Resolution 238-2024 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
RESOLUTION NO. 238 - 2024
WHEREAS, the Public Finance Authority, a joint powers commission
created under Sections 66.0301, 66.0303 and 66.0304 of the Wisconsin Statutes (the
"Issuer"), has adopted a resolution authorizing the issuance of its Special Facility
Revenue Bonds (Million Air Three LLC General Aviation Facilities Project), Series
2024 (the "2024 Bonds") in one or more series for various purposes, including bonds
(the "MTH FBO Bonds") to be issued in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed
$40,000,000 for the purpose of making a loan to Marathon Aviation Associates LLC,
a Florida limited liability company (the "Borrower") to (a) finance the acquisition,
construction and/or equipping of certain fixed base operator airport facilities (the
"Facilities") for an airport under section 142(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended, (b) pay the portion of the issuance costs of the 2024 Bonds which
is allocable to the MTH FBO Bonds, (c) pay capitalized interest with respect to the
portion of the MTH FBO Bonds issued to finance the construction and/or equipping
of the Facilities and (d) fund the portion of the debt service reserve fund for the 2024
Bonds which is allocable to the MTH FBO Bonds (collectively, the "Project"); and
WHEREAS, the Facilities will be located in part on a 5.75-acre site with a
street address of 8800 Overseas Highway (US Route 1), Marathon, Florida and in
remaining part on a 8.61-acre site with a street address of 9850 Overseas Highway,
Marathon, at the Florida Keys Marathon International Airport (the "Airport"); and
WHEREAS, the Facilities will be owned by Monroe County, Florida (the
"County") and will be used and operated by the Borrower in its business of providing
services to general aviation aircraft operators at the Airport; and
WHEREAS, the 2024 Bonds, including the MTH FBO Bonds, will be special
limited obligations of the Issuer payable solely from the loan repayments payable
jointly and severally to the Issuer by the Borrower and the borrower of the proceeds
of the portion of the 2024 Bonds other than the MTH FBO Bonds, and certain funds
and accounts established by the trust indenture for the 2024 Bonds; and
WHEREAS, Section 147(f) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended, requires the Issuer to obtain the approval of the County as the local
jurisdiction where the Facilities are situated before the Marathon FBO Bonds can be
issued; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of the County is informed that
the required public hearing regarding the issuance of the MTH FBO Bonds was
properly noticed and then held on July 17, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. (or as soon thereafter as
the matter could be heard) at the Marathon Government Center, 2798 Overseas
Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050;
Section 1. The Board of County Commissioners approves the issuance of
the MTH FBO Bonds in an amount not to exceed$40,000,000. It is the intent of this
Board of County Commissioners that this Resolution constitutes approval of the
financing for the sole purpose of compliance with Section 147(f) of the Code and
with any state law applicable to the Issuer and the MTH FBO Bonds. The proceeds
of the MTH FBO Bonds will be used solely for the purposes described in this
Section 2. The County Administrator and the County Attorney are
authorized and directed to take any action and to execute and deliver any documents
that are necessary or advisable to comply with the terms and intent of this Resolution
and to facilitate the financing transaction.
Section 3. Nothing in this Resolution shall be construed to create any
obligation whatsoever of the County with respect to the issuance or repayment of the
2024 Bonds, including the MTH FBO Bonds, or the Project. The 2024 Bonds,
including the MTH FBO Bonds, shall never constitute an indebtedness, obligation or
pledge of the County within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision,
and the 2024 Bonds, including the MTH FBO Bonds, shall never be paid in whole or
in part out of any funds raised or to be raised by taxation or any other revenues of the
: : : : : : . - Section:4. : This:Resolution is adopted:solely to:approve the issuance:of the : : .
.: . : : . . MTH: FBO :Bonds :and the financing: ::of the Project. This Resolution does not . :: - : :
: : : : ' :constitute an:approval by:the County of any:other;aspect:of the Project.: In particular, : : : . . .
: • but without:limitation,the Resolution does not•constitute zoning approval:, approval of. : , : :: . . .: . i. : :. . ' .
. any building permit; or:any other approval,: required by.:the County in regard to the : : : .: : .i:
:. : . :: : : Project other than approval: of the MTH:FBO Bonds:.
