatzM&ual nlaUoulalp wilb sw:h b1UiDe8 ..uv: ( ) Other, pl.... deKZlb.: PART B _ DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST IN SOLE SOURCE OF SUPPL V 'WHO MUST COMPLETE THIS P"'RT SecUOIl 112.113(3) uul 112.313(7), Florida Slamtes. probiblt nnaia ~ niaU...... - Ut. pm of pabII& oftIceD uulemplOJ'_ S.. Pan m, Claaptel' 112. Florida Slam_ UJd/or Ute broc:huze enUUed ..... GII1cle to Ute ,....ohf_ AID""" UIll Coda of EtblaI lac PublIc Oftieus, CaadJda_ UJd EmplOYees" for __ detU18 OIl th_ prohibiUoDS. Howner. SecaOll 112.313(12)(e). Florida ala.... (11") pzwides - _UOD tra. tile ab_tioDecl naatcUom ill the -* tbat Ut. bu- .DUt)' iDYolveci is Ute only __ of supply withiD .... poau.l ~ of tile oftIou or employ... 1D such - Ut. otflau's or _ploy.... IntenSt In Ute INaiDe. elICit)' must be fllDy dl-1--d to the IcwUlliD& body of tile po1Wclll ~ TIda pan of Form .... bas beeD ~ed by tIl. C__OD OD Eth.ia for such d1acl-. If 0114 when applicabll:. ! Pl_ complete the foDowUsl only if required to do so in li&ht of Ute above: IL I I I TIle 100ds or servicea b.1DI supplied by a b_ eDu,," with which the W1deaillMd pubUc otacu or employee or ___ or cbi1cl of such officer or _plOJ'ee 1a iDYolved iDclwie<s) .... nae b~" _UtT wllich 1: ~e only source of lUp!)IV of the ab(!V. 1I0oc1s or ...... witbiD the poUUal sulIdiYis10D is: i (N",ME OF ENTITY) (ADDRESS) : 3. The iIl-' of lbe wwienip.d public officer or _ployee or spouse or cbi1cl of __ ottlcer or employ.. iD tbe bIIlIiD_ .Ut)' named In Item 2 above is I [check app1icab1ellPaces): i () Officer: ( ) Parmer: ( ) ...aociate: ( ) Sole Proprie\Or. (. ) Stoeldl.....: ( ) Diftdor. ( ) 0_ of ill uc_ of a.. of the _u or capital s'oc& in such busiDe. enutY: ( ) Public: officer or employee b01cUDl a __tual relaUoDSbip witll sw:h bwiaas aU",: ( ) Other. pleue d.8CIib.: . . ISl~L SIGNATURE rTESlGNED I.: ;;"/2S/ /9 S- FILING INST-RUCTlONS I Do\'tE FILED I I Part A of this Form mus' be Ined. if appbcable. wilb lbe appoiDtiDI bod)' or penOn walftal the reauicu- of SectaonI12.313(1) or (7). Florilia S\aNIe~ prior to such waiver. pan a must be meet. if applicable, with lb~ "ov.miDc bocly of the poUtica1 subdivision in wblch the lePoniDC penOD is serviDl.. I t is mc,estee Utat this diKlosur. b. mad. pnor to the SUb!"' traIlUCuon. NOTICE: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORmA STATUTES ~ 112.31'7 (19"'., A FAILURE TO MAICE ANY REQUIRED DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAYBE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: IMPE"'CHMENT. REIIOV AL OR. SUSPENSION FROM OFnCf. OR EMPLOYMENT. DEMOTIO!\;. REDUCTION IN SALARY. REPRIMAND. OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED Sr..OOO. ::E FOR~: .;i-. . i.~E\'. :::-!'