1st Modification 04/12/2024 DocuSign Envelope ID 85CO3,729-1 D1 19-4520-8CDO-1 1 F73338A719A
DoeuSigni Envelope I D 85CO3729-1::D1 9-4520,8CDO-1 1 F7333&A79A
Departinetit of Cmimerce,-Sniall Cities Cointriunity Development Block Gniat Ptogram For S4 -44
OCOMMERCE Modification to Subgrant Agreement JWy 6,2023
Modification Number 1 to Subgrant Agreement Between
the Department of Commerce and
Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
This Modification Number 1 is entered into by and between the State of Florida, Department of
Commerce, ("Commerce"):, and Monroe County Board of C(�)unty Coinnussioners, ("the Recipient"), (each
individually a "Party" and collectively the "Parties").
WHEREAS, Commerce and the Recipient entered into Contract Number 22C-V-S03, FLAIR
Contract Number 1124,74, on January 18, 2023 ("the Agreement"), pursuant to which Corranerce provided a
sub rant in the arnowit of$2,956,53159 to the Recipient Linder the Small,Cities Community Devel(.,)pment Block
Grant ("CDBG Program as set forth in the Agreen-lent;
WHEREAS, Paragraph (4) of the Agreement provides that modifications to the Agreement shall be
valid when executed in writin�,!by both Parties;
WHEREAS, Commerce and the Recipient desire to modify the Agreement;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mUtUal promises of the parties contained herein, the
Parties agree as folk)ws;
Revise the Activity Work Plan
1. Attachment_,Activity Work Plan, of the Sub lath Agreement is hereby deleted and is replaced by the
revised Attachment—,which is attached hereto)and incorporated herein by reference.
EJ Revise the Project Narrative
2. Attachment A, Project Narrative, of the Sub grant Agreement is hereby deleted and is replaced by the
revised Attachment A,which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference,
E] Revise the Project Budget
3. Attachment —, aced by the revised
—, of the Subgrant Agreement is hereby deleted and is replaced
Attachment—,which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
E] Change the Number of Accomplishments and/or Beneficiaries
DocuSign Envelope ID 85CO3,729-1 D1 19-4520-8CDO-1 1 F73338A719A
DacuSign Envelope ID:85CO13729-1 D1 9-4520,8CDO-1 I F73338A79A
Departinent cif Conirnetce Small Cities Comniunity Developn-ient Block Grant,Program Form SC-44
)COMMERCE Modification to Subgrant Agreement July 6,2023
Recipient: Monroe.County Board of County Commissioners
Modification Number: 1
Contract Number-. 22CV-SO3
FLAIR Contract Number: F12474
4. Attachments of the Sub rant Agreement are hereby deleted and are replace(] by the reNiscd
Attachments which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
E] Include an Unaddressed Need from the Application for Funding as Addressed Need
5, Attachments of the Subgrant Agreement are hereby deleted and are replaced by the revised
Attachments which are attached herder and incorporated herein by reference,
Change the Participating Parties
6� ffype in the name of dri-n),is rernoved as a Participating Party to the Subgrant Agreement.
7. (Type in the name of new firm) is added as a Participating Party to the Subgrant Agreement. A, copy of
the new Participating party Agreement, containing rovisions and caveats
that meet or exceed the
conditions of to in the original Participating Party Agreement,is attached.
Z Extend the Agreement
8. Paragraph (3) titled Period of Agrectnent on page 1 of the Subgrant Agreement is hereby deleted and
replaced by the fcfflowing Paragraph (3):
(3) Period of Agreement
This Agreement begins on March 1, 2022, (the ""Effective Date") and end�s on September 30, 2024 (the
"Expiration Date") unless otherwise terminated as provided in this Agmement (the "Termination Date").
The period of time between the Effective Date, and the Expiration Date or Termination Date is the
"Agreement Period."
9. This Agreement is hereby reinstated as though it had not expired if not apprhoed by the Expiration date.
10, On July 1, 2023, the Florida. Department ofEconomic Opportunity was renamed to the 141orida
Department ofCommerce ("Commerce"). Effective 'July 1, 2023, all references to "Department of
Economic Opportur�ity" or "DEO" are hereby replaced with "Florida Department of Conunerce" or
"Commerce" as appropriate.
