Fiscal Year 2000
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered this . 7' --II! day of N g Vt[ f1 P ~
1999, by and between MONROE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida,
whose address is 5100 College Road, PSB Wing II, Stock Island, Key West, FL 33040,
hereinafter referred to as "~OUNTY," and The Care Center for Mental Health - JUVENILE
COMMUNITY INTERVENTION PROGRAM, whose address is 1205 4th Street, Key West, FL
33040, hereinafter referred to as "JUVENILE."
WITNESSETH 5 0 ::8 ~
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WHEREAS, the Department of Community Affairs has awarded a subgraltfl9f~t~ru8r,-
Abuse Act Funds to the Care Center for Mental Health to implement a program ~ge@the;:6
juvenile population in our community at risk for developing substance abuse pro~~r l!!e :::0
had repeated involvement with the criminal justice system; and :<~~> a ~
"Tf .. 0
r- ~ ... :0
WHEREAS, the County is in need of an implementing agency to provide s'~d servi~sc
under this Program; and
WHEREAS, the JUVENILE is the sole provider of this program; and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY has agreed to disburse the Anti-Drug Abuse Act Funds to the
JUVENILE in accordance with the COUNTY'S application for the Anti-Drug Abuse Act Funds.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual understandings and agreements set
forth herein, the COUNTY and the JUVENILE agree as follows:
1. TERM - The term of this Agreement is from October 1, 1999, through September
30, 2000, the date of the signature by the parties notwithstanding, unless earlier terminated as
provided herein.
2. SERVICES - The JUVENILE will provide services as outlined in the
COUNTY'S Anti-Drug Abuse Subgrant Award, attached and made a part hereof.
3. FUNDS - The total project budget to be expended by the JUVENILE in
performance of the services set forth in Section 2 of this agreement shall be the total sum of
$51,445.00. The total sum represents federal grant/state subgrant support in the amount of
$38,584.00, Care Center matching funds in the amount of $6,431.00 and County matching funds
in the amount of $6,431.00, which amount shall be provided by the county through the grant
matching funds account. All funds shall be distributed and expended in accordance with the
Project Budget Narrative submitted as outline in the grant agreement.
4. INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE - The provisions of those certain
documents entitled "State of Florida Department of Community Affairs, Division of Housing and
Community Development, Bureau of Community Assistance Subgrant A ward Certificate and
Application" therefor and all laws, rules and regulations relating thereto are incorporated by
reference, and attached hereto as Attachment A.
agency under the COUNTY'S Anti-Drug Abuse Program, and shall be bound by all the
provisions of the documents incorporated by reference in Section 4 of this Agreement.
Additionally, the JUVENILE shall be bound by all laws, rules, and regulations relating to the
COUNTY'S performance under the Department of Community Affairs Grant Program.
(a) The JUVENILE shall render to the COUNTY, at the close of each calendar
month, an itemized invoice properly dated, describing the services rendered, the cost of the
services, and all other information required by the Program Director. The original invoice shall
be sent to:
Ms. Deanna Lloyd, Grants Management
Public Service Building, Wing II
5100 College Road
Key West, FL 33040
(b) Payment shall be made after review and approval by the COUNTY within thirty
(30) days of receipt of the correct and proper invoice submitted by the JUVENILE.
7. TERMINATION - This Agreement may be terminated by either party at any time,
with or without cause, upon not less than thirty (30) days written notice delivered to the other
party. The COUNTY shall not be obligated to pay for any services provided by theJUVENILE
after the JUVENILE has received notice of termination. In the Event there are any unused Anti-
Drug Abuse Act Funds, the JUVENILE shall promptly refund those funds to the COUNTY or
otherwise use such funds as the COUNTY directs.
appropriate financial records which shall be open to the public at reasonable times and under
reasonable conditions for inspection and examination and which comply with the Agreement
incorporated in Section 4 of this Agreement.
9. AUDIT - The JUVENILE shall submit to the COUNTY an audit report covering
the term of this Agreement, within one-hundred twenty (120) days following the Agreement's
lapse or early termination and shall also comply with all provisions of the Agreement
incorporated in Section 4 of this Agreement.
10. NOTICES - Whenever either party desires to give notice unto the other, it must be
given by written notice, sent by registered United States mail, with return receipt requested, and
sent to:
Ms. Deanna Lloyd, Grants Management
Public Service Building
5100 College Road
Key West, FL 33040
Marsh Wolfe
1205 4th Street.
Key West, FL 33040
Either of the parties may change, by written notice as provided above, the adresses or persons for
receipt of notices.
11. UNAVAILABILITY OF FUNDS - If the COUNTY shall learn that funding from
the Florida Department of Community Affairs cannot be obtained or cannot be continued at a
level sufficient to allow for the services specified herein, this Agreement may then be terminated
immediately, at the option of the COUNTY, by written notice of termination delivered in person
or by mail to the JUVENILE at its address specified above. The COUNTY shall not be obligated
to pay for any services provided by the JUVENILE after the JUVENILE has received notice of
12. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS - In providing all services
pursuant to this Agreement, the JUVENILE shall abide by all Statutes, ordinances, rules, and
regulations pertaining to, or regulating the provision of, such services, including those now in
effect and hereafter adopted, and particularly Article 1, Section 3 of the Constitution of the State
of Florida and Article 1 of the United States Constitution, which provide that no revenue of the
state or any political subdivision shall be utilized, directly or indirectly, in aid of any church, sect
or religious denomination or in aid of any sectarian institution. Any violation of said statues,
ordinances, rules, or regulations shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement immediately
upon delivery of written notice of termination to the JUVENILE. If the JUVENILE receives
notice of material breach, it will have thirty days in order to cure the material breach of the
contract. If, after thirty (30) days, the breach has not been cured, the contract will automatically
be terminated.
13. ASSIGNMENTS AND SUBCONTRACTING - Neither party to this Agreement
shall assign this Agreement or any interest under this Agreement, or subcontract any of its
obligations under this Agreement, without the written consent of the other.
14. EMPLOYEE STATUS - Persons employed by the JUVENILE in the performance
of services and functions pursuant to this Agreement shall have no claim to pension, worker's
compensation, unemployment compensation, civil service or other employee rights or privileges
granted to the COUNTY'S officers and employees either by operation oflaw or by the
15. INDEMNIFICATION - The JUVENILE agrees to hold harmless, indemnify, and
defend the COUNTY, its commissioners, officers, employees, and agents against any and all
claims, losses, damages, or lawsuits for damages, arising from, allegedly arising from, or related
to the provision of services hereunder by the JUVENILE.