:. . i : :. . : . . : :: : : i : : .
:. . : : . : . Section 5. This;Resolution shall take:effect.immediately:upon its adoption. : :
: . : . : : i : :PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe :
' :County,Florida; at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17:day:of July 2024. : :
. Mayor Holly Merrill:Raschein: Yes
: : : : :Mayor Pro Tem James K.:Scholl : : : Yes
• 1 1
. C o mm ss oner.Craig Cates : Absent
. .. i i Mi h Lincoln
. o .
mm ss oner � c e .e �
Commissioner DavidRice .
:Yes •
: ,,,,,..„.,;„, ,::„;:k7,.:::;:-..::,),,..,11.:Q--d . :
: : '� ' OF MONROE
i•y`�•7.:1 (Seal,} ,�a�.�,;��:•.� ��c".fir .O .COUNTYNtitii,,,,., : : ' . FLORIDA :.
,� :
Attest:,,;Ko ,1an,Madok, Clerk: .
H - : . :I y: . ea.. # - ,
As 00puty Clerk :1 : . - : ii . ' , ayOr - , : . . . ' : : • . : ; : : ' :
. . 4c .
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L.� t��e: .7.1�2 24.
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The Florida Keys Only Daily Newspaper, Est. 1876
PO Box 1800,Key West FL 33041
P:(941)206-1025 F:(305)294-0768
Account: 420155 Ticket: 3931815
STATE OF FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA Gated at the Airport,which has street
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING address of 9400 Overseas Highway in
COUNTY OF MONROE the City of Marathon,Monroe County,
WITH RESPECT TO Florida and which occupies a 197 acre
NOT TO EXCEED$40,000,000 OF site along Overseas Highway between
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared SPECIALLIC FACILITIES REVENUE BONDS 72nd Street and 106th Street.
(MILLION AIR THREE LLC The Bonds will be special limited obli-
GENERAL AVIATION FACILITIES gations of the Authority payable solely
Amber Douglas who on oath says that he or she is PROJECT),SERIES 2024 from the loan repayments to be made
ISSUED TO FINANCE FACILITIES by the Borrower(and by the borrower
AT FLORIDA KEYS MARATHON of the proceeds of the portion of the
The legal advertising representative of the Key West Citizen,a five day news- INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Bonds other than the MTH FBO Bonds)
to the Authority,and certain funds and
paper published in Key West, in Monroe County, Florida;that the attached copy On July 17, 2024,a public hearing, as accounts established by the trust inden-
of advertisment, being a legal notice in the matter of Million Air Three LLC was required by Section 147(f)of the Inter- ture for the Bonds.The Bonds will not
nal Revenue Code of 1986,as amended be obligations of the County.
published in said newspaper in the issues of: (the"Code"),will be held by the Mon-
roe County,Florida(the"County")with The hearing will provide a reasonable
respect to the portion of the proposed opportunity to be heard for persons
Saturday,June 22,2024 issuance by the Public Finance Author- wishing to express their views on the
ity, a joint powers commission Great- merits of the Project, the nature and
ed under Sections 66.0301, 66.0303 location of the Facilities, the issuance
Affiant further says that the Key West Citizen is a newspaper published in Key and 66.0304 of the Wisconsin Statutes of the MTH FBO Bonds or related mat-
West, in said Monroe County, Florida and that the said newspapers has hereto- (the "Authority"), of its Special Facili- ters.oral comments will be limited to 3
ties Revenue Bonds(Million Air Three minutes per speaker.A person wishing
fore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida Tuesday thru LLC General Aviation Facilities Proj- to speak at the hearing will be asked
Saturday weekly,and has been entered as periodicals matter at the post office in ect),Series 2024 in one or more series to provide his or her name,address and
Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida,for a period of 1 year next preceding (the "Bonds") to be used to finance the person(s) or entity(ies) he or she
the facilities described below at the represents, if any, prior to speaking.
the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement;and affiant further says Florida Keys Marathon International Written comments will be accepted by
that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person,firm or corporation any Airport (the "Airport"). Such portion the Monroe County,Department of Air-
of the Bonds(the "MTH FBO Bonds") ports,3491 South Roosevelt Street,Key
discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertise- are expected to be issued in an aggre- West,Florida 33040,Attention:Richard
ment for publication in the said newspaper. gate principal amount not to exceed Strickland,but must be received by the
$40,000,000. The hearing will com- close of the hearing.Any persons need-
mence at 9:00 a.m.,or as soon thereaf- ing special accommodations under the
ter as the matter can be heard,and will Americans With Disabilities Act should
be held at the Marathon Government call the County Administrator's Of-
Center,2798 Overseas Highway,Mara- fice by phoning 305-292-4441 not lat-
thon,Florida 33050. er than 24 hours prior to the time and
date of the hearing.
