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07/17/2024 Agreement
GVS COURTq° o: A Kevin Madok, CPA - �o ........ � Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller Monroe County, Florida �z cooN DATE: July 25, 2024 TO: William DeSantis, Director Facilities Maintenance Chrissy Collins Executive Administrator Alice Steryou Contract Monitor FROM: Liz Yongue, Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: July 17, 2024 BOCC Meeting The following item has been executed and added to the record: T5 Lease Agreement with Rockland Investment Corporation, Inc. for a building and ground space as an interim Clerk of Court facility on Rockland Key at a cost of$255,595,92 per yar (plus a prorata share of common area maintenance and property taxes). This is funded from the Clerk of Court budget. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at(305) 292-3550. cc: County Attorney Finance File KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33050 Plantation Key, Florida 33070 LEASE AGREEMENT 1 HPS LEAS1,",.. AGREEMENFF is madc and entered into on this 17"' day of',kfly, 2024, by and between ROCAJAND INVESTMEN'T CORPORATION, INC. a F �orida orporation" UfthOiized to do husiness in ffie State sand' Fknida. ("Lessor"). vvhose prhwipal address k 615-B Llniied Street. Key West. Florrda 33040, and MONROE COUNTV., as pofifl(A SOAivkiorn ofthe State of Florida, whose address is 1100 Simontc,ri Strect. Key West,, Florida 33040 WHEREAS, the (...'ounty has nqgofiated with the Lessor i'or the lease of that certain property, iinprovements and structures situated at and coynniordy knmvn as I I I Oversew, Ffigimay. Unit Nos. W) and 21031, RocIdand 1,1'.ey, Monroe County. Florida '33,040. with Parced Ideritificition No,, 00122070-000200.1 f6r Use of certain areas of the Property lo pro)Jde as NvarehOLV,,,C: unit and use oHirnited surl'OLMdillg 1,111d for use by the R.ecords Management Deparmwnt of the Monroe Counly Clerk of the (",ourt and ("ornpLroller kxk Of C'(Alrt-) as a fiacifity for swrage of'records whHe SUCh recc,)rds and docutrients are being scanned fi.m safekeeping and tc), rnaimain SUch records nn the Official Records ofthe Monroe Courity C I clerk of(I ourt; and WHEREAS,as as comhfion and thee: h-earse pursuant to Paragraph I ol'116s Lease Agreement. the Lessor and I-essee agree that upon execuflon of thee Lease the, Lessor and/or L.essor's c)ther tenants may retain use of"certain offier areas of the Propery, in a(,Ution lo the use by the County and Clerk of'Court of thee; rernaining areas, fron� i the execution ofthe Lease date pursuant to the terms and conditions as sel f6r1h do this Lease Agieement, and WHEREAS, the Lessor desires to lease the herein described Properly to the C ounty and retahi the current U.S(a Of0ther areas of the I I I Overseas High,,vay. RoXand Key parce lo continue in any current operations while the ('.I'ounty procec:ds whffi its proposed use of"' its dc-�srgnated Propert.y, and balance of any such an'wunts, ot'any., shall he given to the 1-essee,, 5, Rent. 1-1it arnot,int Lessee shall pay to the I...essor fbr Clue Premises shall be as IoHows: Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred Forty and 00/100 ($14,540.00) I-Mlars r.)er month as the Base Rent lor the Main Parcel and Five Thousand Three Hundred Nhiety-rih,ie and 20/10,0 ($5,399,20) DoHars per nionth is the Base Rent fc)r the Sccondar,),� Parcel, Other morietary obligations of. Lessee mved to 1..,essoi- tinder the termis ol"' this Lease are here n refi,,rred lo as "Ad(fifiorial Rent", I-essee shall also pay monthly, as Additional 1�ent, as poilk:)11 0f the CM1111110tl Area Malntertance C"osis and Propertyl axes (-C,A,M,). in a reduced amount of'seven and five., tenths percent(7.5916)of'the Base Rent f'or the Main Parcel in the arnount of(-)ne 'Thousand Ninety and 50/100 ($1 ,090,50) Dollars per fflonth and five percent (591/0) cat` the, Base Rent for (he Secondary Parcel in the aniount of-5vo f lundred Sixty-nine and 96/100 ($269.96) Dollars per iTionth. The total rn(,,)nth1.y rental fee and CAA1, costs For both parcels shall be Twenty-one 'I housalid 'IWO HUndred Ninety-nine and 66/100 ($21,299.66) Dollars. w1deh shall be 1)aid by the Clerk of" Itent Increases. '"T'he Base Rent 1-NlYMC11t aCi UStInent shall be adjusted annuaHy on the annive,rsary date oF the 1.,ease term by a fflirriMU111 of ihree percent (.3%), unless the trading twelve-month Consumer Price Index (C.14) increase is over 111rek, 1-aercem (Y/,)), in which event, the Base Rent shall he increased by the CPI riercenta.')e increass up to a maydinurn arnouro of fi ve percent(15%), The I-essor shall conducl its annual CI-11 review each yQar between October I""arid l',aIovember YP', a x es, The 1..,essor shaH pay aH taxes and assessinents, il'any, il')ClUding any wales '7 Or Use tax, levied by any governmental agency with respect u�n the Lessor's operations on th(t, Preinkes and ownership ol'the Prolierty, I-essee is as pofi6cal subdivision of'flic State of Florida and is not obligated to pay any sa es tax under this Lease Agreement,, 1,essee agr-ees to pa),, 1,essoi%, as Additional Rem., 1,,essee`s proportionate share of the property tax expenses in monthly immaHynent,,& as part of the CA.M. 1-.,essor shall ftirnish 1..,essee with a written Statement of the actual amount ot'Lessee's proportionate share of'the tax expenses and Lessee shall pay same as a part of its monthly paynieni to Lessor for the Base 1~ ent, CAN I. costs., utHifies, or any (Aher SUCA1 rent expense that inay be due to I-essor. 7, Utilities. Lessee shall be tesponsible f"or payrnent, of aH wilifies on as inonthly (:)t lit-nited to the foHow ing as neces sary, water. electric, sewer, telephone,, basis, inOudin;;TU71- internet servnce, cid-fle, LP gas, insect and rodent externihiation,, or other sucf'n similar utififies., as used or cornsurned 1-ay 1..,essee in the Prernises. l-essee shall perfibrin its own solid waste and trash ren�ioval. Kany such services are to be separately metered to 1..,essee,then Lessee shall be requh-ed to arrange and pay all charges customaidy c1mi-ged for corinecfiorr of such serv`aces by the applicable provider thereof, ifl(Aid�ng c(,mtnectk)n fr.