Resolution 235-2024 . RESOLUTION NO.235-2024 • A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY,:FLORDIA, : : • :ADOPTING- : THE FINAL DUCK KEY SECURITY • : DISTRICT NON-AD VALOREM SPECIAL ASSESSMENT : : : : : .R'FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 : BE IT RESOLVED:BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA as follows: : 1 : : • ' . 1. The Board hereby adopts the following final non-ad valorem special assessment rates for the Duck Key SeCurity District for fiscal year 2024/2025: • 292.00:per improved lot; : . . :$28.00 per unimproved lot. : : ' • . 2.: The Board hereby:directs the.Monroe County Clerk to transmit:this executed Resolution to : . ' • . the Monroe CourntYyProp ertY Appraiser and Monroe Count Tax•Collector.: • :PASSED AND ADOPTED.by the:Board'of County Commissioners of Monroe:County, Florida,: • .. ...at a•meetin of .. . . . .. g said Board•held on the 17th day of July 2024. : . •. . �. .. . . Mayor Holly Merrill R asch ei n Yes. ' ' Ma yor Pro Tern James K. Scholl : •Yes ' ' . 1 i0 Craig C • . Comm ss• 'ner. ra .. _ : ' . Cates. Ab n s Michelle Lincoln commissi•Oner.• • lc elle • .• �.Yes: : 1 1 D id Ri • __ , ' ' Comm�ss oner .av ce Yes .. : . . ., .` =V ._i fir..t .V�.ti=I^,_ .. .. .. .. : . .:' a,:,(S:eal�):,. `�, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF i.':.1"d' °t Attet c.KE; N,MADOK, CLERK : MON ' OE COU TY,:FLORIDA : . . . : '''f:','''.::'il,;.ii.':',1,.::;:',:: :''''':,,,:,: v,:',..'„::\V':'.--1..':?! ;(--'i . . :' I . I . , ' ' 1 . . . 1 . to ‘,...,,,..-:-_, , .: ,.,:.::. .,_,_, ,.._::‘,...::.:: :,:,,.:-sz;-.4 in , A„ . tIP. A I :::...';'. ':;':*.'.:'-',:'0*-::',',',-.-/g:*:/,. i GbU.a kir W\P')g/."' . B : : w : I . • : . - : : . . . . . ., : y ,As ty.C lerk Mayor MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APPROV.D AS TO FORM:_ • CHIt15T1NE LIMBlrRT=BARROWS ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTOFtNE . DATE:E:' • 117/24 : : - 1 . : ; . a: g . ....--11 . ' . . . .9c7' .' Cja : '';175 : ' .i. • ' .-,»1,<, •:,...--- L .r C R E .:TIFICATE : :TO. : : . : : • • . ': • • . • • :• NON=AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT:ROLLS : ' • ' • : H. the undersigned., :h�ereby:certify that, I:am the Chair:of the Board or. authorized • , . agent of the Monroe :Count Board of Count Commission located in Monroe •Count authorized. Florida;-.as:such :I: have: .satisfied myself tha.t::all property included •or includable on the- . • • Duck: Key Security: :'Non-Ad Valorem Assessment •Roll..for. the aforesaid. .county. is: . : • properly.=assessed• so. far: as- I have 'been :able to• ascertain; .and• :that all required: • : •. •• -•:extensions on•,the. :above: .described roll .to:-show the •non-ad .valorem :.assessments .. •... . • •- • ..• attributable,.to:the:property listed therein have been made.pursuant to-law.. • • • . . . .. . :I FURTHER:-.-CERTIFY.. that, ' iini accordance . with Abp.".. Uniform: Assessment. : Collection Act,: :this certificate..and :the. -herein .described .Non-Ad,Valorem: Assessment . : • • • :-•:Roll-will .be•delivered.to the' Monroe.County:Tax.Collector by September 15., 2024.. : : ••IN WITNESS WHEREOF,•I have subscribed:this certificate'and•caused. the:same • ••.:to•be'attached to.and• made a.•part•.of the above-described•Np-n-Ad.Valorem.'Assessment..•: • .: • - • Roll this l 7:th dayof Jul 2024•. • . • • . . • (SEAL) �. • : • - : : • Monroe County Boardof.County Comm scion • . - ., ,ATTEST: KEVIN MADOK, CLERK ' • Monroe County,. Florida:. • •• : •• :• :•-,- ••.• • ..• ... • • •-. .:• :• •• :...,.',.. .'-f/"'::;••:Mtp,.-1'r •-..„6 \krek. • •••• . •• .. - • I. - . i -, . '.. • •••• • • . ' -. ' .. . '.' .' . • - ' ' . ' - .• - ' ' . ' • . ' • • .:. :'•••• ..'•1•1,1,2.;-,1.':;;;F-1.1Cill•'[.,-..i.