Resolution 534-2024 OMB•Schedule Item Number 20. . Resolution No. 534 -2024 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING:THE RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATED FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County.Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida,to increase items to account for unanticipated: funds in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year:.2025,.now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE :COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following accounts of the Monroe County:Budget for the Fiscal Year 2025, be and the same is hereby increased by the amount hereinafter set forth: Fund: #125-:Governmental Fund Type Grants NFA#:. 042614 Cost Center: #6155717-WAP Grant Contract:. E2012 Function: 5600 Human Services Award.Period: 7/1/23.-9/30/25 Activity: 5640 Public Assistance UEl#: QKLSCT2LM7M9 Offcl/Division: 1016 Community Services Grant Manager: Kim Wilkes Department: Social Services Revenue: 125 6155717 331500 - RC_00042 -. Federal Grants-Economic Env $70,500.00 Total Revenue:. ". $70,500.00 Appropriations: 125 6155717 - 530340. - SC_00036 Other Contractual Services $70,500.00 . . . Total Appropriations: $70,500.00 BE IT:FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD,that the Clerk of said Board,upon receipt of the above, is hereby:authorized and directed to make the necessary.changes of said items,as set forth.above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,Florida,at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 1 l t day of December,AD 2024. Mayor James K. Scholl yes Michelle Lincoln Mayor Pro Tern c ells o n Yes Commissioner CraigCates .: .:.:� ..Y.,v�,, � . Yes f , B 1--- o i e David Rice e Yes ::::: ; L--.3 C mmiss on r av c f--, µ-,- CozYes ;.. �7 ':'h.:' -Ti Commissioner Holly Merril Raschein - BOARD OF'COUNTY COMMISSIONERS •. -E_ .-_ iii„MONROE CO T ,F o' Aa 0 y a c`�•ti^...rA_ lht A* - 1 y M. t{• i . 1 �T ) �,rG'�' ,- --,, By. .. - f 1.., .. gii- i r':s.1 .. (' '' . r,, AV Maor/Chairman a). --' �1 L.!!..✓ram .i' Y� l � Mayor/Chairman '.x,�/ '.`... V yam,"t' if''''Y' :t.� .. .. .. ci, ���' ,��r ' r''' •S'sal) F" ';.1,.�`;�a:;G`l�a o v'' : ,Atheist`.,\I EV ` DOK,Clerk sn �r, G u�'�'';;,, �t! MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY �-- , i t a )1 r PPR AMA al",/ I' -D AS TO FO is 1 '' f,' / CHRISTINE LIMBERT-BARROWS �'\'r ' y,31'' ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY +.,,,,,,,,,,,,I.,---,_:."• ~ 3 . -q `, As,D6puty Clerk DATE:.J2/12/24 Item.19.Unant Fund 125 6155717 WAP Grant-NFA.042614