-es., the cost �,-)f the meters theref'ore. and any required dej,'.)osits or prepaymems. In the event separate bills are not obtainable l"01, such kifflity expenses, l-essee shall pay w 1-t-;sor the Lessee's proportionate share of'such charges and expenses f`or its USC annncd COrMAllption,, as Hiled mond-ily by Lessor, with supporfing &KLunentation acceptable to the Gerk, and shall be referred to as Addiflonal Rent. /e/19/l/V 8. Payment of Rent. The payrnent of rent shaH coTrunence on Ooober �, 2024, or uf.)on Lessee through the Records Managenrent I)eparunera ofthe C'Jerk OfCOUrt C01111,M1111Cing its relocation of storage records and operaflcms at the Premises. whichever oCC'LffS firSt. Le,.,6ee shaH pay to Lessor the Base Rent plus an,), other Addifional Rent ln hiwful rnoney of the United States, without offset or deducflon on as monthly hask, As as condiflon precedent for any payi,nent clue Under this L,ease. the Lessor shall submit rrie,-)ntffly, on or before the fifth (5'n') day of each rnomil. U11less, otherwise agreed in wrifing by the Lessee. a proper invoice to the Lessee reque.sn I i i g payment ffir the then applicable monthly Base Rent and any Additional Rent. if"apphcable, T'he Lc.ssor's, invoice shall describc %vifli reasonat'de partiCULVny the a f'orernentioned infon,nation hi order lcn necessitate payrnent by the, Cleirk ofthe Omni. The Lessor's invoice shall [w accomparfled by such docurnentation or data, acceptable to the (_/'Ierk,, in support of the Base Rent and/or ally Additional Rent fiw wNch payrrUNIt uS SOU"Illt aS OW Lessee may require, Lessor's invoce shall be subinitted to the MOM-OC! C'OUnty C'Ielrk's, Office., R, 0, Box 1 98C), Key West Florida .330411 9W Payment of any Base Rent or Additional Rent wdl he rna(,.Ie, IDUrsuant to the Loud Ciovernmerit Prompt Paymtnit Acl, Seeflon 2 18.70. HoHda Staftftes, Payment of Base Rent and A,Mtional Rem shall be inade to Lessor at its address stated herein or to SUCh other pe�rsons or at st.lch other addresses as Lessor irmy fiorn time to Ome desagnate hi writing to Lessee. Base Rent and All tilotietai°yol)ligatuoi-uscif'i,ess�ee V) LCSSO1' Under the tenns ofihis Lease are deerne,-J to be Rent, 9, 111stmance and LiabLfily, Lessor shall provide ;1 commercial gerrenal Hability hISUMMV p0licy wah as coverage Htnit of risen Jeess than One Million zind 00/lOO ($U')00.000.00) Dollars fijrthe Prorwrtyand its own operadons. Lessor sha,11 niairitakiproperty insmancecoverage on the enth-e Property insured at the Full repJaceinent value of the toud structure, Lessot,and Lessee agree to waive coverage fair whul or flood hisurance b'y either party, Lessee shaH mam ian i SUMICieflt illSUrance to dFISUI-e OU2, Lessee's contents and any other personal property used by the Lessee in its Sole L.Jse Ateas and to protect three Lxssor, and Lessee frorn all claims of prl�operty, damage and personal in.jury, iIICWdillp!, de�alh. whether the cWms are under tile Worker's Coff1perisation Act or otherwise. which may arise from its operations under this Lease, LASSee ShcIll 1101, OCCUPY or use the dernised Preinises or permit thern to be occupic-d or used for any business or purpose that WOUld increase the prernium for fire insurancc,, on the buil(fing under the normal nates applicable. Lessee agrees u,,) tne responsiWe and hold the I-essor harnfless fiwn and against any and aH loss, cWrns., liabiHly or cosis (including couft costs and attorney's fees) ;es) as and to the extent incurred by reason of' Lessee and the Clerk of" Courl*s use of the pi permitted ).)y Statute See. 768,28, 'Notwithistanding anything contained in tin s Lease to 1he contrar.)/, Lessee,as as poHfical ;,subdivision ofthe State ofFlorida, does not %maive and expressly reserves its sovereign nirnmunity, except as provided in Florida Statiure, Sec. 768,28, 10, Mcwhanie's Liens, I-essee Further agrees that Lessee will pay all of Lessee's contractors, suF7on'tracto't"s". rnec—hanics, laborers, materialnien and all others, Yflld. SUb"�ect to the hinitations set fi-irth fil Fla, Stat, Sec, 768,28, w n iH � deinnif'y Lessor aga arilinstarillegal costs and charges, bond prerniums fi-)r release of 1lens. and counsel fees reasonably lrwune(.] in Ow comniencernent or defem;C Of ally SLLit by the Lessor v-) discharge any fiens., ju4 grnents. or encurnbiances ap.,airist the Premises caused Of` SUffered by L,essee, It k r.mdeirstood and agreed 4 between the partks hemm kat Ow costs and chaTes aNne refer-rcc] to sh,,,fll [,,be considered as ad6donal rent due under 1his Lease. payaWe upon denlan(]. The Wee hem& At! not have any mnhody to cmate any Ws Ar labor or nmeHal oil the Lessor*s interest in the Wwe-described rwopeny, and all persons contnacting Nvuth the Lessee Rw A dohg of work or Tee Qnkfilng ofinny materials on or to the Pre anises. and all matcHuhrien, comraclors. rnechanics and Jabcmrrs, are hereby charged with notice that they must looli to the Lessee ordy to secr,re the payawnt of any bib l'or work done or friaterials furnished during the lerrn of thk Lxasy Purmmnt to Seoion 7 13,23., Sun. the Hens audiodzed hi Ch. 7 13. Fk. St, does no apply to be Asee, 11, Rela FAIL IN Le vee k and shall w e an independent conlrde tor and not an ageiH or servant of the Less(w. The Lessee AaH exemY conuvL ddecdom and superviAm over the rneans and manner that A penotinel., agwin empkIew, and vWunwrs perhnn be work Q which purpose tWs Leme is ememd. The Lessee shall have no alldWly whalsoever to act mi behMf and /or as ageni for the Lessor 4 any promise, lease. or representathn earlier than specAlicalt provided Ar in dis Ix as, be I vsnn,shall at no tine be legAy rujonsHe 1Wwr any negligence on the part of the Lesst e,, ks personnel. apw, emph,em, or Wunwers resulting in either NWHy or pemmial hQury or property (hu-nage to any iadiVidUai, property,. Of c(wwwat i n n. 11 era iinathn. phis Wase may fx; teri-runated at the dAredmi of Me Ussor W the followhig circurnstances� A. Lemee faHs to pay the rem when (Rw� A Unee othenvise breaches the lerms of this