Resolution 140-1996 ~~, , RESOLUTION NO.140 1996 County Attorney C'\ to r- C) ...... t:-r2 ""::; ""- A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT A ROAD CONNECTING SOMBRERO ISLE AND WALORISS SUBDIVISIONS HAS VESTED IN MONROE COUNTY UNDER SEC. 95.361(1). FLA. STAT. (1995) AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT TO EXECUTE A CERTIFICATION TO THAT EFFECT TO BE RECORDED IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY. flORIDA \.,['i G" c"') WHEREAS. the business records of the Monroe County Public Works Department show that r..z- 1:-:'1 L, i_. a..,i.,."f I:-"::';:"'~ Monroe County has constructed, repaired, and continuously maintained, from 1976 to the present. as a County Road, a strip of land connecting Sombrero Isle Subdivision and Waloriss Subdivision; WHEREAS, Sec. 95.361(1), Fla. Stat. (1995), vests title to such a road in the County and authorizes the filing in the public records of a certification of dedication for the road executed by C"') r- eo co ("") en the Mayor and the Clerk of the Circuit Court; WHEREAS, it is desired to proceed as authorized by the statute; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. -7 ~ -:1 FLORIDA: z rTJ ~-. ..... ~- -....~. c The Mayor and the Clerk of the Circuit Court are authb[ged to ixecu~ the I _, attached certification provided for in Sec. 95.361, Fla. Stat. (1995). z -. -- > SECTION 2. A copy of this Resolution and the certification shall be ~~corded ~ the &iticial ,- ~:y:; \0 ' records of Monroe County. Section 1. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA. at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of t1arch ,1996. \ \\\\llllll!/f!11 -",,"'\. (,OUN/2"I(..., S .. . .\..~. ,r n ~ s.-"" ...~t.H..... .... ,.....") ~ ~ .s:::t . - ..l/~ .:. ~ 9:-,.. -. :.p t:-;. :: ~ . ........1::- =~: ::I"~ S ~ . : g ~ \.~ /;.... ~ ~ 6- -..!oD wt '~.' ... ~ ~J~i.t..... ~~~,~ 1:ol~~Ut(l~, \\: ."",,; A'frf!WTtlll()'ANNY l. KOLHAGE. CLERK Mayor Shirley Freeman Mayor Pro Tem Jack London Commissioner Wilhelmina G. Harvey Commissioner Keith Douglass Commissioner Mary Kay Reich yes yes yes yes yes 8~C.~~ Deputy lerk presord/ded,res BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA 8YcJ'~!~ o \..0 r- (~ ~ CJ:.:J ~,~ ""- ~'"'C) C,", . . (") !_.:- c...::I '....'_. l_........ t "~:) c.c: C"') 1- GO C:C) (I'") e..T\ CERTIFICATION OF DEDICATION I, Shirley Freeman, Mayor of Monroe County, Florida, and I, Danny Kolhage, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County do hereby certify that the following described property: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF "LAND BRIDGE" A strip of land 50 feet in width connecting the Primiceria right of way of Sombrero Isle Subdivision according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 8, at Page 85, of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, to the North line of Lot 13, Block G of Waloriss Subdivision, according to the Plant thereof recorded in Plat Book 3, at Page 113, of said Public Records, said 50 foot strip of land lying easterly of the following described line: Commence at the westerly right of way line of said Primiceria at the southernmost point on said line as shown on said Sombrero Isle Subdivision, and the point of beginning of the west line of said 50 foot strip, thence south 350 37' 30" east 149 feet, more or less, to the north line of said Lot 13, Block G, of said Waloriss Subdivision. Contains 6785 square feet, more or less. shown on Exhibit A, which is attached and made a part of this certificate, has vested in Monroe County pursuant to Sec. 95.361 (1), Fla. Stat. (1995). DONE AND EXECUTED on this 20th day of March, 1996, Marathon Government Center, Marathon, Florida. ~~!~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA r---; Z o U1 > o Zm w:=) WU1 ~U1 WU1 mo:::: oS z<{ <{5: --.J LLO OZ <{ --.J wZ uO 0::::- <{U1 D-> o C)m Z:=) 1-U1 Uw W--.J Z(f) z- Oo Uo:::: W 0:::: IT] :2 o U1 . 1&1 ~ 0:: III C ~ ~ ~ ~ 11. 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