--',.c.:31.1ilt.tr-T'l. GlAin, • - ( ••' •-:. :... . :.• H. .•• ..1.'.:-.:. .•• . .. : . : ..—""1": AD ' k Mayor Holly Merrill Raschein: :,, :ki e ut ,C, ''> a�i by r` MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY ,*. APPRQVED AS•TQ F0 : ` . 'CNRISTINE LIMHERT4BARROWS .. •ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY-• . .DATE,.•5/17/24 . . ' ' : - • ' . . '' • • .a... ... • .. •Z--.: • . : . . • . . • .. • •.. - ,ch is-' • ... 4 rp r . ' ... -; • -..-.'' '.' . ti ,r • • • • ' Ni�ii+. 7~. KeysNews.com KE ZEN khullv Islailds'VOne N"'ok"(" The Florida Keys Only Daily Newspaper, Est. 1876 PO Box 1800,Key West FL 33041 P:(941)206-1025 F:(305)294-0768 legals@keysnews.com MONROE CO BUDGET & FINANCE 1100 SIMONTON ST STE 2-213 KEY WEST FL 33040 Account: 421120 Ticket: 3931403 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA [legal.text] COUNTY OF MONROE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Amber Douglas ,who on oath says that he or she is The legal advertising representative of the Key West Citizen,a five day newspa- per published in Key West,in Monroe County, Florida;that the attached copy of advertisment,being a legal notice in the matter of was published in said newspa- per in the issues of: Saturday,June 22,2024 Affiant further says that the Key West Citizen is a newspaper published in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida and that the said newspapers has hereto- fore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida Tuesday thru Saturday weekly,and has been entered as periodicals matter at the post office in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida,for a period of 1 year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement;and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person,firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertise- ment for publication in the said newspaper. F (Signature ofAffiant) Affirmed and subscribed before me this 24th day of June 2024 (Notary Public Signature) Jill Kelli Di Benedetto (Notary Public Printed Name) My commission expires 8/19/2027 Personally Known X Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced (Notary Seal) Notary Public State of Florida Ak Jill Kalil Di Benedetto ttN My Commission HH 390294 ExpirBS 61191202 7 PAGE A10 SATURDAY,JUNE 22,2024 Keys Citizen keysnews.com I N /�A t,ti Y G' Jdd/II 11 11 r 11 I,1il., 19 Keys students to study abroad this summer SPECIAL TO THE CITIZEN carvi1 $ g t. t the arts and % d9 The 19 students participating this summera,,f,,m N [ studentsf /�� / nkl fT/ three high schools M County %U/d>t/ k/ f/� 1� KEYWESTHIGHSCHOOL three lh spring,the /// �'y�/� `/ Rory DeLeon Maldonado Class of2025 Span Spansh high broabroad this schoolstraveling t summer as t t 4' t 4 ins q..t( g r�(Jt�JIIUJf I /p Language and Culture t 1 global �` Nakathy Dort Classof2026 Italy CulinaryTa n'ngand part otthe Experiment skills building rkshop 2//� Culture in International Living's d in 1 Pre ,t"JK'"d Jx/ /r � NathaIi,Espnoza Salga do Class of 2025 Japan J.p.- cross cultural1 g depart tit / nese Language and CuImm 4e thrilled[ said Heather Beard, \ JL` M ( Anela Ewng Fsher Class of 2026 Japan Anme and continuelongstanding director t enrollment -�>� / t Marc 1 t h 1 M management d , ,0„ / K Che la Fernandez Class of 2026 France Cut Disco, County,"said tuna 0. ery Group2(wth Germany) partnerships"Later[h �", g.