Fiscal Year 1971 ORVIS M. KEMP CERTIFIED PUSUC ACCOUNTANT 615A UNITED STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA CARD SOUND BRIDGE MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AUDIT REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1971 CARD SOUND BRIDGE MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA AUDIT REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30. 1971 ORVIS M. KEMP. C.P.A. INDEX PAGE N0. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 1. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2. EXHIBIT A - Balance Sheet - September 30. 1971 3. EXHIBIT B - Statement of Revenue and Expense October 1, 1970 to September 30, 1971 4. EXHIBIT C - Analysts of Surplus October 1, 1970 to September 30, 1971 5. EXHIBIT D - Analysts of Funds October 1, 1970 to September 30, 1971 6. ORVIS M. KEMP. C.P.A. 1 ORVIS M. KEMP CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AUDITS •SYSTEMS-TAXES KEY WEST,FLORIDA April 28, 1972 Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Key West, Florida Gentlemen: We have examined the Balance Sheet of the Card Sound Bridge as of September 30, 1971 and the related Statements of Revenues and Expenses and Analysis of Surplus for the period October 1, 1970 to September 30, 1971. Our examination was made In accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and all other auditing procedures that we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the accompanying balance sheet and statements of revenues and surplus present fairly the financial position of Card Sound Bridge at September 30, 1971 and the results of its operations for the period then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Respectfully submitted,/ Orvis M. Kemp, C.P.A. 2 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Note 1. Interest and Sinking Fund Article III, Section 3.04 (C) (2) (a) requires that on the 15th day of each month In each fiscal year, an amount equal to one-sixth (1/6) of the interest which will mature and become due on said Bonds on the next semi-annual interest payment date shall be deposited to an account known as the "Interest Account". The balance In this account on September 30, 1971 exceeded the amount required to pay the interest on the revenue bonds for the entire next fiscal year, ending September 30, 1972. Therefore, there will be no transfers required to be made to this fund during the entire fiscal year ending September 30, 1972 since the balance required to be maintained is already in the account. COMMENTS-OPERATIONS Article III , Section 3.04 (A) states "That the County will fix, establish, maintain and collect such tolls or other charges - and revise the same from time to time whenever necessary, as will always provide revenues sufficient to pay In each year, as the same shall become due." 125% of the Interest becoming due on such Bonds In such year (125% of $149,500.00) $ 186,875.00 The annual installment of principal required to amortize the principal of said Bonds at the maturity thereof in accordance with standard tables of bond amortization ($2,600.000.00 for 30 years) 86,666.67 100% of the cost of operation and maintenance of such Bridge in such year (9/30/71) 71,795.20 Reserve Account Transfer required for the year ($2,708.34 per month) 32,500.00 Renewal and Replacement Fund Transfers required for the year ($1,250.00 per month) 15.000.00 Total Annual Tolls required to be collected to comply with Bond Resolution 54-1967 $ 392,836.87 Total Tolls collected during the Fiscal Year ended September 30, 1971 213.271 .25 Deficiency in Tolls Collected S 179.565.62 ORVIS M. KEMP. C.P.A. 3 CARD SOUND BRIDGE MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA BALANCE MEET SEPTEMBER 30. 1971 ASSETS FIXED ASSETS, Bridge, Toll Plaza, etc. $ 2,425,707.89 Less: Reserve for Depreciation 109.156.87 $ 2,316,551.02 FUNDS IN TRUST - FLORIDA NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY AT MIAMI . FLORIDA Interest and Sinking Fund (Note 1) 151 ,752.22 CURRENT ASSETS Revenue Fund Petty Cash $ 100.00 Cash on Deposit - First National Bank of Upper Keys 8,659.30 Operation Reserve Fund 13.245.00 22,004.30 OTHER ASSETS, Unamortlzed Bond Discount 76.570.00 TOTAL ASSETS $ 2.566.877.54 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL FUNDED DEBT Bridge Revenue Bonds Dated September 1, 1967 $ 2,600,000.00 CURRENT LIABILITIES Accrued Interest 12,458.33 SURPLUS Surplus (Exhibit "C") (45.580.78) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL $ 2.466.877.54 EXHIBIT "A" ORVIS M. KEMP. C.P.A. 4 CARD SOUND BRIDGE STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES OCTOBER 1. 1970 TO SEPTEMBER 30. 1971 REVENUES Tolls and Dockage $ 213,271.25 EXPENSES Salaries and Wages $ 38,287.10 Matching Funds, (Social Security & Pension) 3,313.21 insurance and Bonds 14,365.50 Travel a Auto Allowance 93.05 Legal Advertising S. Expenses 14.04 Communications 1,009.67 Commissions Fees and Costs 106.50 Office Supplies a Expenses 897.89 Other Supplies 3.97 Gasoline, Lubricants 1.85 Maintenance of Buildings 384.27 Maintenance of Equipment 329.74 Utilities 1,154.71 Contracted Services 11,356.00 Paying Agents Fees 477.70 Interest 149.500.00 221.295.20 NET (LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS $ (8,023.95) OTHER INCOME, Interest Earned on Investments $ 5,558.13 Profit on Sale of Investments 2.089.05 7.647,18 NET (LOSS) FOR THE FISCAL YEAR $ (376.77) EXHIBIT "B" ORVIS M. KEMP. C.P.A. 5 CARD SOUND 'RIDGE MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA ANALYSIS OF SURPLUS OCTOSER 1. 1970 TO SIPTENSER 30. 1971 BALANCE OCTOIIR 1. 1970 S 3,310.14 Ste= Net Loss for tho Fiscal Period S 376.77 Dproclstion 48.514.16 48.890.93 SALANCt SE►TIMSER 30. 1971 S (45.580.79) EXNISIT "C" ORVIS M. KEMP. C.P.A.