Fiscal Year 1970 ORVIS M. KEMP COLORED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 615A UNITED STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA CARD SOUND RRIDPF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AUDIT REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1970 Stigksiata Mwa arrrr. PISIM MILNIZSI pa TIE flwa Wat at StllIIMI . »st ORVIS M. KEMP,C.P.P. a St UTTER Of TRARORITTAL 1 . MOM TO 111Nt11*IAL STATM M 2. ttN101T A • Salons ion • kptrtbar 30, 1970 3. O19001T 0 • Strtoaast of Ansa and trpsns Ostator 1, 1909 to 0sptoNr 30, 1970 4. tip1101T C a Melva, of Urals' OatsNr I, 190, to tapts.4sr 30, 1970 S. Mal: 0 + Analysis of finds Gnaw I, 1909 to Sopt or 30, 1970 6. ORVIS M. KEMP.C.P.A. 1 north 25. 1971 Mord of Casty Cesminiaws nanrao Casty Kay last. Florida Mntiaeee We hove antsi1M the talents Sheet of the Cad Sand Midge as of September 1O. 1970 and the rotated Statement of Meemrat amd 'spaatss ad Analysis of Surplus for tint Pried Maher t, 1969 to Semenbor Jo, 1970. Our emminsttam ens Hide in motorisation* generally accepted editing staderds. and moserdlagly included suck tests of Me aceountiaS records and all otter seditin procedures that met eastldered necessary to the clrentstatoa. In err a►lalsn. the esca parr,lag Selena sleet and statements of rest aid surplus rent fairly the flannels) position of Card tad 'ridge at September )4, 19$ and the MMus of its operations for the period then ended. Is oonfe tty with generally accepted atsomtine prieelptes. respectfully submitted. • /A. -/ -t Orris N. Seep. C.P.A. ORVIS M. KEMP. C.P.A. 2 MJES TO FINANCIAL STATD1ENTS Note 1. Interest and Slalom Fut Article ill, Section 3.04 (C) (2) (a) prim that on the 15th day of each meth In eesb fiscal year, an ant gnsl to enrsixth (i/6) of the lowest which will mature and beams due an said Rends on the ant Cana-anal Interest payment date shall be deposited a an aecohet known as the "intemt Account". The Nlaaa la this ascent en $.pteelrer 30, 1970 encesded the mount required to pay the interest on the roves bends for the entire ant fiscal year, siding September 30, 1971. Therefore. there will be no transfers rewired to be mode to this hind durleg th. entire fiscal year ending Saar SO, 1971 sine the balance required to be maintained Is already In the accent. f,MISEWIT-OPEMTIS Article 111, Section 3.04 (A) states "That the County will fix, establish, manteis end collect sesb tells er other charges -- end revise the same from time to time whenever necessary, as will always provide reaps sufficient to pay le sea year, as the sun shall beams dui." 125Z of the learnt tamale, due en such Goods la such year (125% of =149,500.00) $ 186,875.00 The annual Installment of principal required amortise the principal of said Deeds at the maturity thereof I. accor- dance with standard tiles of bend amortisation ($2,600.000.00 for 30 gars) 86.666.67 100% of the sestet operation and meiterance of such Midge In so-0 our (9/30/76) 72.776.05 Reserve Account Transfer required for the year ($2.706.$ per month) 32.500.00 Nasal and Replacaent Fund Transfer required for the year ($i .250.00 per month) IS.oee.00 Total Anneal Tells required to be collected to comply with land Resolution 511-1967 $ 393.777.n Total Tolls collated during the Fiscal Tear ended September 30, 1970 taa.8so.Te Deficiency in Tells Collected f d3i aR7_e4 ORVIS M.KEMP.C.P.A. 3 eMM aS JAMIUMUsalial Jlid�L.il�t iiliathS to_ to ASSETS kii/a. Tall Pima, ats. $ Vat;MS tan: %nerve for Ore stt#tiom -�-n $ 1,765,065.18 T • Interest *pi $i+ting Muni OM* t) I5 .$JO.61 a Mess rad Priv gait 10BAO C om q ait • First Mutommt vet S Myer Kers of%mere, Urea Fend L Operatim n1 Reserve fond tcv u $ iy.601.61 aglian ammertttad lad tisseat I.Thes)M L6tS-76M_47 ,tilt dS flDI . *rid. Mesa Memo Slated lgtasSst I. 196J $ :.6116.800.00 I_-t MMUSu.s daorwd Interest 4.450.33 —a lapis {ldN►It "C") 3.3te_U} MINT ww OPVIB M. KEMP. C.P.A. 4 c_ saxs MIOOt sraTtMO1T r acatrlt Ars t1lPtau OXTOMU 1_ 10611 TO SMOMIt{R 10. ion JIMMIE Tolls mod 0eskap $ 200.10O.10 MUM Salaries and Mops $ 31.0011.14 MI MI^. foods. (Sosiol Security d Prosloo) ).OSS.00 Iosenen sod Mods IS.MO. * Laps Adwrtlsiee ood [spear* 1).s6 Cessssolotieas 1,091.00 Comisslsas. fees aid Casts 10.00 stiles Supplies 1.00t.% 0t er SfPllts 111.53 Mlottom a of Mlliips 60.)e Ilslotwooe of Mttpeeot $t•-b Melaeoo- -- of $mods 11.00 Utilities MSS) Contracted Services 11,022.00 revise Apets fees 41).00 Capitol Imlay 100.00 Inmost Sat San sy tat fOOM OPOMTIO S $ (11.104.)5) laterest famed os lens ets $ ).MIS Profit es Sole of Uoestasots --LULU gT LOSS FM 11t nails LAILIALSO I10nmO1T "w ORVIS M. KEMP.C.P.A. 5 UnI— Muss MIMILSIMMLIMIUM ulllrsts aF ISAWlf 5Tu t I. 1464 TO UMW SR IS. Ms s&saSE M1/lu 1. t4G/ $ 61.71)4 AMA let tons For The Ported $ l.fi/.tf let slation aW.ws MAZE fIF1Mlw M. 1*7% LeaMA ISSIRIT "C" ORVIS M.KEMP.O.P.A.