FY2000-2002 1st Amendment 11/09/1999 r GOUHr y '. y . I • I i 1 14Y8 : • • flacnnp IL. 1ao[[jage BRANCH OFFICE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MONROE COUNTY 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 500 WHITEHEAD STREET PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL (305) 289 -6027 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL (305) 852 -7145 FAX (305) 289 -1745 TEL. (305) 292 -3550 FAX (305) 852 -7146 FAX (305) 295 -3660 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Lynda Stuart, Office Manager Tourist Development Council FROM: Isabel C. DeSantis, Deputy Clerk DATE: December 21, 1999 At the Board of County Commissioner's Meeting on July 21, 1999, the Board granted approval and authorized execution of an Agreement between Monroe County and Cellet Travel Services, Ltd to provide European sales representation commencing October 1, 1999 and terminating September 30, 2002 with a two year option to extend in an amount of $53,000 per year. Also, on November 9, 1999, the Board granted approval and authorized execution of an Amendment to Agreement between Monroe County and Cellet Travel Services, Ltd. as requested by County Risk Management. Attached hereto are two duplicate originals of each item, one for return to the provider, and the other for your departmental files. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please do no hesitate to contact this office. cc: County Attorney Finance, c/o Kim Hanna Ale AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT THIS ADDENDUM to agreement is made and entered into this day of 1999, between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Monroe County, Florida hereinafter referred to as the COUNTY and CELLET TRAVEL SERVICES, LTD., hereafter referred to as FIRM. WHEREAS, there was a contract entered into on July 21,1999, between the parties, to provide sales representation services which promote tourism; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to amend the agreement pursuant to revisions of the insurance requirements setforth by COUNTY'S Risk Management; NOW THEREFORE, the above parties agree as follows: 1. Paragraph 8. INSURANCE: The second sentence shall be amended as follows. Such liability insurance shall be in an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 and such insurance shall be primary and non contributing with any insurance carrier by the County. The third sentence shall be removed. 