Resolution 327-1996 RESOLUTION NO. 3'27 1996 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVING THE SET-ASIDE OF HOME AND/OR SHIP PROGRAM FUNDS IN COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS AS REQUIRED FOR MULTI-FAMILY RENTAL AND HOMEOWNERSillP PROJECTS/SITE SPECIFIC USE UNDER THE SPONSORSillP OF THE MONROE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY AND MONROE COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY. WHEREAS, The Monroe County Housing Authority Plan 2000 proposes a number of rental and homeownership Affordable Housing Initiatives, and WHEREAS, The Monroe County Housing Authority and Monroe County Housing Finance Authority in order to insure affordability will be required to act as a developer in order to implement a number of the Plan 2000 initiatives, and -7 . "iIQ ~ Z ;> r..,..... WHEREAS, there are presently no private sector ~1ies ~sent1iY '"^. ::c> '7' developing affordable housing in the County, and ' ", z c " .... --- LV ' z '~: WHEREAS, the development of Affordable Housing-<~ghtain~ert~ risks and a set-aside of Program Funds is necessary to insure 1ts Succea:s, antiS , 0'\ ,.- WHEREAS, the time frames required to meet StateIFederal Affordable Housing Application requirements seldom exceeds 60 days which precludes the ability to obtain County Commission and Land Authority approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County in support of Affordable Housing hereby approves the Set-aside of HOME and/or SillP Program Funds in compliance with State and Federal Regulations as required for Multi-Family Rental and Homeownership Projects/Site Specific Use under the sponsorship of The ...---".... Monroe County Housing Authority ~d Monroe County Housing Finance Authority . This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Commission, by the Presiding Officer and Clerk. PASSED AND ADO~TED b~J~~PaOfId ~fCoun?, Commissioners of Monroe County, Flonda at a n;}~' d~ ". meetmg of said Board held on the 16th of AugustA.D. 1996. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA f'~- ~t,"'M.4....v BY: oJ j Y./L Mayor/Cha' Mayor Freeman Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Douglass Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Reich yes y~s yes yes yes ~..,~~.."b.(\ · Danny Ko age, rk hi' Court - ResohltiOB HomeISbip I "