Clerk's Memo :4 OOUNry CO 4: COUNTY • ;Danny 1. 3otijage BRANCH OFFICE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MONROE COUNTY 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 500 WHITEHEAD STREET PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 289 -6027 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 852 -7145 FAX (305) 289 -1745 TEL. (305) 292 -3550 FAX (305) 852 -7146 FAX (305) 295 -3660 MEMORANDUM TO: Peter Horton, Director Division of Community Services FROM: Ruth Ann Jantzen, Deputy Clerk ,R,D¢, DATE: July 1, 1998 On May 13, 1998, the Board of County Commissioners granted approval and authorized execution of the following documents: Modification to Anti -Drug Abuse Act Funds Agreement between Monroe County and the Care Center for Mental Health - Juvenile Community Intervention Program. Modification to Anti -Drug Abuse Act Funds Agreement between Monroe County and the U.S. Fellowship of Florida, Inc., d/b /a Heron Residential Program for Dual- Diagnosed Adults I. Modification to Anti -Drug Abuse Act Funds Agreement between Monroe County and the Florida Outreach Coalition, Inc., d/b /a The Sunshine House. Enclosed please find a fully executed duplicate original of each the above Agreements for return to your providers. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Enclosure cc: County Attorney Finance County Administrator, w/o document File 11lannp 1.. lLtolbagt BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL (305) 289-6027 FAX (305) 289-1745 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY SOO WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 lEL. (305) 292-3550 FAX (305) 295-3660 BRANCH OFFICE 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 lEL. (305) 852-7145 FAX (305) 852-7146 MEMQBANQ!J:M TO: Deanna Lloyd, Grants Management FROM: Isabel C. DeSantis, Deputy Clerk~C.l}; December 10, 1999 Date: As you know, at the November 9, 1999 meeting, the Board granted approval and authorized execution of the following Certificates of Agreements for the FY 99/00 Anti-Drug Abuse Grant Award and Sub-Contracts with the implementing agencies: Inmate Intervention Program III $97,194 .Juvenile Community Intervention Program III $51,445 Enclosed please find three (3) sets of fully-executed duplicate originals of the above documents for your handling. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. cc: County Attorney County Administrator, w/o docs. Finance /File 119annp JL. ltolbage BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS ffiGHWA Y MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 289-6027 FAX (305) 289-1745 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 292-3550 FAX (305) 295-3660 BRANCH OFFICE 88820 OVERSEAS ffiGHWAY PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 FAX (305) 852-7146 MEMORANDUM DATE: December 13, 2000 TO: Jennifer Hill, Budget Director Office of Management & Budget FROM: Dave Owens Grants Administrator Pamela G. HanCOC1r~ Deputy Clerk LY ATTN: At the November 21, 2000, Board of County Commissioner's meeting the Board granted approval and authorized execution of the following: Fiscal Year 2001 Agreements between Monroe County and the following: Guidance Clinic of the Upper Keys, and Care Center for Mental Health to provide funding. Fiscal Year 2001 Anti-Drug Abuse Act Funds Agreements between Monroe County and the following: The Care Center for Mental Health Juvenile Community Intervention Program IV, and The Care Center for Mental Health. Fiscal Year 2001 Human Service Organization Agreement between Monroe County and Pace Center for Girls of Monroe County, Florida. Enclosed please find a duplicate original of each of the above for your handling. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact this office. Cc: County Administrator w/o documents County Attorney Finance File