Resolution 210-1996 Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 210 -1996 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 102, A PARCEL OF LAND IN SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 66 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, AND FURTHER DESCRIBED AS LOTS 3 AND 12, BLOCK 8, KOEHN'S SUBDIVISION, BIG PINE KEY, MONROE COUNTY" FLORIDA, APPROXIMATELY MILE MARKER 30. WHEREAS, the property described as Lots 3 and 12, Block 8, Koehn's Subdivision, Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida, is cur- rently zoned Sparsely Settled-Area of Critical County Concern (SS- ACCC) and the eastern one third is currently zoned Commercial Fish- ing Special District 12 (CFSD-12); and WHEREAS, the land use district boundaries which indicate that the property is SS-ACCC were placed in error w~h the~doprion of :z :: ~'1 the September 15, 1986, Land Development ReguUiti~ns ~nd,6there- c::: :z: fore, the subsequent maps were also in error and;did nou fo~ow the -.J :'1 "I previously demarcated CFSD-12 boundary; and z., "' ;;e - '- ,....'" c: c.~ WHEREAS, the staff recommends approval of the boun~rY:Changes as indicated in recommendation by Timothy McGarry, Planning Direc- tor, dated May 1, 1996; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: 1) The action of the Planning Director, Timothy McGarry, recom- mending approval of a district boundary change in Land Use District Map Boundary Inte~pretation Number 102, dated May I, 1996, is hereby found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code; and is therefore approved. 2) The above described property should have been originally designated as CFSD-12 and not SS-ACCC as currently indicated. 3) The above conclusion of law is predicated upon the findings of fact outlined in the staff recommendation which this Board here- by adopts as its own. 4) The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Monroe County Planning Department. 5) The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certi- fied copy of this resolution to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, F~orida, at regular meeting of said Board held on the 22nd day of May, A.D., 1996. Mayor Freeman Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Douglass Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Reich yes yes yes yes yes (SEAL) Attest: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MO:;sn j}~ By: ~ Mayor/~airman - ..,............. ... .-..,,--'. ?....-..... ., By, fi-'~~..:jc--r Deput Cler I " - Attachment 1 & 2 - APPLICATION FQR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT: tl a. v\\ ~,\ ,~ ::;(2) S~ V"'\ 5\)\\\ \\().\,,?HONE . 3 Os- d- <? q..