��b t n,r, /b�/ Herem ah Harvey Class of 2025 The Leadership Institute rhvixeo d '1 fall,these ' d SZR Clmate Change'n Costa R'ca president ol th their family members will (,. Y y;"','(j pl d >?rr YsnaloveJoseph Classof2026South Korea KCulthre h g at World h thet f jBYI'`f"i l >Jpl and Peacebuldimi Leaching, g through wouncert with h other, ) ' �Ip w "2�('ph Cade MacFadand Class of 2026 Italy Cul'naryTanng which th Experiment 1 t tell th t d sharef /K (q9j 1 and Culture in InternationalL g hl 4�.11.1 tall `�"°"t J / ( d Dylan Mart nez Class of 2025 Japan Japanese Lan is uttered.Ostudents16 tiintegratingth ,ff f V / ; I��t guage and culture ll travelt different unique Jefferny Pierre Class of 2025 France Cultua l Discove ry t d 12 d if [ t th d f l 6 d d J ��/ 1 �I) ,� Group l(vv th Sw tzedand) MARATHON HIGH SCHOOL programs this summen how to translate summer 7 ((;I�JA ZyanWggins Class of 2025 Japan Anme and Mang. 1 h E 1 t abroad t college n �� Jada Zapata Lebo Class of 2026 South Korea K Culture International L 't alL gh' preparations,ncluding r W 1 H and Peacebu'Id'ng binternational, ll ..s f L CORAL SHORES HIGH SCHOOL 1 tilt' g Ag d gt lh ` } 1', +c. Jazmyn Blassc class o1`2025 Italy Cul'naryT,,nng and 1 g t high hoot t t the ll dKcv � Culture t d t t than Shelly Gonzalez Pedraza Class of 2026 France Cultural 90 O t students received par[ 1 oPo D'smvery Group 2(with Switzedand) d based sch I h1 Karla Gutierrez Class of 2026 France Cultural Discovery abroad lhew ,students through pro Shaken Raymond,Key West High Schoo12024g graduate,g programs Gmup 1 on th Gem,anas explore the world through participated In the Experimentin International Living's Arabic hands-on experiences exclusive Monroe County language and Middle East program In Jordan last summer. Madison ghth Arts Class of 2026,Spain:Spanish Car - hands scholarship. guage through the Arts and home stays in local "Seventeen other appreciate the support For intrmation JordanWbis,Class of 2024,France:Cdtmal Discovery unities through students participated of the Monroe Count abouttheExperimentin Group I evith Germany) par pa y the lens ofa specific - Pablo Madn,Class of 2026,Spain:Cultural Discovery in Monroe in Child Education Foundation International Living,visit program focus,including 'fake Stock in Children to make this happen," experiment.org. Sabrina Rodriguez,Class of2ov,South Korea:Korean college credit,internships, program.We greatly '11omassaid. Language and culture .,......- ......-- ......- ... , .,.......KEYS u � .. . J1,\L)1:::FF`1Q:::S ---- --- - NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF COUNTY RESOLUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN that on v July 17,2024'at 9:00 a.m.or as soon thereafter as possible,at the Marathon Government Center,2798 Overseas Highway,Marathon,Florida 33050, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,Florida,intends to / consider the adoption ofthe following County resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THEBOARD OF COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONTINUING THE NOTICE OF HEARING TO REIMPOSE AND PROVIDE FOR ASSESSMENTS OF WASTEWATER SERVICE TO PROPERTIES COLLECTION OF DUCK KEY SECURITY SERVICES IN THE BIG COPPITT,DUCK KEY,STOCK ISLAND,CUDJOE REGIONAL CENTRALIZED INNER AND OUTER ISLAND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SERVICE AREAS, EAST/WEST LONG KEY, NO NAME KEY, MIDDLE/BIG TORCH KEY,AND EXPANDED PARCELS WITHIN Notice is hereby given that the County Commission,Monroe County,Floridawill conducta public hearing m THE CUDJOE REGIONAL SERVICE AREA FOR THE 2024 TAX onsider reimposing security services assessments for the If al Year beginning Octobers,2024,against YEAR;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. certain Improved and unimproved properties located within Duck Key,to fund the cost of security services provided to such properties and to authorize collection of such assessments on the tax bill, Th e pu at c h sari n g wi l l be h el d at9:00A,M.,on July17,2024,at the Ma ratho n G overn men tCen ter,2790 Overseas pursuant to Section 286.0105,Florida Statutes,notice is given that if a person