Lease; anti C, [,.essor nnay ternribate Ws Leme Or convenince LMOrl Wvhg one hundred eighty 180) days' pri(,�)r written no6ce to the [.,essee, TV Nme nmy he terrnlnmd by Umee hi he RdOwing cn-cumstances: A, Ile Coumy oFNIonroe, or any cat wr apykaWe governmenud enfity sh,'ifl ralse as zonhg chWOnge. in which eme Lxswe shall be entitled to terminaite this Lease upon giving one hundred 6ghly (p 80) days* NQUen nodce to lxssor� R, The Wuny's perArmance and obligation to pay under this Leasc us contingent upoit an annual apprormialkm by the Board of Wuray (AnnmissOnns and the approval of the Board inembers art the We of the Lease initiation and its duration,, C. The 1-,,essee acquires dequate space in a County--o wned or State-ownee] bt,lilditlg 01 other real property suAlcient V) allow Less Ws current use of'rhe Prem�ses her chi to be trarAlued to such other County or Stmey)wned ymppet-ty; and D, Usee nuty tennAnaw Ws Ume Rm- converfleixe upon gming one hundred 6ghty, 0 80) days" prkn "Thmi mAe to de I&ssee, 13. Uses. The Pmadws AN! be iced sWely Ar the Imiq)oses A' cmiducting the Lesseej pvpc*cd Chak of WwVs services/actJOK reWed to A lfeccwds Management 5 Department',,,;opera I ionS OrI OtfiCr SUCh County uses, L,essee shaH riedther con"S"rnl tm nor peri-nit Nvaste of the demised Prentises, shafl use with care and shall not destroy or remove withOW con,,,,ent of the d essor,, any fixturt.,s or, irnproveinents ol'the PretTfises. Lessee shall not inaintain, or perrni(, the n°)aintenarwe or commission ofany nuisance on the, Prernise-.;'. Any damages resuhing Crom iydsuse shall be borne, by the I-essee, Lesse�e shaH be pern-litted t(,:) erect sgns on fl-w Premises with prior pcTinissdon of Lessor, includin,,,,, but not lirnited to as sign containirq2 the narne of' Lessec's Opcnations. 1,11C Lessol's decision on signage wdl be Wivered no Weer than fitleen (15) shays after Ifte I-essee's rea]Uest. L.,essor and/(-,)r its other tenants retairt the 6ght to dispiay signage for its own purpctses prov ded nt ineets all legal requirenierits, I-essee shaH not rernove any u'nt.enor or exusnng splvins W,\%ithout L,essc)r's consemt/perm ssn�on, f 4, Nlai ate n"a'wice. E)udng Oie lernn of`lhis Lease. Les'see agrees rto be resrmnsilfle R)r the maimenance and janiwrial servk,,es ail areas, both intedor and exterior, d.wp the geased Prenikes., which I,Cssee ufflizes,, NIainteitancc of the interior by L,essee, shall indudc N,a not be Hinited to, rnainLaining and repak-ing, the ah- condifionhig aystern, minor plumbilig repai I rs. electricM, Hghfing, fle oring. and other shnflar repairs. For Lessee being resr)onsihk, for aH maintenance, Lessor has agreed Io the reduced I'ee for thee ('.A,M. c(:sts on the Main Parccn . Lessee shall also rnakitain the exte6or grOLIMIS OfitS keascd Prernises, with the excepflon of'tree trine nu wi-tich shall be perforrned by I-essor, All rnaintenance and janitorial service sd,Wl 1-.we corripleted within as reasonable thnefi-ame. The fbregoing provisii-un notwiffistanding, trine Lessorand/or its, other tenants agree to be respons0fle for maintenance kind ja,nitorW service ofthe othef areas ol' the Properly, Lessee musi keep the Pre rnises tinder the sole use and controf ol'the Les-see in opod order and condition. At the enic] of'the tenn ol'this L,ease, the I-essee tnust surrender the Prernises to the L,essor in the same good cn-der and condition as the Prendses were on thee commencement of the term., with the incILISdOfl (J'a new fire sprinMer systern as noted be in Paragraph 15, norynal wear and �ear excepted.T'he I-e-,;see sh all nol (.,,cnlmnit waste on the Prernises, nor rrw ntain or perynit as Mdsance on ffie Prernises. Aflet termination or expiration ol'Ittis I-ease. the Lcssee shaH pay I essor (lie cc)st ol'any repairs and dean-up necessary to restore trine Prenikes to its condition at the cornmencen-wnt ol'the ff ease. norynal wecir a.nd tear excel:uted, 5 Ian Movements an LRe ah-s. Lessee, rttserves the 6ght fi-0111 thTW tO thrm., to rnake such irnpirovements. alterations, reriovations, changes, and repaBrs in and about the Prenlnsesas I-essee shall deern de,,sirable, and Lessee shah triake nner (,Iahns L.,essor 1"or the inierference with L,essee's leasehold inmest., or loss ofdaniages, [o 'its operation du6rqu, SUch drnprovements. alterations, renovations. changes., and repaits. Lessee arid thc Oerk of'Coutl intend to have a fire sprinMer systern instafled at the Premises CIUC to the sensfftive nature of"the Clerk Ot'( CLIII NCORJS that shaH be inaintained at the Preariises, The Clerk of' shaH bear the expense of the fire sr.6nkfer system itnproven-wnt and Lessor herel,.)y consents to the irnprovt-nnent. with no ftmfier notice reqUil-ed, whMi shah retnain dn the Pretnises at die exj:siradorl of this, I,ease term, 6 1,essee shaH have Oie Hghi at Leqsee',; own expense to irnprove or alrer the lrilerior and exWor of the kased Premises. Any kirpruvenwins or akcrakms pmpused must fSt be subadned in Wing Ar appmvah by the Unsor, No improvernans m alwadons shaH be made vvithnn the prior wriumi consent of' the Lessor. which consent shall not be unreasonably vvidtheld. Three Lxsmm"s deckbil on Lessce's request for consent r,viH be clefivered no Wr than seven (7) days aftt,;r the delivery of the requiest. 11'no de6sion us issue? then the I&nor Amll W Wmed to have consemed. IfLassee"s inipmverrieras or a0rathms resull in We need to r0rol'it or as die exab I n g ,ormon-c. such addhWal work shall be at Lessee's empense. Le swe covenants that any such inipmvernents and akemdons shall be nude in a workmaniike rt,ianner and in compliance Wh all federaL sute. and municipal Jaws and reqUAMMS, incWdhg aH peraWs and appmvak requied in conneoion with any irnprovemenis, altusakmw or inepahs. lx%ees Apmvernews or ahandons emcnad or awde on the demked Pivinises shall, upon expirsdon cw sooner termination of this [-ease,, Wong to the I-essor, With respect to repads andAw rephwanua of dw roof, niqjor JALUMAnk; iSSUCS. roaT arid other infrastructures on the %perty. Ussum shaH tear onc hundred percent ( p O(Y c)of any cost of repair widAr.replacement of the moE nijor piumbiny mad., or other lrif'rastructures, 6, A�,Lignflie iL I-essee may not ass# IS Lene or am# cw sukonwt an), of I Rs obligpdons under this Lease widxmt Te pHor wKwn appaval of the Less(,n% AH the ohligations of this Lease,= extend ba euid kind be legal representatives. successors.anti assi,glns of the Lessee and the lxsmw, 17, Subord%don. This Lease is subord0te to the laws and regulathms of the Whed Raw the WORST& and Monroe County, whed"ier, in effect on cornmemcen')ent of this 1-,ease or adopted riter thw chute. 