Resolution 291-1996 ,- " an u: ~ 0 - (.) Q.. Ld 0:: :x: ~ 0 ~ ii.L... a , ' ...... . ~ ~ 1..1.. Planninq Dept. RESOLUTION NO. 291-1996 '. A~ RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF ~~ISSIONERS APPROVING AN EXEMPTION FROM THE ::tf~RESIDENTIAL PERMIT ALLOCATION SYSTEM FOR THE ":~$lliD LODGE ORDER OF ELKS, LODGE NO. 2139, FOR ~PERTY DESCRIBED AS LOTS I, 3, AND 4, BLOCK 4, :.: . A SUBDIVISION FIRST ADDITION, SECTION I, .L- ? .. "-" ~T~SHIP 66 SOUTH, RANGE 32 EAST, TALLAHASSEE ~M~IDIAN, KEY VACA, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, MILE MJm.KER 50. WHEREAS, the Building, Planning and Environmental Resources Departments have approved a permit application filed by the Marathon Chapter of the Grand Lodge Order of Elks, Lodge No. 2139, for property described as Lots I, 3, and 4, Block 4, Lida Subdivision First Addition, Section I, Township 66 South, Range 32 East, Tallahassee Meridian, Key Vaca, Monroe County, Florida, Mile Marker 50; and WHEREAS, the proposed development involves the installation of a 8' X IS' walk-in cooler behind the existing building, an expansion of 120 sq. ft. of non-residential floor area; and WHEREAS, Policy lOl.3. 4 of the Year 2010 comprehensive plan, allows the Board of County Commissioners to exempt federally tax-exempt nonprofit organizations from the nonresidential permit allocation system after a finding by the Planning Commission that such activity will not adversely affect the hurricane evacuation objectives of the comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the Grand Lodge Order of Elks, Lodge No. 2139, has requested an exemption from the nonresidential permit allocation system; and WHEREAS, on June 6, 1996, the Planning Commission heard the request of the Grand Lodge Order of Elks, Lodge No. 2139, for an exemption and recommended approval of the request to the Board of County Commissioners based on the following findings of fact: 1. Based on the letters from J.A. Tedesco, we find that the Marathon Chapter of the Grand Lodge Order of Elks, Lodge No. 2139, is a subordinate of a federally tax-exempt, nonprofit organization; and 2. Based on the staff report, we find that the members who already live in the Keys have been counted in the original study of hurricane evacuation times; and " 3. Based on the staff report, we find that new members are hereby required to either live in a pre-owned home which has already been counted in the hurricane evacuation clearance time study or they must submit an application to build a new home under the permit allocation system, in which case they will be accounted for in the ROGO reserve clearance time allocations; and Therefore, we conclude that the application, as conditioned, will not adversely affect the hurricane evacuation objectives of the comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the Board of County considered the recommendation and Planning Commission and adopts the own; NOW THEREFORE, Commissioners has findings of fact of findings of fact as duly the its BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, that the preceding Findings of Fact support their decision to APPROVE the request filed by the Grand Lodge Order of Elks, Lodge No. 2139, a federally tax exempt institution, for exemption to the nonresidential permit allocation system. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board np1d on the 17th day of July, A.D., 1996. Mayor Freeman yes Mayor Pro Tern London yes Commissioner Douglass yes Commissioner Harvey yes Commissioner Reich yes _~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~~OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK By:!lcLJ..C. &J~ DEPUTY CLERK Resolution # BY