2nd Amendment 05/15/2002 Clerk 01 The Circul coon Danny L Kolhage Phone: 292-3550 Fax: 295-3663 Memorandum To: Timothy J. McGarry, AICP Director of Growth Management From: Colleen Gardner Isabel C. DeSantis, . L Deputy Clerk r Attn: Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 At the BOCC meeting of May 152002, the Board approved the following: Amendment 2 to Contract between Monroe County and Camp, Dresser, McKee, Inc. to provide services for stormwater project implementation related to the Stormwater Management Master Plan (SMMP). Attached hereto is a duplicate original of the subject document for your handling. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. cc: County Attorney Finance ~ File Amendment 2 CONTRACT FOR THE MONROE MANAGEMENT MASTER PLAN COUNTY STORMWATER THIS CONTRACT AMENDMENT is entered into between Monroe County, whose address is Marathon Government Center, 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 420, Marathon, Florida 33050, hereafter the County, and CAMP, DRESSER, MCKEE, INC., a Massachusetts Corporation, whose address is 800 Brickell Avenue, Suite 710, Miami, Florida 33131, hereafter the Consultant. I. The Contract between the parties is hereby amended to extend the timeframe as shown in Section 2 of the Contract to 790 days from the date of this Amendment. 2. All previous tasks as defined in Appendix A of the Contract, the Scope of Work, have been satisfactorily completed, invoiced by the Consultant, and paid by the County. 3. Attached to this Contract Amendment is a new Attachment A, Scope of Work, intended to further engage the Consultant to implement portions of the Storm water Management Master Plan. 4. Similarly a new Attachment B identifying specific project tasks and associated costs is included in this Contract Amendment. The total cost of the Contract Amendment is $66,482. Upon completion, project tasks will be invoiced to the County in accordance with the approximate project time frame and specific costs as identified in Attachment B and as previously specified in the body of the Contract between the parties. 5. All applicable insurance and liability requirements, as identified in Attachment C will be updated by the Consultant in accordance with the County's Risk Management Department and its Procurement Policies and Procedures. 6. In all other respects, the Contract between the parties dated 16th day of July, 1999, remains the same and in full force and effect. 7. The effective date of this Contract Amendment will be the date that both parties have signed this document. SMMPContract02-020416.doc 04/16/021:08 PM 3: ......., c:::> ~ C> C;J c~ :z )> ~ r- ::0 ~,. '- rrl On:=1" c: M~.:( r-- 0 ("'). ""rJ 0,,: 0"'\ a ~;O::l :::0 -;' C J:]oo :::0 C")r ::r: :<:-i::J: f'T1 '"T1' ;t-~ \D n r- C) 0 )> ,..., :::0 c:' 0 IN WIlNESS WHEREOF each party hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly sworn authorized representative. (SEAL) ATTEST: DA~" L..KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY / j>/- BY~~~~~~ By \~~~>~~l.J~Cler S-, S -O~ \{;:,.~~ ~ .>c~' . ~ ';-';..::.;:' ~ !"~-',;".:..- Witness: CAMP, DRESSER, MCKEE, INe. By Q. ~~ {!- Title~ ~~ By t1},~ ~-0fr C"e......:....,..l--l Title t/ Ie € P/Z€..f /J)E AI T B Monroe County Stormwater Management Master Plan (SMMP) Ongoing Engineering Services Appendix A: Scope of Services April 2002 Monroe County, Florida (COUNTY) has completed, according to requirements of the adopted Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan), the preparation of the Stormwater Management Master Plan (SMMP) that assesses the adequacy of existing systems, prioritizes stormwater management needs for each island, identifies regulations and policy needs, and develops. a plan to finance the construction, operation and maintenance of required facilities. The COUNTY wishes to implement the recommendations of the SMMP. To this end, the COUNTY wishes to exercise its option under the existing contract to employ Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CONSULTANT) to provide engineering services leading toward the implementation of the SMMP. The geographic area of this project consists of the islands (also referred to as the Keys) in the COUNTY, which are traversed by US Highway 1, or are connected via a bridge to one of these islands. The CONSULT ANT is to provide supplemental or expanded services related to stormwater management services such as inspection, ordinance support, detailed modeling, public awareness, legal services, permitting, design, and services during bidding and construction for the programmed improvements. The SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES to be provided by the CONSULTANT are defined below. Task I County Facilities Stormwater Pollution Prevention Practices The CONSULTANT will review available engineering documentation for the stormwater components