1977 Grant Funds Program Year I I I I MONROE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY I MONROE COUNTY ' KEY WEST, FLORIDA I I AUDIT REPORT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS _- __-- PROGRAM YEAR 1977: CDBG NO, B-77-DN-12-0108 ' JULY 15, 1977 TO MAY 15, 1979 I IORVIS M. KEMP 1 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 I I I 1 I I I MONROE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY MONROE COUNTY ' KEY WEST, FLORIDA 1 f ' AUDIT REPORT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS PROGRAM YEAR 1977: CDBG NO. B-77-DN-12-0108 JULY 15, 1977 TO MAY 15, 1979 1 ORVIS M. KEMP CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 1 MONROE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY P.O. BOX 2476 • KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 • 305 296.5621 Board of Commissioners: Director: Grayce W. Carty Henry V. Haskins, P.H.M. Kent S. Hokanson May 30, 1979 Thomas C. Kelly Norman F. Parker John F.Thacker Daniel Kohlage, Finance Director Monroe County Courthouse 500 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Kohlage: Please accept for your review a copy of the Audit for CDBG No. B-77-DN-12-0108 and a copy of the Certificate of Completion submitted to HUD. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, CiftiaA) vQ0rnl Ann Marie Ellis Administrative Assistant AME/rld Enclosures • ' ORVIS M. KEMP 1 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT KEY WEST, FLORIDA 1 Monroe County Housing Authority 1400 Kennedy Drive Key West, Florida 33040 Gentlemen: ' We have examined the Statement of Source and Status of Funds and Statement of Program Costs as of May 15, 1979, applicable to program ' year 1977 under the Community Development Grant Number B-77-DN-12-0108. Our examination was made in accordance with the prescribed auditing standards and audit requirements set forth in the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Audit Guide and Standards for Community Development Block Grant Recipients and accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the aformentioned statements present fairly the status of the Community Development funds and of the costs incurred under • the Community Development Program as of May 15, 1979, in conformity with generally accepted auditing principles applied on a consistent basis. We have also reviewed compliance and internal control matters in accordance with the provisions of the H.U.D. Audit Guide for the Community Development Block Grant Program, and have included applicable comments. 1 ' Orvis M. Kemp May 25, 1979 Certified Public Accountant 1 MONROE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNO ' PROGRAM YEAR 1977; C.D,B,G, #B-77-DN-12-0108 STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND STATUS OF FUNDS FOR THE PERIOD JULY 15. 1977 THROUGH MAY 15. 1979 1 Total Program Year 1977 Funds Allocated to Recipient $ 160,000.00 Less: Total Program Year 1977 Funds Drawn Down by Recipient 160.000.00 Funds Still Available from Program Year 1977 S -0- Total Program Year 1977 Funds Drawn Down by Recipient $ 160,000.00 ' Program Income Applicable to Program Year 1977 -0- ' Total Program Year 1977 Funds Received $ 160,000.00 Less: Funds Applied to Program Year 1977 Costs ' (Schedule 2) 160,000.00 Total Program Year 1977 Funds Held by Recipient Total Program Year 1977 Funds Available for Disposition 1 1 1 "SCHEDULE 1" 1 1 MONROE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND PROGRAM YEAR 1977: C.D.B.G. #8-77-DN-12-0108 STATEMENT OF PROGRAM COSTS FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 15. 1977 THROUGH MAY 15. 1979 EXPEND I TURESS PROGRAM ACTIVITY AUTHORIZED PERIOD ENOED QUESTIONED COSTS 5/15/79 COSTS ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY 1 Key Largo Site "C" $ 76,698.82 $ 76,698.82 $ 0- 1 PUBLIC WORKS FACILITIES. SITE IMPROVEMENTS 41 ,335.79 Marathon & Key Largo Site "C" 41 ,335.79 -0- PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT 32,354.31 32,354.31 -0- 1 ADMINISTRATION 9.611 .08 9.611 .08 -0- Totals S 160.000.00 S 160.000.00 S -0- 1 1 i i 1 1 "SCHEDULE 2" 1 1 1 ' MONROE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT COMMENTS ON COMPLIANCE AND INTERNAL CONTROL We have examined the Statement of Source and Status of Funds and of Program Costs applicable to the Community Development Block Grant of Monroe County for the period ended May 15, 1979, and have issued our report thereon dated May 25, 1979. As a part of our examination, we reviewed and tested the system of internal control to the extent we considered necessary to evaluate the system as required by generally accepted auditing standards. Under these standards, the purpose of such evaluation is to establish a basis for reliance thereon ' in determining the nature, timing, and extent of other auditing procedures that are necessary for expressing an opinion on the financial statements. Additionally, our examination included procedures necessary in our judgement to determine compliance with regulations, policies and procedures prescribed by H,U,D„ insofar as such compliance review was necessary under the provisions set forth in Paragraph 31 of the H.U.D. Audit Guide for Community Development Block Grant Recipients, dated May 1976. ' Based on our study and evaluation of the system of internal control and our review of its compliance with various statues and regulations, as prescribed in Paragraph 31 of the N.U.D. Audit Guide for Community Development Block Grant Recipients, the County has complied with H.U.D, 's statutory and regulatory requirements. 1 I 1 1 I MONROE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY MONROE COUNTY KEY WEST. FLORIDA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS 1 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ' During the entire course of our engagement we did not discover any discrepancies, deviations or non compliance with the regulations, policies or procedures prescribed by HUD that required recommendations. We found a very well kept set of records. The cooperation of the entire staff is to be commended. 1 1 1 1 1 1