-q Co ~3 ~~~~ \\~ NC\~~o t) S\\t~r- - Mc\\Q-\\l\a'(\,U,~30S-0 PHONE # AGENT: ADDRESS: ::IVIS~~~ l~~\~~~ LOT(S): ~ 1\\ t \:l BLOCK(S): ~ OCEANSIDE: _ BAYSIDE: ~ RE: MM I 3Q PLAT BOOK: ~ PAGE: 'l0 #~D MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH E~TRA SHEET IF NE~ESSARY) L ~ ::DC' ~ C\Q Sl-ffe_ REASON FOR REQUEST: PRESENT LAND USE: ;5' e ~"'D /}-~ DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: PEe , /fJ'~ <O'1/V/CL /l7i)i? C/ I FEE OF $250.00 TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION. CHECK OR MONEY ORDER IS PAYABLE TO THE MONROE COUNTY PLANNnG DEPARTMEN'r. I HEREBY CERTIFY THE ABOVE INFo~mTION IS TRJE, COMPLETE, & ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE SUBMISSION OF FALSE INFORMATION MAY LEAD TO THE REVOCATION OF THE BOU~Y DETf~ION. SIGNATURE (OWNER): ~;;J~~~ DATE: -3Jl.q Co 'BOUNDRY.Ol/TXTDR MARCH 10, 1995 / BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Monroe County, Florida NC? 555039 )FFICE OF -_e--4:~tlcL.id:f;.--_~----------------____________-FLORIDA ~ECEIVED fromilN::..(-r:~{~n:5~C~~i.\&"!____~~L~/iL;tA._!.?:'____Date -n-_m0:__==L:;?..=:-n__n 19 __9._~.. ,'OR: --!~l.~~L~~-&:'-P-~~--&Y---------])t~~__!_(:_g_ml_k~A__!_~_(L4:._u___ $ m-J-.~r.~2_~_/!:-=:'n_____n ---1L- € <2!t.(~.ll-D-(2-1!~__________n_n_nn______u___u_n_________n-___________nn___n___ $ n__n_~nun-n- ____ U ",-/--"7--- __ ____..____..._ /~ _u_ - -- n - - 00_ - --- - - - -- _m_ --- -- 7/, - - -- -- ---- -- -, ----nit -- --- U - --- 00 --- - -- mn___m_n_m__ __ __ _m _ ___ _m $ _ _ ____ ____u___ __m__ n_ _____ __ ___ . /:-J.~:1c~~{-{-Z2Zr;L2-1--- OFFICER . _ 00 -- --- B~--~-/~~L!-s.:-~--------- TOTAL $ ~1?,~,;;"':="'=,="" ~."',.~, DANIEL & SUSAN SULLIVAN 118 NASSAU STREET CENTER ISLAND DUCK KEY, FL 33050 10-88 2591 ~~~ w?6 ::.CZ' :".r ofi16;?RVe C;U/?TY 8u; Io,:wi )..f>1~7fA. $ 9bo // / V ~O /W~dk'/'1~.eO E~;: m,-?iODollars ~<~~r!~!~,!)~,~~ I~, DeWXE" SECURE MEMBER ::~f::~o~;';1~~);-4r,~',,\ jJ~#~~~ I:Ob 70cr1L, 3bl: 00070 3Ci2 2011- 2 SCi ~ 63-243/670 739 (1) t]./' ~o<O M' (j;'O....uAn.......... 'f ......ua~Lol fIU,,)'-- ....'-',,'--..- 3d Elevation 10.00' NGVD 129 15,28D. Revised 12-18-86 ...IlUlI",Q\,.;:;' Uc:;Il....11 1"11,01.1'" -r- set on utll tty pole or tree.:.=;;:-' above mean sea level. l ::~~} --- '''11 ~ i i i , KOEHN AVE. I V. -=-..::=--------'>'~!"'~~-------- ;~.;; \J.--f'----t- 89-59-28 QBS- , \ : ~ 100' RE:C. 100' RE:c. l' \ - \~ -. ~, ~ \~ i ~ tl ,- \~ ~ ,- I , ~\ ":!: tc}~ <f ~ [J'---- - (j \ 2'. I II! j \ l %:. ) r R/W .. on I L m ,"- \~ ~ ,~ \~ ~ ,- R/W \ ~I ~\ ::!, ~\ / ~ 'il ::!I /> ~. / ~ \ ,~, '/t-'" LOT 4 .; U. PQLE:II o't~ ~.:t.' '~,-' " GUY IIIRE: ' ~fo,.,.'''{ I ~ I \ ( "'",f ,,"] ~l: f LOT"'''' ~ ' CENTRAL ~!~___::l~,l,!(_/- u,.t7'Ll1rwu'__j,-: ~"_\, P.L. LorLINE.---; '( L~ . I~' AVE. , 0 . PK 1 IOD'Ti!U, 'DD,O~,' f'f., - - ,'1' 25 "'- ,t <'i~ 'M~:T'~""". ~",,_M'~ LOT 5 _."'- N ----.- \ i ~~.. ~ ~' i~ · I ;1 '~ ~\ __\~ ~ Jl ,~ ~' l~ ~\ f\:::~~ :ii. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,::~:;:.. _ +_ _ _ _ _ . ==:: :ii~ , ' IUU'KE{. OO,03PK, 4' c.L. FE:NCE: I '" ~ LOT t2l ~4' c.., FE:NCE: / GAn: ,-. ~ ~ "i ;;,1 l!l ~ ! ~ >: .. LOT 2 BLOCK 8 ~ ~ ~ tl ~ ~ tI) ~ Ci:: ~ !Xl <.l l!! '2 LOT 1 BLOCK 8 P.L. 200' RE:c. 200-06' PR, r,.; tI) "l; u ~ S R/W Lor UHf /1 ~ ~ ~ " .., Ci ~ lou'rEl,IOD.D37K, ~ R/W R/W IFY 10: BEACH SAVINGS & LOAN. F.S.A. oL FRANCIS SULLIVAN & SUSAN Sl.JO<IN SULLIVAN PENOENl ABS1RACl & lI1LE COMPANY T AMERICAN l11LE INSURANCE COMPANY I HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached plat Is a true and correct representation of a survey conducted by me or under my supervision on July IB, 1988 . Bearings are relative to an assumed meridian and are given for the purpose of delineating angles only. Elevations are relative to mean sea level as established by U.S.C. & G. Survey., DistanCes are In feet and deCimal parts thereof, all of which I certify to be correct. .' , • 'a 7*. '''' '",,tia.A.,,,,, .2*::4:441:1,141 . . , 2 , -. - :, ,. Mat sF "+ .