18� !-Aic!:IISCS� I-essee shall be responsTle Ar and provide A licenses mxjuired by, all hocal, state. and federal agencies, 19. Premises to ae thed Am y I., ltise),,pu-es,lye(wveruantedL)etm,,eetI the parties heret hat the Txssee WH not me, WE nor peniih any jxrson w use in any mminer. %whMsoever the leasehold pwoperty, nor any 1-.aorflon thercof! Or purposes calWmed to Udwe die repLfWlMl Ofthe leasehold paTerty or of Me neWhboring property. nor Ar any purpose or ime irr RAN=Whe I=of Te Wited We& cw of Te Mate of F&Hda,or of the Ordhmnces=Ionwe Auny. Fhridw m of the Whwwes of any applicable municipaTy. Ussee wHI kup and mive Te lxswr hAvver hansless Sm any penalty or daniage or charges itTIPOS(N] 661 any viola6on of an) of said laws, whether occasioned by rrejoect oaf'Lessee and Lessee "/M indenmify and stive and keep harmless We Lvsmr against and tionr any loss. cost. damage, and expense arising oul of any accident or other occurrence.caLlShlp ijkpury tt:)iny person or property whom.,oever or whalsoe ver. and due directly o�or indket,dy to the use of the leasehold Pren,ihses or any part therenf by Lessee, 24"t lAmUsHon of lxmoCs 1AWAH111. Itis In% agreed that W no case shall the Lesscrr her6n pr hhaal.ule, Under art),, express or irnplied covenants W Te Aaw, Rw any darnages 7 Whatsoever to the Lessee beyond the rent reserved by the L,ease accruing. divan the act. or breach of' covenant, fiar which damages way be sought to be rc covered against said L essor, arW thal in the evew saaid Lesst:e shall be ousted ft'01TI the POSSCSSion of said property by reason of any defect in the title of said Lessor or said L-essor's authority to make this I ease. saad Lessee shaH riot be required to pay rent Under this Lease while 4 is so deprived of s,�aid prope rty. and that ssiid Lessor ,Jiall not incur ,my Habflity as a reSLdt Of suucekn cwu.nsate ', I 21, No Waiver of Breach. It is further n11LMRIHY covenanted and agreed between the par6es herelo Ji-,77i T-re-a-ch ofany of the covenants ofthis Lease shah be constrUed to be a wa; ver of any succeeding breach of sarne covenant, 22, L'essm-'S of Ent!:y. The Lesscm, reserves the right hereunder to enter upon [lie Preinises at any reasonable tiffle during, nonnal operating hours fi:.,rr the purpose of inspeOng said Prernises to determine whether Lessee has con,iplied and is coniplying with the ten-ris and conditions ofthis L,ease, The Lessee hereby a�,,zrees to keep the Premises at all Otnes ours as c ean and sanitary condition, and not to maintain or keep Upon said Prernises any properties or equiprnerit VIM LustXl 41 COMIeCti011 Vvith the operation end same! 1,�wsiness, unless aUthOrized by 1.he Lessor to dc) seen 'yip, Htumon-Li U)i I!xko!:Thojw:-tY-mern lLo. h-o.K A l I property of ai w,y 1,,,,h,id that ii'my be ori the Prernises during the term of this L.,ease shall be at the sole risk of the Lessee. The L,essor shall not he liable to the Lessee or any other 1,vrson 16r any inJury. loss,, or damqge to property (W person on. the Prernises, 24 am e to Lea seold.h In the event that the demised Premises, or a mia or par� J thereof, are destroyed by fire, storrn, or any oilier caStlafty, the Lxssor at hs option n,w.y f'orthwith repair the damage v.)the Prernises and any structures pocated thereon at its own cost and experise, The rental thLereon shall cease until the cornpleOon of'such repairs. II'Lessor eKervises its option to repair the Prernises, Lessee agrees to assugn its Hght to the insurance proceeds to tile Lessor, 25, Condemnation. If the whole of the leased Prernises., or such portion thereof as will make the feas-(7d F—el;71SO.—SunusaMe f6r the purposes leased hereUnder. shall be taken by arly pubhc aUthority, under the power of eminent dornain or sold to any public autlio6ty Under threat or in heu of'such take the Term shall cease of the day possession or title shall be taken by SUCfi pubhc aUfll(M'ity. Whi(J)C-ver is eadier ("Taking, Date"), whereupon Rent shall be paid up to the Taking Date with a proportionate refinid by Lessor of any Rent paid For a perused SUbsequent to the Taking Date. 11' less than the vvhole of the leased Preua ises. or less than such portion. thereof as wM make the leased Premised unusalfle for the purposes leased hereUnden, shall be taken,the Term shah cease only as to the part !,�o taken as of1he Taking Date, and Lessee shall pay Rent up to the Takhig Date, wnth appropriate credit by L.,essor (toward the next installment of Rent dUe ftorn Lessee) of any Rent paid for a period subsequent to the Taking Date. Basf,,,� Rent and other charges 1:,myable to Lessor sliall be redUced hi proportion to the amOU11t Of thew lease Pren-fises taken, All compensation awarded or paid upon a tot.al or pamial taking ofthe leased Pren"I sses inciuding the vaIUC Of the leasehold estate created 1"iereby ,hall b0c.nig to and be the property of'L,essor WidIOW any participadon by Lessee" L,essee shall have no clairn to any SUch award based on Lessee's leasehold interest, However, nothino contiined herein shall be construed to preclude L,essee, at its cost. fronn independen�t➢y prosecul ing, any cWrn directly agaiwt the condeinning authority hi such condernnation proceeding f6r dainage to, or cost of'rer no:val of, stock, trade fixtures, fiurn4ure. and other personal property belonging to L,esset, hnprovernerits paid fior by I-essee. and n-liovhIg and other reasonal-Ae relocatiimi expenscs; provude d. however,, that no such chiirri hall dim6rJsh d.