Highway,Marathon,Florida 33050,The public can also attend the Pubuc Hearing via Communication Media decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter Technology("CMT")/Zoom at the following virtual address, hnp,//monroecountyf cmacom/citizens/ nsideredatsuch hearings or meetings,hewillneed a record ofthe proceedings, defaultaspx for the purpose ofconnibuting/receiving public comment on the proposed assessments, and that,for such purpose, e h may to ensure that a verbatim record ofthe ma All affected property owners have a right to appear at the hearing and tofile written objections with the proceedings is made,which record includes the testimony and evidence upon County Commission within 20 calendar days of the publication date of this notice,Pursuant to section which the appeal isto be based. 206,0105,Florida Statutes,notice Is g ven thatlf a person decides to appeal any decision made by the County Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing,such person will need a record of the A_ASSISTANCE:If you are a person with a disability who needs special proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record Is made,Including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be made,In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act persons accommodations in order to participate in this proceeding,please contact needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the the County Administrator's Office,by phoning(305)2924441,between the Coun ty Ad or nl stra for" Offoxbetween000A,M,and 5:30p,m„at(305)2924441,at least 4e hours prior to hours of8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.,no later thanfive(5)calendar days prior to the the date of the hearing,If hearing impaired,dial"T1"for assistance, scheduled meeting;ifyou are hearing or voice impaired,call`711". The annual Duck Key security assessment Is based on the number of Improved or unimproved lots The assessments will be collected on the ad valorem tax bill to be mailed in ,on tained within the Duck Key Security District The total annual assessmentrevenue to be collected within Duck Key for the upcoming fiscal year Is estimated to be 1126,30100 The annual assessment rates for the November,2024,as authorized by section 197.3632,Florida Statutes.Failure to Fecal year beginning October 1,2024(remain the same as the current year)at$292,00 per Improved lot and pay the assessments will cause a tax certificate to be issued against the property $20,00 per unimproved lot which may result in a loss of title. Copies of the legal documentation for the assessment program will be made available upon request by The public participate the July 17,2024 meeting of Board ofCoun contacting the County Attorneys a Moe at(305)2923470,Monday through Friday,between 0',30 am,and Pu par paein J y go County 5:00 p.m, Commissioners of Monroe County,FL by attending in person,or via Zoom. 11ne Zoom link can be found in the agenda at: http://monroecountyfi.igm2. Ifyou have any questions,please contact the County at(305)292-3470,Monday through Friday,between om/citizens.defarlt.aspx. 0:30 am,and 5:00 p.m. The assessmenswill be collected on the ad valorem tax bill to be mailed th November,2024,as authorized Dated at Key West,Florida,this 22nd day of June,2024. by se"on,973632,Florida Statutes,Failure to pay the assessmenewill cause a tax cert f'atetobe issued againsthe property whl on may result In a loss of title, Kevin Madok,Clerk ofthe Circuit Court The proposed Assessment Resolution may belns ectedb the public Monroe County bsiteb and ex offiuo Clerk ofthe Board of County propose y p y pu tywe y Commissioners of Monroe County,Florida wing the agenda packetfor the July17,2024,Monroe County Commission meeting,which will used as publication dates: of July 10,2024,may