Fiscal Year 1974 ORVIS M. KEMP CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 615A UNITED STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA CARD SOUND BRIDGE - MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AUDIT REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1974 CARO SOUND ERIDOE MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA AUDIT REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30. 1974 ORVIS M. KEMP. C.P.A. S LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 1 COMMENTS - OPERATIONS E - 3 EXHIBIT A • BALANCE FEET - SE'TEMBER 30, 1974 4 - S EXHIBIT B - STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES October I, 1973 to September 30, 1974 6 EXHIBIT C • ANALYSIS OF SURPLUS October I, 1973 to September 30, 1974 7 EXHIBIT D - ANALYSIS OF FUNDS October 1, 1973 to September 36, 1974 8 EXHIBIT E - $OSWLE OF INSURANCE IN FORCE September 30, 1974 9 EXHIBIT F - COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF MVEINS AND EXPENSE For the Fiscal Veen Ended September 30, 1973 - 1974 10 ORVIS M. KEMP. C.P.A. 1 ORVIS M. KEMP CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AUDITS-SYSTEMS-TAXES KEY WEST, FLORIDA April 28, 19$5 board of County Commissioners Menem County Rey West, florid, Dear Commissioners; We ►euc examined the Selena Shest of the Card Sand bridge es of September S0. 19$ and the related Statsemn+ts of Revenues and trpenditures and ciengn in its financial petition for the period October!. INS to September SO. 19}i. Our awsninetIan ems mode In accordance _with generally incepted *wilting standards and accordingly. Included a di tests of the accounting remade end such other auditing preaodufes as me considered necessary in the circumstances. Is our opiniaq, the accompanying financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Card lard Bridge as of September SI, 19S, and the results of its speretions and the changes In its financial position for the year then ended. In conformity with generally accepted aecometing principles applied on a basis consistent with that ef the proceeding year. Respectfully submitted. es Orvis N. Rap, C. P. A. 2 COMMENTS OPERATIONS Article Ill, Section 3.04 (A) states as follows: "That the County shall fix, establis, maintain end collect such tolls or other charges end revise the saes from time to time, whenever necessary, as will always provide revenues sufficient to pay in each year. as the same shall besoma due": 125% of the interest becoming due on such bonds In each year (125%bf $149,500.00) $ 166,875.00 The annual installment of principal required to amortize the principal of said bonds at the maturity threof in accordance with standard tables of amortization ($2,600,000 for 3o year) 86,666.87 100% of the cost of operation and maintenance of such bridge In such year (9/30/74) 71,969.10 Reserve Account Transfer required for the year ($2,208.34) per month 32,500.00 Renewal and Replacement Fund Transfers required for the year $1,250.00 per month) 15.000.00 $ 393,010.05 Total Annual Tolls required to be collected to comply with Bond Resolution 54-1967 $_93.010.115 Deficiency in Tolls Collected During the Year S 104.625.5g ORVIS M. KEMP. C.P,A. 3 awn OPERATIONS The following Is a schedule of the deficiency In tolls collected each year since the Card Sound Bridge as opened: FISCAL TSAR ENDED AMOUNT a DEFICIENCY 9/30/70 $ 192.887.02 9/30/71 179.565.62 9/30/72 143,784.37 9/50/73 70,236.01 9/30/74 100.625.50 Total Deficiency to Date S 704.098.5>: In view of the above schedule which shows a deficiency In tolls for each year that the bridge hes been in operationt it is suggested that the County Commission amply with paragraph (A) Section 3.04. age IS of Resolution Number 54-1967 and adjust the bridge tolls accordingly. ORVIS M. KEMP. C.P.A. 4 CARD SOUND BRIDGE MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30. 