3. All other provisions of the contract dated July 21, 1999 not inconsistent herewith, remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seal on the day and year first above written. Cellet Travel Service, Ltd. a~A/~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA cSL~ :f~ ~ "'~Z CII Mayo hairman ~~~ r:: n' r- .. 0.("). _ c:::s~ z. 0 .." :jor- X "'. o.::r:: '"r,. 1> ..: ,.- C"l -. /_ t'f1 ~ r- f"T1 o .." (:) :::0 :::0 ", (") (:) Q':;:v ell C ~_ ~& 0 _ c::... &LJ...>c:1~ Lv6 ,/ Deputy Clerk 'Nov-1B-99 09:12A Risk Management O!!.~~2~R E (305):i'9H6'" I Monroe County Risk Management I I 5100 College Road Key West. FL 33040 (305)292-4542 Voice (305)295-4364 Fax I)A TE: TO: FAX #: FROM: RI 305 295 4364 P.01 ;0. .~ ..._....-.. BOARD or cou:syy C()~n.t1SSI()NJo;KS MAYOR WiJhelminp Harvey, Thstricll Mayor Pro tem Shirl",-y Io'n:cmoo, District ~ Nora WiJUiams, Dislric.l .1 (ieorge Neugent. Dislricl 2 Muty Kay Reich, Dislricl j -- llW~ml FACSIMILE T%NSMlSSli ~ @ m & (3' NOV \ , .. H ctk~." " - ~----- MARIA DEL RIO (30~) 292-4542 _ FAX#: 305) 295-4~4 NUMBEROFPAGESINCLUDI GCOVER -~ \ 5 PLEASE CONFIRM RECEIPT F }'AX WITH PHONE CALL IF CHECKED REMARKS: .s \..L~ .~...s; }~ "'. .~...~1L.. . ~ '-"t..Q ~ ',-'- i~. Rc:v. 12/03/% .. -I' \...o~.-i;"""""' J-~;-c.L-~ ~~'LA.~'~ Uc~~.. I I IHfJW!~ ~~~QW~ () I I SENOTO: --1t\l'l1,.~,~ t<d~~~~~/\ ( , FROM: ft.1t{)(1 . ~_ . .. -.. . ..;... ...-.. .....-.-. 4 A cx' ~-.;:;lqF1 I Number of PaaCI, fuclwiinl this cover sheet: ......- Phone number to call in case you do not recci\lc all pages: 305-296- 552 COMMENTS; ~~<~, ... ~ 1G~,.,( 4- .-. (~tLf \s. ".".jl ~ .. - r /'..~ .,) '~f. :A...At!~ <'(l {A V hi - "- . . . . 80x 866, Kev Wes~, Florida 33~ I U S.A. (305) ?96.IS52 Fin:: :")0')) 296-0788 .' P.O. Box 866 1201 White Street SuIte 102 K.y West. Fl. 33040-;128' (305) 296-1552 (305) 296-0188 (FAX) DATE: p,O ZO"d 179E17 S6Z SOE FAX C VER SHEET -/ +UBWB5~u~W ~S~M VEI:60 66-BI-^ON I IUl[~~~~KU:W~ P.O. Box 866 1201 White Street Suite 102 Key Wes!, FI. 33040-3328 (30S) 296-1552 (305) 296-0788 (FAX) SEND TO: ~"-21~D _ a.o\z&A~'5<:Jv, FJil,OM:_ ~ 1"'-' 1Cv~k;:..- FAX fOVER SHEET I i 1- DATE; NumbeJ' of Pages, Including this cover sheet; (2- Phone number to call in ClQC YOIl do not receive aU pages: 305-29 1552 COMMENTs: [< U" ~{ \ VI ~ vm~l ,,; I (e.:'> -~1-' P.O. Box 866, Key West, Florida 3~041 U.s.A. (~OS) 296. t 5r;1 Fax: (305) 296-0788 http://www.fla-keys.com K~ysSales@a >I.eam EO-d 179E17 S6Z SOE ~uawa6~u~W ~S~M ~EI:60 66-BI-AON To: Illlr-W!!