Resolution 412-2024 OMB Schedule Item Number 114 lti Reso u on No. 412 . -2024 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATED FUNDS : : WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida; to increase : : items to account for the rollover for.unanticipated funds in:the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year • :2025:now therefore, . BE.IT:RESOLVED:BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF.MONROE COUNTY, :FLORIDA, that the following accounts of the.Monroe County Budget.:for the Fiscal Year 2025, be and the : same is hereby increased:by:the amount hereinafter set forth: Fund: #125-Governmental Fund Type Grants Financial Project: 4337-525-R Cost Center: #22577-Twin Lakes Subdivision,Drainage Ph1 FAIN: : FEMA-DR-4337-FL Function: : . 5300 Function Name: Physical Environment Contract: .H0663 Activity: 5380 Activity Name:: Flood'Control Stromwater :. CFDA: 97.039 :Offcl/Division:: 1021 Offcl/.Division'Name:' Engineering : : Revenue:: .125 7 22577 - 331200 RC_00033 - Fed Grants Public Safety: 130,859.36 Total Revenue::.: 1.30,85946 • Appropriations: 125 . _22577 530310 7 SC_00036 - Other Contractual Services 130,859.36 Total Appropriations: $130,859.36 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID.BOARD,:that the Clerk of said Board,.upon receipt of the above,is • hereby authorized and directed to make the:necessary changes of said items,as set forth above: : PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board:of County Commissioners of Monroe County;.Florida, at a regular • meeting of,said Board held on the 164:day of October,AD 2024. • Mayor Holly Merrill Raschein : .. •. Yes .. Mayor Pro•Tem James K.Scholl .. Yes � Craig Cate . commissioner r s� .. ,� . :W��.' Yes Commissioner �y Michelle I e Lincoln.co n :' Yes• , �� '�n . . Commiss.on er Davicli Rice Yes . • '�` • c. C O S NERS �. Ø. BOARDOF M �. . COUNTY MI �SIO ,.�..r.:.:.' ~M1��SIP" . .. . ' OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA .••.,.l.l,��«�,. ,pt.�.*G."'." • k r!lR NI By: .:� ,. Mayor/Chairman a ' 4a Attl�st:_ E•+tl' MADOK, Clerk MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY_ APPR • DASTOEU 8 Q� j d i,t ii F t T � r c .,r dt '�.'7■ADY'� �jL.,.4.Y, � ,' yylAri)( :CHRISTINE LIMBERT•BARROWS. ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY 4lr C04 G��` t !e,^r aAN r' DATE: 11/12/24 12/24 `�: , fa � �s� euty Clerk Item`114 Rlvr Fund 125 22577 Twin Lakes:Subdivision,Drainage.Ph l • •