Resolution 334-2024 • OMB Schedule.Item Number 36 Resolution No. - • 334 -20 24 .A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE:RECEIPT.OF UNANTICIPATED FUNDS : i • . WHEREAS;it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners:of Monroe County;Florida;to increase : items to account for the rollover for unanticipated funds in the Monroe:County:Budget for the Fiscal Year 2025, . now:therefore; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD -OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE:COUNTY,. - FLORIDA, that the following accounts of the:Monroe County:Budget'for'the Fiscal Year;2025; be and,the : : same is hereby increased:by the.amount hereinafter,set forth: . _ : . : : . - ... •• Fund:: : I #405 General Airport Revenue.Bond ' Cost Center: #630905-EYW Concourse A-Const,: • : FAAG#3-12-0037-078-202 (90%) : BILAI 4 • Function: : - i .#5400:Transportation : : •� : Expand Terminal Phase:4-Cons , Activity; #5420-Airports Offcl/Division: #1018-Airports : • Revenue: .. . . 405 = 630905 -• 331400 RC•00038 - Federal Grants Transp.-FAA:AIP#37-79(90%).: : $4,134;751.00 : I• • Total Revenue: $4,134,751.00. : Appropriations: : :- _ • . ' 405 : -: 630905 - . 530310- - •SC_00036 :Other Contractual Services : • :,$4,134,751.00 : Total Appropriations: • :. . •• .. ' .I •$4,134,75L00 • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY:SAM BOARD,:that the:Clerk of:said Board,upon receipt:of the above, :: : : :. is hereby authorized:and directed to make the necessary changes of said items,as:set:forth:above. :: . : PASSED AND ADOPTED y the:BOard of County:Commissioners Of Monroe:County;Florida;at a regular. . : meeting of said Board held:on the 16,day of October,.AD 2024.. • • . ' R h i Mayor Holly.Merrillasc e n . es • •Mayor Pro Tern James:K.Scholl Yes . ' •C i i C i C Yes �.� :om.m ss oner C ra.g Cates: -.F • Commissioner Michelle Lincoln Y . Commissioner David Rice • :,:rw, ;- ; : • Yes . � ._. :� BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI S S ONERS . . FLORIDA - ..:, -Y • � OF MONROE COUNTY, _ . .,; By. . �r ,.. : • • . . : •-ayor/Chairman :,: .�--'.� j.`:•.::-',./,'..,':'•'.•:-.';'::.;.•::.,,:tSP'al.),- \L-1"•'::::C% , i . h.. '" 4� Attest:, KE`VIN.MADOK,Clerk. MoriROl COUNTY ATTORNEY j ,� „.,;. ]1":"::,', 4 4. :. APPR Ma)AS TO F.O R: .:.'. e; - �. .,� .. • CHRISTI,NE LIMBERT=HARR OWS . : . . k: .J7 tt Imo i.' ASSISTANT'COEINTY ATTORNEY r k • DATE: 11/12/24 t,y � As',Deputy Clerk . . Item.36 Rlvr Fund 405.630905.-EYVV Concourse,A-Const.