~~ ~~~ ~~W[ST U.x. AEPUSENTAnvE I I t-~ PAX TltANSMISSlON ; I I I I I 'I'd: Ql~ 194 ", Fd: 0"" 1951li F ro.G1: MaiDe Stella Date: lle ~2JJ 1999 Wuraoas PIpS II I I I :Dc:at MaaUle I AI1Kbod is "'PT of",", __ xbI.Io daalIioc--1 I hopubis beJp I I will call 1Vqne tomOuv.... .~~ 11I1"d LUl"OI C2!LLET nAVEL SERVICES LlJ) 47BiPSwoot,K~ ~ B9S~ Itl\&L Il\ID SAS llAfHJ Jll1j; i ! : It:61 6661 '~IS'il 170.d 179E17 S6Z SOE I ~UBWB6~u~w ~S~M ~EY:60 66-BY-^ON ........... ..... ID'3B52SSr7BB ~AG~ .....___s...a ir-..- 0111_1. PUS-lilt i . ~ ernu.,. 1111.._ I .... I "ISF" : 3/12 SEP-29-99 ts,t'l FROM,MCTDC 1sts YOW' ref: Our ref: 0291B1S1NV295019S$ Mt' N Addand CeUet Trawl Services !.rd. 47. Ifiah ~ ~-Jft.Arda:l SoJihu11 Viet MidJuads B9S 5AA ~NatWest 22 ~ 1999 Dear Nt AdcIan.d ...~ ~ I'DJkyJlta unno~ , nWJk youlOf' )'out enquirr. As reqnf".stP.d f11~se find~ ene' a copy ol)-Qur Schedule of Insutanoe. Employus .uabilily Cestit1cate and Insurer Qu . . If you ha~ .any que.sdom or need help ~itb your ~ leue call U5. /llit John G.ny Head ol8wine.. lnsuJance SctvJ~ :----~-_.._-..----...1---'---- I I I I I I I ~ LOU' oN ....-...... ....-..------ ......'- ~..._-- ~......t_....... .....--.. ~ ......... tttlSl IgIID SA! 1l!11! !]111l I ~uawa6~u~w >tS~H o . I'M "'....... ut Il/l 'd ......- ;t:51 &&&1 'o'S'8l 90'd tIo9EtIo 96Z 90E VE~:60 66-B~-^ON ms SCHEDlJlE . . i YOII1Innt"" Glk Sdlr;du~ 111 DlIIJIlIIdim wIIh '11M Insulllllllf l"aJIeI,. TMI M!v$ .. ~ III IJRfIlM ~~ . : ; &da....... aan..... ~ fIR IUpt oft1le ~ftl!c ..I. i51J'U'ORTA~ JIlU"''' ~.... r- FerioIf!If~ rn.: Ta: 11"" 1m J()" 2Ol>> ~0tJ0ZlD 29~1'P69 l"o1Iq lMftkr: QItII:t / W Net To"'Almwi ~ -~~Tax: MIIde_~ MG QaiIrll)ilwunt lns1man&:e Jl'tniIna TGIf To~AMit~~: OR Rnll_r.lnat ........ ~ lftt~ 5.. E snzJ i D.DO f: 29$ . r aoo E Qoo I i I I I I ~~-+--~ E ".3.60 E 4'.60 A~ 0.0 X InsurM: Ca!!k TtrIIIfJ Senoli:'ft Lilt Cunt:spmclcftm ~ 47,. HIgh Sher ~ SaIW M5t~.J at6.w ...... ~tiarft: .wu OMI ~ to file TIfNf:I.....ft . llburdl'hRnas AHr.;. 47. H/fh ~ HMetrItt-MlM StJAuI Iltbt 1'IitIIMds. BtS su . . I ~ ".6'WtlAIAM : 4[,.. CtE561 .9~la S^S I~AYal 1311J~ i I I I I i +uawa6~u~w >tS~M I tit .d lOtZ.flN H: 61 0661 . .as. U 90"d 179E17 S6Z SOE ~17Y:60 66-BY-^ON 1S1S MONFf ONCLUDlNG MSAU1.1) SEC'Il0t4 nDn W 11 ClIaaW .tt "~r4RIOIl ell. ..... ~ wb" ao.cJ far 1IUIIIeIS 00 'NaI ClIftllllM1l1 o.lDc1d __ ar IhlllJtoOIIIlII _1IVS11c1l ""-'tEl wIn~ CIBd r.r 1biIa:s (caJ ,. 