be viewed o n i e Can ntywebsi to at:hnp,//me moecou n tyfl l q m2com/ci it /default aspx. Keys Citizen:Sat.,06/22/24 Keys Weekly:Thur.,06/27/24 The public can participate In the July17,,2024 meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe News Barometer:Fri.,06/28/24 County,FL by attending in person,orvie Zoom,The Zoom link can be found in the agenda at: htp// onroecountyp mn2com/citizens,default aspx Dated at Key West Monroe County,Florida,this22nd dayoflune,2024, Leon (SEAL) KEVIN MAOOK,CPA Clerk ofthe C'rcu'[Courtand ex oflicio pa7Y i Clerko e ittf c thR Z Monroe County Honda j Public ton Oates: as) C 3, q'K CtiSa0 /04 s K )m Reno y Weekly:Thur,06/27/2024 News Barometer',Fri,06/20/2024 WNEE,K Published Weekly �� � � � � III , ;�" �� EKL CTION PROOF OF PUBLICATION OF DUCK KEY ISECORITY SERVICE S Marathon,Monroe a.ccnta Florida .F ', se C LLB �O ASSESSMENTS,r , 0111 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Notlip is hereby 9ivpn that the County C mmis- slonn,Monroe County,Poracta ffl r aa4wrct as paudflc Before the undersigned authority hParing rrr cdrrs"kdor ro-krfupruslrnp security same fcas p rscsrraaffy appeared,JASON KOLER who asnaasaarnnornrs for the t`nsclll Year lace kraus"rrnr October on oath, says that he os PUBLISHER of 1,yo 4„agaaurnst crrrtafl n lnnharosad and nrrnarrnrnnowd the WEEKLY"' NEWSPAPERS, a weekly pTOPeTbOSkKatedwithiri °*ck Key,tofuurudthe,cost, of wrresarf ty servicestatnsuclr d to such properties,and' newspaper published In Marathon, h to authoriz.f collection ttl"such assessrrrerrts on the . Monroe County, Honda: that the tax b1fl. attached copy of advertisement was The notal8o hearing will be held°dt atttt As" t.,anrr published in said newspaper in the toff 17, 2024, t the Maraattrotk Government issues of ddate(s)of fatkhahtcaf:rcarul Center,2798 Overseas Highway,Marathon,Florida 3,3050.The p dllc can&50 s attend thelsobullc htCaaruunrd uru,;r Communication Media Technology h"°C T°"lt7oorrr at s r thar follcu rww sfirtu alandrtressu http;k mrn�ca o � yd ka tr cArunrrlca ear afdataault a,�at a _._... ._. fray the purpdse of to hairrr comment ve the tarr,r ¢reed asspssrnents, f uarn,t further says that the saki WEEKLY All affected farruperty aaa weirs haswa, rnphr to appear at the 6'urrar ing and to file written NEWSPAPERS is a newspaper published cibjec Voles;wsnth the Caaansty a carnarrnhsasoun within 20 calendar Sys of the pratallcsatlon" at Marathon, In >a Monroe rt County, date of this rucatis ,Puw,suaa t to se��ion,,286.r 105,Ffoir;fdr Statutes',nortrr is ivena that fI a perwridecides tar appeal Any deciskin made 'the County Commission Florida,and that the said newspaper has with rt raped' r any matwr c`cir ud rod at thks'hacarhacy wch person,Witt need a racorrd- h heretofore hxt en c,caratfrnuoushy pub4shed of the proceedinqs and may rated tin rarnsnurca that ua wusnrdlatfrrr recont.cs ranadaa kiduWudnsnu In said fw onraan°a County, Florida, once the testimony and r+wufdence upon which this appeal Is,to be made,In Accordance each week been Thursday) and has been surfth Ow atrr'°*rican wirhu Diu aatnsfttaa«>kt,,persons rreedin a sraa�uar� ressarcaxwaadaAr? or an fete*~proles^ to paftncnpatr; in this prdcocadfrnC slho-oolat contact the Cotottd quad'lfh d as a second class r"rnahh matter at daiiralstrator s'Office, h>aet een C; d arorrb,and 530 pm,at,0 + d-�291 tit„at iscs the post office in Marathon, In Monroe 48 hours prior tothe date of the hems nrd,If hearing lrnp aired dla1'7'1 t"°for,assastararum Cot►rrty,Florida,for sa Qatar htad of rarntr year l`ho annual Duck Kay sf.rurfty aas essrntaamwt ss haased" rz the nasurnber not prrttrroVi,,-d o next precedinq the first publication � uurwkrnupua ad hch's ccarwtalrarat within the Duck,Ot moa:.uswty 4�fstrlrl C a total