The MTH FBO Bonds are expected to 06/22/24-KWC
be issued as exempt facility bonds for 420155 3931815
airports pursuant to section 142(a)(1)
(Signature ofAfflant) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
as amended and Section 66.0304 of the
Affirmed and subscribed before me this 24th dayof June 2024 Wisconsin statutes, le amended. The
proceeds from the sale of the MTH FBO
Bonds will be loaned to Marathon Avi-
ation Associates LLC,a Florida limited
liability company (the "Borrower"),
and will be used to(a)finance the ac-
quisition, construction and/or equip-
(Notary Public Signature) ping of certain fixed base operator air-
port facilities(the"Facilities-),(b)pay
the portion of the issuance costs of the
Jill Kelli Di Benedetto Bonds which is allocable to the MTH
(Notary Public Printed Name) FBO Bonds,(d)pay capitalized interest
with respect to the MTH FBO Bonds and
(d)fund the portion of the debt service
My commission expires 8/19/2027 reserve fund for the Bonds which is
allocable to the MTH FBO Bonds(col-
lectively, the "Proiect"). The Facilities
Personally Known X Produced Identification_ will be owned by the County and will
Type of Identification Produced (Notary Seal) be used and operated by the Borrow-
er in its business of providing services
to general aviation aircraft operators.
Notary Public State of Florida The Facilities will be located in part on
Ak Jill Ke111 Di Benedetto a 5.75-acre site with a street address of
t1N My Commission HH 390294 8800 Overseas Highway (US Route 1),
EXpir93 6/19/2027 Marathon, Florida and in remaining
part on a 8.61-acre site with a street ad-
dress of 9850 Overseas Highway,Mara-
thon,Florida.All of Facilities will be lo-
PAGE BI2 SATURDAY,JUNE 22,2024 Keys Citizen keysnews—FAL
NOTICE OF PNENC HEARING aathonBS Florida and in emainin ss.t title ltynu nave anv me proposed ordinance may be in- xIF,RECYCLING D
M with arstreet Ld- .A held. ulion a Lease centaa Banda Haag <ted by the public Lt the MourneWA OR
dress otL9B5010ver ssers Hi gh—,Mara- nTy7lneg,A8re at(30S)n45331-B 4 Monday through Fri- Countywebsitebyviewing the Lgen-
EDBJOp00,0000f thou Florida.All of Faciliti es wi ll be l.- verseasaewy.OKevL day between 8.00 a.m.and a:30 p.m. dapacketf.,the Julyl],l0la,meet-
datteeAirp.rtweichBasnreet 3 c.rdance to FL StatueaSe, ,wBidiOWlllbe paned beginning on
address.f 9a00 overseas Highway in t ]B for unpaid towing A nor- The"blic an participate in the Jury Jug 11 at-Mtp-nmonroecounry- xTO THE MONROE COUNTY
ECIA(mILLIONAPRTHREE"LLc01Jos the Cry of Marathon,Monroe county, goftne Hoard of coup- H.igmimm/citizens/dehultaspx. he L ovl0
lorida and which.aupi es a 197 acre ommissioners.t Monroe aunty, ordinance maialso be viewed at the NGDfOx AN EffECTIVESDATE. x
IELTJNASER Es 302p IEs a Ong Over Has Hi Bway between 3 Fl.rda The
attenAng in person or via M C.Sn A 's.ttice at p
ISSUED TO H ]UPIE12rtd lSdeetand,06th Street 25893 Z..m. hez..m rink an be found In 2 th St.Ste a08 y en,F Thet d by the puElidnei the Monoe
the agenda F web:he in me Lgen-
INTERNATIONALHIXPOP�" The Bonds will be special limited nbli- 06122/24 q mmaitaem.defaultaspx. 330aB, Ke W L C-nty bF view
f ORIDA KEYS sot the A`"ty payable solely a The public a e in the July da packet for the July 1],d0la,meet-
On ubli<hearing,as from the loan repayments to be ma de a t,Seri on 286010S S,its g�.t Lthe Hoard of ,whichwill be p.stedbeginning.n
