Resolution 215-1996 **CORRECTED OMB Resolution 215 - 1996 ... A RESOLUnON CONCERNING AMENDED BUDGET WHEREAS, it is necessary to conduct a public hearing as required by section 129,03, Florida Statutes, to amend the Monroe County Law Enforcement Trust Fund #600 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1996, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that a Public Hearing was conducted on May 22, 1996, at 5:05 p.m, to amend the Law Enforcement Trust Fund #600, budget and to adopt an amended budget as follows: Revenues: (100-000000- 3 xxxxx 600-000000-389002 0,00 Total Other Revenue Fund Balance Forward Law Enforcement Trust Fund #600 Current Budget $165,611.X9 0.00 Inc/(Dec) o $132.308,00 Revised Budf!et $165.611.89 $132,308,00 Total $165,611.89 $ 132,308,00 $297,919,89,00 Appropriations: 600-290600-521-490-0 Miscellaneous Expenses $165,611.89 $132,308,00 $297.919.89 Total $ 165,611.89 $132,308,00 $297,919,89 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board, upon the receipt of the above, is hereby authorized and directed to makke the necessary changes of said items, as set forth above, -n ~. ~ PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe Countyiiflorida, at a regular meeting of the Board on the nnd day of May A.D, 1996, :::: r~ ~; ~ Yes ~ '" Yes -;:- Yes Yes Yes r~ CJ "'f Mayor Freeman Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Douglass Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Reich ::t=' \0 (;J N , ("""'- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA cS~-{~ By: (Sea I) ^;;:;;y~~'} Law Enforcement Trust 5116/96 8:43 AM Resolution 215 - 1996 OMB . ^ RESOLUTION CONCERNIN(i ^MENDED BUD(iET WIIERE^S. it is necessary to conduct a public hearing as requircd by scction 129,03. Florida Statutcs. to amend the Monroc County Law Enforcement Trust Fund #600 for the tiscal year ending September 30, 1996. now therefllrc. BE IT RESOLVED BY TilE BO^RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORID^, that a Public llearing was conducted on May 22. 1996 at 5:05 p,m, to amend the Law Enforcement Trust Fund #600. hudget and to adopt an amended budget as follows: Law Enforcement Trust Fund #600 Revenues: 600-000000- 3 xx xxx (100-000000-389002 Total Other Revenue Fund Balance Forward Current Budget $165.611.89 0,00 Total $165,611.89 ^ppropriations: 600-290600-521-490-0 Miscellaneous Expenses $165.611.89 Total $ 165,611.89 Inc/(Dec) $132.308..00 0,00 Revised Budget $297.919,89 0,00 $ 132.308.00 $297.919,89 $132.308.00 $297.919,89 $132.308,00 $297,919,89 ~ o ~ :z _~ :::c _~ :z I~E IT flJRTlIER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board. upon the ree~tuHhe ab~, is herehy authorized and directed to make the necessary changes of said items. as set forth above,) ::r - :z - . .... '-- P^SSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. floriJi rit' a reguhu~eetin;= of the Board on the 2211(1 day of May A.D. 1996, :,: -0 ':::: N C; UI Q:) Mayor Freeman Mayor Pro Tem London Commissioner Douglass Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Reich -'I , n: CJ .~r~ yes yes yes YPF'. yes ~ ~, ~ " BCMRD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Of MONROE COUNTY. FL I A -:F~ By: (Seal) Attest: DAN~ KOL~E. Clerk ) #~~~ 'ft.... 'h"-~'4C; I ,]\\ El1fon:Cl11L'1l1 Trust "i/'),l)() 11 II .-\\1 Notice of Supplemental Budget Hearing Pursuant to the provisions of Section 129,03, Florida Statutes, notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing wi II be held by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, on May 22, 1996, at the hour of 5:05 p.m. at the Key Largo Library, Key Largo, Florida, for the purpose of receiving any comments on the proposed supplemental Budget Amendment for the fiscal year beginning October I, 1995. and ending September 30. 1996. for the Law Enforcement Trust Fund #600, Revenues: 60( l-( lO( )OO()- 3 xxxxx (,()O-OOOOOO- 3 R<)002 Total Other Revenue Fund 13alanee Forward Law Enforcement Trust Fund #600 Current Budget Inc/(Dec) $165.61I.R9 0 0,00 $132.308.00 Revised Budget $165.6] I.R<) $132.308.00 Total $165.611.89 $ 132.308.00 $297.919.89.00 Appropriations: 600-2<)0600-52 1-490-0 M iseellaneous Expenses $165.611.89 $] 32,308.00 $297.91<),8<) Total $ 165.611.89 $] 32,308.00 $297.919.89 May 19. 1996