asw°nwuall the attached copy of advert ison ent.The ,arc usturnasrrt raw* ruaaa to be col treat ws'rthOt Duet etr Keel,for the upcoming fiscal yeri^is of am^nt further says that he has neither estirnatedtobe'art2as, 0,8.00 Theannual assessrnfearaat sfotIra fiscal yeav begilrininy ward nor prttrrrrs d any person, firm, or Cactcndcr 1,ytrk4lrouskaakrnthatarneaasthecaurratatyeautat$29100pernrnnprovedforaau^nd corporation n any discount, rebate.,, $28,00 pef ok,riruuprovedfad, commission,or re4urnd for the p:wurpose of Coples of the lPgAl doc.arurorntation t"atr ffie assu.ssrr'ept proryraarnn vIAH be meads aawrallad securing this adwr rtfserr've nt for upon request,by conntactuung the,County AttornWs aaflnep at 305-,2 y 4To„tdaarrday publication in the said newspaper(s)�wrspaperls and rniday,6aatnsuaaarnit;tCaa.rn.gr�d rampp:rrea. that�l ti-e._�'f ar7 l _ y h l" . us_.t l_.1 if you haawe any questions,,please crmitaact dre, County at 305-;2 2•s470, AAondsy- 4ttCyft....._55P.— through hrfdaay,between 830 aa,ara inert."s00 p.m, Qn.._Cw g,,g d L_ t1 I hews assessments mil tare coH cted on rho,,ad valorej nw user biff to he ranallled in ttovernu- .la. %h�fkl Cfff .fn her,2024, as atuthofted by serctrdrn 1973632,Floridan Statutes fauiltnre to pay,the asses rm.,irnts will cause a tau carC data,to be sued as ai ns't the ropfuty vdsla6ch may resole in a loss of tftIe, . Tco propo I Ff nal As scan ent Resolution away lea Inspected Illy the pauCac it the Sworn t and subscribed before e me hsrsraroe Couuraty, ohsute by nano in, ,d e agenda packet for the,tufy t 7,2tk a Moraroo taws.. arha of ... 2024. Con atyC`nrrraranfssionn aetBfig,whrchw fffbeposted crffulyl4,2'ta 4„marbeview tf l"�L. L,I c tll t"ourry wanskta w $sttt,treat°aaraarwrdrulwtyfl.4�aaa�wsaemtctrlai�wrkfa"Wafduuft.ass The yauuhtbc can pannicipate inn the$uty l y, tC4 mmead wg cif rhd Board of-( aunty`,, A CCcaruvAssio ners of Monroe County,FL try attending in person,or via Zoom,The Zomp J tart'._.._ lllilk cant kaa fo and ki taus aapaw7da ,at buts n.Craw urtaac uuratylfi.lprruy,roirrrfcd6audns. defaol;tuunspaa Dated at Key West,Monroe Caaaaunty,Rodda,rids tint day of June,4024. � Kevin ad*Clefk of the Circuit Court a TERRY PA i f M St ,. anncl ofcro C of shwa Board of~County Publish:)June 27,7ct24 A Cucrowtrstsaao use of wotiC.ou nty,Floridra �Ghe tr�kiy hsmowsPtall 5,;ax PAY COMMISSION A tt�l t5��34 Bonded Thru Notmy Public Underwkers � � _ .. wrawroi n' wappenry Marathon-Sunshine Key-Big Pine Key-No Name Key-Little, Middle&Big Torch Key-Ramrod Key-5ummerland Key-Cudjoe KeySugarloat Key ry � r guar max, 'r g rzr 30330 Overseas Highway P.O. Box 431639 Big Pine Key, FL 33043 Phone: 305-872-0106 Fax: 305-515-2939 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Steve Estes, who on oath says that he is the Publisher for the News-Barometer, a weekly newspaper published each Friday in Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a legal notice in the matter of: LEGAL NOTICE: NOTICE OF HEARING DUCK KEY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: MONROE COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE & BUDGET, 1100 SIMONTON STREET, SUITE 2-213, KEY WEST, FL 33040 was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of: JUNE 28, 2024 Affiant further says that the News-Barometer is a weekly newspaper published in Big Pine Key, in said Monroe County, Florida and that said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida each week and has been entered as first-class mail matter at the post office in Big Pine Key, in said Monroe County, Florida, for a period of 1 year next preceeding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the pur- pose of securing this advertisement for publication in said newspaper. Signature of Affiant S �rnan' t