ir1ed16y Benton aT(f)of the liner- by the Borrower And by the borrower mson decides t.appeal anv dedeion mein:.inners of M July))zoza at,asamended of the praeeds of the portion of the marde by the Hoard-th respect to any Ft by atenAng in pe H.igm3n,—Ptizens/defaultaspx. The
(teeReC.dee'`,will be held bytes Mon- .nA other than the MTH FRO Hands) nside,ed at the Bearing.such uioom.The Zoom Zink can be found .rdinanaCm .be viewed at the
.uno .rida(tee ntN")with e,theAute.rity and-18,n funds and D ATE s.en will need a record of the pro- In agenda at M nun sottice at
rye M8 ey
t Be portion of the proposed tabliseed bytes trustinden- A RESOLUTION CANALS deedings and may needmensu,eteata tl.igm2am/citizens/detaultaspx. 2tB St Ste. y est FL
a by the Public Fnance Alne.,- re tors the Hands.The Hands will not verbatim record is made,induding the 3040.
ssupnnt "Im be obligati—fthe County YGVE TO WHOM IT st many andevidence a which A sISTANCE:Iy.uare a pe n
edL-de,Se—r-A 660101,0660303 NBId on"July 1),3D2J, the appeal is robe made. w.d aS disability who needs �al The publics Bin the July
and 66.0304 of the Wisconsin Statutes The hearing will p wide a noble n thereafter as m.dations in order to �.1 Lthe Hoard.t
(teLete gutpoity)dd( F B Bear"v ewsp.n the ahhonHGwemme Center ai the Mar h -.hIn bd.. hA'L h h- d d-n9tPleas ffP ntabCY b densg of eMdnrde
s.t tee P B d ea "ghway rathon f d ph "n (gOSp 3934M b h B k bet d
e 2 a of B B the Hoard.t Coun rs d hours of am 0 m pr arm B d ns p y(tee e.nAO)3mnb Bed to finance tee MTH FRO 8.d r area mat- of Monroe C.untyaF.r da vv coda tbs pr.aedgBud contact thescheduledmeet rig fy.uarehear tl:q tze/detautaspK<.0
B f d b d b B a Amur nts b d ul c Bear rig to cons der apprwa.t B d str tors offs at d call")11"U.
d B er s Bake. b Pee to ow Re,-don on ( ) b Ben the Hours.t d ova table a our :H you are a person
.t drt(tee rp T).SucB p to eakpat the Bear rig vv be asked -0 aura and 5.00 p z no at,than web PIA N http llm.nmecounty -th a d"cab lily who needs s cal
Be Hands(the�M F80 Hands") o p.vide his or hername,address and five(S)days prior ton the datee.f the f.igm3.comlCitizensl—ultaspx far modanons in order to partiri
Led issued i n an Lgga- thep ntryl-)Be or she hearing.It—are hearing.,voice im- stings of the Monroe county BwN at urn this prx..ding,please contact
teed s,it aril,pr r .speaking. aired,all']11.' of County Lommisioners, Me Lou,rty administrator's Offis,by
are expe
Sate principal amount not to ex
a0,000,000.Tee Bearing will cam -hen nammen s will be accepted by 7 honing M335)3934M1,between the
.n thereat- the Monroe County Department of A u- Lted at lV West this llnd day of Dated at Kev West Fl.,idL,this llnd hours of B:30a.m.S:OOp.m.,prior to
astrtemeue�mao be l8d,and win 1 South Roosevee street Key A Dune202a day b-ne 202a. Mescheduled meeting:if�o)areI
Ce veld at the MLate.n Government W t Florida 330a0,Attention:Ricea,d (SEAL)KEVIN MADOK,Cle,k of the Ci,- (SEAL)KEVIN MADOK,Cle,k of the Cir- dosed Caption rig ris available via our
Highway,Mara- St,
but m ust be,eceived by the ,t and ex 11P.Clerk of the urt and
thoneRorida 3030eas se of the Beari ng.Any persons need- ozrd of c C.m iA--of xOff d.C elk of the Hoard of Coun- web .rtal N UtHbm.nmecounty
m.dati.ns under the lorida m AriAners.t Monroe Co y fl.igml.comlLdizenslDafaultaspx far
The MTH FRO Hands a,eey cted to m <a With DisabilitiesAn should lords mi meetings of the Mon roe Lounty BwN
be issued as exem pt hciliry bonds f., all e the nc Adm—d8to,'s Of N of county Commissioners.
