Resolution 322-2024 OMB Schedule Item Number 24 Resolution No. 322 -2024 . • A RESOLUTION CONCERNING:THE:RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATED FUNDS . : WHEREAS;it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County:,Florida;to increase items to account for the rollover for :unanticipated funds in-the Monroe:County:Budget for the Fiscal Year 2025, now therefore, . • BE IT RESOLVED BY.THE BOARD OF COUNTY'COMMISSIONERS:.OF MONROE:COUNTY,. :• : FLORIDA, that the following accounts of the:Monroe County:Budget for the Fiscal Year 2025, be and the : same is hereby increased:by the amount hereinafter set forth: • ' Fund:. #404:Key West international Airport. . . ' :Cost Center: : #630215.-:EYW Apron Overflow Parking Const.37-70 Project: #EYW Apron:Overflow Parking Const.37-70 . • Function:. . Activity: . #5420 . Offcl/Division: #1018:: :: • • Revenue: . 404 630215: 331400 :RC_00038 Federal Grants-Transportation 3;302,481.52 • . Total Revenue: • : . . . ' . $3,30 2,481.52 �• ' • Appropriations:: ,. ..• :. : ' • • 404 -. 630215 -• 530310 SC_00036: Other Contractual Services $3,302,481.52 Total Appropriations:. $3,302,48.1.52 • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD,that the Clerk.of said Board upon receipt.of the above, • is hereby;authorized and directed:to make the necessary changes of said items;as set forth above'. : PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,:Florida,at a regular: meeting:of said Board held on the 16. day of October;AD 2024. : : i R . ' IVlayor Holly Mernll aschein � Yes Mayor Pro Tern James K. Scholl • Yes: • • CommissionerCraig Cates . ., • Yes . iss i . Li Comm oner.Michelle nco n. :Yes CommissionerDavidice es 1 • BOARD:OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS `� �- . OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA . _ �.�• fY e • (4yor/Chairmi • • a, 'may' '. - ..t'r ., (S.eal) 1 1 . Attest KEViN:MADOK Clerk MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY trl>> Q i CHRISTIINE LIMBERT•BARROWS ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY DATE. 11/12/24 . " Clerk : . : . • • zoarvy' • Item 24 Rlvr Fund 404 60215 EYW Apron Overflow Parking Const.37-70