Emergency Declaration 11-05-2024 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS County of Monroe Mayor Holly Merrill Raschein,District 5 The Florida Keys Mayor Pro Tem James K.Scholl,District 3 y Craig Cates,District 1 Michelle Lincoln,District 2 David Rice,District 4 MONROE COUNTY DECLARATION OF A STATE OF LOCAL EMERGENCY Subject: TROPICAL STORM RAFAEL NovemberWHEREAS on 5, 2024, the National Weather Service issued a tropical storm warning r parts of the Floridar i l Storm Rafael; and County;WHEREAS, the storm may cause wind, flood, and other damage when it impacts Monroe and WHEREAS, the threat of danger to the populace inhabiting Monroe County from the subject storm require ient action in order to protecthealth, safety and welfarethe community; n F.S. r i life n r its citizens is an innate responsibility of the go rnin li i I subdivision of the state; and CountyWHEREAS, F.S. 252.38(3)(a)5. and Section 11-1 of the Monroe County Code authorize the r, Mayor Pro Tem, or Sheriff, to declaret a State of Local Emergency for periodof up f ( )days, whichi ( ) day increments if necessary, after consultation with the Director of Emergency t; and during declared f local emergency, the County shall have the power and authority: 1. To appropriaten r tin and distributeequipment, materials, and suppliesfor emergency management purposes; provide r the health persons and property, including r ncy assistance to the victimsemergency; and direct coordinate lopment of emergency management plansn r r in accordanceit policies l t by the federal and state emergencyt agencies. it, employ, remove, or provide, i r without compensation, coordinators, rescue teams, fire andpolice personnel, and other emergency management workers. establish, primary r more secondary emergency operating centers r icontinuity f government anddirection r I of emergency operations. assignn available for duty the officesi of the political subdivision, including the employees, property, or equipment thereof relating to firefighting, engineering, rescue, health, is I and r !ated servi police, transportation, construction, similar items or services for emergency operation purposes, s the primaryemergency management forcesof the political subdivision for employment withinr outside thepolitical limits the subdivision. 2479808 BIE#32 Recorded 11 r 5/2024 12:49 PM Page i of 2 Filed and Recorded in Official Records of CPA PA request state assistancet invoke emergency-relatedmutual-aid i declaring f local erneFgency in the eventni raffecting I li i I subdivision. r ion of each state of emergencydeclared locally is limited ; it may be extended, as necessary, in 7-day increments. waiver res and formalitiesi required lii I subdivision by law pertaining : Performancea. lic work and takingn ci is necessary to ensure the health, safety, and welfareit . b. Entering into contractssubject limitations t forth in Section 11- and after meeting the requirements roe County PurchasingPolicy requirements of an federal and stateprograms n awarding i . C. Incurring li ti . Employmentd. r t and temporary . e. Utilization r workers. Rentalf. of equipment. 91 Acquisition ndistribution, i r without compensation, of supplies, materials, facilities. Appropriation it is funds. . To implement ris authority set forth in Sections 11 1 through 11-5 of the County . B. Notwithstanding r ing, nothing in thisdeclaration i sovereign immunity r the restrictions imposed by the emergencycontracting urc ing provisions of Monr u ` currently li I purchasing li . NOW THEREFORE, pursuant i it Director of Emergency as Mayor of Monroe County, ! hereby declareenact a Stateof Local Emergency for all of Monroe County, including ici litie , for a periodf seven (7) days, which shalli �!"!/Pm on / November 9 2024. Pursuant iDeclaration, II procedures and formalitiesotherwise required r County, as listed above, arer ived. The Director of Emergencyis hereby orderedto take whateveri re necessary to protecthealth, safety and welfareof this community. EmergencyDirectives, i the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, Sheriff, r Emergency Management Director during the State of Emergency, shall have the full force of law as specifiedi Monroei 11- ( ). r November 5, 2024. Time: �1 am/pm aM rrT, aschein, Mayor " " . r —Robert B. Shillinger, County Attorney Digitally signed by Robert B.Shillinger DN:cn=Robert B.Shillinger,o=Monroe County BOCC, Robert B. ou=Monroe County Attorney,email=shillinger- bob@monroecounty-R.gov,c=US Date:2024.1 1.05 11:49:45-05'00'