(a) It is understood and agreed that the entire Agreement of the parties is contained
herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the
parties relating to the subject matter hereof as well as any previous agreements presently in effect
between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof.
(b) Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this
Agreement shall be valid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by the parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Agreement have caused their names to be
affixed hereto by the proper officers thereof for the purposes herein expressed at Monroe County,
Florida, on the day and year first written above.
/C\"'~'," .', .
.\.,>~~~O. AW)1~
~~., Deputy Clerk
- <) 'I'ft ~-p
By: ~ ~,~'u",A.JJ/~-
Title:~~.iJ.. 'CEt1
NOV-16-SS -.. .--...
A 1 jl.,s AI ffi If' E: _ "arran's 'hat he/it has np, employed, rerained
Or olhcrwi$c had ael on his/its behalf any forlller County officer Or employee in violation of
Section 2 drOrdinance no. 10. J 990 or any Councy officer or employee in vil)lntion of
S~cli()1l 3 olfOrdinancc No. 10-1990, For bre,lch or violation of this provisillllthc County
1l1" y. ;n its riser.! ion. '.nn in",c 'h i, COntra.' wi limn! I;. bi Ii' y .nd m. y "Iso. ; n i,s d iscr.! ion.
deduct rr()lli the contract or purchase: price, Or olherwisc recover, rhe filii <lll\(lunt or any fCe.
COlllm issiol1' percentage, gift. or consideration paid (0 the former Courlly officer or employee.
i ~
//-~- 9,9
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who, after first being SWom by me, affixed his/her
signature (naine of individual sigl'ling) in the space provided above on this
b(}v~ an. ,199~.
--kT~ p~
My conHllissibn expires:
ofl- O~- 00
OMB - Mer 10RM #4
/~t( day of
,'."'c\ ,,:,,,..:0 HIJRLJ:Y
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\ No. C"v...~"
.",,-.. ~p.rS0:130~I':-' ;~nQ>,..m i~. Oth$f j. :)
"A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor fist
following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a
contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit
a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a
public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real
property to public entity, may not be aWarded or perform work as a
contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any
public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess
of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY
TWO for a period of36 months from the date of being placed on the
convicted vendor list."
,. . .
State of Florida
Department of Community Affairs
Division of Housing and Community Development
Bureau of Community Assistance
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
The subgrantee, through its authorized representative,
acknowledges receipt and acceptance of subgrant award number
00-CJ-D8-11-54-01-085 in the amount of $38,584,
for a project entitled: Juvenile Community
Intervention Program III
for the period of 10/01/1999 through 09/30/2000, in accordance with
the statement of work contained in the subgrant application, and
subject to the Department of Community Affairs' conditions of
agreement and special conditions governing this subgrant.
(Signature of Authorized Official)
(Date of Acceptance)
(Typed Name and Title of Official)
DCA-CJ Form 1 (June, 1985)
At+ac,hmQ.r1 f I' A II
State of Florida
Department of Community Affairs
Division of Housing and Community Development
Bureau of Community Assistance
The Sadowski Building
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
Subgrantee: Monroe County Board of Commissioners
Date of Award:
Grant Period: From: 10/01/1999 To: 09/30/2000
Project Title: Juvenile Community
Intervention Program III
Grant Number: 00-CJ-D8-11-54-01-085
Federal Funds: $38,584.00
BGMTF Funds:
State Agency Match:
Local Agency Match: $12,861.00
Total Project Cost: $51,445.00
Program Area: 13B
Award is hereby made in the amount and for the period shown above
of a grant under Title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe
Streets Act of 1968, P.L. 90-351, as amended, and the Anti-Drug
Abuse Act of 1988, P.L. 100-690, to the above mentioned subgrantee
and subject to any attached standard or special conditions.
This award is subject to all applicable rules, regulations, and
conditions as contained in the Financial and Administrative Guide
for Grants, Guideline Manual 7100.1D, Office of Justice Programs,
Common Rule for State and Local Governments and A-87, or OMB
Circulars A-110 and A-21, in their entirety. It is also subject
to such further rules, regulations and policies as may be reasonably
prescribed by the State or Federal Government consistent with the
purposes and authorization of P.L. 90-351, as amended, and
P.L. 100-690.
This grant shall become effective on the beginning date of the
grant period provided that within 30 days from the date of award,
properly executed Certificate of Acceptance of Subgrant Award
is returned to the department.
~ '
QJ . W~DD1-'
Author zed Official
Clayton H. Wilder
Community Program Administrator
Bureau of Community Assistance
[X]This award is subject to special and/or standard conditions
(attached) .
BCA Revised 7-1-79
Department of Community Affairs
Division of Housing and Community Development
Bureau of Community Assistance
The Sadowski Building
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100
Grantee (Name of SPA):
Bureau of Community Assistance
Grant Number: 00-CJ-D8-11-54-01-085
Grant Title: Juvenile Community Intervention Program III
In addition to the general conditions applicable to fiscal
administration, the grant is subject to the following Special
Condition(s)/General Comment(s):
The contract for professional services is approved.
SFY 2DDD Drug Control and Sysmm Improvement Formula Grant Ptogram
Edward Byrne Memorial Stam and Loca/..04aistance
--" .'_"!....'"-....~L.~
. I I" J
, -y I .... _ ,_ ,
.,.,..... to be ~ by the SUbgtantH:
ContinuItian cI PrNoua Subgrut7 lilY. C No
If Yes. enter SI* PrajIct ID. of PffIfIious SUbgrant
..+ CJ +} 9M :~~:::: 11 085
A. Names & Addresses
7"* ac6arr to". '*"I*IMI by SeA:
SFY 2DOO DCA Connct N&InbIr
CFDA t:1U78
- .
... ----.--
Subarant ReciDient ., ... , , fq ~
Name of Chief 8ect8d otncial Wilhelmina Harvey
TJtle Mayor, Monroe County Board of COIIIIIlissioners
Address 310 Fleming St.
CIty, State, Zip Code Key West, FL 33040
Area CodeIPhone tI- I SUNCOM # 'Area CodeIFax"#
305.292.3440 305.292.3466
_._" --_...-
2. Chief Financial OftIcer
Name of Chief Financial OftIcer Danny Kolhage
TJtle Monroe County Clerk of Court
Address 500 Wh~tehead St.