-)r otherwise adversely �afl�cl Lxssor s aw�,ru-(L 2(5, tea p �aiE. Lessee shrill, of any thne arid from tirne to 0nnic,, nv it'hifl tem 10) business days afler Nvritten NCILiest by Lessur, exeCWC., acknowledge and dehver tees Lessoi., or its, MOrtLiagee Ot' tRistee, a stMement 'm wn I ti I ng duly execLaed by Lessee (J) certifying that ths� Lease is in 11,01 force and eff&l (If that be the case) without rnodification or anmidniera (or. H' there have', been any modifications or arnerie,fi'nents, ffial this Lease is in full force and effect as inodified tind an-mided and sening, forth ffie modifications and arnendments), (h) ccila(ying the dates t�o which renW have txen paki. arid (iii)either certifynrq..,that to the knovvWge of the LeSSCIC no def.�Rdl exin,ts under O'iis I-ease or specifying each SLKA-t deftatdl; it beinlp the intention and agreen-tent of I-essor and Lxssee (fiat any such staternent by I-essee may, be reHed i,ipon by an prospec"tive purchaser or as prospective or Uirrent ntim'lgagee ofthe leased Premises, or h.y others, in any matter affecting the leased Prerni�ies, 27. jljIL41ts-IZe"ser'ved., [tights not ,pecificffly gramect to Lessee by this Lease are reserved lo the Lessor, 28, Indemnification Hold flai'miess. SUbJect to arid wtthoul waMng the protections of Section 7 6 8,,2 8', Florida Statutes, Lessor and Le,ssee shall each WI indemirtify, def'6td. and hoW harnfless the othe r party and the mlic,,r pa rty's employee s, agents, , Cs�' d contractois guests, Invite (the "IndeinnifIed Parties-) frcwn and aga�nst any and A loss, darnage, cWrn, demand., habdity or expense ( ncluding rease:)nalfle attornCYS feeS) N,'�SLdtillg from clairns 1-.ry third 1)arfies and based on any acts (or oinissions (specifically uMdWfiffi,° M,' i i2.,ence and the fibilure to comply Nvith this Lease) of the IrAnnnitor, its employees, agents., gue sts, invitet',,s and contractcrvrs zind cmjy to the extent caUsed in whole or in part b.y aas or om8ssions of the Indeninitor, its employees, agents. "guests, ki\dtees,and contractors regard ess ofwhether[fie c➢afin is caused in pam by any ofthe Indemnified Parties. When any clairn is caused by the joint acts or wilissions of 4he IndeMnitor and the Indemnifled Parties, the lndemi)➢I()CS ChrltieS Under this paragraph shoill be ➢n proportion tca the Indernnit,c)r"s allocable share of the Joint liabihry- 29. Governing Law, V I enue (L±p,IErp,i'eta t ion. This Lease shall be governed by and construed in accorclance with the laws ofthe State eat"f"lorida applicaMe to contracts n-jade and to be performed enOrely in d"ie State. In the event that ally CaLIS(w of action ca, adl-nhlistraOve proceeding is instituted fur the enforcernent or unterliretafion of this I-ease-, the I essor ,arid Lessee agree that venue wifl lie in the appropriate cot.m. or before the appropriate adrninistrative body in Monroe County, Florida, The Lessor and Lessee agree that, in Ilic event ofconflicfinp.., interpretatioms of the temns or a tern'i of tHs Lease by cw bet%vetmi any cat.them the issaie shall be c0ibrnitted to medialion pin or to the illSfitUti011 ol:any other administrative or lqM proceeding. 9 30. fbreell4tea Any rwevendon.dday.or swppage due ta.w slHkes. IOCI'OLOS. cfisputes, acts of Go indudhng inclement Nveather un(Uor perOds of—On or crther Nveather condttions., hial-,ff�flty to obtain labor(w mwer-!Mn or masonable subsfitwes diaeficre. govenuneW restrictions or requixemens. governmental regulatkns. goveniri-rental controls, inal-.�ihty to tiMely obtain govenunental arvprovaas, fifflUre of poww% HM& inaumokmi,ware car othei enerny or hostfle g(wertunent acthn. 001 corruncAW, We tw wher casually., eady u5sum of asphak rOaMs. and other causes bey(vid the ivaaniable control nrlhe patly Wigated to pet-IWL shM! excuse the perSornmnce by smT pany R)r a perkid equal to any such 1.,w evendon. dehay. or sLojppqe,, uncludiqg the ob!Qadons of Ussor to deliver the leased Premises, The fioregoing force FM'3jCUI%' PrOViSiOW; arc WaplAicable to any payinents of nioney TIC Wider Irs Lease, 3 Severa j!jLX. 11'any tef'M, COvena.til. condiflon. or provisk)n of this Lease Aw the alephemion Tereor to any CitCLIMstance or person) shaH be declared invalid can unenforceable to any extent by a coun of compumit judsdOW the ronitinkrg turrm, covenants. condAW. and provisOns of. tits Uaw, shaH not be affected thereby: and each rernaining terrn, covenant, condhOn. and ;mrVion of His Lene CA he Wid and drafl be enf'(,-)rceaMe to tire fliHest extent pennWed by lavv unless the enflorcement of the rmndnhg wins., ccrvenanls, conditions. and pwQkms of the Ume =Ad pmvent the accomplishment of t1w cwjhmJ Was of this L eme, The Lessor and Lessee agree U) rcfbrni It- Lease to replace any stricken provusion vvilh ,,i vaHd provision that crimes as chwe as pcosible R) Me haua of Ow sukkeii pmOskn, 31 AtWrnfir' 's Fees and C'osts. I lie E..essor and Lesseeagree that 4) Ifle event any cause col' action or, wfininistrative proceeding is nnnflated can defended by any party r0aflve Io the enhucement or Friterpretathmi of this 1..xase A�.Ireenient. the prevaihng party shaH be entifled to 1'e"IS()YMble aucorney's fCeS. COUrt costs, investigative. and (,:)ut-of-po(,,ket es.penses, as an award against the ncmyptevaHing pamy. and shall indude attorney's fees. courrs costs, hivestigadve. ancl oubwQxWet expenses in appeHate pr(oceecfings, N/IuHadon Ivoceedings initialed arid conducted pursuant Ui this Uase Wf he in accordars,,,e with Ow hOda Rules of CUH Pmcedum W imad and custoniary proce&Ws requied by the 6rCUit cotirt of''N'lonroe, County, 33. L�Lwjjipg jLfttLt. The terms, covenaw, condhions, and provisic)ns of thls [-ease shaH �-.)ind and ituHe U) the benell of the Lesscn, and I-essee aric! their respective legal representatives, successors, and assigns, A A_gL L)Ljjy. Fach party represents and "mnams R) the other t.hal Ow exeCUOOIL deliven/ and Fierkmnawe cA gnus Uase have Ewen duly auhtrked by aH neusary County and corporate action, as required by law, 35. Claims fo— FL Aral or Slate AiLl. Lessor isid Lessee agree that cach shall fv.