bspribed before me this 1 ST day of JULY 2024 " . WILLIAM ANC)RP f MIRANDA A� ftoom Signature of Notary "" Is rcN ►,2026 o rinted Name of Notary y :�* ��' �xPl� :May .ztr�a Y t °w Expiresd .. �. Personally Known ''" Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced Page 8 News Barometer June 28,2024 yrw'Is rod_ �Y° LrTT ,� ° Comfort Chiropractic Zabala: Court's deci- begin with.So as millions of sur- gun safety, we know there is Effective,Efficient,Affordable,Enjoyable vivors of domestic violence more work to be done.Our move- ,/ /� i sion will save lives breathe a sigh of relief,we should ment is strong because of our col- r• SANIPA n�l l``N�FF n� Dear Editor: remember who put them in jeop- lective determination in our fight The Supreme Court issued a ardy. to end gun violence—and that 5 Ships Way, Big Pule Key life-saving decision in U.S. v. This happened because extrem- includes turning out to the polls Rahimi—reversingthe Fifth ist lower court judges appointed to elect lawmakers who will end 305-783-8333 Circuit's dangerous ruling that by Donald Trump prioritized the this crisis. Prices from$50, most insurances accepted. A variety would allow domestic abusers to gun lobby's agenda and abusers Angela Ferrell-Zabala be armed and confirming that over survivors'lives. Executive Director, Moms of techniques available. By appointment or walk-in abusers subject to restraining We never should have gotten to Demand Action orders DO NOT have a constitu- this point—and another Trump tional right to own guns. presidency would mean more LEGAL NOTICES Access to a gun makes it five extreme judicial appointments times more likely that an abusive that deliver dangerous decisions partner will kill a woman.So this that will put more and more lives latest Supreme Court decision is at risk. a major gun safety victory for Because the gun lobby and gun survivors of domestic abuse. lobby-backed extremists can- But we should never have been not—and will not—be the here in the first place. arbiters of the lives of women and Recognizing that survivors of families across the country. domestic abuse should be pro- Extremist judges who are will- + tected from gun violence is a bare ing to endanger countless minimum expectation. women's lives have no place in Whether domestic abusers have our courts. a constitutional right to have guns While we celebrate this win for NOTICE OF HEARING TO REIMPOSE AND PROVIDE FOR shouldn't have been a question to COLLECTION OF DUCK KEY SECURITY SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS School supplies offered at Sugarloaf Areminder for Sugarloaf Elementary Parents:Beginning this 2024- Notice is hereby given that the County Commission, Monroe County, Florida will conduct a public hearing to 25 school year,K-5 School Supplies are available with a ONE TIME consider re-imposing security services assessments for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2024, against FEE to your child's grade level. certain improved and unimproved properties located within Duck Key, to fund the cost of security services Follow this link https://fl02202360.schoolwires.net/Domain/2672 to provided to such properties and to authorize collection of such assessments on the tax bill. go directly to the SLS Webpage grade level list.Click the grade level your child will be in,add the amount(in the posted flyer) and the The public hearing will be held at 9:00 A.M., on July 17„ 2024, at the Marathon Government Center, 2798 child's name and add to cart. Overseas Highway,Marathon,Florida 33050.The public can also attend the Public Nearing via Communication If you need any assistance,please call the front office 305-745-3282 Media Technology (CM7)/Zoom at the following virtual address: http_.J/r7ronrorrcountyf.igmL,r_oinileitizcrrsldef'ault.rlsl7x, for