1st Amendment 12/17/2003 DANNY L. KOLHAGE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DATE: January 9, 2004 TO: Dent Pierce, Director Public Works Division ATTN: FROM: Beth Leto, Administrative Assistant Public Works Division Pamela G. Hanc",A-- Deputy Clerk V At the December 17, 2003, Board of County Commissioner's Meeting the Board granted approval and authorized execution of Contract Amendment No. 1 between Monroe County and Harvard Jolly Clees Toppe Architect, P.A. for Professional Services to redesign the Medical Examiner Facility to meet the wind load requirement of 150 mph as defined in the current Building Code. Enclosed is a copy of the above-mentioned for your handling. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. cc: County Administrator wlo document County Attorney Finance File ~ MONROE COUNTY ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CONTRACT AMENDMENT No.1 PROJECT TITLE: Medical Examiner's Facilitv CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO: Total Previous Amendments Original Contract Amount Revised Contract Amount 0.00 $135.000.00 (6.3/4% of $2,000,000.00) $164.691.00 Detailed description of Amendment and justification: Amend Contract with Harvard Jolly Clees Toppe Architects. P.A. for Professional Services to redesion the Medical Examiner's Facilitv to meet the wind load reouirements of 150 moh as defined in the current Buildino Code. The scooe of the reouired chanoes is included in the attached Drooosal. The cost associated with redesion ($29,691.00> is neolioible compared to the expected construction cost savinos estimated to be $160.000.00 to $200.000.00. gjqCIi!tEOT: ...J: u co:::' i~ LW x: :21-~ >=- ClC ex: --1 U ~ ~O~R~~ MANAGER: :z: >- xLLJ o ooa:: 2.: ..J 0 l.LJ ...., 2: c.' 0:: -J <I.: 2: 4CO~TY'ENciNEER: (;'oo..l 11 M(~ Date Da~~~ 12..11 'lIeu Den i,.cn, ./..~ Date f f tpt/f?:'~~; (2,/ZZ-/07 ACTIN~90UN fV ADI.lo:.11STRAluR JaI'J.!A"tt:~k)~, '~ ~" Iv 11./,,,'-,,. Date ; ;\~l) f:.: ~~ ", ~'(:..~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMlSS lONERS '0~;:' ~"\()~~. OF ~O OE CO,>>' FL~ID \.~ \\~"\~ Q~() / ., , . L (aERie COv 4. .~ AU. . t1~ # 0'(:.. , By 7' '''{., _ ~.~ ~o~~ 0 . :-...~'(:.. o~~ti;.~ Mayor /Chairman . ')'1'rWI?RK '2,'1.0 3 ~ . ~'\ ~'\'\ ~c~ ~ -ti:::> DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR CMD007-1I3/97 li.;I}. 'I;'.,.. .I.......'.'...:~ 1~'4 ,'. HARVARD JOLLY ClEES TO P P E ARCHITECTS, P.A A I A Board 01 Directors R. lohn Clees, AlA Jellrey E. Cobble. AlA WI1Uam B. Harvard. AlA Steven M. Hefser, AlA Blanchard E. Jolly, AlA James A. Shawhan. AlA Jonathan R Tappe. AlA 2714 Ninth 51. N. 5t Petersburg, Fl 33704 727/896 4611 AA C000119 April 30, 2003 CON~ONROE COUNTY CJlnU~GEMENr ~cJ'QM~~5 -2003 L~_G)__ ~.. Ms. Stephanie Coffer Director of Construction and Planning Monroe County 1100 Simonton Street Key West, Fl 33040 Re: Monroe County Medical Examiner's Facility Crawl Key, Florida HJCT Comm. No. 01160 Dear Ms. Coffer: This letter is in response to our telephone conversation regarding additional construction costs associated with increasing the 3-second wind gust pressure from the code required 150 mph to the requested 190 mph (see attached letter from Jorge Fernandez dated 4-24-03). Many components of the building will be affected by this increase. While the main cost escalation will be in the structure of the building, other affected components include roofing, sheathing, windows, doors, hardware, soffits, etc. Accordingly, we estimate an increase in construction cost from $160,000.00 to $200,000.00. It is our understanding that when the Florida Building Code took effect in early 2002, it superseded all other code and code modifications. Accordingly, you may want to verify if your previously adopted code modification ordinance is still in effect. We look forward to direction from your office concerning this issue, as it affects the design of many building components. Feel free to call with any questions you may have. Sincerely, " \ // .,Y/ . Cobble, AlA e Vice President o JOllY ClEES TOPPE ARCHITECTS, P.A., AlA xc: Yvette V. london - HJCT Jorge Fernandez - Cabana & Fernandez w:\01160\Coffer Itr07.doc FROM :Harvard JaIl,::! Clees TOPF FRX NO. :9544867825 tJ..,t r6.~' """""""'" ............u ....""...,..., r ) v..... Rpr. 28 2003 05:41PM P2 , ,rM~~ ~~ CF CABANA 'AND FERNANDEZ STAUCTURAL CONSULTANTS, P.A. ......--.. .. .. ~ r pq . r r C,A,432G April 24, 2003 Ms. Y\'et1e London, A.l.A. HARV ARD, JOLL V, CLBBS, TOPPE AACHlTECTS 2714911-1 STREBl' NORTH ST. PETE~SBURG. FL 3370.... RE : MONROE COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINER BLDO CF # : A0073.00 MONROE COUNlY CONSTRUcnON MANAGEMENT MAY 0 5 2003 ~ J liME: \\.