FY2000-2004 1st Addendum 08/21/2002 Clerk DIllie Gircul coun Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of the Circuit Court Phone: (305) 292-3550 FAX: (305)295-3663 e-mail: phancock@monroe-clerk.com Memnrandum TO: Lynda Stuart, Office Manager Tourist Development Council ATTN: Maxine Pacini Administrative Assistant FROM: Pamela G. Ha~ Deputy Clerk V DATE: October 21,2002 At the August 21, 2002 Board of County Commissioner's meeting the Board granted approval and authorized execution of an Addendum to Agreement between Monroe County and Cellet Travel Services, Ltd. to exercise option to extend Agreement for two (2) additional years and increase compensation for services. Enclosed are two duplicate originals of the above mentioned for your handling. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. Cc: County Administrator w/o document County Attorney Finance File ./ ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT THIS ADDENDUM is entered into this 'J-Ir day of 40 4U7r, 2002, by and between the Soard of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the County and Cellet Travel Services, Ltd., hereinafter referred to as Firm. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, there was an agreement entered into on July 21, 1999, between the parties to provide sales representation services which promote tourism; and WHEREAS, the original agreement allows for an extension for two (2) additional years beyond the initial award period; and WHEREAS, the monetary compensation needs to be revised; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree to hereby amend the agreement entered into on July 21, 1999 as follows: 1. Paragraph 1. TERM, shall be amended as follows: Pursuant to the agreement entered into on July 21, 1999 this agreement is extended for two (2) additional years commencing October 1, 2002 and terminating on September 30, 2004. 2. Paragraph 4. COMPENSATION, shall be amended as follows: Firm shall be compensated in an amount of $68,000.00 (Sixty Eight Thousand Dollars) per year, excluding any reimbursable expenses to perform the Scope of Services (including German Office Fees) on an annual basis. Reimbursable expenses to perform the Scope of Services (supported by necessary documentation: not including marketing activities) are as follows: Trade Show Registrations Exhibit Expenses Special Promotions - Example: Taxi Cab Communications such as but not limited to telephone, fax and e-mail costs Travel and Entertainment Postage and Carriage Memberships Stationary Photocopying Translations Other operating expenses as outlined within the annual Marketing Plan. Monroe County's performance and obligation to pay under this contract is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the SOCC. 3. Paragraph 5. BILLINGS, shall be amended as follows: The Firm shall submit to the TOC Administrative Office monthly billings for $5,666.66 for staff and contracted services. The County shall be responsible for payment of all authorized fees and reimbursable costs due the Firm while this agreement is in force which are described and limited in paragraph 4. Said payments shall be sent by mail by County directly to Cellet Travel Service, Ltd., Brook House, 47 High Street, Henley in Arden, Warwickshire, B95 5M, England. of the agreement dated July 21, 1999 shall Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County BY: (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest: Cellet Travel Services, LTD. BY: ~ A{CJ2.-, " President Witness ...,.. ..... o 0 ::z: ):0. :.u ~. r;JF2:i r '1 ::x; <- ("')" {e, 0.-:" ~ ;0 ::;; -i' t,' :--< CJ !:'. :., ;-I;;~ r- r,.-; l> /"T1 r-...> <:::::> C;> r-...> o n --i N ""T1 r- ("TJ o -" o -..,.., -.." J::>o ~ -:.. .:::0 "I C) o ::0 o <....;. Amendment to Agreement with Cellet Travel Services, Ltd. ,'>" ,- .'" / 'ROYAL&V /-1 SUNALLlANCE @nterprise Properties Policy Summary of Insurance WITH EFFECT FROM 30 JULY 2002 THE SUMMARY OF INSURANCE READS AS FOLLOWS: Policy Number: K5-REXB130903 Policyholder: Cellet Travel Services Ltd Pension Scheme Postal Address: 47 High Street, Henley-in-arden, Solihull, B95 5AA Business: Property Owner Number of Premises: 1 Building(s): Occupation: 47 High Street, Henley-in-arden, SolihuU, B95 5AA Sales an~ Marketing Consultants AP~ M~~MENT . ~ () r-l. BY ~ nlJfb1~/ DATE WAIVER N/A...c.. YES - Policy Amendment Effective Date: 30 July 2002 Renewal Date: 7 April 2003 n~t.. 'f)J(l7J(l7 Pall;e I of8 / / ( Premises Level Covers 47 Hieh Street. Henlev-in-arden. Solihull. B95 5AA Sums Insured Buildings Includes Inflation Provision of 15% ;(487,456 Declared Value: (;(423,875) Rent 36 Months Rent ;(90,000 Basis of Cover All Risks Premium Details Premium: ;(761.83 Insurance Premium Tax: ;(38.09 Total Amount Due: ;(799.92 Date 30/07/02 Identifier CARTED3 Enterprise Team Page 3 of8 r / // ( -1 K5-REXB130903 / Policy Level Covers Legal Liabilities to Employees Limits of Indemnity Anyone event fO Legal Defence Costs Part A The total amount payable by us in respect of all costs and expenses arising out of fO all claims during any insurance period. Wage & Salary Details Premium based on Estimated Annual Wages as follows: fO Clerical & Managerial fO All Others fO TOTAL Legal Liabilities to the Public Limits of Indemnity Anyone event f2,OOO,OOO The total amount payable by the Company in respect of all damages costs and f2,OOO,OOO expenses arising out of all incidents considered to have occurred during any insurance period in respect of pollution or contamination of buildings or other structures or of water or land or of the atmosphere. Legal Defence Costs Part B The total amount payable by us in respect of all damages costs and expenses f:250,OOO arising out of all claims during any insurance period. LegioneUosis Liability The total amount payable by us in respect of all damages costs and expenses f:2,OOO,OOO arising out of all incidents considered to have occurred during any insurance period. T"'\...._ "ln/n..,/n""J DoO,no:a...... nt"'sz. - - - - - - - !