CIty, StBte, Zip Code Key West, FL 33040
Area CodelPhone t/. . I SUNCOM t/. ~Area CodeIFax t/.
305.292.3550 305.292.3660
ansible far Pn)ect
CIty, SID. Zip Code
Area CodeIPhone t/.
Monroe County Administrator
Public Service Building, 5100 College Road
Key West, FL 33040
SUNCOM t/. Area CodeIFax"#
4. Project OIreciDr and Contact, if different from Project Olrectar
ust be Em . of GcMmmentall lementin en
Name of Project Dlrectar Deanna S. Lloyd
Monroe Count I
. Grants Admin strator
&-Mail Address
.Address 5100 College Road
CIty, stata, Zip Code Key Wes t ,
Area CodeIPhone t/.
Name IUId TJII~ of Contact ".."
CIty, stata, Zip Code:
Area CadWPhone.
FL 33040
Area CodeIFax.
E-Mail Address
Key West, FL 33040
SFY %DDD Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Giant Program
Edward Byrne Memorial $tam and Local Assistance
B. Administrative Data
1. Pr6jed T1tIe (Not to exceed 84 characters, induding spaces)
2. For Period
Period Month Day Vear
Beginning October 1 1999
Ending September 30 2000
3. II the Subgrantee or the Implementing Agency a "Member of a Local Crimina! Justice Advisory Council or
SUbstance Abuse Policy Advisory Board, Coalition, or Council? (See the Program Announcement for a
desaiption of boanJ responsiblitles.) 0 Vea CJ No
C. F"escal Data
1. (If other than the Chief Financial otrIcer).Remit Warrant to:
Deanna Lloyd
Public Service Building
5100 College Road
Key West, FL 33040
Note: If the lubgrantee is participating in the state of Florida Comptroller's otIIce electronic tnInaf8r
DrOCIratn. reimbursement cannot be remitted to any othw entity.
2. Method of Plymll1t: BMonthly (] au......,
(It Is mand8tory that the method selected be consistent throughout the entire grant period.)
3. Vendor tf. (Enter Fed... Employer Identification Number of SubgrantH~
I 59 6000749
4. SAMAS ## (Enter if you are a Itate agency)
5. Win the Project eam Project Gen8l'llted Income (PGI)? 0 Yea aI No
(See Section H., Peragnlph 13 far a definition of PGI.)
8. Win the applicant be requesting an advance of federal funda? iJ Ya II No
(If Vea, a ..... of request must be attached.)
SFY 2000 Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program
Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Assistance
D. Program Data
Refer to the SFY 1999 BeA Grants Management Technical Assistance Workshop Manual. Section 5. Use this
as 21 guide to assist you in completing Section D.
Problem Identification. Brletly describe a specific problem to be addressed with subgrant funds. If you are
seeking funds to continue existing project activities, your problem statement must also provide a short summary
of your current program and describe any gaps between current and desired project results.
Proaram Description. Brletly describe how project activities will address the targeted problem. Describe who
will do what, when, where and how.
Start below and use continuation pages as necessary.
Entering its third year, the Juvenile Community Intervention Program continues to
identify and treat those youth exhibiting conduct disorder, criminal thinking and
behavior, low self esteem, family dysfunction, substance abuse, anger problems and
truancy. Targeted populations are those high risk youth enrolled in alternative
education settings for the middle and high schools of the Lower Florida Keys. Over
the previous two yean, the program has begun testing these students utilizing
assessment for criminal tendencies, reading assessments, IQ testing, substance abuse
testing and urinalysis screening. These tests are designed to help our treatment team
and teachen to better serve the needs of the student. The treatment team includes a
psychiatrist, psychologist, DJJ, JASP and Monroe County teachen assigned to the
alternative schools. A full time and part time therapist deliver treatment services to
the students.
Daily group and individual sessions as well as an anger management curriculum,
extensive substance abuse education, family therapy, self esteemc...u.rriculum,
pregnancy prevention and STD education are all utilized in the program. These
services are designed to reach our goals of reducing recidivism, increasing self
esteem, eliminating substance abuse, and strengthening families.
SUbgrant Apple.1ion
Section II - Pege 3 of 16
SFY 2000 Drug~-"ntrol and System Improvement Fonnl.("" Grant Program
Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Assistance
D. Program Data (Continued)
Activities Implementation Schedule. Complete the Activities Implementation Schedule showing when activities.
in the Program Description will commence and how the project will progress. This chart benchmarks planned
activities, both administrative and programmatic. An .X' has been inserted for reports that are mandatory for all
projects. Place an additional .X' to indicate ones applicable to your project. Delete the activity/action that does
not apply to your project; i.e., if your project does not eam PGI, delete that activity from this schedule.
Subgrant Period -
Oct. 1 , 1999 - Sept. 30, 2000
(Beginning Date - Ending Date)
ACTIVITY/ACTION Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Submit Monthly Claims X X X X X X X X X X X X
(Financial Reimbursement Requests)
Submit Quarterly Claims
(Financial Reimbursement Requests)
Submit Financial Closeout Package X
Submit Quarterly Program Reports X X X X
Submit Quarterly PGI Reports ;
(If applicable)
Subg",nt Applcation
_f::."..,;",,. /I _ Da__ A _, .,.:
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EdwtInJ Byrne Memorial State and Local
E. ProGram Oblectives and Performance Measures
Camp... unlfarm pR)gram objectives and performance me.sures (found in ADDendix Vl for the f.....y
authorized pRlgrBm .... you want to implement. Your application is not complete without them and an
incoraplete application will not be considered for subgrant funding.
If the program am you .eJected does not have unlfarm program objectives pUblished In this document or if
you cannot retateyour objectives to those stated, contact Tom Bishop at 8501488-8018 for further instructions.
DO NOT mix objectives from different Program Areas.
Start beJow and use continuation pages as necessaty.
Subfnnt AanieafWt
arender Community Int8rvention -l..acaI
13.8.3. - Nonresidenti81 Program
To pnMde 130 atrenders witIl intake snd SCI8Ming services during
the grant period.
To provide 95 offenders wiIh diagnostic aervices during the grant period.
To provide 125 offenders wiIh cae man&yvment services during
IbI grant per1ad.
To provide 125 otrendenI with trBIdment services during the grant perfact
To pravfde 125 oft'8ndars wIttll"lhabililatio services during the grant period.
To provide 125 offenders with offendertracldng and repartfng services
during the grant periad.