~ Q \f\)~ '-"J r RB8!Dft Deltr Yvette: ThiS is 10 cover two cumnt issues: Requirements (tJr Slab Supporu~ Tho Geolechnical Repon tulleS tbat tbe '* or pUel has two P\JtpCJX5, provldjoa ra4latanc;e to wind upli1\ and OVcrturnUlS, and prtvent!n, the stlUCtwc from collapsing .s. resull 01 the fill wuhtng away during a udal surg<< event.. RccenU)' we .skod for an oplnton reprdia\S the use of pileI for Ihe bree2<<:way sltlb. The response from the OeolCCbnic:aJ Engineer seems to Impl)' that pll.. would Dol be roquirod in tbilllte8, Followltlll the previous roQOmmendatlool re,ardins the building. It appears thai the bn,e~y .lab is to be trtated tn the same category IU a sidewalk and lhal. therd'ore.lI i. conceivable thallt would be allow to perish ;n tha event or 8 tidal sUfge. We wlll follow this concept and not provide any piling Ul'lder th.h~ shtb. lfthl. I. not w1ult youlll1dlor the OwIler ~ant to hltve. please indicate 8b. ' Wind Design R.eq.ulreme.nls; J would like 10 again relate the history oftJQ. inue. Up through th. eftrly 10 middle 90's the US Weulher Service lXll1ected wind data using al)'Umt known 8lI1ho "fatAl mile wind speed". AU the codes or the time hAd their requlremeots ISnd equations set. to work with tha. data. 'I'hon It cbuse WI"I llIade to a new lY~lem refemtd Ie) as the "3~second gU5t velocity". Without.otng lnlo the complJcated t1l81&01U behind lhis ah..n.sc, we will say that lhe new velocftia were generally 10 rn1Jn per hout Casler lhan Ibloorrospondin8 values rOt tho same or similar locations. ASCB.7 adopted the now syslom in the 1995 edJtlon ofU\e code, tn doing~. lhe tables or coeffidentll for UIlCl in the calcufation formolu were .~Ulted doWD~. TbJs was done.., that the rcsl1lling pressures, olllcu1aled wiLh the nllW (higher) velociU... would produce comparable pressure& to tbOf;e obt.ined with ' Ihe J:ltf:vlou& versions of' the c:odc. Conseq~Il>'. tJlo PmlIC"t etlefftclcn. lIlble& and fonnuJas aftj tet to work with 1'3 second gust vGlocitiell", not With '.faslest mite velocltles", The duisn velocity for the cateSOfY 5 burriCMt e:ll:j)tclled in the Monroe County ordinances t. in tenn or"r~stesl milm" vclO(litiCS. This was ClUTCft, in wdw prior to 1995, bm it is no 10lller 10. Si~ tha prosoi1t day coefficient tableSllnd !onnulas no longer I"ClOor;l Lheso values. thalr 170 mpb ngUftl wol1ld bJlve lo be firSl ttMtUs\N 10 ita, ' oquh'alent In terms Qf" "'3-6eoond gull velocity", The Florida Bulldlng Code provides a table for convertinl between the two velocity sySlems. This table Indicales that. In aeneral, lhe two IiYstc~ ~r by Ule same 20 milClS per hour rnenuoncd ebc)ve. Howevt:t, allo llig.l1eat "fastest mile" velocity flpre in this table is IJO mph. which translateJ to . "3~ f'15t vClI~ty" of 150 mph. A mathematically COITClCllranslation of a "[&StOlt mite" ".Iocii)' of 170 mph 10 't].sec: IUSI" equlvlll~nt i. theretore nol polllible ulling the offic=iaJ fablo. [{we Wfll'l!l to use a .hnple e~pol.tfon (which fa not alwaYI mathematically correct), Ihe equivalent BlUr. would be 170 + ao .. J 90 tnph. As. we haw Prev10UJty stltlad, Ih" CllJ'ftnt Florida Code and ASeE.7 velocity requirement fot Monroe COUDt)I. in tllnna or J-second BUtt. velocity, ,s I ~o mph, This would. 'therefore, ~ an increllllO of 40 mph over wltat the eode tcquirCll. Although the Owner fw the riaht to deSign the building for whateverveJo<=ity he wishes, u long as it is higher than the code minimum, we would IlkI.' to warn )'ou o( the cost impact of such dociJion. which would be tara-. , 2701 N. HIMES AVENUE · SUm; 103 · TAMPA, F1.. 33807*2100 . PHONe (8'3) 878.'7739 . FAX (813) 878-61586 FROM :Harvard Joll'::l Clees Topp. ~. . . - - -___, ....'~ ,4W FAX NO. :9544867825 ) Apr. 28 2003 05:41PM P3 PAGE 83 April 24,200J Ms. Yvette London, A.I.A. MONROE COl1N1'Y MBDlCAL BXAM1'NER BLDO Pille 2 0(2 As a comment; for p'trpo... gf comparilOn. J would like lo mention that tbG FlOrida Code, in !.he cblllpter dedicated to special rcquire.ment9 for sohools, m:ol1Ubcndl (not a mandalory) thai all naw Enhanced Hunican. Shelters be desi,ned Cor It velocity 40 mpl\ higher man all other buUdinllln the zone, Por Monroe County lb.. would be I SO + 40 - )90 mph, whJch ;1;," m,ntioned a!Jew.. the rougheqwvaJenl of the 170 mph IlJU.rl in the old ordJnance. Before we 'commil to one design or the other, plaID review uu. mailer Ollal mofC! to lnake sura everyone unQenlarlds wlult we are doiftl. In order tl) keep the pace I Qeed an answer It Ute latcal by the middle Qr ae)(t wco.k. Sincerely .".".-""....'" I ~ma~.p.E CABANA AND FERNANDEZ STRU CONSULTANTS, P,A. CF