'tout...... ~",,. prWlr m\t... Of'tGUT ~ ~. ~. &.p\Jvef . lI"""'OTtlI a_ll_. frJ .... Butinns ........ dtIrfrlt ~ lfMJ tMoi..A.il..1S w1dclI.... ..........., thS SdDn 'No. 'lC'QDN~ UNfr ". E.z!so E *0 e Jj500 El~ , , ; i I ( ~. CrMfIMU ; 1JU5INESS INTERltUPTION m.-rJO'N I J; 'RIfteD E ",."., f: J ',2ot6 E InIuterJ 12+-* I o~ -- Mlle UABRllV A'ND PRODUClSllAl1Lnv SECnON', ~. lMfaF 1NDlJIPd1't "'llIk:~_~~ c 1~ tMl,.~,I!h" -,*11 4T! 1llppli.Wt 1:0 dill SedIOII B<<JO. PI fAdnion I 81f1tJ J . " &--. /I f.fJD15 . fJfCUIlJINC l.JJEI.. fI stANDER EQ2QO. "f'.dtsIbn , m20J . ", fIr:faiofI. t1JD75. E1Il:t..UIJIIIIC UBD- rJ SI..JWDtR steTIOtlI PIEMlIDt ~~ c,.. .... 0I11tultinv Ofll.1W1IIDS ~ .,..., &cIaY'lCftleJltt *11 ~ ~1lIe to this 5don Mowe SR:nO'M ...... ~.~.,., &cb.1nl"ftts ~ eft G1JII1bl'blt to ~ Sfttknt ~ ~Cf1IHiI1'IDmIM E ~.. C'anba I ~fJfltmfMMlIY E , ~tJOl) .~... 91PlORBllA'8ILnv 5EC11ON E ftCc IMIIlo. LO-d 179E17 S6Z SOE ! . I ,. 1 I t&ES6l t9~IO 5AS 13^W81 IJll~~ Zt:61 5661 ".is'8l I i I I I I , i +uawa6~u~w ~S~M ~17T:60 66-BT-^ON ~ 11/5'd iOtZ'GN ..-.-----"1-~....'-" r,.",...c ,,,, .I. "J 1S1S POUCY AGRHMnT Y... ~ kGft'Blld wItlGA lbmJ* - ~ ID hi tilt Niry &.t.hi.d At .~ 'lit or"Oul' . . . WI...". tit pwa6.~ ~ tIIl1jfct" lilt IImnr.CcIII........!It~ of tllr 'f'DI'q mil ~... ihlJnnrifV .. caoaht", M...... 'G1IIIIIJP or"'~ ""'" _rriai al'1nM...." fur _tel. . ..~ VwrprellMn loft! t'Ilu'" -u..... tilt ". ~... ~ 1IIIIIe ~ Vial ilthRlus .f. COIItnIc.t SiJnEcI 011 ..., of ~. (; If IJOtu '* ItIltjst<<<<1 Qb; ,.......1P81ft PIa rN1 .,..". "~"-40 llQ.w 22 s..,A ,.tIw 'tH SiC'TlONS 'NOtJNSURED * '-llOlptOWid. c..r...... ~ . -lI1lDJNGS nR5ONA\.ArC11)I;WT flll!JeS tICAl ~ . flNAlICIA1.lN1DB1S NOlfE AlITHOlltSt;p UISClOStB "-'t: ... CIlIIrf4ddf1nd Mc1Iea: ..~... S'fleet ~ .WIll War~ ",5 JM 01564lri.f999 Total Te!-tlto_ ~ IXn_l.fte} 11/9 'd' LDtl'ON i i I I ~ 04 ! I &Et;SL t9~ID SAS l~^VHl 1311~~ .1 I ~&:51 6661 'daS-Sl BO-d 179E17 S6Z SOE i ~U8WB6~u~w ~S~M ~17I:60 66-BI-^ON --... -- -- ...- -- -..-.- ..-..-- --.--..------- 1m fOLICY I!:NDOIISDtI:NT SBDT ~11Y IntlUder Alann S~m Will be the subject of a pm,eativE: QWnJe.n2N.e <:oftfJ'act (whidl has belen ap~ by Us) thmugh~t the Period of 1nN'mce. i die a1amIed Pn:mi5es will DOt be left. uoatrm~ -dour a~ of the Cornpmr : j) ~nJe. the Intruder Alarm System is .set HI its cntit. 