To 8ItimatII that 95 otfender8 will SUCC8SIfuJIy completll ttds nanr~
program durtng the gmnt period.
AUG-1S-88 13:18 FROM:MONROE COUNTY PURCHASING 10:3052824515 PAGE 8/8
Edward Byrne MemotiaJ State anet Local Afsistance
F. Protect Budaet Narrative
You lnust describe line itMna tor each applicable Budget Category for which you .... requesting subgnmt
funding. Provid. lutficient detail to show colt re!Itionships to projecc activities. J n addition, describe apKific:
IOUfI:M of matching funds.
stMt l>>Jow and UN continlMltiOn pagq .. neceull/Y.
FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000
Personnel Expense
Salaries $ 39.6~.OO
FICA $ 3.031.00
Insurance S 2.288.00
Sub-Total S 44,924.00
Operating Expenses
Educational Tools $ 4.422.00
Office Supplies $ 300.00
Training S 1.800.00
Sub-Total $ 6.522.00
TOTAL $ 51;446M
Salaries and Benefits will pay for 1.5 FTE counselors to provide services at the school location
and at the Care Center.
Educational Tools consists of work books and program materials. psychological testing materials.
and other supplies such as arts and aatts materials used for motlvatlonaJ purposes.
Office supplies covers basic supplies such 81 dlent Chans, copy PIper. computer supplies. eet.
The Traininu budget will pay for continuing education courses In the area of Substance Abuse
Prevention for the counseJors working in the program.
PUrchasing to be made according to Monroe County Purchasing Policy Procedures.
Match to be provided through the Monroe County 80ard of Commissioners General Revenue-
Grants Matching Fund $ 8,431 and The Care Center for Memal Heath $ 6,431.
...._~ A...c:.__.____
C:""""';t 11 . P,,_ 6 nt f"
AUG-16-88 13.16 FROM.MONROE COUNTY PURCHASING 10.3052824515
EdwIJrd Byrne MemOTiaJ state and Local Asslttance
G. Project Budget Schedule
The Pn)j1lCt Budget tieduJe inductes six BUdget categories (Salaries and Benefits, COrnnIr:tuI' 5efvices.
ecp.._, 0pntIng Capitai Outtay (OCO), DatIl Proceuing Services, and Indirect Coats) and Total ProJect
COItI~ Total Local Match must be a minimum ot 29t of the TcrtalSudget.
.,.,.. or PrInt Dollar Amounu Only in AppIi... t:.atego.iM and Leave oth.. BI...
IUdget QDgory Fed.... Match Total
:salaries And Benefits -
Cantnlctu81 Services
$ 38,534 $ 12.862 $ 51,446.
Opel1ding capibll Outlay
Data Processing
Inditect COIiI
TobIIs $ 38,584 . 12.862- $ 51.446
SFY 2DDD Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program
Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Assistance
H. AcceDtance and Aareement
All persons involved in or having administrative responsibility for the subgrant must read these "Acceptance and
Agreement" conditions. this "Acceptance and AGreement" 'Section H) must be returned as Dart of the
comDleted aDDllcation.
Note Condition No. 12: Only project costs incurred on or after the effective date of this agreement and
on or prior to the termination date of a recipient's project are eligible for reimbursement.
Conditions of Agreement Upon approval of this subgrant, the approved application and the following terms of
conditions will become binding. Non-compliance will result in project costs being disallowed.
The term "department", unless otherwise stated, refers to the Department of Community Affairs. The term
"Bureau", unless otherwise stated, refers to the Bureau of Community Assistance.
The term "subgrant recipienf' refers to the goveming body of a city or a county or an Indian Tribe which
performs criminal justice functions as determined by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior, and indud.. an
"Implementing agency" which is' a subordinate agency of a city, county or Indian Tribe, or an agency under
the direction of an elected official (for example, Sheriff or Clerk of the Court).
1. Reports
a. Project Performance Reports:
The recipient shall submit department Quarterly Project Petform8lJCfl Reports to the Bureau by Febl'Ullry
1, May 1, August 1, and within forty-five (45) days after the subgrant termination date.
In addition, if the subgrant award periOd is extended beyond the "original" project period, additional
Quarterly Project Performance Reports shall be submitted.
b. Financial Reports:
The recipient shall have a choice of submitting either Monthly or Qulllterly RnancisJ Oaim Repotts
[DCA-CJ Form-3(A-G) Revised OH8] to the bureau. Monthly Reimbursement Claims (1-11) ..
due thlrty~ (31) days after the end of the reporting period. Quarterty Reimbursement C.......
(1-3) are due thlrty~ne (31) daya after the end of the reporting period. A final Rn81Jdel a.n
Report and a Cdmin81 Justice Contract (Rnanci8l) Closeout PackIIge shall be submitted to the bureau
within forty-five (45) days of the subgranttermination period. Such daim shall be distinctly identified as
Before the "finar claim will be processed, the recipient must submit to the department all outstanding
project raports and must have satisfied all special conditions. Failure to comply with th, abcNe
provisions shaD result In forfeiture of reimbursMIent.
The recipient shaD submit department QuarterlY Project Generated Income Reports to the bu...u by
Februmy 1, May 1, August 1, and within forty-five (41) d.,. after the aubgrant termination .....
cawring subgrant project generMed Income and expenditures during the previous quarter. (See
Pllragraph 14. Program Income.)
c. Other Reports:
The recipient shall submit other reports 81 may be r8IIsonably required by the bureau. All required .
ntports, instructions, and forms shall be distributed with the subgrant award.
2. Fiscal Control and Fund Accounting Procedures
The recipient shan establish fiscal control and fund accounting procedures that allure proper disbursement
and accounting of subgrant funds and required non-fed.... expenditures. All funds spent on this project shall
be disbursed according to provisions of the project budget as approved by the bureau.
SUbgnlnt Application
Section II - Page 8 of 15
SFY 2000 Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Giant Program
Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Assistance
All expenditures and cast accounting of funds shall conform to Office of Justice Programs RnanciaJ Guide.
U.S. Department of Justice Common Rule for State and Local Governments, and in federal Office at
Management and Budget's (OMB) Circulars A-21, A-87. and A-110, in their entirety).
All funds not spent according to this agreement shall be subject to repayment by the recipient.