of all COUNTY properties. Based on that review and a prioritized assessment of needs on COUNTY properties, the CONSULTANT will inspect up to ten (10) Monroe County facilities to review in detail the existing stormwater management practices employed at each site. The CONSULTANT will also meet with COUNTY staff to discuss the stormwater management practices for each facility. Based upon the site inspection and meeting with staff, the CONSULTANT will recoriunend in a letter report to the COUNTY stormwater pollution prevention practices that should be added or improved at each facility. The recommendations may include changes to maintenance activities, structural improvements such as oil/water separators or retention facilities, and materials handling. Task II Stormwater Management Inspector Training & Permit Review Support The CONSULT ANT will provide classroom and in-field training for COUNTY staff related to field inspection of construction sites and residential or commercial stormwater facilities. The training will include elements of sediment and erosion control, stormwater maintenance and illicit connection identification. Training will consist of two, up to 4-hour training sessions, the first of which will be classroom training and the second will be in the field. Training will be available for up to 10 staff. The CONSULTANT will prepare, prior to the training, a manual of stormwater practices to be employed in Monroe County including sediment and erosion control, requirements of the code or ~onroe County SMMP On~ing Engineering Services - Work Order V2 Page 1 ordinances and if available, new ordinance requirements. As part of the manual, new or improved forms will be included to help document maintenance and inspection activities. The CONSULT ANT will assist the COUNTY in clarifying stormwater treatment requirements for new development and significant redevelopment in the areas of developed area, area to be treated grading plan approaches and landscaped swales. The CONSULTANT will produce a summary memorandum documenting recommendations in this regard and participate in the two reviews as examples of the application of the recommendations. Task III Ordinance Support The CONSULTANT will review existing Monroe County regulations, and will recommend, draft and help implement modifications to the regulations in accordance with the SMMP. The CONSULTANT will review the regulations related to the following subjects: . 95-percent Treatment Requirements . Low Impact Development . Vegetated or Landscaped Swales . Marina Pollution Controls . Impervious Area Reduction Incentives . Private Facility Maintenance Certification . Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Program The CONSULT ANT will help draft or review suggested modifications to the regulations and will meet with the COUNTY staff to discuss the modifications. The CONSULTANT will participate in up to 8 meetings with the COUNTY Board of County Commissioners to adopt the final modifications to the regulations. Task IV General Technical Support for SMMP Implementation The CONSULTANT will provide up to 160 hours of technical support for implementation issues for the COUNTY. The CONSULTANT will provide such support only at the request of the COUNTY. Technical support may include support of additional marina criteria, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDFS) permitting support (municipal, construction and industrial stormwater discharges), and support of other stormwater related engineering efforts of the . COUNTY. Task V Engineering Support for RehabilitationjRetrofit Projects The CONSULTANT will provide engineering support for rehabilitation/retrofit projects associated with the SMMP. Engineering support may consist of survey, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, conceptual design, engineering design drawings, construction specifications in accordance with COUNTY standards, permit applications (SFWMD ERP, US ACOE, and Monroe County) and response to permit review comments, and limited construction-related activities including participation in the pre-bid meeting and pre-construction meeting; construction site visits for limited observation; site visits for final review of the project; and review of as-built drawings provided by the contractor. The COUNTY will provide to the CONSULTANT standard "boiler- plate" construction specifications in digital format to which the CONSULT ANT will add project- specific specifications. Design drawings for each project will consist of a cover, notes & symbols Monroe County SMMP Onl:J>ing Engineering Services - Work Order V2 Page 2 page, plan drawing, section drawing, civil engineering detail drawing, planting plan page, plus one additional page depending on the need, for a total estimated count of seven drawings. The projects will be defined in work orders appended to