Resolution 244-1996 RESOLUTION NO. 244 - 1996 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATION FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary to increase items under the Governmental Fund Type Grants #125 of the Monroe County Budget for fiscal year 1996 to account for unanticipated funds, now, therefore, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA, as follows: That the Governmental Fund Type Grants #125 of the Monroe County Budget for fiscal year 1996, be and the same is hereby increased by the sum of$187,700.00 as follows: Revenues: . Senior Community Z ~ -,., 125-180500-331-689-00496 Services Employment Project $187,700.00 ~- :r.: , --------------- - . '.Z' r~ '--'~ .-.11. c- O Total Revenue $187,700.00 ~ .T~ --------- --------- N Ul ,~\_- :r Appropriatations: :-:;::-~ ;:g '~ S. C. S. E. P. N c-; 125-180500-564-130-00496 Salaries $136,900.00 N c.:J -~, -..J .".: 125-180500-564-131-00496 Salaries Admin. 26,092.16 125-180500-564-210-00496 Fica 12.466.65 125-180500-564-220-00496 Retirement 4.578.90 125-180500-564-230-00496 Group Insurance 2.694.19 125-180500-564-240-00496 Worker's Comp 1,610.00 125-180500-564-241-00496 W/C Admin 2,158.10 125-180500-564-316-00496 Physical Exams 1.200.00 --------------- Total Appropriations $187,700.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Baord, upon receipt of the above unanticipated funds, is hereby authorized and directed to place funds in said items, as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ~day of June A.D. 1996. (Seal) Mayor Freeman ~ Mayor Pro Tern London ~ Commissioner Douglass Yes Commissioner Harvey ~ Commissioner Reich ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~5-F~ Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk APPROVED AND LE L SAUS TO FORM FF/CIENC BY . , .' ~ ........-.-........... . SUBSPONSOR NAME: Monroe County Board of County Cam1issioners Depa.rt:rnent of Social Services CITY AND STATE: Key West. Florida - BUDGET PERIOD: July 1,1896 THROUGH June 30, 199fl SUBGRANT NUMBER: [}"'5820-6-00-81-55-1~""", ,_ 2 d1gJIIUbgmntoo IdonIIncaIlan ~ ..... ....UQniU ~uneu on "Ie Aging, IncJSenfor CommW1Jty Service Employnna Program BUDGET SUMMARY . AlL DOLLAR FIGURES ON THIS FORM MUST BE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST HUNDRED DOLLARS (A) 502e Costs (8) Total Fed Costs (C) Non-Federal (0) Total Costs . IndUdlng 502e Costs B+C ENROllEE WAGES/FRINGES (EWF) 1) PIl1fOI,.. Wig" 136,900 -0- 136,900 2) ge Benefits 13,300 -0- 13,300 3) AJ. 't1J0.02 %) 150,200 -0- 150,200 " \~"':.......:' ~"~':'.,,.:) OlliER ENEj _ (OEe) 4) Statf'S8I*lUtFrlnges 30,800 -0- 30,800 5) PartiCipant Training -0- -0- -0- 6) Participant Development -0- 200 200 7) Participant Transportation -0- 400 400 8) MllClllanlOul -q- -0- ,:,0- 9) TOTAL OEe ( 16.41 %) ADMINISTRAnVE COSTS (ADM) 10) Staff Salaries/Fringes -0- 6,700 27,400 34,100 11) indirect Costs -0- - - - 12) OUt.r -0- -0- 5,400 5,400 13) TOTAL ADM ( 3.57 .%) -0. 6,700 32,800 39,500 14) GRAND TOTAL 187,700 33,400 221,100 FOR 502(El ONLY: 502 fWlds from REGULAR ntle V Allocation $ 502 fWlds IN ADDmON TO REGULAR nile V Allocation $ TOTAL 502 Allocation (must agree wlUt Column A, Un. 14) $