TI89)(1) fice by 4h'h ng 305-292-aaal not d T D PROVIDING AN EFFEL area at Key West,Florida,tbis 22nd
of the lntte I Revenue Code of 19B6, Ft
than 2a hours prior to tee timeand TIVE DATE. day.tJunel We
mended and Sed-66.0304ofthe d0ateofthe hearing. ADOPT ION OECONNTY ORDINANCE NOT AS OF INTENTION TO CONSIDER
mended.The TBis resolution will apply to the 11 (SEAL)KEVIN MADOK,Clerk.t the Cir-
a20133a 3931B15 lowing soak:Canal M Big Pine Key; BYG EN TO WHOM Ii COUNTY ORDINANCE C.urtand
F—wi ll be loaned to MaathonA i- ana1105,Tavernier,Canals BE B3 BJ, M RNEteat.n July t),30EJ,at N BYG EN TO WHOM IT x�Oftici.Clerk.tteee.ard.tC.un-
.ridalimded Rod Harbor KeyLargo. nteerearier as the RNEteat.nlulyt),30EJ,at our ssi.ners of Monroe Co
lia�biliry damps C(teeFl"e. we"), tter may be Beard,atthe Maat- a soon thereafer as tee yordam
and wi 11 be used to(8)finance the Lc ® The Public Bearing is being held for vemment Lents 3)98 Overseas et ay be Beard,atthe Marathon y
ti and/,equip- the of r eiv ng p blic cam- Ughway,Marathon,Florida,tee.1—d ma e,m 20450 1911981
g.f-18,nfixedbase operator ai,- NOTICE OFPURLICSALE. ntonthe p.p.sed Ae,smentsand of Count`C.mmi A'Aners of Monroe Nghway,Marthon,�Florida,the e.Lrd a
pn,tfacilities(1Be"Fadlldes'),1)pay oeleai.n of the assessment on the ad aunty, mid a, mends t.consider of C.unt`C.m er of Monroe IIIIII
dBe portion of the issuance costs of tee N CH OR TOWN Ggves n.tiateat.n em tax bills.All affected property adopting the t.11.wing.,dinan,e aunty, F.,idL,m�intends td
e.nA wnicn Is 8I1 de m the MTH /05/2 3 t 801 AM the tal.wing v ers nave the right t.appear and zd.pting the tal.wing.,dl nancer R
e de(d)pay apnanrPd inte,en �eniele°I,)ay be Idby Publi 8 t p-de t me nearing,and may A'th,esppHam the MTH FRO e.nA and US KEvw FL 3304,m fue w,iuen.bieai.ns with the countyAN ORDINANCE OF THE MONROE
mitfundtnep.rtmnoftne deBbtse ce etfvthe lie n f.,the am.unt.wedon din m,=Gt8,nytime pn.rm the
,—Pe lurid f.,me Hand,wnicn i, Len vemele f.,anv aewe,y mw�ng, ubor meeting wnnm tweet am
<ame m th MTH Peo Hand,(a1- e ePPe,rl,g and admen- day:r.u.wmg publiat-.f thl,
tw me^Pry').me FLeoide, �e dn�etee, pursuantm P1- t e wnimwe,i,gate,.me L„e„- oYIN-11 be owned by the County and win da�stmute]13]e. will be mlleaed.ntee Laval.,- S
be used and operated by the e.,mw- tax bill commencing with the tax OF ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT OUR 1A)LID,WASTE A
t,bu,me„.t p,.vid�ng,e,vrce, eu1 mooed in Nwembe,mza,L, HEREWITH;PROVIDING FOR INCORVO OUTL IN N OLID WASTE SERVICES
.race.peamr,. 1as 3m38Mw Ltn.rieed bvzea�.n 19Te632 P1.ddL Ct
0 81m3aaxozC9a UNDER THE soup wasTE
me Fd<o�itlie,�u'u1i�i eei.�amd in pan.n meL„e„mene ovlD ING coNTalNEx arvD RE p
a s.TS L<,e,ne witna meet address of az33]5 3931982 //ul au,eL tax an�fia(tle�m be issued NG FOx AN EffELTIVE DATE. eEPraeLE REpUIREMxNTs;Pxov101NG III III "II IS IIII"III