and made part of this scope of services once authorized by the COUNTY and the CONSULTANT. Compensation The CONSULTANT will be compensated based on the following methods: Task I Task II Task III Task IV Task V Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum Lump Sum or Billing Rate with Upper Limit based on mutual consent for each task. Payment will be based on monthly invoices from the CONSULTANT. For Lump Sum tasks, invoices will define the percentage of the work that has been completed, the amount previously invoiced and the incremental amount owed. For Billing Rates with Upper Limit tasks, invoices will define actual hours spent times hourly billing rates by category plus reimbursable expenses. Monroe County SMMP On~ing Engineering Services - Work Order V2 Page 3 .e- c:: '" ::l ~ 8 'E " " o II) ~ be o '2 .. ~ t 'tl .. c:: 'C :; 'Q: 0- c:: Ei:':I.IlN ,e.!tfg C:::;'''N 6~fc1: U ... c:: c.. " c:: 0 < 2 a ~ c:: " .... ~ ~ :l "'" ; J: ~'S ~ $' .. Ei ~ ~ .sll) II) ~ 8 N . N N M .... ~ ~ '3 . . <<l a ..j rIO ~ ~ ~ ~ .... ~ vt <II ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :S,Jd .fl 0 8~ R ~IN ~ N g t ~ .fl r-.lI') ~ .... ~"l. ~ &l 0 o' 5 .: :!l vtl~ .... ~ QU vt S ~I~ ~ ~ ~ '3 .. M M "l. ..8 r-:'Io ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~~ .... j vt I ~- 5S 1 ~ ~~ ~ .... .... .;; !I l!l ti 0 ::t I <( I-< tU8 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ .~ . ~ o~::t ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ ~ i ~ l!l .... .... 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'-..-/ Growth Mgt FROM-Cimp Dresser' McKee In. 3053729187 (305)289-2854 T-298 P 002/009 F-5Bl Appendix C Monroe County Insurance Requirements 10.2 Jul 12 02 01:47p Growth Mgt JUL-12-0Z 02:30PM FROM-Camp Dr!66Br , McKe8 lnc (305)289-2854 3053729167 T-Z98 P 009/009 F-SBl p.9 , ---../' MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION MANUAL Indemnification aDd Hold Harmless for Other Contractors and Subeontradors "-../ The Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold hannless Monroe COWlty Board of County Commissioners from any and all elaims for bodily injury (including death), personal injury. and property damage: (inclu~ property owned by Monroe COWlty) and any other losses, damages. and expenses (including attorney's fees) which arise out of, in connection with., or by reason of services providecl by the Contractor or any of its SubcontraCtor(s) in any tier, occasioned by the negligence, errors, OT other wrongful act or omission of The Contnlctor or itS subconU'8Ctors in any tier, their employees, or agents. In the event the completion of the project (to include the work of others) is delayed ot suspended as a result of the Con1ractor's failure to pU1'~hase or maintain the required insurance, the Contractor shall indemnify the County from any and all increased expenses resulting from such delay. The first ten dollars ($10.00) of remuneration paid to the Contractor is for the indemnification provided for above. The extent of liability is in no way limited to, reduced, or lessened by the insurance requirements contained elsewhere within this agreement. TCS ,J , , JUL-1Z-0Z 02:Z9PM FROM-Camp Dr'i~.r & McKe. Inc 3D53129187 (305)289-2854 T-Z98 P 003/009 F-581 p.3 Jul 12 02 01: 45p Growth Mgt 1996 EdiliDn "'---- RISK MANAGEMENT POLlCY AND PROCEDURES CONTRACT ADMINISTRA nON MANUAL GeDerallusufauee Requuemeob for Other Contractors and Subcontractors As a pre-requisite oftbe work governed, or the goods supplied under this contract (including the pre-suaging ofp~sonnel and materilll), ~ Contractor shall obtain, at hislher own elCpense. insurance as specified in any attached schedules, which are made part of this contract. The Contractor will ensure that the insurance obtained will extend protection to all Subcontractors engaged by the Contractor. As an alternative. the Contractor may require aU Subcontractors to obtain insurance consistent with the Ilnached schedules. The Contractor will not be permitted to commence work governed by this contract (including pre-staging of personnel and material) until satisfactory evidence of the required insurance has been furnished to the County as specified below. Delays in the commencement of work, resulting from the failure of the Contractor to provide satisfactory evidence of the required insurance:, shall not extend deadlines specified in this contract and any penalties and failure to perform assessments shall be imposed as if the work commenced on the specified date and time. except for the Contractor's failure to provide satisfactory evidence. The Contractor shall maintain the required insurance throu&hout the entire term of this contract and any extensions specified in the attached schedules. Failure to comply with this provision ~ may result in the immediate suspension of all work until the required insurance has been