3. Approval of Consultant Contracts
The department shall review and approve in writing all consultant contracts prior to employment of a
consultant Approval shall be based upon the contract's compliance with requirements found in the Office
at Justice Programs Rnancial Guide, U.S. Department of Justice Common Rule for State and LDcIII
Governments, and in applicable state statutes. The departmenfs approval at the recipient agreement does
not constitute approval at consultant contracts.
4. Allowable Costs
Allowance tar costs incurred under the subgrant shall be determined according to "General Principles of
A1lawability and Standards far Selected Cast Items" set forth in the Office of Justice Programs Rnanc;.J
Guide, U.S. Department of Justice Common Rule for State And LOCII/ Governments and federal OMB Circu/.
No. A-87, "Cost Principles far state and Local Governments", or OMB CircuJar No. A-21, "Cast Principles for
Educational Institutions".
All procedures employed in the use of federal funds to procure services, supplies or equipment, shall be
according to U.S. Department of Justice Common Rule far State and Local Governments, or Attachment"cr
of OMB Cirr:uJar No. A-110 and Florida law to be eligible far reimbursement
5. Travel
All travel reimbursement far out-of-state or out-of-grant-specified work area shall be based upon written
approval of the department prior to commencement of actual travel.
The cost of all travel shall be reimbursed aCCOrding to local regulations, but not in excess of provisions in
Section 112.061, Rotida Statutes.
All bills far any travef expenses shall be submitted according to provisions in Section 112. 061, Rotida
6. Written Approval of Changes in this Approved Agreement
Recipients shall obtain approval from the department tor major changes. These include, but are not limited
a. Chang.. in project activities, designs or r....rch plans set farth in the approved agreement;
b. Budget deviations that do not meet the fallowing criterion. That is, a recipient may transfer fundi
between budget categories allong al the total amount of transfer does not exceed ten (10) pat'Clllt of
the total approved budget and the transfer il made to an approved budget line item; or,
c. Transfers of funds above the ten (10) percent cap shall be made only it a revised budget is approved by
the department.
d. Under no circumstances can transfers of funds increase the total budgeted 8W8rd. Transfers do nat
aUow far incr8Uing the quantitative number of Items documented in any approved budget line item. (For
aample, equipment Items in Operating Capital Outlay or Expense categories or staff positions in the
Salaries and Benefits category.)
7. Reimbursement Subject to Available ~unds
The obligation of the state of Florida to reimburse recipients far incurred casts is subject to available fed..1
Anti-Orug Abuse Act funds.
SUbgrant App/icatitJn
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SFY 2000 Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program
Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Assistance
8. Advance Funding
Advance funding is authorized up to twenty-five (25) percent of the federal award for each project according
to Section 216.181(14)(b), Rorida Statutes (1991); the Office of Justice Programs Rnancial Guide, U.S.-
Department of Justice Common Rule for State and Local Governments. Advance funding shall be provided
to a recipient upon a written request to the department justifying the need for such funds. This requMt,
inciuding the justification, shaJl be enclosed with the 8ubgrant application.
9. Commencement of Project
If a project has not begun within sixty (60) days after acceptance of the subgrant award, the recipient shaJJ
send a letter to the bureau indicating steps to initiate the project, reasons for deiay and request a reviled
project starting date.
If a project has not begun within ninety (90) days after acceptance of the subgrant award, the recipient shaJJ
send another letter to the bureau, again explaining reasons for delay and request another revised project
starting date.
Upon receipt of the ninety (90) day letter, the department shall determine if the reason for delay is justified
or shall, at Its discretion, unilaterally terminate this agreement and nt-obligate subgrant funds to other
department approved projects. The department, where warranted by extenuating circumstances, mayextencl
the starting date of the project past the ninety (90) day period, but only by formal written amendment to this
10. Extension of a Contract for Contractual Services
Extension of a contract for contractual services between the recipient and a contractor (which inctudes all
project budget categories) shall be in writing for a period not to exceed six (6) mOnths and is subject to the
same terms and conditions set forth in the initial contract. Only one extension of the contract shall be
acceptable, unless failure to complete the contr:1ct Is due to events beyond the control of the contractDr.
11. Excusable Delays
Except with respect to defaults of consultants, the recipient shaD not be in default by reason of any failure in
performance of this agreement according to its terms (inctuding any failure by the recipient to make progreu
in the execution ofwark hereunder which endangers such performance) If such failure arises out of caUles
beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the recipient. Such caUles inctude but are not
limited to acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the government in either its sovereign or contnlctuat
capacity, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and unusually swere
weather, but in f!NfIfY case the failure to perform shall be beyond the control and without the fault or
negligence of the recipient
If failure to perform is caused by failure of a consuttantto perform or make progress, and if such failure ariHs
aut of caus. beyond the control of recipient and consultant, and without fault or negligence of either ofth.",
the recipient shall not be deemed in default, unless:
a. Supplies or services to be fumished by the conlultant'Nere obtainable from other sources,
b. The department ordered the recipient In writing to procure such supplies or services from other sources,
c. The recipient failed to reasonably comply with such order.
Upon request of the recipient, the department shall ascertain the facts and the extent of such failure, and
if the department determines that any failure to perform was occasioned by one or more said caUles,
the delivery schedule shall be revised accordingly.1
Su.nt Applcation
!I:_.. " _ t:'.... .,n ",.,.
SFY 2000 Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Gnmt Program
Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Assistance
12. Obligation of Recipient Funds
Recipient funds shall not under any circumstances be obligated prior to the effective date or subsequent to
the termination date of the grant period. Only project costs incurred on or after the effective date and
on or prior to the termination date of the recipient's project are eligible for reimbursement. A cost is
incurred when the recipienfs employee or consultant performs required services, or when the recipient
receives goods, notwithstanding the date of order.
13. Program Income (also known as Project Generated Income)
Program income means the gross income earned by the recipient during the subgrant period, as a direct
result of the subgrant award. Program income shall be handled according to the Office of Justice Programs
Rnancial Guide. U.S. Department of Justice Common Rule for State and Local Government. Reference:
The Cash Management Improvement Act of 1990).
14. Performance of Agreement Provisions
In the event of default, non-compliance or violation of any provision of this agreement by the recipient, the
recipients consultants and suppliers; or both, the department shall impose sanctions it deems appropriate
inetuding withholding payments and cancellation, termination or suspension of the agreement in whate or in
part In such event, the department shall notify the recipient of Its decision thirty (30) days in advance of the
effective date of such sanction. The recipient shall be paid only for those services satisfactorily performed
prior to the effective date of such sanction.