- ., t. :i.: -:;44.: . !'k,',0, -:._:,- ' Oil. -.P.-. f -. . . . •• • ef . ' 114 , 4,, ... ....;.e...:0.'1,',.4.,.... ,4,..,..„..,.,, :,,,,,.',.,,,,,..,,z-,....,-,,,,,.,' • it ' '1., '.: • .e: , - ,1"*., r', j ' . C ;� ra s, 0. iirimir j• � ... m �.' p ' * . ' . 11 ' . • :3' • 11 t a,.4447, 0.0644 :, . . ,, -- r. . .g • " Fes* ::- , ; . At f, '' 104,. it ;f,,,r, . , „.1t ,, ,„,.. , .., • . . .... ,. , 44 - -,,,,. . . 1 .. i. �} y s S'91! f". +Aes .... .".. I' QUIT-CLAIM DEED 5 2 2 7 I 6 RfU 0 3 9 Pp,GE 0;5 I 8 RAMCO FORM 8 : ; L> {( I.. This @uit-tlaim llttd, Executed this -a:V;ay of JACK V. ST. JOHN and CONSTANCE W. ST. JOHN, His January wife , A. D. 19 88. hy first party, to DANIEL F. SULLIVAN and SUSAN S. SULLIVAN, his wife whose postoffice address is Route 3, Box 307, Big Pine KEy, Florida 33043 second party: (Wht're....rr used he....ein th(' tenn!\ "fi....st party" and "second party" shall include sin~ular and plural, heirs, legal rrprf"se-ntatives, and assi~ns of indi....iduals, and the successors and assigns of co~poratiol1s, wherever the context so admits or requires.) 1lflfitnrsstlh, That tIle said first party. for and in consideration of tIle sum of $no consideratio,n in Iland paid hy the said second party, the receipt whereof is herehy acknowledged. does herehy remise, re- lease and quit-claim unto the said second party forever. all the riglll, tille, interest. claim and demand wlrich the said first party has in and to tIle following descrihed lot. piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Monroe State of Florida , to-wit: Lots 3, 4, 11, and 12, Block 8, KOEHN'S SUBDIVISION, a subdivision according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, page 83, of the Public records of Monroe County, Florida. :z 0 a:i " r ~ ;Z ::>J CD r- ..... '- ::c:. Z N N E; ~ V1 Jo llaut and to llold tlw same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto l>elonging or in anywise appertaining. and all tile estate, right. litle. interest. lien, equity and claim what- soever of the said first party, eitller in law or equity. to thll only proper use, henefit and hehoof of the said second party forever. In 1lflfitnrss ...,htrtof, The said first party has first above written. Signed. sealed and delivered in presence of: ,~.~wuw.w \ 'L/ \ & ~;\i J ""'r\f./A':<<..ftD.. .... .."" .M:..... ......... ............ .............. /Hitne~ f m~.. STATE OF FLORI COVNTY OF signed and sealed these presents the day and year <~~:b!../:~~/i.;.J~................................