1IIfth mcaJU of oommunicatloo used to trmalftit sipa1, In 1WJ opaatlon il) if me Poliee h8Yc wirhdrnrn rbeir fC5pOI1SC to alaim alb ill) if You 01' any penon 2urhoriSCd by You md ~n~~ fot'security is ~ rbal.tbe 1ntruda Akrm Sy~t=l q not. Cully ~Qonal ilnlDaJiatr ~ will be ~ 10 Us of any~ wanung. . of withdrawal, IX tlueat of wiIhdnwal, of any of the HJV1t'eI 0 ",police fespome) provided in umnccdon with, or R1atina to, me dIl :veness of any Intrudl::r AIam& SyaCalm. I on notification of actiV'aliul1 uf me Intn1deJ- Alarm Sy~ or inlerruptiQn of the meazu of COIP:uINIlication <huine my period that 1he Inuudct ~ S}"5teIll i.i $Ct, . Kyholda- w1ll ;attald the Pn:ouSII!:S U i 500Q as re.ucnably p'--sible, . . no modificaCion&, aQ1c~ or ~tetatioos to any ~C!r Alarm. Sy~ 1roItl1 be consented to Ql'implemented by You : Intruder Alarm Syatem will mean any imroder alarm .,.stem, !includina ux:iBary ttulSmiasion .lines and equ1pm.enr insrz11ed at the Bu5iness Plemise.s and me detI.i1s at which ha~ been pfOV'lcied to and apptOW!C'l by U$ , I'aIIq KP'f' R.::. ~ -..-- CclktTaftl....~ lid. ~nnn7.A .. AT A'RM _A1!:1t~ n is waDaDted that: a) b) c) d) e) Breach d this W8.mInlY 'MIl noc be a bar to vzy claim few OQaae caused 0Ih1!l' than ~~ i 0 . I Fm1l1 - <;nUP~ ~n:~ I I T.h1s icsuraace ~ liabiUty in respect of ~. daUn ui~ Qut of ea'CCs ~ ~ ~.. in aq- 0.- Ad\"iee gi~ or t.cndeRd by You Or an Your behalf Oou Plan. ~. report, CCrtifi~te '0_. DC'~.i&n. formuJa. ~ or specification 'On Computer proaJ:aQmle ~pllred. by Yon at on Your behalf IIIL'd lOt?"ON 60-d A N::atWA!Id'; EEE~&l '9~IO 5AS llAYHl 1~11~J Et:61 5661 d.S'Bl v9Ev S6Z SOE ~uawa6eueW'~S~M ~VI:60 66-BI-^ON 01:"d ~, .. ~ F..Q71Vl - CO~I mas. A.Nn DA.'J.&. 1bis insUtauce cx.c:hJ.de5liability ill I~pcc.t of ~ ui*'B aut f"'-- '... Profe5si~ ertuI~ aIIli.soions ac .llItBlcas ,.n ~ Dab. ~don ACO': 1984 .... Enora or omi55icm au any dala or iDfomation Of tompUta' prograaune ".. toss of oc da~ 01" ~ of. eM... mfanDtltiorl. or ~puter prq&nmme ~MoUl ~ DInT JGlST lNVOf.W...tnJlfllV'F ANn vrnJJiN"( ~~ TO "fin: VArN I\I'II~G ' nus PQUq. docs oat caver Damase by:- -- -- Theft' or att.coJ.pted theft unless there is eoIIT to or cit &em th~ mai.D ~ by fo.rc:ib1e aDd. Vident ~s . ~.llltt'i - EJnIJO~ 1-'V'J. a ~AT\:'T)q This Policy does not apply ro liabllity in .csptCt of any clai.ql2rfsin8; in ~ wilh:- -... libel. a&andu