reinstated or replaced. Delays in the completion of work resulting from the failure of the Contractor to maintain the required insurance shall not extend deadlines $pecified in this contract and any penalties and failw-e to perfonn assessments shall be imposed as if the work had not been suspended. except for the Contractor's failure to maintain the required insurance. The Contractor shall provide, to the County, as satisfactory evidence of the required insurance, either: Cellificate of Insurance Or . A Certified copy of the actual insuran~e policy. The County, at its sole option, has me right to request Ii cenified copy of any or all insurance policies required by this contract. All insura.nce policies muSl specify that they are not subject to cancellation. non-renewal, material change, or reductiOn in coverage unless a minimum of thirty (30) days prior notification is given to the County by the insurer. The acceptance and/or approval of the Contractor's inswance shall not be construed as relieving the Contractor from any liability Or obliga.tion assumed under this contraot or imposed by law. \....J Administration Instruction #4709.3 2 Growth M~t Jul 1~ 02 01: 4Sp '---' ,--J '-----" / JUL-IZ-nz 02:29PM FROM-Camp Dresser & McKee loc mm9167 (305)289-2854 T-298 P 004/0ne F-SBl 1996 Edilion The Monroe County Board of County Conunissioners, its employees and officials will be included a'\ "Additional Insured" on all policies. except for Workers' Compensation and professional liability insurance. Any deviations from these General Insurance Requirements must be requested in writing on the County prepared fonn entitled "Request for Waiver of InsuraDce Requb"cmcnts" and approved by Monroe County Risk M~gement. Administration Instruction #4709.3 p,,4 3 Ju 1 1 ~ 02 01: 46p Growth M~t JUL-12-02 02:29PM FROM-Camp DrB&sBr , McKee Inc !053TZ91 BT (305)289-2854 T~Z98 P 005/009 F~5Bl 1~I:QIlIQn p.5 \ ,"--.. GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACT FOR THE MONROE COUNTY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MASTER PLAN BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND CAMP DRESSER AND MCKEE INC. Prior to the commencement of worle. governed by this contract, the Contractor shall obUlin General Liability Insurance. Coverage shall be maintained throughout the life of me contract and include, as a minimum: . Premises Operations . Products and Completed Operations . Blanket Contracmal Liability . Personal Injury Liability . Expanded Definition of Property Damage The minimwn limits acceptable shall be: "---" $1.000,000 Combined Single Limit (CSt) If split limits are provided. the minimum limits acceptable shall be: $ 500,000 per Person $ 1.000.000 per Occurrence $ 100.000 Property Damage An Occurrence Form policy is preferred. If coverage is provided on a Claims Made policy, its provisions should include coverage for claims filed on or after the effective date of this contract. In addition, the period for which claims may be reported should extend for a minimum of twelve (12) months following the acceptance of work by the COlmty . The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners shall be named as Additional Insured on all policies issued to satisfy the above requirements_ Gt.3 ~ Administration Instruction #4709.3 57 JUL-1Z-0Z 02:29PM FROM-Camp DrBiiBr , McK.. Ine 3053729167 (305)289-2854 T-298 P 006/008 F-581 1996 Edition p.6 Jul 12 02 01: 46p Growth Mgt "'-. PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY IN'SURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR cONTRACT FOR THE MONROE COUNTY STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT MASTER PLAN BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA AND CAMP DRESSER AND MCKEE INC. Recognizing that the work governed by this contract involves the; fumimin& of advice Or services of a professional nature, the Contractor shallpUIchase and maintain, throughout the life of rhe contraCt. Professional Liability Insurance which will respond to damages resulting from any claim arising out of the performance of professional services or any error or omission of the Contractor arising out of work governed by this eontract. The minimum. limits of liability sball be: $3,000,000 Aggregate "---r' PR03 ,,---,,' Admll'listratlon Instru~ion #4709.3 80 JUl-1Z.0Z 02:30PM FROM-Camp OreEElr & McKee Inc 3053729167 (305)289-2854 T.29B P 007/009 F~5Bl 1 '196 Edihon p.? Jul 1.2 02 01: 4?p Growth Mgt \----. VEIDCLE LIABILITY mSURANCEREQUDffiMENTS FOR CONTRACT FOR THE MONROE COUNTY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MASTER PLAN BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA AND CAMP DRESSER AND MCKEE INC. Recognizing that the work governed by this contract requires the use ofvelUcles, the Contractor, prior to the commencement of work, shall obtain Vehicle Liability Insurance:. Coverage shall be maintained throughout the life of the contract and include. as a minimum, liability coverage for: . Owned, Non.Owned. and Hir<:d Vehicles The minimum limits acceptable shall be: $1.000,000 Combined Single Limit (CSt) If splitlirnits are provided, the minimum limits acceptable shall be: $ 500.000 per Person $1,000,000 per Occurrence $ 1 00,000 Property Damage ~ The Monroe County Board of County Conunissioners shall be named as Additional Insured on all policies issued to satisfy the above requirements. VL3 \__.