Resolution 323-1996 Mayor Shirley Freeman RESOLUTION NO. 323 -1996 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE MONROE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD IN THE SCHOOL BOARD'S ENDEAVOR TO LOCATE A NEW HIGH SCHOOL IN THE UPPER KEYS. WHEREAS, the Monroe County School Board has been engaged in a search for an appropriate parcel of land in the Upper Keys on which to construct a new high school; and WHEREAS, the School Board has identified the Calusa Campground as the potential site of the new school, and is currently involved in negotiations for the purchase of the property; and WHEREAS, the BOCC and the Fla. Dept. of Community Affairs, thro~h the cotnpre~nsive ~ '; ~ r:= land use planning process, are involved in reviewing site selection of the ri"eVi ~hool in theJJpper :-:;, ~ ;r ::J:=> '-' ~. ffi ,.. N C 0'\ -, Keys; NOW THEREFORE 27. -....~ -0 ./:!o. c-: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MQ~ROE CO~'HY, ~ORIDA that the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners recognizes the need for the construction of a new high school in the Upper Keys, and hereby directs staff to cooperate fully with the School Board to facilitate the acquisition and appropriate siting of a new high school in the Upper Keys. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 13 thday of Augus t , 1996. Mayor Freeman Mayor Pro T em London Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Douglass Commissioner Reich ~ ~ ~ yes yes (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK By ~~PM) Dep Clerk