__. ,JACK V. ST. JOJ:l~/ ~v ~~ } CONSTANCE W. ST. .JOHN .' I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized In the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Jack V. and Constance W. St. John to me known to be the persona described In and who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged beforew:~~::~ :~e~an:xe:::ed Of:~:ia;a:ee~1 in the County and State last aforesaid this . .. L:d,,;J:.-() . '.. day of January A. D. 1988. (j).", ' ...,.}j'Z'~;:<'~ .. My commis s ion exp ir e s _....:~~t:i~f~~ty~~:'::.::..;y.~/.J,.\.:(f::~.....:..:...,............. NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF Fl'ORID"A'. ,', :,Y r:"~':,SSION EXPIRES: AUG. 24, 1991. R~~,.. I' .:. 100010 ", ';:'.1' j}'iS' T.ooAL)' Bur~u,-_ ,.....(V NOTARY PUBLIC UNDIlRWRtTE".. i'""l iW .... ,'~"i_ ~"\. .c... ~"-.I \',. '...... DIANA CURTIS D1.'...fr \. 'iIl ,'..........; et..I: ..... ~tt " This IflSlmmenl prepared bjJlANA CURTIS. P.A. Address P.O. Drawer 829 Summerland Kev. Fl 33042 (305) 7"5-2144 ill : .: I ~7 _ _ KO.KN~wrx~ /' DllI'TWOOD nun I ft r: L (' ~ " /: '. '. ,.... - · w S. ,. ", . II · II I .; " · ", ,. , _ . : : 1 .. ~....", ~"'" "",,:' I · - · - '. I If"". 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',I '" ",' ""~ ' "- :' ) "". ......~........ ......./1 ....... " . . " " . DIIPTWOCID . . .. . ) - - '~+f! · · I _---._+~ D " ~_..lil". to. I I I FAA/< : ~ :: CNW1 IL~-~-.\~ ( '. ,. ' · I "1" I · ~. I ~_ nun \\ , ~ T I ' \. · · I \. -_ 4 CNW ~\\ I ~ ~ L 1 ' .t~~-k- \~~'. : : ...-r; c W F:~~ \~\ " ~ , . ~ . \\ I .~. . \'. · t--K ~ ---'- \\ . . ~.;- CNW ~ 1 \'. '. '. a I I II' I \~~'. EB ~ ~IA ""'-:, ! \ \~'. ( ." .." I . . ! I · I · I · I. .!" · I \\ "- \', ,,- I I, , \\ 0 r '" ,,,":. I · 8 , , · I I:" "l" .! I I \'. _~ 'I .' \ \\ L________ . .~.:_.:::...:::_.:::_.:::___::_.:::___:=___: _.._..~:-.:..-:."7::. . I I ~_____u_u _ I ft ,.,., . " 1 !. tI · tI :: ::'::i '1- I. I.. I II I .. /I,' .. i ~ ..:...:.. ~ .. ,....- " .. Ii . ~ ~ I_~,.. I ,'.. , ,,'II 1-:'" -:- · .. : .. ,. ,II: I " .. c · Ie , .. I I . . I I · · ".' 'II ~~ ... . ~~~ . .... - .... .. .. - - -~ -:. ...... .. - .. W " ~ - - T o ) ( DIII'TWCOD nun . . 0"0 Q 00 o o .. o ACCC .. . " a Pw.uant to Section 9.5-24(aH2)(h) of the Monroe County Code, the boundarle. of the Land U.e Dlatrlct Map are Interpreted to be located a. Indicated above and briefly deacrlbed aa: Move CFSD-12 boundary to the western lot line of lots 3 and 12, Block 8 as shown.. Delete boundary as shown ~ Director of Planning Sheet # 353 Key Big Pine Date BOCC Re.olutlon 1"- 400' - Attachment 4 - PROPOSED f } �o ! r:. .t ' p /, - 4k* �` f i `Y r �f ,. i 4 IF , i Orly. 4111. is....ort It.... .irdimos. " y • t � S I Ali TIlla ia' Auf • T im i ft', - ,-N:f , _ - yam- y. i e • Z' ' t . 17e a:141'.:.411113:::'''... i . i$ . if A. x. 4 ..tr „ f County, Florida 1 N Aerial Maps; Monroe Real Estate Data, Inc. 30th Edition,19 95 Panel or Sheet# to-lo File# BD#102 Applicant: ne ni al k sll wL Sullivan 1"=600' Key: Big Pine Mlle Marker: 30 — Attachment 5 — , ~-, J ,'" -, \ c' c'--...... ) \ )l ---- I I I IS : .... (ACCC) ___ ......