Item Q5 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 1/17/2006 Division: County Attorney Bulk Item: Yes No~ Department: County Attornev Staff Contact Person: Bob Shillinger AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of request to schedule a closed executive session of the Board of County Commissioners in the matter of Nellie Lightner v. Monroe County, CA P 06-562, at a future date, time and location to be determined by the BOCC. ITEM BACKGROUND: In late 2006, several property owners on Big Pine and No Name Keys have filed suit against the County seeking class action status and alleging that ROGO, the Tier System, and the Incidental Take Permit issued to the County by the US Fish and Wild Life Service have effectively "taken" their respective properties. Per F.S. 286.011(8), the subject matter of the meeting shall be confined to settlement negotiations or strategy sessions related to litigation expenditures. Present at the meeting will be the Commissioners, County Administrator Tom Willi, County Attorney Suzanne Hutton, Chief Assistant County Attorney Bob Shillinger, and the County's special litigation counsel, and a certified court reporter. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None. CONTRACTIAGREEMENTCHANGES: n~ STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: @$200.00 BUDGETED: Yes ~ No COST TO COUNTY: @$200.00 SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year No xx APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ DIVISIONDIRECfORAPPROVAL: ~ -t~'l _ Sl17.anne A. Hutton, County A orney DOCUMENTATION: . Included Not Required X DISPosmON: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 2/05