Resolution 188-1996 Resolution No. 188 - 1996 A RESOLlJTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NUMBER 123-1996 OMB Schedule Item Number' 15 'VHEREAS, Resolution Number 123-1996 heretofore enacted for the purpose of receiving Unanticipated Funds, contains erroneous amounts, and now, therefore. WHEREAS, it is the desire ofthe Commission to rectify by amendment such errors, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COIINTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA,that the f(lllowing item in Resolution Number 123-1996: Revenue: 125 - 140403 -334-900-96044 Emeq.:ency Management Base Grant Total Revenue Appropriations: 125 - 140403 -525-120-96044 Salaries 125 - 140403 -525-210-96044 Fica 125 - 140403 -525-220-96044 Retirement 125 - 140403 -525-230-96044 Grouplnsua.-ance 125 - 140403 -525-240-96044 Wod,er"s Compensation Total AppJ"()pl'iations: --, IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: \...;..;. -- ' .... .... ~. ~~ r- z.. '":';:-- .-.;~ Revenue: 125 - 140403 -334-900-96044 Emel'geney Management Base G I'ant ::!t: z Total Revenue ~, ApPl'Opl'jations: 125 - 140403 -525-120-96044 Salaries 125 - 140403 -525-210-96044 Fica 125 - 140403 -525-220-96044 Retirement 125 - 140403 -525-230-96044 Group Insua,'anee 125 - 140403 -525-240-96044 Wod,er's Compensation .~ Total Appropriations: $67,250.00 S67,250.00 $46,995.00 S 3,485.00 S X,OIO.OO S X,610.00 S 150.00 -------------- ~ S67,1~.OO =:;::=~== , ~ C- O ~ r-y__ - -....J " $70,042.00 '- 3 -----~~----- 0 PO,ozt2.00 U1 C:) .--r-. N '-.. $49,787.00 S 3,485.00 $ X,OlO.OO $ 8,610.00 S 150.00 -------------- $70,042.00 -------- -------- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board. upon receipt of the above. is hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes. as set forth above, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said 130ard held on the 22nd day of May A.D, 1996, Mayor Freeman Mayor ProTem London (Seal) ~NY L. KOHLAGE, c~ ~}fHt Elller~ellcy M~lllt Base 6/13196 I I :07 AM