1974 ASSETS FIXED ASSETS Bridge, Toll Plaza, Roads, Etc. $ 2,425,707.89 Less: Reserve for Depreciation 253.289.97 $ 2,172,417.92 Equipment S 3.335.48 Less: Reserve for Depreciation 1.725.84 1.609.64 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS S 2,174,027.56 FUNDS FOR TRUST - FLORIDA NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY AT MIAMI. FLORIDA Interest and Sinking Fund interest Account - Cash in Bank S 108,413.48 Reserve Account Cash in Bank $ 11,341.31 Interest Receivable on Investments 2,119.88 Accrued Interest on Investments Purchased 297.18 Investments 132.811.25 146,589.62 Renewal and Reolaament Account Cash in Bank S 8,619.92 Interest Receivable on Investments 1,125.85 Accrued Interest on Investments Purchased 81.37 Investments 09.193.16 99,220.30 Duo from Reserve Fund 14.478.15 Total Funds in Trust 368,701.53 CURRENT ASSETS Reserve Fund Petty Cash $ 150.00 Cash on Deposit - First National Bank of Upper Keys General Revenue Fund 14,328.15 Operating Reserve Fund 15.164.00 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 29,642.15 OTHER ASSETS Unamortized Bond Discount 76.570.00 TOTAL ASSETS S 2.648.941.24 EXHIBIT "A" CRVI6 M. KEMP. C.P.A. 5 CARD SOUND BRIDGE MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA BALANCE SHEET BE►TIMBER 30. I97k LIABILITIES MD CAPITAL FUNDED DEBT Bridge Revenue Bonds Dated September I, 1967 $ 1,600,000.00 CURRENT LIABILITIES Accrued Interest on Revenue Bonds S 12,438.33 Due to Interest end Sinking Fab 14.478.15 26,936.48 Surplus (Exhibit "C") 72.004.76 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL } 2.6168.941.24 EXHIBIT "A" ORV IS M. KEMP. C.P.A. 6 um SOUND BRIDGE MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA STATEMEOT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES OCTOBER 1. 1971 TO BErTENBER 30. 1974 NMI Tolls and Dockage $ 283.385.35 Penni Salaries $ 42.320.16 Matching Costs 4,106.07 Group Insurance 1.054.29 Weloons Cepenntlon 942.00 Gas 2.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 144.13 Office Supplies 1.629.19 Tools and Smelt Implements 88.08 Insurance end beds 4.955.00 12.00 Commissions and Fees 6.50 Cemeinicetlons 1,140.64 Maintenance of Buildings 1,665.76 Maintenance of Equipment 566.17 Utilities 1.231.74 Contractual Services 11,380.00 Paying Agents Fee 725.45 interest 149.500.OQ 221.469.18 NET GAIN FROM OPERATIONS $ 61,916.17 OTHER INCGIOt Interest earned on Investments 25.449.92 NET GAIN FOR FISCAL YEAR L 8T_t66_09 EXHIBIT 'b" ORVIS M. KEMP. C.P.A. 7 CARD SOUND BRIDGE MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA ANALYSIS OF SURPLUS 9CTORER I. 1973 TO SEPTEMBER 30. 1974 BALANCE - OCTOBER I. 1973 $ (18,788.89) PROFIT FOR INC FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30. 1974 $ 87,368.09 LESS: DEPRECIATION _ 48.830.82 38.515.47 0y X t $ 19,748.78 A N:M S*jTt 411:11ffWICEE SMELTED AS CAPITAL, OUTLAYS - 2.255.98 BALANCE - SEPTEMBER 30. 1974 $ 22.004.76 EXHIBIT "C" ORVIS M. KEMP. C.P.A. go 4 Ln 0 11 -91 S, C! w 0.4n 40't 1A I& 46 34 %n kn �o V4 C4 eye IN 44 us an 40;p 40. A W%94 10 w 0 col 'D A U Cth IAO F%U� lx� 10 ch a uj ua A c 002 O as as w 0 0 c Yw w 21 49 M� 4j c & me v I 44 th 'it he M13 ul It w 0 W, $88lu f a a 10 ;ARO SOWID BRIDGE CONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA CORPORATIVE STATEMENT OF REVME AND EXPENSES FJXAL YEARS ENDED SEFTEMIER 30. 1973Y19-1974 OC_ TBQ�R I. _AC$IER i.-I9n INCREASE To 'EFT. 1100. 1971 SIFT. 10. 1974 (DEC SE) TOLLS AND 0OCXAGi $ 318.7964& ) 281_1185.3s $ (35.418.87) EXPENSES S larles and lags, $ 40,114.59 $ 42,320.16 $ 2,205.57 Matching Funds 3,886.12 4,106.07 219.95 !nsurancs and Bonds 15,086.13 6,951.29 (8,134.84) Communications 1,053.14 1,140.64 87.40 Office Supplies and Expenses 1,317.54 1,629.19 311.65 Other Supplies 91.67 144.13 52.46 Gasoline and Other Lubricants -0- 2.00 2.00 falvt.M.nc. of Buildings 205.65 1,665.76 1.460.11 Maintenance of Equipment 626.76 566.17 (60.59) Rentals -0- 12.00 12.00 Commissions and Fees -0- 6.50 6.50 Utilities 1,335.75 1,231.74 (104.01) Tools and Implements -0- 88.08 88.08 Cemtroctual Services 11,355.00 11.380.00 25.00 Paying Agents Fes 380.50 725.45 344.95 Capital Outlay 517.62 -0- , (537.62) $ 75 996.57 1 71.969.18 S (4.021.13) $ 262.605.65 $ 111.416.17 ) (11.189.48) OTHER EXPENSES - INTEREST & RESERVE FUND Interest $ 149.500.00 $ 149.500.OQ $ -0- $ 93.305.65 ) 61.916.17 $ (31.389.48) OTHER INCOME Interest Earned on Investments $ 10,441.25 $ 25,449.92 $ 15,008.67 Insurance Claims 1.500.0Q _ -0- _ (1.50040 $ 11.041.11 ) 2s.449.91 S 11.508.67 NIT GAIN FOR PERIOD L1 ,Q .1-11LIIii.92 1 (17.8W.81) EXHIBIT "T" ORVIS M. KEMP. C.P.A.