as`°e test el
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A � ` i °r 1)1314 JOHNSON STREET
"x,r Thursday through Saturday 9am-2pm
J f'� s°" �„ ,v 1lJl- �. Due to moving,lots of home nods&furniture.Circular couch&
✓ P ° ay arc Ea " 9, 9
,� Y entertainment center.Many tools Must sell everything
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BOB 305-517a'39s
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Breafast Lunch HAPPY HOUR
& Loner
Daily 5-6pm & 8-9:30pm
NOUSe Martinis
House Wine
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Prv ' PCtdrt�t"y� y
Marathon,Monroe,County,F8cnrrlda f), NCE Rornds)��ktras �t rrtt�asu3
f�VL ?tlCttIDAKEyt uota111 iurwztn ar yam rys
ARAX114C)N WTVV9 IX)NAr esubtator�t a therm:
RRQQE OF _. ..�,.,�.,.. NVOR" irn yiut mrrleu GBma 3 m s "�"tie
yermat�arwtt ummut tror umtyr urs
CtmrturNy7��J 'tr�ya� �#�c. nur� rarwr� ,
eaurorrma rsu rcpaat ,�, yw
STATE OF FLORIDA �c�r sty aaatthemtro evrma4 t1a�trearGr tmtU rw�ratna
t terutet de y�,as a «ntr rr lea rs a nnr rr
COUNTY OF W E nnu 11� r rr)+ slfi a behorir frnr,a r rrnr#rru
Before t�'nra undersigned authority wretatnythre trurnre t inrty, tresmyrufssttserrmm�mrmnurr
emut y�rr t�uuawrmt nth eye rarer uts tma�yr �srt�t�;ue
p rsramna6lyappeared J EE h �a tE usprrrt noftt s mnua���t rsur��lre
rePp� sareaame tens tau�Crtrer�s,t��arae the
out oath, says that he is PUBLISHER of �Y �e��t My,a Nuy n t s eu rPtate
the 'WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS, a wesekCy rnalters.OrAmcarurr" s Will
a!reated�ertemtuos tuemm�euatyursutant au
newspaper published in Marathon, in 66,0304 1ps Uurar ymtn s
Monroe Co urntyr Florida that the
tVr asr at�lrro tatmateas{time to s r�f rrst d � earurup dtl
autha��b caf+t�aper.maf tau asr prrueu�brit arm
attached copy of advertisement was l acrtlutre� sr�u ktassmrys �reo;rrtraearu�rlr rrr�� r�t�n
uah9lsh d i n said newspaper Ira the* �r�9°�a�na �u�t�r e�.4� rner�� yr; r�tF rear9u sd�ae r
p6taum Lyme refure rmtmaa:rt aaumya pterr to
issues of:(date(s)of publication) sedee.s s ua�tw��,#�rrt(eeacrmaaurnitrmts
spruesartat"' rcrrrt"y t rat sae�aeaa krothe
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NEWSPAPERS is a newspaper a bhshed t�r*t t prrxn a �nf armor t �a aU a rruaa e�tIOU
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rat Marathon, in said Monroe County, tllna�mtrrtaa r rcror inaem ttlsaErttr ktsk)r tttalit
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Horidaaamndthatthesaidnewspaperhas rsrs ttraMaSt�srrtt 'r'arru my V rnuu ttrtt(t24Vb
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raomusrrod �~urcsa�wacats"costar
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� Maratha iKey-Little,Sunshin Key-Big��Bi9Wine Key-No...N,.