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ROYAL ~ SUNAl.LIANCE "C~RTIFICATE OF EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY INSURANCE (a) (Where required by regulation 5 of the Employers' Uablllty (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 1998 (the Regulations), one or more copies of this certificate must be displayed at each place of business at which the poHcy holder employs persons covered by the poHcy) Policy No Reference No K2.REXB50776 D21-C3-DY6485 F 1. Name of policy holder. 2. Date of commencement of insurance policy. Cellet Travel Services Ltd 05 APR 2002 3. 05 APR 2003 Date of expiry of insurance policy. We hereby certify that subject to paragraph 2:- 1. the policy to which this certificate relates satisfies the requirements of the relevant law applicable in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, the Island of Jersey, the Island of Guernsey and the Island of Alderney (b); and 2. (a) the minimum amount of cover provided by this policy is no less than f5 million (e). Signed on behalf of Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance pic (Authorised Insurer) ~CJlA' PAUL SPENCER UK Chief Executive Notes (a) Where the employer is a company to which regulation 3(2) of the Regulations applies, the certificate shal/ state in a prominent place, either thar the policy covers the holding company and aI/Its subsidiaries, or that the policy covers the holding company and aI/Its subsidiaries except any specifically excluded by name, or that the policy covers the holding company and only the named subsidiaries. (b) Specify applicable law as provided for in regulation 4(6) of the Regulations. (c) See regulation 3(1) of the Regulations and delete whichever of paragraphs 2(a) or 2(b) does not apply. Where 2(b) is applicable, specify the amount of cover provided by the relevant polley. " paragraph 2(b) does not apply and is deleted. fold fold YOUR CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYERS' liABIliTY INSURANCE IS A1TACHED ABOVE. mE EMPLOYERS' liABIU7Y (COMPULSORY INSURANCE) REGULATIONS 1998 REQUIRE YOU TO KEEP THIS CER TIFICA TE OR A COPY FOR 40 YEARS. Please fold as shown and insert the certificate in the protective cover provided. A copy of the certificate must be displayed at all places where you employ persons covered by the policy. Extra copies of the certificate are available on request. Information about your . . certificate of Employers t Liab,ility Insurance ROY~ .. SUN~LIANCE Cellet Travel Services 47 HiQh Street, Henley-In-Arden, Sol ihull B95 5AA 12S Ep 2002 Royal &,3un Alliance Insurance pic Birmingham Sth Po Box 829, Colmore Ct 9 Colmore Row Birmingham B3 2SG 'ti' 0845 300 4005 Policyholl'l,.r Policy nU;:1ber Cellet Travel Services Ltd K2.REXB50776 Please use this number if you contact us Thank you for renewing your Offices policy for another year Your certificate is overleaf This is your proof of Insurance, Full details are in your Policy Wording and Schedule, A copy of the certificate must be displayed at all places where you employ persons covered by the policy, Extra copies of the certificate are available on request. If your policy is cancelled you must send this certificate back to us straight away but keep a copy, Any refund of your premium will be calculated from the date we receive this certificate, Your responsibilities These include : · checking that the policy holder name is correct on the certificate by ::aming each subsidiary company covered or stating that all subsidi~ry companies are covered, naming any specifically excluded · advising us of subsidiary companies that you wish us ,.' consider adding or which are no longer to be covered and should be deleted · arranging for separate cover in respect of associated companies · advising us of a change of name or interest · advising us of takeovers of or mergers with other companies · advising us of a new location or locations Any changes might affect your cover and a new certificate may be required. If in doubt contact your local Royal & Sun Alliance office or your usual insurance adviser. Questions about 1JnUr rprlifirdfp If you require information on any part of this certificate, please get in touch. You can phone, write or call at Pinnock Bell Ltd, Granton House, 27 Queens Rrj Coventrv. Warwickshire. CV1 3EG. PINNOCK BELL Registered Insurance Brok,ers PINNOCK BELL LTD. GRANTON HOUSE 27 -28 QUEENS rWAD . COVENTRY. CVl :1EG Registered office: Registered Number 867660, England Insurances arranged {or: All Commercial & Business J{isks Industrial & Commercial Premises Commercial & Private Motor Vehicles Employers, Public & Products Liabilities Inland & l\Iarine Transit of Goods Prof(~ssional Indemnity Household, Travel & all Personal Insurances Telephone: 024 7622 :3:363 Facsimile: 024 7652 56:35 E-mail: gb8bf58r@ibmmail.co!l1 Catherine Robertson Cellet Travel Services Ltd 47 High Street Henley-In-Arden Solihull B95 5AA Broker Ref CELL020P02 Date 11 /09/2002 Dear Catherine, Policy - Office No. K2-REXBS0776 Insurer - Royal/Sun Alliance I am pleased to enclose an original Employers' Liability Certificate and a photocopy of the most recent schedule. I hope that this is satisfactory, however, should you require any further information/documentation please contact me. Yours sincerely, ~/LQ/ . Natalie Garner . Commercial Department - --- -- DIRECTORS: ~