the purpose of contributing/receiving public comment Refuge seeks volunteers on theproposed-assessments. Do you enjoy exploring the unique habitats that are here in the Florida Keys National Wildlife Refuges?Would you like to share the All affected property owners have a right to appear at the hearing and to file written,objections with the County story of the Key Deer and the other species that call the FL Keys their Commission within 20 calendar days of the publication date of this notice.Pursuant to section 286.0105,Florida Statutes,notice is given that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the County Commission with home? respect to any matter considered at this hearing,such person will need a record of the proceedings and may need Why not take a trip to National Key Deer Refuge Nature Center and to ensure that a verbatim record is made,including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be ask the ranger about volunteer opportunities at the Nature Center. made. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,persons needing a special accommodation or an Volunteers help educate visitors about what makes the refuge unique interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the County Administrator's Office,between 8:00 A.M. and where to go out exploring to make memories that last a lifetime. and 5.30 p.m.,at(305)292-4441,at least 48 hours prior to the date of the hearing.If hearing impaired,dial"711" National Wildlife Refuges would not be what they are without the help for assistance. of volunteers,so come in to see what we're all about or send an email The annual Duck Key security assessment is based on the number of improved or unimproved lots contained to Keydeer@fws.gov! within the Duck Key Security District. The total annual assessment revenue to be collected within Duck Key for National Key Deer Refuge Nature Center the upcoming fiscal year is estimated to be $126,308.00 The annual assessment rates for the fiscal year 30587 Overseas Hwy.,Big Pine Key,FL 33043 beginning October 1,2024(remain the same as the current year)at$292,00 per improved lot and$28.00 per unimproved lot. Copies of the legal documentarian for the assessment program will be made available upon request, by contacting the County Attorney's office at(305)292-3470,Monday through Friday,between 8:30 a.m.and 5:00 if you have any questions,please contact the County at(305)292-3470,Monday through Friday,between 8,30 a.m.and 5:00 p.m. milli_ �, The assessments will be collected on the ad valorem tax bill to be mailed in November,2024,as authorized by section 197.3632, Florida Statutes. Failure to pay the assessments wOl cause a tax certificate to be issued v` m against the property which may result in a loss of title. The proposed Final Assessment Resolution may be inspected by the public at the Monroe County website by viewing the agenda packet for the Judy 17,2024,Monroe County Commission meeting which will be posted as of July 10,2024,may be viewed on the County website at. ht117 lmeuiuoecounlyPl.irk,�ornlr-itiz�n�;ldefault_aspx. The public can participate in the July 17,2024 meeting of the Board!of County Commissioners of Monroe County, FL by attending in person, or via Zoom. The Zoom link can be found in the agenda at: We have everything you need to Irttprr/monroecountyfl.ictrtr2 conyoitizens default asx. decorate your home"Keys Style". (And check out our amazing selection of cards,gifts and jewelry.) Dated at Key West,Monroe County,Florida,this 271"day of June,2024. Buy direct from over 30 local artists. (SEAL) KEVIN MADOK,CPA,Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex officio "Sip and.Learn"art classes offered! Clerk,of the Board of County Commissioners of h Monroe County,Florida