15. Access To Records
The Department of Community Affairs; the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau
of Justice Auistance; and, the Auditor Gen8f1l1 of the State of Florida, the U.S. Comptroller General or My
of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access to books, documents, papers and records of the
recipient, implementing agency and contractors for the purpose of audit and examination according to the
emce of Justice Programs Rnanciai Guide. U.S. Department of Justice Common Rule for state and I.DCII/
The department reserves the right to unilaterally terminate this agreement if the recipient, implementing
agency or contractor refuses to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other materials
subject to provisions of Chapter 119, Rotida Statutes, and made or received by the recipient or its contractor
in conjunction with this agreement
16. Audit
a Recipients that expend $300,000 or more in a y.... in Federal awards shall have a single or pragrmn-
IpeciflC audit conducted for that y..... The audit IMII be performed in accordance with the federal OMS
CIrr:uIM .4-133 and other applicable fed8f1l1law. The contract for this agreement shall be identified with
the sUbject audit in The Schedule of FedenII Rn8tlCill/ Aailtance. The contract shall be identifted ..
fed~1 funds paued-through the Florida Department of Community Affairs and Inetude the contract
number, CFOA number, award amount, contract period, funds received and disbursed. Wh..
applicable, the recipient shall submit an annual financial audit which meets the requirements of Sectia..
11.45 and 218.349, Florida Statutes; and, Chept.. 10.550 and 10.800, Rules of the Florida Auditor
b. A complete audit report which covers any portion of the effective dates of this agreement must be
submitted within 30 days after its completion, but no later than nine (9) months after the audit period.
In order to be complete, the submitted report shall inetude any management letters issued sepal'llt8ly
and menagemenfs written response to aI findings, bath audit report and management letter findingl.
Incomplete audit reports will nat be accepted by the department and will be returned to the recipient.
c. The recipient shall have all audits completed by an Independent Public AcCountant (IPA). ThelPA shall
be either a Certified Public Accountant or a Ucensed Public Accountant.
d. The recipient shall take appropriate corrective action within six (6) months of the issue date oftha audit
report in instances of noncompliance with fed..llaws and regulations.
subg,.nt A~1ion
"'_~_" ~___~. _4.~
SFY 2000 Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program
Edward Byrne Memorial state and Local Assistance
e. The recipient shall ensure that audit working papers are made available to the department, or its
designee, upon request for a period of three (3) years from the date the audit report is issued, unless
extended in writing by the department
f. If this agreement is closed out without an audit, the department reserves the right to recover any
disaJJowed costs identified in an audit completed after such closeout.
g. The completed audit reports should be sent to the following address:
Department of Community Affairs
Office of Audit Services
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Sadowski Building
Tallahassee, Aorida 32399-2100
17. Procedures for Claim Reimbursement
All cJaims for reimbursement of recipient costs shall be submitted on the DCA-CJ Form 3(A-G),
Revised 09198. prescribed and provided by the bureau. A recipient shall submit either monthly or
quarterly claims in order to report current project costs.
All claims for reimbursement shall be submitted in sufftcient detail for proper pre-audit and post-audit.
18. Retention of Records
The recipient shall maintain all records and documents for a minimum of three (3) years from the date of the
final financial statement and be available for audit and pubUc disclosure upon request of duly authorized
19. Ownership of Data and Creative Material
Ownership of material, discoveries, inventions, and results developed, produced, or discovered subordinate
to this agreement is govemed by the terms of the Oftice of Justice Programs RnancisJ Guide. U.S.
Department of Justice Common Rule for State and Lot:a/ Government) or the federal OMB Cirr:u/ar A-110,
Attachment N, Peragraph B.
20. Property Accountability
The recipient agrees to use all non-expendable property for criminal justice purposes during its useful life or
request department disposition.
The recipient shall establish and administer a systn to protect, preserve, use, maintain and dispose of any
property furnished to it by the department or purchUed pursuant to this agreement according to fed..,
property management standards.etforth in the Offtce of Justice Programs Rnencilll Guide. U.S. Department
of Justice Common Rule for state IIIId I.DCIIl Government) or the feel...1 OMB Circular A-110,
Attachment N. This obligation continues as long aa the recipient retains the property, notwlthandlng
ecpiratlon of this agreement.
21. Disputes and Appals
The department shall make its decision in writing when responding to any disputes, disagreements or
questions offact arising under this agreement and shall distribute its response to all concemed parties. The
recipient shall, proceed dUlgently with the performance of this agreement aCCOrding to the departmenrs
If the recipient a~ls the department's decision, it also shall be made in writing within twenty-one (21)
cMlnd. dllya to the department's clerk (agency clerk). The recipient's right to appeal the departmenrs
decision is contained in Chapter 120, Rodda Statute., and in procedures set forth in Rule 28-108.104,
Rorida AdminiIb.ove Code. Failure to appeal within this time frame constitutes 8 waiver of proceedings
under Chapter 120. FIotida statutes.
Subgtant Application
Section 11- Page 12 of 16
SFY 2000 Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program
Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Assistance
22. Conferences and Inspection of Work
'Conferences may be held at the request of any party to this agreement At any time, a representative of the
bureau, of the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance or both have the privilege of visiting
the project site to monitor, inspect and assess work performed under this agreement
23. Publication or Printing of Reports
a. Before publication or printing. a final draft of any report required under or pertaining to this agreement
shall be sent to the department for its review and comment
b. Publications or printed reports covered under a.' above shall include the following statements on the
cover page:
(1) "This report was prepared for the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Steven M. Seibert,
Secretary. in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance." Th.
next printed line shallldentify the month and y..r the report was published.
(2) "This program was supported by grant '# awarded to the Department
of Community Affairs, State of Florida, and by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), omce of
Justice Programs (OJP), U.S. Department of Justice. The BJA is a component of OJP which alia
includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Nationsllnstitute of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention, and the Office for Victims of Crime."
(3) .Points of view. opinions, and conclusions expressed in this report are those of the recipient and do
not necessarily represent the official position or pOlicies of the State' of Florida'Department of
Community Affairs, the U.S. Department of Justice. omce of Justice Programs, or any other agency
of the stIIte or federal govemment.
24. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
No person, on the grounds of race. creed, color or national origin shall be excluded from participation in, be
refused benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under grants awarded pursuant to Pubic Law
89-564, Non-tJiaClimination Requirements of the Anti-Drug Abu.. Act of 1988; T1tJe IV ofth. CIvI Rights AI::t
of 1964; Section 504 of the Rehablitation Act of 1973 as amended; 7JIe IX of the EduClltion Amendments of
1972: TheAge Discrimination Act of 1975; and, Department of Justice Non-Discrimination Regulations 28 CFR
Pert 42. Subparts C, D, E, F, G and H. .
The recipient and a crimil1ll1 justice agency that is the implementing agency agree to certify that they either
do or do not meet EEO program criteria as set forth in Section 501 of The Federal Omnibus Clime ContrrJ/
and s.te Streets AI::t of 1988 as amended and that they have or have not formulated, implemented and
maintained.. current EEO Program. Submiulon ofthla certltlcatlon is a prerequisite to em.rtng into
this agw.ment. Thil certification is a materilll representation of fact upon which retiance wal piaced when
this agreementwu made. If the recipient or implementing agency meet Act criteria but have not formuiated,
Implemented and maintained such a currn written EEO Program, they have 120 days after the dD this
agreement W8I made to comply with the Arl. or face Ion of federal funds subject to the sanctions in the
Jua1it:8 System ImptOVement Act of 1979, Pub. L 96-157. 42 U.S.C. 3701, at seq. (Reference Section 803
(a) oftha Act, 42 U.S.C. 3783 (a) and 28 CFR Section 42.207 Compiance Information).
Any stIIte agency, county or city receiving $500,000 or more in federal Anti-Dtug Abus. Act funds shan'
submit its equal employment opportunity plan, and/or the most recent update, with its application, for
submittal to the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance for approval.
25. Americana with OiAbHlties Act 1990
SUbgrantHs must comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Ad (ADA), PubUc Law
101-338, which prohibits discrimination by public and private entities on the balis of disability and requires
certain accommodations be made with regard to employment (Title I), state and local govemment services
and transportation (TIUe II), public accommodations (TIUe III), and telecommunications (TItle IV).
SWJgr.nt AppIcUon
Section /1- 13 of 15
SFY 2000 Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program
Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Assistance
26. Criminal Intelligence System
The purpose ofthe federal regulation published in 28 CFR Pm 23 - Criminal Intelligence Systems Operating
PoIcies is to assure that recipients of federal funds for the orincioal ouroose of operating a criminal
intelligence system under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, 42 U.S.C. 3701, at seq.,
as amended (Pub. L 90-351, as amended by Pub. L 93-83, Pub. L 93-415, Pub. L 94-430, Pub. L 94-503,
Pub. L 95-115, and Pub. L 96-157), use those funds in conformance with the privacy and constitutional
rights of individuals.
The recipient and a criminal justice agency that is the implementing agency agree to certify that they operate
a criminal intelligence system in accordance with Sections 802(a) and 818(c) of the Omnibus Clime Control
end Safe streets Act of 1968 as amended and comply with criteria as set forth in 28 CFR Pm 23 _ ~
Intelligence Systems Operating Policies and in the Bureau of Justice Assistance's Formula Grant Program
Guidance. Submiaion of this certification is a prerequisite to entering into this agreement.
This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance wal placed when this agreement
WIIS made. If the recipient or criminal justice agency operates a criminal intelligence system and does not
meet Act and federal regulation criteria, they mUst indicate when they plan to come into compliance. Federal
law requires a subgrant-funded criminal intelligence Iystem project to be in compliance with the Ad. and
federal regulation priorto the aWllrd of federal funds. The recipient is responsible for the continued adherence
to the regulation governing the operation of the system or faces the loss of federal funds. The department's
approvaJ of the recipient agreement does not constitute approval of the subgrant funded development or
operation of a criminal intelligence system.
27. Non-Procurement, Debarment and Suspension
The recipient agrees to comply with Executive Order 12&19, Debarment and Suspension (34 CFR, Pelt 85.
Section 85.510, Participant's Responsibilties). These procedures require the recipient to certify it snail not
enter into any lowertiered covered transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declarea lnetigible
or I: voluntarily excluded from participating in this covered transaction, unless authorized by the department.
28. Payment Contingent on Appropriation
The State of Florida's performance and obligation to pay under this agreement is contingent upon an annual
appropriation by the Florida Legislature.
29. Federal Restrictions on Lobbying
The recipient agrees to comply with Section 319 of Pubic IJIw 101-121 set forth in Wew Restrictions on
Lobbying; Intetim Rne/ Rule, · publshed in the Februety 28. 1990. Federal Register.
E8ch penon shaH file the most current edition of this Certification And Dlscfosure Form. if applicable, with
_ch submission that initiates agency consideration of such p..on for award of federal contnlct, gI'8ftt, or
cooper8tive agreement of 5100,000 or more; or feeteral loan of 5150,000 or more.
this certiftcation il a material rep.....ation of fact upon which reliance was placed when thll agNamant
w.. made. SUbmission of this certiftcation is a prerequisite to entering into this agreement subject to
condition. and P8ft811iea imposed by Section 1352, 77tJe 31. United states Code. Any person who fails tD ilia
the required certification is subject to a civil penalty of not I_I than 510,000 and not more than 5100,000 for .
_ch failure to file.
The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowtedge and belief, that
a. No federally appropriated funds h8ve been pilid or shall be paid to any person for influencing or
attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a member of congress, an offtcar
or employee of congress, or an employee of a member of congresl in connection with the awarding of
any federal loan, the entering into of any renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract,
grant, loan or coopenltive agreement. .
SubgtMt Apple..
Section 11- P.g. 14 of 15
SFY 2000 Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program
Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Assistance
b. If any non-federal funds have been paid or shall be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to
influence an officer or employee of congress, or an employee of a member of congress in connection
with this federal contract, grant loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and
submit the standard form, Disclosure of lobbYina Activities. according to its instructions.
c. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in award documents for
all subgrant awards at all tiers and that all subgrant recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.
30. state Restrictions on lobbying
In addition to the provisions contained in Paragraph 30 of Section H, Acceptance and Agreement...-. the
expenditure of funds for the purpose of lobbying the legislature or a state agency is prohibited under this
31. Statement of Federal Funding Percentage and Dollar Amount
When issuing statements, press releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations, and other documents
describing projects or programs funded in whole or in part with federal funds, all grantees ancl recipients
receiving these federal funds, including but not limited to state and local governments, shall c1_fIy stma:
a. The percentage of the total cost of the program or project that shall be financed with federal funds, and
b. The dollar amount of federal funds to be expended on the project or program.