~)< -'" /. IJ .,. I I I' ,.,v't.. \. J ~ W""", "l.. \j I / .,,~~C/ · _I J --j "'-../. , Sit I t . ~ ~ . .... - .. -.. AC.CC" Pattison-Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28, 1986 Sheet# 9 of 21 File # BD #102 Applicant: Daniel & Susan Sullivan Key: Big pine MM: 30 - Attachment 6 - ) N ~ I 1 "=600' I ... t" ~ ~ ~ ;: . l JtJl) -- - ---- -~ ~-f (i t)'l -~ -- - 0 -' - ~ f' - - f'l v, r Z ;-:-c ~ E ~ I" - ~ ~ --- - - -- - rJ l1) - -- (" - ----.- _ j r :., fo 'i i': J I i ~ ~/. ;: ~. ~ U _ -'X J-- ~ W '::...A..NA.L-- ,I.' ~ \\.~ ~ I:~u~~o-[- --:-~@l \.')>- _ c:;.. p~ . II '__. . '~~ r-- \ Ot J ~./c'l..O ~. - .~\f ,,' 1$ . . - - _ _ J~ _ _~ ! ; ,.. . - 1 (~'-"\. - . ~. - T(. ~ tc' \ ~ ~~ i4. - V 0 ... ,,~"" A.~-t.. ~ 4-.:J- ~, 0 ) ; PAt."A_,~ <ill' ~ \ 1.. I' :. 1'.1.. lI\ ~ ~ r 0" t.1".a2.0~'IJ " . ""r ~_- ~~ N -:~~ -- ~' !~ ~ -1-/~O' ~~ i:.. --~ 11;0 !1'N~ ~~"'KOt ~ ~ --,-- '(2/ i r ~ \1' ii\ 0 'P 01l.- 1..0" ~~ 4 . .,:) ~ ~ ' ) ',. .,,"''- 1.0" - \ 1 t.. 3 .... acL- . ('l :1~ ~1bi't'.K . ,...~ a,l ,~. \ .... - ~ .... ~f" "-E.IC'C; t I - .. - --1 CA' N.A... \... ~ - f 1 2.." ,... ... .."L :,.'.... '. .-~ RI!.l,N .:.:l: ~ '.oIL. ~ , ~ oa ~a.1S oK4~~. 72 ..-tl: ~ ...,.. l _ ~ OJ . 30-"" ,.)0.01.;"0- ,2 __ ..,. ... E I C' If z.,- ~ (. ,(" '\ 1... Ii -:"II- \ .,.,c:o'-..' Ai3' I _ -:....... -..--, a ~.I.. . ~ . ~. _ _ ~..... .-:. ~-. C-~L -- a;-~ ::.-- - '.. . I.'-"L '0" '.li .. '~ 'JIl ;J. ~11..S'-""~:' E~. 1 . F - · , I~L_~-., '11.6,. .-;~,c:" 12'ZI'" ~ ~-f'~ .~~A( ~.~ 'A~~ "Ii! , ....,..e1i...\(~'l., j~i.: ~ 'I ~.fl1j".. ,.. ~ - o - f"'I - VI \1 ( ~ , l;; ..... U' . .. ~-~ . I..~ 'J!' 71 /~ k3 I Z. ~I 'T/ : ~J ~ v.. ~ lh f' -.J . , . ~/r, CD. II 10 9 I , r;.~ , , ,. . I , ~ t -- - ~Iii ~1'f . --. ~ .- A ~ ~ -_-;Ii' ... FlI~ ~~ - 9o'r ~ ~- - ()) 1\:, ......l.. c I C 7 ~4.\1 . tc _. -- . , '; ~ " ~, Monroe County Zoning Maps N Pre-September 15, 1986 ~ Sheet# 159 File # BD#l02 Applicant: Daniel and Susan Sullivan Key: BifJ PinE" MM: 30 I I 1"=200' - Attachment 7 - C oJ!Nw!Y of M.9m~~E Growth Management Division 2798 Overseas Highway Suite 400 Marathon, FL 33050-2227 Mr. Michael McDaniel ACSC Administrator Florida Department of Community 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Affairs Re: Boundary Determination No. 102 Dear Mr. McDaniel: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAYOR, Shirley Freeman, District 3 Mayor Pro Tern. Jack London, District 2 Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Mary Kay Reich. District 5 Keith Douglass. District 4 June 13, 1996 Enclosed please find a certified copy of Resolution No. 210-1996, confirming the Administrative Boundary Interpretation of the Planning Director in Land use District Map Boundary Inter- pretation No. 102, a parcel of land in Section 10, Township 66 South, Range 29 East, and further described as Lots 3 and 12, Block 8, Koehn's Subdivision, Big Pine Key. fir Enclosure Sincerely, ~ ~j~)'- ------ Isabel T. Reid Senior Staff Assistant Growth Management Division cc: Robert L. Herman, Director of Growth Management Timothy McGarry, Director of Planning Antonia Gerli, Development Review Coordinator Linda Fatora, Senior Graphics Technician J~-Hotalen, County Attorney's Office ~elle DeSantis, Deputy Clerk Ty Symroski, DCA Florida Keys Field Office . ~