-/' AdminilOtr;jtion InstNetiOn #4709.3 84 JUL-1Z-QZ OZ:3oPM FROM-C~~p Dr'~~lr & McK., Inc. 30S37Z9167 (305)289-2854 T-,98 P 008/009 F-581 1996 Edition p.8 .:Jul 1.2 02 01: 47p Growth Mgt ""-' WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE REQUIR.EMENTS FOR CONTRACT FOR THE MONROE COUNTY STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT MASTER PLAN BETWEEN MONtlOE COUNTY. FLORIDA AND CAMP DRESSER AND MCKEE INC. Prior to the commencement of work governed by this contract, the Contractor shall obtain Workers' Compensation ln$urance with limits sufficient to respond to the applicable Slate statutes. In addition, the ContraCtor shall obtain Employers' Liability Insurance with limits of not less than: $1,000,000 Bodily 'hijury by Accident $1.000,000 Bodily Injury by Disease, policy limits $1,000,000 Bodily Injury by Disease, each employee Coverage shall be maintained throughout the entire term of the contract Coverage shall be provided by a CQrnpany or companies authorized to tranSact business in the state of Florida. '-../ If the Contractor has been approved by the Florida's Department of Labor, as an authorized self- insurer, the County shall recognize and honor the Contractor's status. The Contractor may be required to submit a Letter of Authorization issued by the Department of Labor and a Certificate ofInsW'aIlce, providing details on the Contractor's Excess Insurance Program. If the Contraetor participates in a self.insW'"ance fund. a Certificate of Insurance will be required. In addition, the Contractor may be required to submit updated financial statements from the fund upon request from the County. WC3 '---/ Admini&tration Instruction #4709.3 91 PRODUCER Aon Risk Services, Inc. of Massachusetts 99 High Street Boston MA 02110 DATE(MMlDDIYY) 12/28/01 F INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE ~i: AGOROT>. PHONE -(617) 482-3100 URE Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. One Cambridge Place 50 Hampshire Street Cambridge MA 021390000 USA FAX - (617) 542-2597 COMPANY A Lloyd's of London COMPANY B Zurich American Ins Co COMPANY C COMPANY D THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE PCLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CCl'lDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOVlIN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE (MMlDD/YY) DATE (MM/DDIYY) B GENERAL LIABILITY GL08376632-06 01/01/02 01/01/03 GENERAL AGGREGATE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY Commercial General Liability PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG CLAIMS MADE ~ OCCUR PERSONAL & ADV INJURY OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT EACH OCCURRENCE FIRE DAMAGE(Any one fire) MED EXP (Anyone person) B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY BAP8376631-06 01/01/02 01/01/03 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT X ANY AUTO BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY SCHEDULED AUTOS ( Per person) HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT ANY AUTO DATE OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY, WAIVER N/A EACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE B EXCESS LIABILITY AU0847244606 01/01/02 01/01/03 EACH OCCURRENCE X UMBRELLA FORM COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA COVERAGE AGGREGATE OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM B WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND WC 8376633-07 X EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY WORKERS COMPENSA nON 01/01/02 01/01/03 THE PROPRIETOR/ INCL PARTNERS/EXEC UTIVE OFFICERS ARE: EXCL EL DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE A OB9800005 01/01/99 01/01/03 Aggregate ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS E&O Archrt&Eng Prof $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $100,000 $5,000 $1,000,000 1,000,000 $1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERA nONS/LOCA TIONSlVEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS RE: Stormwater Master Plan. Monroe County Board of County Commissioners is added as Additional Insured with respect to General and Auto Liability, but only with respect to services provided by CDM. Monroe County Bd of County Commissioners 2798 Overseas Highway Suite 400 Marathon FL 33050 USA SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE