Resolution 503-2024 RESOLUTION NO. 503 -2024
299 IN BIG PINE KEY; AND CANALS 470, 472, 474, 475 AND
WHEREAS, on October 18, 2017, Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
("BOCC") adopted Ordinance No. 021-2017 ("Ordinance"), creating a Monroe County Canals
Municipal Service Benefit Unit ("MSBU"), allowing for the future financing of improvements in a
canal restoration program through the collection of non-ad valorem special assessments; and
WHEREAS, under Section 197.3632(3)(a), Florida Statutes, and Section 4.01 of the
Ordinance, if Monroe County ("County") intends to collect a special assessment for the first time
in a geographic area, the County is required to adopt a resolution stating its intent prior to January
1 prior to the tax year in which the assessment will be collected, stating the need for the levy and
the legal description of the boundaries of the real property subject to the levy; and
WHEREAS, Monroe County (the "County") is contemplating the imposition of special
assessments beginning in November 2025 in order to pay for operations and maintenance cost
for restoration and air curtains on Canals 255, 293, 297 and 299 in Big Pine Key; and Canals 470,
472, 474, 475, and 476 In Geiger Key; with the boundaries of the real property shown on Exhibit
A to this Resolution, incorporated by reference; and
WHEREAS, if assessments are used for these projects, the County intends to use the
uniform method for the levy and collection of non-ad valorem special assessments, as authorized
by Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, because this method will allow such special assessments
to be collected annually commencing in November 2025; and
WHEREAS, use of the uniform method provides a benefit to the property owners who are
paying the cost of the canal restoration, in that it allows the property owners to amortize the costs
and pay a portion on each year's tax bill; and
WHEREAS, the assessments are necessary in order to have the owners of the properties
that receive the benefit of canal restoration programs also pay for ongoing operations and
maintenance of the canal restoration methods; and
WHEREAS, if the County proceeds with the assessment programs, adoption of this
"notice of intent" resolution will be followed by adoption of an initial assessment resolution and
final assessment resolution, later in the Spring of 2025, which will provide specific details about
(a) the amount of the assessment, (b)which properties will be subject to the assessment, and (c)
the amount of the assessment for each individual lot or parcel; and
WHEREAS, the County held a duly advertised public hearing prior to the adoption of this
Resolution, proof of publication of such hearing being attached hereto as Exhibit B.
1: Commencing with the Fiscal Year beginning on October 1, 2025, and with the tax
statement mailed for such:Fiscal Year and continuing thereafter until discontinued by the County,
the County intends to use the uniform method of collecting non-ad valorem assessments
authorized in Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, as amended, for collecting:non-ad valorem
assessments for the cost of providing,canal restoration on certain properties located adjacent to
Canals 255, 293, 297 and 299 in Big Pine Key;:and Canals 470,472, 474,475 and 476 in Geiger
Key(the"Canals"). Such non-ad valorem assessments shall be levied within the County. A legal
description of such area subject to the assessment is attached hereto as Exhibit A and
incorporated by reference.
2. The County hereby determines that the levy of the assessments is needed to fund
the cost of operations and maintenance for the canal restoration projects performed on the
3.•; . .Upon :adoption, the County :Clerk is hereby directed to: send: a. copy: of this
Resolution by United States mail to the:Florida Department of Revenue, the Monroe County Tax
Collector, and the Monroe County Property Appraiser no later than January 10,:2025.
4. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners:of Monroe County,
Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 19th day of November2024:
Mayor James K. Scholl Yes
Mayor. Pro Tem Michelle Lincoln Yes
Commissioner.Craig Cates Yes
Commissioner. David Rice Yes
Commissioner Holly Merrill Raschein Yes
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' ',.9 ry,.-�..r.y.- p%.:c }(,� �, , r OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA
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Exhibit A -- Legal Description of Areas
An island within unincorporated Monroe County, lying between Little Torch Key to the west;
Howe Key, Cudjoe Key, Barnes Key and Annette Key on the north, and open water including
the Gulf of Mexico, Big Spanish Channel, Pine Key Bight, and the Atlantic Ocean on the east
and south.
Canal 255:
Between Louise Street and Big Pine Street, between Central Avenue and open water.
P <
Canal 293: Between Avenue H and Avenue I, between 4th Street and open water.
Gj �m/i. � � ✓ ��G��//� lr/Nv DP>>P✓ ��I P r, ;,l d r��, � „�InP� //J� /
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Canal 297: Between Avenue F and Avenue G, between 4th Street and open water.
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canal#297 ' ' a
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Canal 299: Between Avenue E and F, between 4th Street and open water.
u Chi w i
r �r rr r ppyy
An island within unincorporated Monroe County, lying between Big Coppitt Key to the northeast,
Key West to the southwest, Florida Straits to the south.
Canal 470: Between Venus Lane and Mars Lane. Between Boca Chica Road and Geiger Road.
�,�+ 'a ' ^�'� "V
Geiger Key Canals (Continued):
Canal 472: Between Venus Lane and Mars Lane, between Boca Chica Road and open water.
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Gei.ger Key Canals (Continued):
Canal 474: Between Sun Lane and Vega Lane, between Star Lane and open water.
Canal : Between BooaChioa Road, Sirius Lane, Vega Lane, Star Lane, Sea Lane,
Boundary Lane
Geiger Key Canals (Continued):
Canal 476: Between Sea Lane and Sun Lane, and Star Lane and Atlantic Ocean
y j
Exhibit B— Proof of Publication
(Insert Proof of Publication)
The Florida Keys Only Daily Newspaper, Est. 1876
PO Box 1800,Key West FL 33041
P:(941)206-1025 F:(305)294-0768
1100 Simonton St Ste 2-215
Account: 436031 Ticket: 3941681
STATE OF FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING modation or an interpreter to partici-
pate in this proceeding should contact
COUNTY OF MONROE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT the County Administrator's office at
MAY CONCERN that on November 19, (305)292-4441, between the hours of
2024,at 9:00 a.m.or as soon thereafter 8:30 a.m.and 5:00 p.m.,no later than
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared as the matter may be heard,at the Har- five (5) days prior to the date of the
vey Government Center,1200 Truman hearing.If you are hearing or voice im-
Avenue,Key West,FL 33040,the Board paired,call'711.'
of County Commissioners of Monroe Dated at Key West this 26th day of Oc-
Amber Douglas who on oath says that he or she is County,Florida,will hold a public hear- tober,2024.
ing to consider approval of the follow-
ing County Resolution: (SEAL)KEVIN MADOK,Clerk of the Cir-
The legal advertising representative of the Key West Citizen,a five day newspa- cult Court and ex officio Clerk of the
A RESOLUTION OF MONROE COUNTY, Board of County Commissioners of
per published in Key West,in Monroe County, Florida;that the attached copy of FLORIDA ANNOUNCING NOTICE OF IN- Monroe County,Florida
advertisment,beingale al notice in the matter of Pubic Hearin Canals 11.19 TENT TO USE THE UNIFORM METHOD 10/26/24, 11/02/24, 11/09/24, 11/16/24-
was published In said newspaper In the Issues Of: SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEVIED WITH- 436031 3941681
Saturday, November 2,2024 ON: CANALS 255, 293, 297, 299 AND
Saturday, November 9,2024 472,474,475 AND 476 IN GEIGER KEY,
Saturday, November 16,2024 STATING THE NEED FOR SUCH LEVY,
Affiant further says that the Key West Citizen is a newspaper published in Key EFFECTIVE DATE.
West, in said Monroe County, Florida and that the said newspapers has hereto- The public hearing is being held for
fore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida Tuesday thru the purpose of receiving public com-
Saturday weekly,and has been entered as periodicals matter at the post office in ment on the proposed assessments and
collection of the assessment on the ad
Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida,for a period of 1 year next preceding valorem tax bills.All affected property
the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement;and affiant further says owners have the right to appear and
that he or she has neither aid nor promised an person,firm or corporation an provide input je the hearing,and may
p p Y p p Y file written objections with the County
Administrator at any time prior to the
public meeting or within twenty (20)
days following publication of this no-
tice, whichever is greater. The assess-
ments will be collected on the ad valor-
em tax bill, commencing with the tax
bill to be mailed in November 2024,as
authorized by Section 197.3632,Florida
(Signature of Affiant) Statutes.Failure to pay the assessments
will cause a tax certificate to be issued
against the real property which may
Affirmed and subscribed before me this 18th day of November 2024 result in a loss of title.If you have any
questions,please contact Rhonda Haag
at(305)453-8774 Monday through Fri-
day between 8:00 a.m.and 4:30 p.m.
The public can participate in the No-
(Notary Public Signature) vember 19, 20024 meeting of the
Board of County Commissioners of
Monroe County, Florida by attending
Jill Kelli Di Benedetto in person or via Zoom.The zoom link
(Notary Public Printed Name) can be found in the agenda at:http:H
My commission expires 8/19/2027
Pursuant to Section 286.0105, F.S., if a
person decides to appeal any decision
Personally Known X Produced Identification_ made by the Board with respect to any
Type of Identification Produced (Notary Seal) matter considered at the hearing,such
aw.�r person will need a record of the pro-
ceedings and may need to ensure that a
Notary Public State of Florida verbatim record is made,including the
Ak Jill Ke111 Di Benedetto testimony and evidence upon which
t1N My Commission HH 390294 the appeal is to be made.
Expir93 6/1912027
ADA Assistance: In accordance with
the Americans with Disabilities Act,
any person needing a special accom- Keys Citizen.Weekend Edition NOVEMBER 16-17,2024 PAGE B11
��w I
r. (m �l'�N I ' � IL.., I .. CL � �
are oferrors,please check youradthefirstdey it appears, All word ad rates are placementfees and ion-refundable Monroe County requires that Contractors ESTAdlven'se must
DAILY at lOa.m. �f feq ydays Id�Ads yb dhow
m ntofanerror we are respons 6le for thefist th pblcsto thpl tf g, 'nelude ther permanet rIR'atef competency number.
CALL 305.292.7777 ext.710210 G'ertonofanad.The C'tlandoeelrotaseume ,,,y� If you has questions co 'geq'menu please cell the
MON.-FRI.until 4p.m. respons b'Ityforanyleason beyond be costof bead itself f✓/$'„q nBe Monroe County Build ng Deparlmentat 3012564Business Rentals Restaurant ..Ill. I Allion
Supplies Public 140'.do Creditors I Public Hearing
BIG SHAUN'S KNIFE SHARPENING unrre removed w lb,21 FL e.The names and addresses or e ax b commeni rig w H the tax
'�" We cometoyou. d - h 1be removed and the33pe and the b be d veinbar 2a24 as
shed'n lessthat1 hour. dsp°red of pursuant,o chapter]a5 rood�epres at vas a„o e authorzed byre 73632 Fords
COmmeri al&Res dent al coda St
atutes.o rs,he rs and o,h- et ronh beawv,ep"tesen,a,ve rney ar n t9ne assessments
61a Whtehead St eata1816a,eaa Call or too 30S843815I er egally interestednparties may have creditors of the decedent and off- w `a tart rtdicate to be issued
II Ottice aceFEETPOINT,THENCE He GrUldahearing,o challenge the its having daims or demands at s,he real prop rtey which may
]Whate et P82,39S10a, determination Ha,His vessel is dere- st decedent's artist on whom ors of titleebyy_have any
.11 e-51,1a1,01a ® R rotherwise in violation°}the law PYof this notice hasebeen served urn ohs ease contan hondaH
Mixedos A"part set heirin,eves,sbetoreatribu- m affair tlaims with this court tts(3a5)n,de8,e onl81R,hrough Fr9
IizabeH Sttreetu9 nits ARC REG MINIATURE POODLE INCHES TO THE c„hhe Fish and Wildlite day between 8.PC d4:3a p.m.
E u 4 months old.A beautiful coma }M1ce a,(EST As'
626 h k tt chocolate br ale. PONNT oFFBEG NN NG"` }. yf d - he ub c can da u h -
b Pa'd 53500.Askirlq 52,000. has been fed aga rest you and you are h h ember } h
-]2Call Lynn 305-89F0066 a red to serve a copy of your wr t- h d d b oard or 9C r
} d t 1 o f on counse ror 1 b t h III g r d t h d d d d d g
577 } tt h ddress s 6a19 Con- h t h d - d h h d- F
g 1ca ID8a Raton d b b nt h d d d b t d h m d -
d erhang ey ® d b t bar t d r a ddsposa t f h h h e.0 r ct,e,de
105 912 2 ZZ,ke-ede,18le CERTIFIED APPLIANCE& on(tH81 s from DHe and ff i-i-, h removed by,he owner. ran taspx.
® ELECTRONICS h h k of n h h d h hLSNMNOTC' Su n to Senon 2 1
Sales*Sa, ce*Ins2728I on. b t tf' n h - oa der des to ap d
Overseas Markel 2I28 N. d,He Y,hereftr oHerwsea nw,hn2ldays tHegate off rst A TARNO NGO HE THE PER- mardenbv,he B°ardw h espen to an
Roosevelt.305 29F4U66 d t b d 9 t b t h e d h h h
KOLHAGE S APPLIANCES h t d d d M1 d b h b d () d d t h -
Mltd r d n d r b d. ri d f r - d d d n
Wesel)&sere teal,makes& h d d h }its b }h a sNwember
"'Nowt f models c appl antes from Key da tits 22 day o} ANC h b d d e d h
West to Marathon 1I06 N. Onober 212a. _ nell.nDetermine Protected d d upon wh<h
Roosevelt.3CS 294-0090 3944]81 Bad Status of roper,y has h ap to be made.
ENVIRONMENTALNHORTICULTURE NMAOOK CPACICkk been}iledit lhis co 1 p cordance with
AGENT KOF THE CRC C DUST Dereli¢Vessel Pubfiwtion Notice The date or,he rirs,publication of lhis the A cewiH aDisabilities A
The University of Florid a, ® BYShon,a HMLebdEC RCUlT o,ice,November 9,212a. person@needingaspecial aaom�
Mhin'ngge County Eaensiin is DEPUTY CLERK modation or an interpreter to par,ici-
horticulturean ronM"I AUFOS WANTED,ALL YEARS BELOW DESCRIBED VESSEL IN THE ESp. at n,his pgroceedmg should contact
gent gent Jun DO 0,,d,running or not,cars, Roberson,AnsHu,z,Schneid,Craned ELOWnHABEDLEG V NTERE KDLgWGRouP P,Fl. theecoun, dmininra,ois ofM1ce a,
provide educational pro gams vans&trucks.We come tc you. Ho3EIdlg ear No.aei83aa
a d lead the Master Gardener CASHAve e lac The roll°w wit a onhside Drive pas)292>1 between the hours of
Volunteer program.ACact is Call BOB)332-0483 4B]u sle ed to MRe n o Lee In ell,FL 3 a five
m.and S..da p.m.,no later roan
degree in plant science, Barl K¢raslgcom oo63 FG A315)ea9-138530a five(s)days p he da,e o}the
ntomologvv, r FI%A DENT o11h,LOWER KEYS PRIMARYEMAI Rno has beenedeterm reed to be dere- eytor PersonalR hearing.,you are hearing or vone
en it n tat-rel t dfield.q M bile se c K yWertm <t/abandoned and is awrully span con,anus¢s ued,cel']11.'
m v o'degre ref red.see Marathon.Dch,ding,de trrlpair, ,„e<a gr,his , a swear a,epl g a,ed a,Kev Well 26,h day or oo
pos t on p II g tDober 212a.
hips ll!explore(d ufl edu/en n Daved 305a76]-3a69 ® d d b ced ov den`ce Roadann
usl)ob133681 ® wHn l days offeror setwlto ovdence ANC curt C)of and Cicioe Clerko}the
wed 'd" or,I win to °ard of C yy m Cles of of
HOZEA.RNZENETCUORFITYcrdple,105 lorida Statutes.0 ` tynFlmida Comm
heirs and other legally interested par- a
HOUSEKEEPER Reet Environmental Eduction Fo MANAGEMENT AG es may have the right too hearing to COURT FOR MONROE 11NL2a,11,D9rza,11/162a
On Big Coppitt Key.2 tc 4 hours dation is eekingp als for audio/ °sad flood Harald Determinations challenge the de termination that this
per week$1)23 r hour. com anent ottallation.Pease 1, l is dererin or otherwise in viola_ DISIO
Call(93])2384563 Bahr,Ir%/www.ree4 org/request-pro- fortOnin`rp°mtad Areas of Monroe ioneof the law or to rape their inter- F CP-52
y, Ionda,Case No.34 14A123P. tsts before a tribunal. ease contac ;vision Probate 6-K
R&S CLEANING SERVIVES CO. Pe}ormationraPr Is are due Deseme The Department or Homeland Sec- the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Let PA G
We specialize in Boat Cleaning, bar 1S 212a. o ,vs Federal E ergencv Ma again nt orfice at(esm ae]-1]6a or efile¢ ST RN HaGIo embOM Ig
e >ylecoNCER EN To
Car Oeaninpp&House Oeaninqq 1123rza 11/iarza 1v1]/2a_ Agency ffErvwj so ici,s,ed�nisl in gF.Owfcom reorder to assenalegal in- w1wAM MLSTEFlO 4 at911am or asnso°n Hereafter
CRH Ed-8 1 M1 or 3CS58389�1 formation or comments on proposed er in,his vessel.The owner or He eceased VlD i
`load hazard dmermina,i°n,tar the rev der mined,be legally re,p°n- a°Hemaner agar eeneare,p He Hary
oe Insurance Rate MaP(FIRM),and let,roll,vessel be m9up°n He ova- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Av mwmms L33141.HerBoaard
® where aPPli<able He Flood Insurance tars of His state in a derelict condition tat of CounFtlyo Co r of Monroe
dv( ) t be abe for Hecosts of remova h d t h t
LEGALASSISTANT „ tl dh dd destru¢on anddspars tH sverse s d d d- d h d he II—
E bl'h d C' 'Hal Defense Law z, d h dd df- not removed by o d h d t d h - dRe
so u,on. °}he III—
h ff' M h zxiEE } d b he d h -
dK yW king kid, IN rl dbd dh dad d h d h h r d
f h part
d 'I Car } d FLORIDA cc aeea25 K h rl d h I h h - b h dd } h h
h d }h d rf
Post on'nclud h d I' d t b h h b t h I' h dad dresses of He
answerng phon fl'9 9d d b bd d d e hh dh- db h b d Fle of Flit hor,81vas"z„orney xeretee L
C.respondent 'h s. } }Map (LOVE), b+orever t,nsdN,<e The tlsNwember }onh be ow.
Please contact 305 9t 9397 Wind— Deaware d HT of credtorsofthedecedentandoH-
laresumem: limited abrycompany a the Code or Federal Reguati°ns.These WC er its having calms or demands A
krd�hala in,irt, determinations are,he basis for He a a3gaa]]21 K sodeceden,s ena,e on whom
rl oodpl am management measures,hat or His notice isrequon w m
p tion.o Rose Ramirez,Blat. oiled to a THE AILING OF THIS RESOLUTION;
dopt Derelin Vessel Publiration Notice greed must file Heir claims wrth this
Baptist EFENDANTROSERAMI REz or showevdenceor ha ing in ettectto DATE VIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE
Health or m°re of 81 don on He BELOW DESCRIBED VESSEL T N THE b h b rig held for
ROSE RAMIREZ gyp cr1°�hazard dmerminad°n, NS W TH A ERE h p e°}re<eVng pubn nom-
arttl mlorma,ion on He s,a,u,orY 91- Tne}onmv ng wit OF Aotrde'a DAYS,Y,ed,nAFT�TTHE"oof ih°a cede n, m on il;e proposed assessmen,s and
dl,o"M mmh"ee 2C ah'd other per,on,having daim,or de- on of He 8A—ment on He ad
b,ne h„p,L/ww emv"h a 19 25 Sml e°a,Tna, mood,again„deneden,',e„a,e mu„ o e,s ave He rigs,to app°'artand
by Flood`c}hm/aFMq,atus/ been deed ned8io be derelict/aban- file Heir TH,r s witATOth this corn WITH
*Adva P actil Prw�der e6s rid h d 9 r d O br d 1 n - d d fdn: r n h r provide b h e n d
(APRN/PA C)Urology Marathon tl h r MAP(1 e]]- d d h h d h
S50DDB FT 8A-4:30P h h - ) b d h d - h- d d h h b h ()
M,dkca turology h h d b d- vyc n,b d Sd d had at Hetme the decedents d t b to
M h SSODD Bonus ED h tan anon 1eo y 1 t h d d h by h d d h d - hl he d he
d FT 8:30A-SP t the to ow rig de- 21aea 39a388
M d' IA 2 Pimany Care b d Monroe Co,nit, DISTRICT ADVISORY COMM d h in I i h hh h dh h h dJr— b h h
M h $,ODD Bonus d (DACin
) h h l ri d b b d be
FTSIift k ind- (from the dty lints of Key Westto the h h d h- f as desnbedn h h h db en, a h. or da
M d' IA'eant2 BHMG d h d d west end of the seven Bile Br dge) 10 M I'p y Marathon ( PP h
d ) d h ofthd MON cMENiAcouFi COUNCIL
ST h b t f h b t b d
SSODD B 1,Vai es t Condominium hereof h h d d t d d d b d h h h
*Medical-Mant2 Primary Care ,o,deedn Off,
Records B°°k 1813 nLeg Ottce at(BSm ae]-1]6a or tied CIA MSNOT F22 LEDWd THNTHE ,na ass of tire.}yy-have any
Marathon,SSODD Bonus, P,,du Records or Monroe 1E,RE LODGING IN DUS- m order to assert a s ease coma bonds Haag
FT varies aFIK,dn,andall exhibits there- E-shall be owners li in this vessel.The owner 33]a2 WILL BE at(3a5)n65PMondaY,hrough Frry
*Supervisor Physician Practice, nand any amendments Here°}(He o eratin Igenelral managers of m°- erg,hen art determined to be le day between 8.PC a.m.and a:3a p.m.
Primary Care Marathon, on'0. Ili,th odi 9recrea,ional vahide parks, o sp°nsPbleytor the vessel being ugp°n The public can paarti<ipate in the No-
SZODDBonus,IWies Comm¢No..c2012111 ,her Erin omm°dations the wa,er:or,ni::,a,e ins dereu¢ o nT oneovEE nlunvEanlRr,1
Detlarati whicharesubje¢t°bed tax in Hetax condition will be liable for He costs of F TWO
LE)VEFlRSHOR MORE AF vember 1 meting of He
KEYWEST SPELALTY PRACT LE has beenfiled againstyou,andyouare collection disH¢f°r wnicn they are moral,destrunion, ddisp°sal if T ENTS DATE OF DEATH °ard of 9Co me of
d t pply rig tins verse snot removed bY,he owner. SARRE ard by d
M d'al Azs start Corti erge dt t h d tf b t hsno- iM ein h k
KyyWest-OffI SGORE Bonus ET rt h to arfi pate on q he rs and offer personswHa ga vember921 4. c b t d hea d h -
FT8:30A-SP b h d" r h h m nY}I.4m de-
*Nurse Nav qqa or Cnnc erge h it ()d tt r r h h d t h e tf } t t f
Key West 520 U00 Bonus b t h d r h h h d - a vie.
FT 8:30A-SP h h kof h d b b db hh b d b dd h h s9 t
h b t tt - b d Wfl k - d t ld,dd. h d of Flit
d d d
d h e- h- d h db d b to t<e Nw bar db�l hh- mdb h d h
f d adehutw b d g nn d e o ay be sent d dot he hear rig such
d onro et ue for the re er d d d naHe S ma to He address be ow: ANC d A d aIN record of the pro-
h rd for g h hh d D P d d need to ensure Ha,8
e der on mPESS handandsea otHisCourt a319166]]2a K W, verbatim record ismade,mcudi cgtne
;darn,;s Tyor WT" Monroe Co v p n, es H33caa en many ryenztlonz�leorgin,Cirzbai nHe]th daKof November,212a. Dereli¢Vessel Pubfmtion Notice rve and evidenceu hich
acted veteran status. ephons3a5-296A851 ext.1 the appeal into be made.
While S,ree,3Sui,e l a2 p AT FTC DA
b use beonly t20 Keywest 2 3ca0 T NTHE A In d iH
t r I-me bred on h lead OR SON DESCRIBED VESSEL 5 h g h rve 'he
iH b
APPLYAND L k Deadfne......
or res Ed of appfcat on at B N WITH LEGAL NTERE ding m�
he above address is BDD p.m.on Fri The follow;nag vesselMR T modation or an interpreter to pan
ers.baotistneahn.°neE CE TO PERS0NSW TH DISABILITEI day,December2],21E4.Aresume may s,erd to imothy 36ee 11/16124 ANC atenHis p� eed,ng should contact
or call]86243 �T ordance with He Americans with be attached,°the application. Tene och a 2113 lorida Hom made the C Ad inid8tor's office at
DisabiliLes A¢,itYou area personwi,h oat 1a'has been`determinedeto be B3a5)2926 1 between He hours of
® a disability who needs anv accommo- a 39ai568 dere)lhe,w8le,i and is un ato e m.and s.-1e to Hh no later Han
dation in order to partiapate in court n these waters of His Hate,town ® five(5)days 8Te e n date ne He
<eedingsyou are entitled,atria cost Dereli¢Vessel Pubfiwtion Notice utd Chia Basin Monroe Countvv,F hearing.Ityou are hearing or vmce in-
to he ro n of certain assis- ids and must be removed witM1in 21 - ai red,sll']11.'
ANTIQUE FURNITURE etr Hanfiveworking days days;otherwise;twill be removed and da Magistas eTo.SYouhgavvillSholdea
3"Ice(loveseat,chaiLrocker) aio rto theapmceedmry please contact TIN THE disposed of purs0uant to hapter]a hearing withtHeCollective Bargaining p eda,KeywestHisPathdayof0c-
Windsorsty!eset.AllwithRare Fill
Court Administrator's orficeS at He BELOW DESCRIBED VESSEL Florida Statutes. wners hens and o,h- commi,ee for The college of The Flor- caber,212a.
ry ddolph'nh dorms d dpt rfes may have da Keys and the Untd fF (SEAL)KEVN MADOK kfh
Intact but' prop Iy piled. FL` h h t h h h ocha erge He da The Co l ege or Th d ,-Ul8 dex off; k
305-304-4389$2500 t'rm ( )g he Far da Re ay tiered to MR °thy Lee Ten- d n Hat tins verse s dere- Thursday November s of He Board of Court A Doers
mnke calls IF— He Flor- rovi hal11 Cou bid 11'Sail Boal otherwise in violation of,helaw -Dam.The meetingwilltakeaplach of Monroe Couna Floridan
YOUR BEST REST idanpeiaY23 mar oil aydml]-1-10 has been determined,o be derelict/ eHeirm,erens beforea,ribu- ,Brie Kev wen campus a°ard Ro°m ,11/ea2,1 uv9rza,11/1624
OUR BEST DEALS! se the following SO Toll tree access num� abandoned and is awfully up ctHeFish and Wildlite L.This hearing is pursuant K
Jurt Beds of Key West berg 1A10.955-e]]1 ETY),1-e]]s955- these wearers Mt this Unet howl,B°a onnLeg ONi m8l(85m 48]- K
d1764 or Twins sear;rig@$199 ( - (ASCII),- -N 4 d b d n d - r Yf holder,h
Fullsrtartng WS249 ( )-- - ( h e h b d dd- h d d b
Queensrtartng@$299 aabehoin Ba.m 2a.m.da lT9e dofpsuant to hper]a5Fr- gli asp°nsbe fohe vase bang PN G
Kings rtarting W b]49 ids S,a,u,es.owners,he
and mr°er pan he waters or,his state in a dere- G WHOM IT PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE
All in Stock ally interested parries may have the <condition will be Gable for the costsHEREBY hat oFn"No�ewmlber 19,
reght toahearing to challenge He de- of removal,destru¢iop and disposal it MAY CEONCER on Hereafter N eis hereby given Hattie Monroe n Hat His vessel is derean ,his vessel is notremoved bvHe owner. as thG matterm tyEd NE 00thd Hary o� lorida Audit CommitNe will
h h b te,winf h b- h d h h ter roman hod a m0 i ag on d
h h d d t 3311 the Bard b h
N B p8 Fl caae32 K rf O hh d t h e tt t n,,of M°nrce
L rtII edding FlGE CORPORATION, re}e¢m ew d b }n ,s d rood apub shear- iL 331a1 hue 2ndF°°r
in The Geyst aga nt st tnsvesse.The led bYHattmew be waved de, via of He tolow- y t I
305 91658Be n,fRTGardor the party determined to be and forever barred.The date of fin solution. This meeting is for the general disoss-
Opendaily,M-5,1D5 gall;responsible for He vessel being publis,ion of,his Notice is November
Sun.11 V.Habana Plaza °n he waters of this state in a idle
lm ETHOnand consideration of issuing a re-
3128FiaglerAve,KeyWes[ OSENA VCASTILID,HELEN PEOPI£$ up condition will be liable for He costs vyC n for proposals fur pmfssional
auditing services and arty offer mat-
(Ne#to BOA) Detendnillt), this vesel tsnot removed by,he mvner* 11/162a,11232a K rs,ha,mayprop Iy omebefore He
ttF.S.218e391 rsuant to He Provisions
All he and other persons with a legalBillomm er thisvesselmustraisesuchm-
ewitnin2ldaysotHedateotfim ® F Maedl CPA
INVASIVE SPECIES REMOVAL OF WN SPOUSE OF HELEN pe,,dP8l.n of,his Notice.All interests Clerk of the Circuit 0 PEOPLES,
KEY WEST,LLC. w6hose residence is unknown and all iced by hat time Te will be waived r
Got tguanasi E N`1 deal with ies having or uaiming,o have any and forever barred. he date or rirs, IN AND ourviv, 1I1624-K"WI,
yourlguana prob!em.Call or tea tigFt,,i,Ie orin,eres,in the property 4ubllce,ion of this Notice isNwemberFLORIDA 21]339 a
at IDl aOa-6162 deevmed In the mortgage being role- WC ease N.
2124 CP DD1111K PROVIDING FOR The Mar me Science dvisoryCommlt-
® cl°,edhe,e,n armoTlF. 391u4]90 K IEL EFFECTIVE DATE. N Hill
°hide coue9.e of meL.OnU H°uda Key,
D,ha,anao Derelin Vessel Publiration Notice The public nearing is being held ror the M us MUIS,ldi nging on
to toreclosea mortgageon Hetol- ,hep of receiving public com- ondtawallovember l8,from
RAINSAVER GUTTER SYSTEMS DxeaSsedE2 K onihe proposed assessments and m.Therevirtu-
When it rains it pours!Need 7" TIN THE ollection of the assessment on the ad Forgu3 There
g�utfirsTWehave6"&7" SONS
DESCRIBED VESSEL NOTLETOLREDRORS e tax bills.All affected property tnpltez9ea1�1305-e or email
s inters,Copper sp dalists. C ED LLOWS: shave the right to appear and lack.seubert®nk.edua
305-292-2666 OT)`,SspAARE 1,TRACT 11, The following vessel to wit-R]B1] Theadmininration otHeEnate ot00- o oovide input at He he and may 11/162a ANC
UP Bred,o MRTimo,hy Lee Ten- R R. EKFL deceased,whose date fine hlen obiec,Awi,h,he County
SWIMUNE POOL PRODUCTS: ovieh�a l9]1 Cox Manuhcwring Co tden,h was March 16,2124,,Case No. Admininra,oratany,im e prior,o the
N_Ctd Bng th Kona A/G pool. 12'Vessel has been determined to be 51x is pending in the ,,blic meeting or within twenty(2m
Creme in&ched<outthe derelict/abandoned nd is lawfuly 21 4leet for Monroe Countx Hor- days foll°wing p,,dP8lion of,his no-
display906AKeenedyyDL, °n these waters of His hate,to wit ida�uProbate Division,He address of t whi Hever is greater. he"v'Ms
Call(3mo 294 6. ERLY DIRECTION 75 FEET 31NCHES TO B°na China Basin Monroe C-it,F1or- which is 501 Whitehead St,Key Well, merits wi be collected on the advalor-
o: A Kevin Madok, CPA
�o ........ � Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller Monroe County, Florida
�z cooN
January 8, 2025
Florida Department of Revenue
Property Tax Oversight
P.O. Box 3000
Tallahassee, FL 32315-3000
To Whom It May Concern:
Attached is a certified copy of Resolution 503-2024 of Monroe County, Florida,
announcing notice of intent to use the Uniform Method of Collecting Non-Ad Valorem Special
Assessments levied within the County beginning with the tax bill issued in November 2024 for
Canal Restoration Projects in Canals 255, 293, 297, and 299 in Big Pine Key; and Canals 470,
472, 474, 475 and 476 in Geiger Key; stating a need for such levy; providing for the mailing of
this Resolution; and providing for an effective date.
This Resolution was adopted by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners at
a regular meeting, held in formal session, on November 19, 2024.
Once you have accepted the document into the record please send us the confirmation.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at(305) 292-3550.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kevin Madok, CPA
Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller&
ex-officio to the Monroe County Board of
County Commissioners
By: Liz Yongue, Deputy Clerk
cc: File
500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway
Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33050 Plantation Key, Florida 33070
o: A Kevin Madok, CPA
�o ........ � Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller Monroe County, Florida
�z cooN
January 8, 2025
Scott P. Russell
Monroe County Property Appraiser
500 Whitehead Street
Key West, Florida 33040
Dear Mr. Russell:
Attached is a certified copy of Resolution 503-2024 of Monroe County, Florida,
announcing notice of intent to use the Uniform Method of Collecting Non-Ad Valorem Special
Assessments levied within the County beginning with the tax bill issued in November 2024 for
Canal Restoration Projects in Canals 255, 293, 297, and 299 in Big Pine Key; and Canals 470,
472, 474, 475 and 476 in Geiger Key; stating a need for such levy; providing for the mailing of
this Resolution; and providing for an effective date.
This Resolution was adopted by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners at
a regular meeting, held in formal session, on November 19, 2024.
Once you have accepted the document into the record please send us the confirmation.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at(305) 292-3550.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kevin Madok, CPA
Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller&
ex-officio to the Monroe County Board of
County Commissioners
By: Liz Yongue, Deputy Clerk
cc: File
500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway
Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33050 Plantation Key, Florida 33070
o: A Kevin Madok, CPA
�o ........ � Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller Monroe County, Florida
�z cooN
January 8, 2025
Sam C. Steele, CFC
Monroe County Tax Collector
1200 Truman Avenue, Suite 101
Key West, Florida 33040
Dear Mr. Steele:
Attached is a certified copy of Resolution 503-2024 of Monroe County, Florida,
announcing notice of intent to use the Uniform Method of Collecting Non-Ad Valorem Special
Assessments levied within the County beginning with the tax bill issued in November 2024 for
Canal Restoration Projects in Canals 255, 293, 297, and 299 in Big Pine Key; and Canals 470,
472, 474, 475 and 476 in Geiger Key; stating a need for such levy; providing for the mailing of
this Resolution; and providing for an effective date.
This Resolution was adopted by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners at
a regular meeting, held in formal session, on November 19, 2024.
Once you have accepted the document into the record please send us the confirmation.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at(305) 292-3550.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kevin Madok, CPA
Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller&
ex-officio to the Monroe County Board of
County Commissioners
By: Liz Yongue, Deputy Clerk
cc: File
500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway
Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33050 Plantation Key, Florida 33070