°, and is, ernpowered to appQv An seek. and obtain Idual and state funds Io f"unile'r the PUIPOSe OfthiS Lease. provided Umt aH apokations, reqUems. gmnt proposafs, ancl fi,mcfing soficriatloris shaH be appmwed by eat rmny pdo"o suNnIsdon, 36 ,udication oll" L)jsL)ILLes )LR�m 1,ess or and L..essec agree that aH L Lfisputes and disagreeinents shall be attempted to be resoNed by ineetand confer sessdons between repre enlatives ofeach ofthe parties, If fllL' rSSLIC' Of' issues are still not resolved [o the safisfactiori ofthe parties. then any party shall have the right to seek such rehefor remedy as ina, [,)v. provided by this Lease or. by Florida 1mv. 37. 'tion� In fl�e event any administrative or degal proceeding is, instituted against either party relating to the forrylaflon, executton,, performance, or l-)reachi of d6s Lease, Less(,)r and Lessee agree to parti6pate, tc)the extent reclu ire d by the caher Imr(y, in aH proi,.,,eed�ngs, hearings, processes, tneetings., and other ac6vifies related to the SUbstance, of tlfls I east- or p-ovision ofthe services under thds Lease, 1_essor and Lessee specifically agree that no party to flils [..,ease shalI be required to em,er into any arbitradon proceedingls reW.ed to thuds Uase, 38, Nondiser-imination. Lessor and Lessee agree that there will Lie no discmnhuitio:n against any person. and it ds expreW,N,,� understood that upon a deternlinati(,ml by as Court of competent Jurisdiction that discrdrrtinalkffl has occurred,, this Lease aUt(,mnatk,,aHy temninales without arny l'urther action on tire part ofany party. effective the date of the court order, Lessor and 1_essee agree to conriply with anted Federal an(.1 Florida statUtes. and all local or(finances, as applica[.fle, redatinj.,,, to nondiscrimination, Fliese include but are not Ihnited tan: I) T'itle V11 ofthe Civil Rights Act of 1964 (PL. 88-352) whia,,h prohiblts (fiscHinimation on the h.,ishs ofsex—, 2,) Tide IX of the f"Iducalion AmendmC."I'll of 1972. a.,; amended (20 US(` ss, 16811681, and 1685-1686). which prohibits discrin,6nafion on the basis of sex: 3) Section 504 ofthe ReImbHlialion Act of 197,h as atnended (20 USC s, 794). whdch prohibits chscrimination on the basis of disability,, 4) The Age Discrimination Act of h975. as aniended (42 US( ss, 6W1- 6107) which prohdbils discrin,fination on the basds of age, 5,) `rhc I)RIg Abuse Office and Treatment Act of' 1972 (Pl_ 92- 255).as aniended. relafirq to 11011discrim nation e.-)n the tmsis ofdnig abuse„ 6) The C."oniprehensive McohM Abuse and Mcoholisni Prevenflon I reatinent ancl Rehabilkation Act of 1970 (PL 91- 6d6). as amended, relating to nondiscrimimathon on the basis of alcol-Kd abuse or dcohiolism- 7) The Public Health Set-vice Act of' 1912, r;s 523 and 527 (42 4JS(1' ss. 690d(13 and 290ee-3), as, arnerided. relatingto confidentiality, ofadeohol and drugabUSe patient records; 8) Tifie Vill ofthe Civil FUghts Act 1968 (42 U'SC s.,3601 et seq),as ainended, reWing to riondiscrirninalion in the sale. rental or financing OHIOUSfilg, 9) The Americans with Disabilifies Act of 1990 (42 LISC s, 12 10 ote), as rnay 1.,)e arnended froin litne to fline, relating to nondiscrimination on tile bases of d'usabifily'l 10) Monroe County ("ode, Chapter 14, Ar6cle 11, which prohibits discrin-ilitaflon oil the basis of race., c(.dor. sex, r6gion, &abiHty. national corugn,dnn, ancestry., seXLK.11 oritnivation gender ideritit y or expression, farnHW status or age, and 11) Any (lther nondiscrinihiation proOsions m any Federa or mate st,,,)Wtes which inay apply to flie parties w, or the subJect rnatter of. thus Lease, 39. Covenant of No Intei est, 1_essor and Lessee covertant that neither preseritly has any interest, ot acquire ,in"y imeresi, which would conflict in any manner or (degree with its pet forrnance under. this Lease., and that the only interest of' each is to perforn-i and rec6ve benefits ,.awe recited in this Lease. 4o Code offthics. Lessee agrees that officers and einployees c&Ike Lessee 1,CCOgnize and wvill [)e required to comply with the, standards ofconduct f6r PUblic officcTs and crnpdoyees as delineated in Section 112,313, HoHda Statutes regjrding, but not firnited to. solicitation (..)r alcceptank-ae of gifls� Joing business with one's agencY, unatithoHzed cxm-npernsatiom; MkUse of pubfic, pt.-.)sition, conflicting employrnent e:)r contractUal relationsh� p,, and sfisck)sure, or use of' certain information, 41. No Soficit�LlktLn/ ent, The 1.,es';or and Lessee warrant that, ➢n respect io itself, it has neither employed nor n-.1tained ainy cornI.mny or person. other than a bona fide erriployee working sofOy fim� it, to) solicit or secure 0-6s Lcase and (meat it has not paid cir ,-igreed to pay ally person,company, corporation. iridk/iduai. or firim,other than as bona fide employee working solely f6r it. any fee., corru-nission. J,:�oCrcentage" L2ift, or other consideration contingent upon ewon iest,dting from the any or making ()I thus Lease, For the breach or violatiori of this prc)vision. Ow Lessee agrees that lhe L,essor shaH have the right to terrninate this Lease wkhow liabiHty and. at its discre6on, u) offsel frcorn mordes o�ved, or otherwise recover, tl")e fiAH arnewiiit of 'such fee, conindssion, percenta,,,,,�ie, gift, cm, consideration, 42, Public Access, Fhe I-essor and Lessee shall ,fflow and perrrk reasonable access to, and inspection (T 1-11-1 (T7CL;ments., pap ers. letters or other niateriak in its possession or under its COMI'01 SUb'ject to the provisions of Chapter i l 9. Florida Statuts d e , nd na id or e rec6ved by the I-essot and Lessee in corIjunction with this L,ease,- and the Lessee sf-tall have the right to undaleraHy cancel this I..,ease upon viokition of this 11n.)vision lby Lessor. 