tt cWamatioG ,m slander of title or aoodt or ofher itljurious fm.dtood ,." ~ mi.srepreMntatioll ~I;A~~ John Gatry Head of DuS~i JnsUa.nc;;c S~ National Wesaninstcr Imuranc:e ~ce:s J.td Da1ed 22 September 1999 OUt RdBISINEI~50199C59 , . , II/B'd LDH'DN ECC~il tSilO SAS llAVHl 13'1~~ 'e:61 6661 'US'SZ 179E17 S6Z SOE +uawa6~u~W ~S~M V171:=60 66-B1:-^ON ISIS CEkIIF'CArf Of 'EMPLOYERS' llABllnv lNSUM'NC'E(a) twtfRf RrOtJ11ED IIY RfCUIA nON s en: TliE EMPlOYEIS' lNRJTY (Q)IIftl\J\..SOtlY' IlIStIlWtCIJ lfCUlA'fIOMS 1_ trnEMGulAnOld] OIlf01t MOIl ~ Of 'ntlS CD Ilr.eATE ~. DlSPlAYB>~T~ l"l1Ll Of IUSlNfSS ATwttlOt lIfE 'I'OI..lmtCJlJJVlIrW'fS P9SONS covtRm BY 'Of1S!'UUCV) l'aIey lto: "CIffo~ O*fT__~Ltt '>>000M3 1)Qtc: otc..I..II__....oflfth,.4IICt Po~ 11 AfIII ". Odt tII &Pl oflltlll1l1lft PaliDJ; 10 ApI 2000 ~ lftIlEBy Cl:KT," llM,. MJfCT 10 PAAACM~ 2:-- lllfE poue, 10 WHICJf llfIS C9t'IlRCATE mAltS SAT15FlB TlrE fttOlIlffEl'lENTS OF M RtUYANT lAW "~I1.E 1M c;m'rnmTN.lI~ ~rm.llfE ~ Of"flWt T\tElSIAMO Of lBStV.1t1t 1StAXD Of CUI;'RN5ft Nm 'fttE 1$lA'ND Of Au:mm:vr.J a 'M: ~ AMouNT Of CDVat novmF.D IV 1l11s 1lOUC'lS 1<<) tm m\~ l5 PmllON(c:) .. (Q) Wh!ft IUIIW1plcnp 1s ~ ~ tD wRb T1IpIlatilq Jtzl,., tlI& ,.1lttani.". _ ~ slDl-.- ill Q pm..... """'''' filar. polbJ IlINf.ft . .........IlIIllIpCIIfy.. rc1f ill JU~ Of that \!It PG1tt1 ~s. tdItint f'IHIIpIIlIIIJ" all.. 1IlI~ aazp1 ~ .-"-~~. '" ftQIIIt. ctf WdR '*' CIMn ,.... ~.....-v'" ~,,_ MIIIIlII..~ . (bJ $pdIj ....'11 ..... JrCNIftcJ for 1n ...._ 4(0) oft'h.1lIIJIlmIows . (tl s.e.... 3(0 fit Ole _llIItGM aM "... _1INB at,......2W "" 20) d., nut.... Whm :lb) Is oppIbab1e. SJIlIdv fIR....... af tIM, ~ 1Ilj. .~,.,. S1GnD ON I!HAlf Of: ~ Oln'~ 2ISQ'"" Tl8IIr !ftdor M....... CA L!JcnI.s ,de Mailed ...... r..~ /JoIw '* ~;nSftJlontlIl'''O : Re9i*mf0flw: ~ ~ ptQ ~ I '/ ~ 11/6'd lOt~'ON ttES6l .a~IO 5AS l~^W~l 13JJ~j tt:5J 666. 'US'Bl '['["d 179E17 g6Z gOE +uawa6~u~W~S~M ~g,[:60 66-B'[-^ON ~""'''-''''''''.~Q r",uc .&l,j,jtt 1m Business lnsvTQnce Service COHfTRMATIOt4 OF COVER Q\JBTIONWATR"E To""" 11 ~ COlImrl. .. coIIfinn fie folC1Wint detds . mpett of: 1NSUllm CeletTtrMI~L". c~~ ~7,"'" ~ ~~ StJIINI M4=sf~ ~ 0Itd ~ ID tire TrfMlllIIIWrv lJlJS1N8S DESclltl~llON: POUCY lfUMIfiR: 1taI1lQ5: P'EJUOl) Of lISUMKC!: ,.:JtJa02ID GABGnuJ,k flDP1: J 1 .. 1999 TO: lOY' 2r1OO Ml1tiol'lGI~".'~Sa.im 1'0..670 -- , fI5P9 5ffl T~ DfJoD331 WI ~\DIA1tV: ---- PUBllC UAmtnY AM) PRODUCTS La.JUIY SEenON lntentI '\JIIdt rJI~ r." 0\'It Ollv..,.,-, .. wspect of..... Ua\-,' Q1I\I OIl!! ~ gf I.....~l<< In ~af~ U1i""l E J IJIib r-, ..,ph"e....ru. ....1oe 11lIMllJ", &done,.. IJII '" "* PoItoy; A1I'I ENDOIISBWI1s N'P11Q.1iA.An-~'DTO 11ti JIUUCY SQIE1NU 1SS\reb ft) TIE 1IIISUIIE>> TO WHICH 'IlRIfM:E JMT..... 1lDIt t1It ...._... ~ 1 An1nllrnmkv" ~ a.r. 75 2. ~ 'liIIIIIitv ..... fir. -1IJeet tD lftMl"l' Jt8IICtgtd ~ 1eI1III_ eoNL.. · "'It"~ . YEt · fW. Dram..e ra ~,o... StNas JD · ~tfII'DeIIga/~ NO . UIe.',,~ ""'elRlI~ ~""Cl IaQI TnatItt Ad r..nm.\'f at Mow 1nJl/tQJl~ k ~Ilncl) \6 · ~ CIll""" o.:t NO · 'nlr~. .f1allDar UII1v ~<<tarJ YD' : 11/01 'd lD)l-ON It td~.UIAcd ' 4[~ ttE;Sl .9~IO SAS 13A'81 l~'ll~ tE:61 5661 -,as-IZ ZY.d f79Ef7 S6Z SOE ~uawa5~u~w ~S~M ~SY:60 66-BY-^ON 'S1$ . u:lUlnolDM.1.JJlIrIS "-Wio Udftht at. ttlut " oAI-.tb." D pftIlJ-=t JvppW _ ~ CIp8Rs - III c-.. ..._ 'Nal1hml..... fit: CJaiuna...... Of' _1de! fit ,.. .. ;. ~of~~ 1JIdge lIr ~__,., lhtDJRdfYwr """-.._. penlIM ... ................" Qna ..... NGnJIma W.. . OIl1111lfll!l1....1Ilr I* of MaI\ - ......... ............. --., ~ tftfeh do DOt ipeftt tlIe """...... or altClllirlft fJf ftIIllIIIIl.,. '-at III aJI enu...... ill ~ lfillI-v "'" " or ClIlat ~ .u0lllllllGilcltilt. ~.......... .".... ~a' ofttIlart.,.nlltlalel ~UIMb, '" dRIll...... ..n'h IBl9 ""lItt 1"11w _ opewo.-. 4l~ ill die war" in cHl\tl;tIMI willi ~~.. atfnnlllllliDt ~.... QaatI1ilaln.~ 1__ ,. C1lQnt11l.... ,. ~ lslt ofJlbl. --- 'EMPLOnRS' llAJlLnvSECT1Ot4 I~ '-'- (tf 1wk.;,.tIj ~... o.t.sJ ... 0lIC GraIt1Il:IIIlt t J o.~aoo Altr'fNDOI5!MElm APPlDREMl ~TTAcMlbTD11IE I'OUCI'~ ISsUhTO 'YMEJrmIIn TO WHIC!t Jfft'IIfta JMT'R M~ kt "Ofh1.r4! \iQYitf adailm.. u: MotIn luIftJa1llO'lr ~.".... "nris ..." C01ltIiftt "1'1 III.....,. ~ ~ a.- ad CCftltOnns ..... t'Ilt ~ ljjlw.,,(~~AdlWJ . T........, UIIiIs lJ1t ~ ~ ~"Q1I f1Itplo~1t~.~ Ii "CJttat 'IrifIII\ lIarGItm lMIIM.l1le CkwQ ~"tlle 1stc 01 Maa B ...~V..,....... "'tit wotW (Qs ,",Q$ tit ~ lIDlWllhJ ""'-~"'GlIt..~ . . . CO'NTRAC1ORS All. _IS SECJ10N NtJf InsumI all COld ~tt.l!)ect tD ~ stull.",., __ani ~ nm f\)~ IS PROVIDED IV 'NATlONAl wtslli\'lIS1 tR rNSuWAJ4CE '59YICU lTJ)_ Dotoi: 221,....,-, 1999 NfttnII~ ......1<< ~ UnIfI:tJ ~m~ 1 lD190ZtN/otrd ~0Irce: 41 ~~2IJP :' I VII -d lOtZ'OH Et&~6l 'S~IO SAS l~AW~l 13113' ~E;&I &6&1 'dlS-8Z EY"d 179E17 96Z 90E ...- / ~uaw66~u~w ~S~M ~9I:60 66-BY-^ON