32. Background Check
It Is strongly recommended that background checks be conductec:l on all personnel providing direct services.
to juveniles.
33. Immigration and Nationality Act
No public funds will intentionally be awarded to any contractor who knowingly employs unauthorized alien
workers, constituting a violation of the employment provisions contained in 8 U.S.C. Section 13248(e),
Section 274A(e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act ("INA"). The Department shall consider the
employment by any contractor of unauthorized aliens a violation of Section 274A(e) of the 1NA. Such
violation by the subgrant recipient of the employment provisions contained in Section 274A( e) of the INA shall
be grounds for unilateral cancellation of this contract by the Department
34. Drug Court Projects
A Drug Court Project funded by the Byme Formula Grant Program must contain the 10 key elements outlined
in the U.S. Department of Justice, OffIce of Justice Programs, Drug Courts Program OffIce, program
gUidelines "Defining Drug Courts: The Key Components", January 1997. This document can be accessed
on the OffIce of Justice Programs Wortd Wide Web Homepage: http://www.ojp.usdoj,job.
~lI~nt A~tion
~...~_ " _ D___ 41l: _6."
OMb, uran1S-._
- ...--..
Jfi 2 5 IS'
---.--- -
WHEREAS. the Depanment of Community Affairs has announced the FY99/00 funding
cycle of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act Formula Grant Program; and
WHEREAS, on April 14, 1999, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners agreed to
serve as the coordinating unit of government in the preparation of the grant proposals and in the
distribution of funds allocated to Monroe County in the amount of $230,028 with a 25% cash
match requirement: and
WHEREAS. the Monroe County Substance Abuse Policy Advisory Board, with concern
given to the County's current drug control effolU, has recommended cenain programs receive
funding to provide the community with activities focused on drug and alcohol education,
preventio~ rehabilitatio~ and treatment; now therefore,
I. The Board of County Commissioners concurs with the Monroe County Substance
Abuse Policy Advisory Board's recommendations; and that
2. The County Administrator is hereby authorized to sign and submit the application
packet for the FY99/00 grant funds to the Deparunent of Community Affairs Anti-
Drug Abuse Grant Program; and that
3. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Board of
County Commissioners and execution by the Presiding Officer and Clerk.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of COUDty Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida,
at a regUlar meeting of said Board held on the 9111 day of lune, A.D., 1999
Mayor WilhelminJl Harvey
Mayor ProTem Shirley Freeman
Commissioner Neugent
Commissioner Williams
Commissioner Reich
.> ~
AI1D't DN~. :JWW CL..."JC
Monroe COUDty Board of Commissioners
By:\O........ -~ ___i\.. .... ~'.:~
(3llSl ~1
James L. Robens
County Administrator
Monroe County Public Service Building
5100 College Road
Key West. FL 33040
May 28. 1999
Clayton H. Wilder
DCA - Community Assistance
Criminal Justice Programs
2555 Shumard Oak Blvd.
Tallahasse~ FL 32399-2100
.,"r .....,-- Mayor Wil~I",n.. Harvey, DisIricll
Mayor Pro rem Shirley Frecmm. Dislrict3
George Neupm. District 2
Ncn WilliIms. District 4
Mary Kay Reich. District 5
. \ _ . w
Re: Signature Authority - FY99/00 Monroe County Anti-Dmg Abuse Grant Program
Dear Mr. Wilder,
May this letter serve as authorization for Deanna S. Lloyd to have signature authority in order to ccmduct the
business related to program implementation. If any additional information or documentation is required, please
contact 305.292.4474. Thank you.
Sincerely, ~.:::::/' __~.
James L. Roberts
County Administtator
SFY!ODD DlIIg Control and S}'SDIm 1"'PIOV8m8nt FonnuIa GIMt Program
EdRrd Byrne MemotI8l StafII.,d Local ""ftlstance
Certification of Compliance
with Equal Employment Opponunity (EEO)
Program Requirements - Subgrantee ,;
i I
I, the undersigned authorized official, certify that according to Section 501 of the
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe SlreetsAct of 1968 as amended, that the Subgrantee
(Subgrant Recipient) . . .(Select one of the following):
lB Meets Act Criteria
o Does not meet Ad Criteria
I affirm that I have read the Act aiteria set forth in the Subgrant Application
Instructions. I understand that if the Subgrant Recipient meets these aiteria, it must
formulate, implement and maintain a written eo Plan relating to employment practices
affecting minority persons and wamen. I also affirm that the SUbgrant Recipient. . .
(Select one of the foJ/owing):
GJ Has a current EEO Plan
o Does not have a current EEO Plan
I further affirm that if the Subgrant Recipient meets the Ad aiteria and does not have
a current \Witten EEO Plan, federal law requir8S it to formulate, implement, ~d
maintain such a Plan within 120 days after a subgrant application for federal
assistance is approved or face loss of federal funds.
Date: t(9/cfc;
Signature of Authorized Official:
Name: James L. Roberts
TItle: County Administrator
!!pnmt AepllcatIon Pecka".
EEO CaltltlClltlon -lmpI...antIn~
ADDendbr 11- PIJa8 1 of 2
SFY 2000 Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Grant Program
Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Assistance
Sianature Paae
In witness whereof, the parties affirm they each have read and agree to conditions set forth in this agreement,
have read and understand the agreement in its entirety and have executed this agreement by their duly
authorized officers on the date, month and year set out beJow.
Corrections on this page. including
stTike-ovelS. whlteout. etc.. ant not acceptable.
- ,
State of Florida
Department of Community Affairs --I
Bureau of Community Assistance
1 ! ~999
By: @Q.~L -!J . l4~~ \
.. -~ 'Cf.-
.~l" ..
, ' . ',' - ':" ~-.:.:-~, ~() '-
Type Name and Title: Clayton H. Wilder, Community Program Administrator --
Date: 9 - 2-1-Q'1
Subgrant Recipient
Authorizing Official of Governmental Unit
(Commission Chairman, Mayor, or Designated Representative)
By: ---- // --~ ..--/ ~.-
Type Name and Title: James L. Roberts. Monroe County Administrator
Date: ~(r? I q9 FEID Number: 59 6000749
Implementing Agency
Official, Administrator or Designated Representative
... ~~-ZL\
By: --
Type Name and Title: James L. Roberts, Monroe County Administrator
Date: e:,!?/19
$ul!grant A~q.tion
.<::..roti"" /I _ P.... fie", fie