43, cane naive of Immunity. Notwithstanding flie f.,)rovisions of' Chapter 768.28,, Horida StatUtes. the, parti6paflon of the [_,Cssor and Lessee in this Lease and the acq,iisition ofany conirnercial fiability hisur-ance e:overage, sclf-4isurance coverage, or local govertntiem Habifity in SLH'WICC pool covet-age shall not lie deemed as Nvaiver (.,)I' ininiurdly to the extent of Hability cloverage. nor shall any contract entered into by the Lessor be recit,dred to contain any provkion R)r waiver, 44 41 Mfiga,fions anid R nsibilifies, Non-Dek,,gation of (onslitutional or Stal Utor y Duties,, This [,ease is not mtended to., nor shall it be construed as, relieving any participating entity trorn any ol,-)Hgation or responsibdity imposed UPWn the entity by pavv except to the extent ofactual and flnnwly perf'onnance thereot'by any participating entit.y., in which case the performance may be ofkred in satisfaction ofthe obligation or responsibility, Further. this, Lease is not intended to, riot, shafli it be cOrISU'LlIed as. aauthorizing the delegation of the consliu,qiomd or statutory duties of d-w Lessee, except to the extent permitted by the Florida comlitL iO it 11. sUe statute. and case paw. 45 l annn-1 .ceinannce.�j Non-Parfies, No person or entity shall be eirOtlied to L%dy upon the terms,, or any of" thern, c&this I_ease to enforce or attenij.,A to enforce any third-,party c1airn ol enti0ement to or beriefit orany seerv~ ce or prograrn conteniplated I,iereun(Jer. and the LessorajK] 1...,essee agree that neither the Lessor nor ffie Lessee or any agent, officer, or, empk)yee of either shall have the aUthOl'itY W inR-Win, counsO. or other ise hidicate that any parficudar hidividwfl or groLq) n:)findividuak. entity or entities, have entitlements or benefitS Under this Lease sepatate and apart. inferior to, or superior to the community in gencral or for flie purposes comemplated k-i this Lease. 12 ............... 46. No Personal Liabill.y, No covenand or q-,,reernerit contained hervin shafl be deerned to be an covenant or agreement of any rne1TJ)ff,, officer. agent, or, t.,,rnployee of PVloifroe C(Afllty in his or her fndividual capacity. and no member. officer, agent, or ern pkiyr.,c ol Monroe C( ui it,I-i y shafl he hatfle pers(,.)naHy on thk L-ease or be subject to any pen�onal li,,,thdily or aCCOUntahiHty b�y reason ofthe execution ofthis Lease. 47 ecution in `carJt tr!L�flqs, 1his Lease rnay be executed in any numbeir of' C01.11"Iterywarts, eacii 77,75(,,77711 be regarded as an oiriginaL, aH of which ta.ken logethef shffl consfilule one and the same instrument and any of ffie parties hereto rna,Y execule this I-ease by Sigllklg all)l SUCII counterpart, 48. aSeettion Head s. Section headings fmve been inserted in this I-ease as an matter jjjjL of"convenience of'ref�rence on ly. ay)CI it is agreed thal such seclion headings are not an part ofthis L,ease and Nvill not be tnsed in the interpretation of any 1,.,m-ovision of this Lease, 49 Mutual Revien. Fhis Lease has been carefully reviewed by Lessee and Lessort Oleref'ore, this L,ease is rwt to be construed agafnst either party on the knas. s of,,authorship, 50, ice Not 's . I., Any wHtten notice or correspondence giver pffsuant t(.) this Lease shaH be sent by United States Mail. certifled, reoflll receipt reqUested., of by courieyr W,flj I-Wo()f (If' delivery, The place of giving Notice shafl rernain the sanrrnes as set fculfi herein until changed in "liting 41 the manner provuded 41 this paragraph. Notice is deerned received when hand delivered by nafiona6 COUrier, with proofol'deliver'v or by I J,S. Mail ul.,)on verified rec6pt or tipon the dale ofreffisal or non-acceplance oftiefivery. T°,k)tice shall be sent to the following -m'sonsl' LESSEE: LESSOR: Facilities Maintenance Dept. Rock]and Investnrent (-'orpon�ttion, Inc, Monroe County Amm Steve R, Henrsrin 2.3 Overseas Hwy. - R(.-uckland 615-B United Street Key West, Florida 3.3040 Key Wesi. Florida 33040 And Clerk of the C'ircuit Court & Comptroller P. 0. Box 1980 111"'.ey West, Florida 3304 1980 with as copy to: Courity Attorney Monroe ("OUnty P 0. Box 1026 Key, West, I-I lorida 3304 1 5 1 CuirkulativeRemeclies. but shaH. wherever possiifle, be CLMlUh]h'V(: with aH other rernedies in �aw cw ilin equity, 52, Enth-e Th s wif hirq...i erribodies the ent'urc agreement and understanding betweeri the parties hereto. and there tire no othe'r and understandbngs, oral or w6tten. with ref6vnce io the subject inalter hereofthal a;re ncrl merged herehi and surwrs'edcd hereby, Any ame,ndn'wril to this Lease shafl be in wrifln,,,g, approved by the Board of'County Comrnissroners. and srgned by both parfles before it becomes effective. IREMAINDER OF I'MA IN FEN'TIONALLY L.,EF"T BLANKI ISIGNATTRE PAGE T( F011,0'"'I 14 1 , IN \VM\IF' S WHEREOF. the pat-ties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year r'first above ;:riuu•en. LESSOR:. ROCKLAND '�.KLA -.ST1.r CORPORATi01\I, INC., A FloridaCorporation WITNESSES: .. .«...._..... . Ki-a-i-TI-e------- ..�.. ..s f----nvr- M i Print Name ii) / / ' :� �.. Title_ ; c . ' . _ ...:_._____-- _w C4,-4-4,-e,42-tivte., t . ce,„, .lt arne ,;71''''f:T:-:',7''/,',1 ,'('''S'-1.EH'''',A,.),:i'':),/N.,,,--,\NIC;:7-)?..\\* BOA RD OF COUNTY i�� 1-0 A-,T L ',Y.,,: E j ` -01`\.. ' :. _Ia : . C `► .ii . C`. 1 � ' � .: : fig: c:i ti y: .1 ''''-:B .,.....,„., ::::,---/-.''' (2' 17) B3f: ge..,- , -,:,..._A__.c7 sDeputyClerk _.. .1'�,.: :I./.—,haiI`perso l Date: 7i-f) 10211 _ � " r. 1.. w +r+ y��.. • _ pia•", F. {/�{� L VED TO FOA M . SpSpa{a{C\A Ej*�}n�r' . _ : ~•. PATR S. f«i �s STD f OR E ti,- DATE: l f . �. COMPOSITT', EXI-111.11'r "A" Lessee's Premises on the Property 16 10 X P ,/ w_ �15P�25 So FT J 9 E 4 r "^ " OPEN YARD i�Ndr M f � r ' 6 ..... ! j is, wo Q 8 �, aY d , �`� r ° � w� w. f�� i1. ^w� ... � ;s' % "emu' * 8" Pi p FM x ~PT � os '�20 CC)Lj Paved,Fenced&Gated W, 106 4,2010 S° /F A 19 ParMniq Spacesth Roorn Fof MoreIle)00.7 P r , �t. iv4 ' M4.nOMPOw'I r "..,Fk.: .1.14:RIrp,,"A" MM � Diu II � fly � W a I� u G W W Ic W IV u W Ih W t � W W W U U loo 00 CL w NN, V W 4 " s Mr, w� � V �'�wu, W W �m /r c:a. W r �� W W ACORD EVIDENCE OF COMMERCIAL PROPERTY INSURANCE 12/18/2023 THIS EVIDENCE OF COMMERCIAL PROPERTY INSURANCE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE ADDITIONAL INTEREST NAMED BELOW. THIS EVIDENCE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURERS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER AND THE ADDITIONAL INTEREST. PRODUCER NAME, I PHONE 954-475-3600 COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS NAIC NO:37362 CONTACT PERSON AND