a�a_n.�e i i e ' Big "eocarxc�r KeVMRa7irad Key'..tit.rmer,ane • rti toe Key'Sugarlaat Key
30330 Overseas Highway P.O. Box 431639 Big Pine Key, FL 33043
Phone: 305-872-0106 Fax: 305-515-2939
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Steve Estes, who on oath says that he is the
Publisher for the News-Barometer, a weekly newspaper published each Friday in Big Pine Key,
Monroe County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a legal notice in the matter
was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of:
JUNE 28, 2024
Affiant further says that the News-Barometer is a weekly newspaper published in Big Pine Key, in
said Monroe County, Florida and that said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in
said Monroe County, Florida each week and has been entered as first-class mail matter at the post
office in Big Pine Key, in said Monroe County, Florida, for a period of 1 year next preceeding the first
publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid
nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the pur-
pose of securing this advertisement for publication in said newspaper.
" Signature of A iant
orn-�an subscribed before me this 1 ST day of JULY 2024
Si are Notar �M;; . tNf�H2026 Prin ed Name of AN
gnat Y ,. ct .May
Personally Known °"°"'° Produced Identification
Type of Identification Produced --------___--
June 28,2024 News-Barometer Page 15
MAPY A)A&VA from Page 10
/ S ' /• •- Underwater MUSIC ing and coral reef preservation. As well as colorful reef fish and
The 40th annual Lower Keys other marine life, divers and
allon1 Fest slated Underwater Music Festival takes snorkelers might even spot"mer-
��� 4 The Lower Florida 'ocean Keys'M y place at Luce Key Reef,an area of maids"and other costumed charac-
1 ' / realm is to become a one-of-a-kind the Florida Keys National Marine ters beneath the waves - some
concert venue Saturday, July 13,
•� � when divers and snorkelers Sanctuary approximately 6 miles adding to the concert component
south of Big Pine Key.The sanctu- by "playing" musical instruments
immerse themselves in a sub-sea ar protects the waters surrounding during an underwater jam session.
One Time musical adventure that promotes the entire Florida Keys island Ocean enthusiasts interested in
environmentally responsible div- chain, including the continental participating in the unique experi-
LEGAL NOTICES United States' only coral barrier ence can reserve space on boats run
reef. by Lower Keys dive operators or
MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA The Underwater Music Festival launch their own boats from public
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING is to be staged from 10 2 ramps and marinas in the area.
p.m.Saturday by the Lower Keys Event information: low-
WITH RESPECT TO Chamber of Commerce and Keys
NOT TO EXCEED$40,000,000 OF radio station US 1104.1 FM.While events/
swimming among Luce
vivid marine life,participants
SPECIAL FACILITIES REVENUE BONDS(MILLION AIR THREE LLC listen to music broadcast by the sta- Celebrations
GENERAL AVIATION FACILITIES PROJECT),SERIES 2024 tion and piped underwater via For the fourth consecutive year,
ISSUED TO FINANCE FACILITIES speakers suspended beneath boats the Monroe County Board of
AT FLORIDA KEYS MARATHON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT above the reef. County Commissioners approved
The playlist typically features Key West International Airport's
On July 17,2024,a public hearing,as required by Section 147(f)of the Internal marine melodies ranging from sponsorship of five Independence
Jimmy Buffett's"A Pirate Looks at Day fireworks displays throughout
Revenue Code of 1986,as amended(the"Code"),will be held by the Monroe County, 40" and "Fins" to the Beatles' the Florida Keys.Funds come from
Florida(the"County")with respect to the portion of the proposed Issuance by the Public "Octopus's Garden"and the theme the airport's enterprise revenue
Finance Authority,a joint powers commission created under Sections 66.0301,66.0303 and from"The Little Mermaid"film. fund,comprised of passenger user
66.0304 of the Wisconsin Statutes(the"Authority"),of its Special Facilities Revenue Bonds Those planning to submerge fees explicitly earmarked for pro-
(Million Air Three LLC General Aviation Facilities Project), Series 2024 in one or more themselves in the festival can learn motional activities.
series(the"Bonds")to be used to finance the facilities described below at the Florida Keys about reef restoration Friday,July "This is something Key West
Marathon International Airport(the"Airport").Such portion of the Bonds(the"MTH FBO 12,during a free 6-8 p.m.welcome International Airport took by the
gathering at Mote Marine reigns after COVID when
Bonds")are expected to be issued in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed Laboratory's Elizabeth Moore fundraising for local fireworks
$40,000,000. The hearing will commence at 9:00 a.m.,or as soon thereafter as the matter International Center for Coral Reef shows was on halt,"said Monroe
can be heard, and will be held at the Marathon Government Center,2798 Overseas Research & Restoration, 24244 County Mayor Holly Merrill
Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050. Overseas Highway on Raschein."We appreciate this con-
Summerland Key.Representatives tinued support of our Rotaries and
The MTH FBO Bonds are expected to be issued as exempt facility bonds for air- will be on hand to lead tours of the Chambers in their annual funding
ports pursuant to section 142(a)(1)of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and facility and showcase Mote's and planning."
Section 66.0304 of the Wisconsin Statutes,as amended. The proceeds from the sale of the groundbreaking coral cultivation "We're happy to continue this
and restoration efforts. tradition on Independence Day for
MTH FBO Bonds will be loaned to Marathon Aviation Associates LLC,a Florida limited lia- During Saturday's aquatic expe- everyone throughout the Florida
bility company(the"Borrower"),and will be used to(a)finance the acquisition,construction rience, the music is to be inter- Keys," said Richard Strickland,
and/or equipping of certain fixed base operator airport facilities(the"Facilities;"), (b)pay the spersed with diver awareness mes- airport Executive Director.
portion of the issuance costs of the Bonds which is allocable to the MTH FBO Bonds, (d) sages about ways to minimize County airport-sponsored
pay capitalized Interest with respect to the MTH FBO Bonds and(d)fund the portion of the environmental impacts on the Independence Day event plans
debt service reserve fund for the Bonds which is allocable to the MTH FBO Bonds(collec- world's reefs,whose rich biodiver- include(subject to change):
tively,the"Project"). The Facilities will be owned by the County and will be used and oper- sity has led them to be called the Key West
ated by the Borrower in its business of providing services to general aviation aircraft opera- rainforests of the sea. See ISAND TIME on Page 16
tors. The Facilities will be located in part on a 5.75-acre site with a street address of 8800
Overseas Highway(US Route 1), Marathon, Florida and in remaining part on a 8.61-acre Big Pine United Methodist Church
site with a street address of 9850 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida. All of Facilities will 280 Key Deer Blvd.
be located at the Airport,which has street address of 9400 Overseas Highway in the City of Big Pine Key,Florida 33043
Marathon, Monroe County, Florida and which occupies a 197 acre site along Overseas You'll find
Highway between 72nd Street and 106th Street.
Open Hearts,
The Bonds will be special limited obligations of the Authority payable solely from the Open Minds,
loan repayments to be made by the Borrower(and by the borrower of the proceeds of the and Open Doors
portion of the Bonds other than the MTH FBO Bonds)to the Authority,and certain funds Where everyone is Welcomed!
and accounts established by the trust indenture for the Bonds. The Bonds will not be obli-
gations of the County. No strings attached!
We celebrate the
The hearing will provide a reasonable opportunity to be heard for persons wishing to Sacrament of Holy Communion,
express their views on the merits of the Project,the nature and location of the Facilities,the Open to Everyone,
issuance of the MTH FBO Bonds or related matters. Oral comments will be limited to 3 min- On the First Sunday of Every Month.
utes per speaker. A person wishing to speak at the hearing will be asked to provide his or her
name,address and the person(s)or entity(ies)he or she represents,if any,prior to speaking. We Worship every Sunday at 10 AM
Written comments will be accepted by the Monroe County, Department of Airports,3491 South And Share Brunch
Roosevelt Street, Key West, Florida 33040,Attention: Richard Strickland,but must be received at 11 AM fallowing Worship
by the close of the hearing. Any persons needing special accommodations under the On Tuesday mornings we gather for
Americans With Disabilities Act should call the County Administrator's Office by phoning 305- critical theological reflection
292-4441 not later than 24 hours prior to the time and date of the hearing. front 9:30 to 11 AM.