DocuSign Envelope ID 85CO3,729-1 D1 19-4520-8CDO-1 1 F73338A719A
DotuSgn Envelope ID:85003729-1:D1 9-45120-8CDO-1 1 F7333BA79A
0 F` Department�C�oe--Small Cities Commur�ty Devc1opment Block Grant Program Form SC-44
MME dification to Subgrant Agreement July 6,2023
Recipient: Monroe County Board of County Corrit-nissioners
Modification Number: 1
Contract Number: 22C1V-,SO3
FLAIR Contract Number: 112474
11, Fmployrrient Verification(E-Verify)
.,requires the following:
A. Section 448.095 F ,S
(1) Every public agency and its contractors and Subcontractors shall register with and use the E-
Verify systerri to verify the work authorization status of all newly hired employees. A public
agency or a contractor or subcontractor thereof may not enter into a contract unless each
party to the contract registers with and uses the E-Verify system.
(2) An employer shall verify each new employee's employment eligibility within three (3)
business days after the first day that the new employee begins working for pay as required
under 8 CER. 274a. Beginning July 1, 2023, a private employer with 25 or more employees
shall use the E-Veiify system to verify a new employee's crnployrnent eligibility.
B. E-Verify is an Internet-based system that allows an employer, using information reported on an
employee's Fc)rm 1-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, to detenninc the eligibility of all new
employees hired to work in the United States. There is no charge to employers to use E-Verify, The
Department of Homeland Security's E-Verilfy system can be found at: hrij—,
C If Contractor does not use Contractor shall enroll in the T,,-Vcrify system prior tci hiring
any new employee or retaining any contract employee after the effective date of this Contract.
12. If the Recipient is a county or municipality that is a rural community or rural area of opportunity as those
tern-is are defined in section 288.0656(2,), FS., the payment of submitted invoices may be issued for
verified and eligible perforniaricc that has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions
set forth in this Agreement to the extent that federal or state law, rule, or other regulation allows such
payments. Upon meeting either of the criteria set forth below, the Recipient may elect in writing to
exercise this provision.
a. A county or municipality that is a rural community or rural, area of opportunity as those teri"ns are
defined in section 288,0656(2), F,S:., that demonstrates financial hardship-,or
b. A county or municipality that is a rural conu-nunity or rural area of opportunity as those terms are
defined in section 288.0656(2), F'S., and which is located in a fiscally constrained countv, ,is
defined in section 218.67(l). If the Recipient meets the criteria set forth in this paragraph, then
the Recipient is deemed to have demonstrated a financial hardship.
DocuSign Divelope ID 85CO3,729-1 D1 19-4520-8CDO-1 1 F73338A719A
Dii)cuSifln IEnnvelope IID:B,5C03729-10191-4520-8CDiD-1'IJF7333BA7.f)A
Departi-nent of(-'on M-nercu Uorm SC-44
000WERCE Modification to Subgrarit Agreement 6,2023
Recipient: Monroe County
Modification Number: 1
Contract Number: 22CV--SO,3
FLAIR Contract Number: 1-12474
All 1..)rovisions of the SubgrantAgreernent and any attachments thereto un conflict with this Modification
shall be and are hereby changed to confom-i. to this Modification,effective as of the date of the execution of this
Modification 1-.)y both par6es.
All provisions not in conflict 'with this Modification reniain in full force and effect and are to e
perfcwmed at the level specified in the Agreerrwnt.
IN' WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this duct rrient as of the dates set
State of Florida
Department of Commerce Recipient: Monroe County
Name. J. .Alex Kelly Name: Kevin waVilson
Title: Secretary '-,ritle.- County.Admitiistrator
Date: 5/15/2024 Date: April 12, 2024
Approve(] as to fonn and legal sufficicncy,
subject only to the full and proper execution MONRUE COUNTY ATTORNEYS OFF
by the Parties
Office of the General Counsel
Florida Department of Corainerce *aSTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY
DATE: 4-12-2024
............................. .. ................. ................
Approved Date.. .............