ADDRESS A/C No.Ext Hays Companies a Brown&Brown Company 1201 W. Cypress Creek Road, Suite 130 General Star Indemnity Company Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 FAX(A/C,No): 954-475-2120 E-MAIL ADDRESS: IF MULTIPLE COMPANIES,COMPLETE SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH CODE: SUB CODE: POLICY TYPE AGENCY CUSTOMER ID#: Commercial Pro ert NAMED INSURED AND ADDRESS APPROVED BY RISK MANAGEMENT LOAN NUMBER POLICY NUMBER 615-B United Street DATE 7/21/201 IMA413521 Rockland Investment Corp,Inc. BYE . �4;,, L1 EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE Key West,FL 33040 WAIVER N/A YES— I2/8/2023 12/8/2024 CONTINUED UNTIL TERMINATED IF CHECKED ADDITIONAL NAMED INSURED(S) THIS REPLACES PRIOR EVIDENCE DATED: PROPERTY INFORMATION Use REMARKS on page 2,if mores ace is required) BUILDING OR BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY LOCATION/DESCRIPTION 111 Overseas Hwy,Key West,FL 33040 THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS EVIDENCE OF PROPERTY INSURANCE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. COVERAGE INFORMATION PERILS INSURED I X I BASIC BROAD X SPECIAL COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE AMOUNT OF INSURANCE: $1,807,820 DED: $5,000 YES NO NIA X BUSINESS INCOME X RENTAL VALUE X If YES,LIMIT: $340,000 X Actual Loss Sustained, #of months:12 BLANKET COVERAGE X If YES,indicate value(s)reported on property identified above: $ TERRORISM COVERAGE X Attach signed Disclosure Notice/DEC IS THERE A TERRORISM-SPECIFIC EXCLUSION? X IS DOMESTIC TERRORISM EXCLUDED? X LIMITED FUNGUS COVERAGE X If YES,LIMIT: DED: FUNGUS EXCLUSION(If"YES",specify organization's form used) X REPLACEMENT COST X AGREED AMOUNT X COINSURANCE X If Yes,80% EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN(If Applicable) x If YES,LIMIT: Included DED: $5,000 ORDINANCE OR LAW-Coverage for loss to undamaged portion of building X - Demolition Costs If YES,LIMIT: DED: - Incr.Cost of Construction If YES,LIMIT: DED: EARTHQUAKE(If Applicable) X If YES,LIMIT: DED: FLOOD(If Applicable) X If YES,LIMIT: DED: WIND/HAIL INCL OYES X NO Subject to Different Provisions: X If YES,LIMIT: DED: NAMED STORM INCL OYES X NO Subject to Different Provisions: X If YES,LIMIT: DED: PERMISSION TO WAIVE SUBROGATION IN FAVOR OF MORTGAGE HOLDER PRIOR TO LOSS CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. ADDITIONAL INTEREST MORTGAGEE CONTRACT OF SALE LENDER SERVICING AGENT NAME AND ADDRESS LENDERS LOSS Loss Payee PAYABLE NAME AND ADDRESS Monroe County Board of County Commissioners 1100 Simonton St. Key West, F1 33040 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE q'AR.r. ACORD 28(2016/03) Page 1 of 2 ©2003-2016 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD EVIDENCE OF COMMERCIAL PROPERTY INSURANCE REMARKS—Including Special Conditions(Use only if more space is required) Commercial Location Specific Coverage: Buildiniz Rents 111 Overseas Hwy, Key West, FL 33040 $1,807,820 $340,000 REMARKS—Including Special Conditions(Use additional sheets if more space is required(CONT'D) Special Form Excluding Earthquake,Flood,Wind/Hail and Mold Replacement Cost-Building&Contents/Actual Loss Sustained-Business Income 80%Coinsurance-Real Property 1/6a`Monthly Limitation-Rents $5,000 Per Occurrence-All Other Perils Deductible Terrorism Excluded ACORD 28(2016/03) Page 2 of 2 [____DXT2_E/(MM/DD/YYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 118/2023 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsements . PRODUCER CONTACT Dannit Pierce NAME: PHONE Hays Companies a Brown&Brown Company (A/C.No.Ext:954475-3600 (A/C,No):954-475-2120 1201 W. Cypress Creek Road, Suite 130 E-MAIL Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 ADDRESS: Dannit,Pierce bbro—corn INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A: Westchester Surplus Lines Insurance Company 10172 INSURED INSURER B: StarStone National Insurance Company 44776 Rockland Investment Corp,Inc. INSURER C: 615-B United Street INSURER D: INSURER E: Key West,FL 33040 INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY. PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBrz POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS LTR INSU WVD MMIDDIYYYY) (MMIDD/YYYY) GENERAL LIABILITY $ 1,000,000 EACH OCCURENCE A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY DAMAGE TO RENTED $ 100,000 PREMISES Ea occurrence CLAIMS-MADE 51 OCCUR MED EXP(Any oneperson) $ 5,000 GLWF17475526 001 12/08/2023 12/08/2024 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS—COMP/OP AGG $ Excluded X I POLICY PRO LOC JECT Deductible $ $500 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT g 1,000,000 (Ea accident) A ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED GLWF17475526 001 12/08/2023 12/08/2024 BODUY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS AUTOS X HIRED X NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ AUTOS AUTOS Per accident $ X UMBRELLA OCCUR EACH OCCURANCE $ 1,000,000 F, LIAB B EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE 81574Q231ALI 12/08/2023 12/08/2024 AGGREGATE $ 1,000,000 DED I I RETENTION WORKERS COMPENSATION PER OTH- ANDEMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN N/A STATUE ER ANY ROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE $ OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? E.L.EACH ACCIDENT (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE—EA EMPLOYEE $ If yes,describe under $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE—POLICY LIMIT Directors and Officers Crime DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES(Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,if more space is required) Property Address: 111 Overseas Hwy,Key West,FL 33040 Terrorism Excluded CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Monroe County Board of Count Commissioners THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN .I tY Y ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 1 100 Simonton St. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Key West , FI 33040 ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD