Resolution 559-2003 RESOLUTION NO. 559 - 2003 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVING THE UTILIZATION OF THE PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA TO EVALUATE AND RANK PROJECTS FOR FEDERAL TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT FUNDS AS CREATED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Monroe County is a member of the Florida Department of Transportation Technical Advisory Committee for the Florida Keys (DOT TACK); and WHEREAS, the FDOT TACK, consisting of all local jurisdictions in Monroe County, has created Procedures and Criteria to evaluate and rank projects for Federal Transportation Enhancement funding; and WHEREAS, Federal Transportation Enhancement funds may be used for improvements to facilities for pedestrians and bicycles, safety or education activities for pedestrians and bicyclists, acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic sites, scenic or historic highway programs (including the provision of tourist and welcome/entrance facilities), landscaping and other scenic beautification, historic preservation, the rehabilitation of historic transportation buildings, structures, or facilities, including historic railroad facilities and canals, preservation of abandoned railway corridors, control and removal of outdoor advertising, archaeological planning and research, environmental mitigation to address water pollution due to highway runoff, or the establishment of transportation museums; and WHEREAS, any recognized government agency, non-profit agency or interest group is eligible to apply for Federal Transportation Enhancement funds; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commission (BOCC) must approve the recommended project ranking list as submitted by the FDOT TACK prior to submission to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT); and WHEREAS, FDOT has requested all jurisdictions in Monroe County to review and support the Procedures and Criteria to evaluate and rank projects for Federal Transportation Enhancement funding; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the County concurs with the Procedures and Criteria established by the FDOT - TACK to evaluate and rank projects for Federal Transportation Enhancement funding. RESOLUTION APPROVING PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA TO EV ALUA TE AND RANK PROJECTS FOR FEDERAL TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT FUNDING PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of December, 2003. Mayor Murray E. Nelson Mayor Pro Tem David P. Rice Commissioner Dixie Spehar Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy yes yes yes yeR yes B~~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By .i))# >n ~ Mayor/Chairperson (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L.KOLHAGE, Clerk ,...." :! <= ." 0 c::> 7 l> .1..- r- 3'?~ <.... rrt :x- C ,..,~-< :z "'T'! ("')" r- a o ('") . +:'" c::;o;:<; ::0 z~ 0 :;r... :zJ -l CJ r-.- _''!O'' :< ~-I:::: ~ ,-1'1 r.:-. \.D ,~) ..., t- .. .. .~ ......- c.:> .'.,j ~. 'J1 JOHN R. COLLINS COUNTY ATTORNEY Date 12..' 02...1 ,,~ PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA TO EVALUATE AND RANK PROJECTS FOR FEDERAL TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT FUNDING Florida Department of Transportation Technical Advisory Committee for the Florida Keys (DOT TACK) Mission DOT TACK will provide guidance and recommendations through coordination of issues and projects to provide a safe transportation system that ensures the mobility of and accessibility to people and goods, enhances economic prosperity and preserves the quality of our environment and communities. Jurisdictions within the Florida Keys have formed the Florida Department of Transportation Technical Advisory Committee for the Florida Keys (DOT TACK), which is a regional team joined together to provide for better coordination with the Florida Department of Transportation, and for cooperation and information sharing among the jurisdictions in the Florida Keys as stated in its mission. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) provides a list of the projects and budget for a five-year period and in its Five Year Work Program. The first opportunity to request funding for a project generally comes in the new fifth year of the work program. The FDOT provides funding for Transportation Enhancement through Federal Transportation Enhancement Funds. These funds are allocated to the FDOT for projects on an approved County project ranking list. lof5 Procedures and Criteria for Federal Transportation Enhancement Funds General Process The DOT TACK, consisting of local jurisdictions in Monroe County, has created the following project criteria score sheet and procedure to establish a process of evaluating and ranking projects specifically for Federal Transportation Enhancement funds. The DOT TACK recommended project ranking will be forwarded to the Monroe County BicycleIPedestrian Coordinator for placement on a Monroe County Board of County Commission (BOCC) meeting agenda. The BOCC may modify and should approve a project ranking list for submittal to the FDOT. Applicant Eligibility Please refer to FDOT website for the applicant eligibility guidelines. Any recognized government agency, non-profit agency or interest group can be an eligible applicant. An Applicant must have a Local Agency Program (L.A.P.) Certification approved by the Florida Department of Transportation or have a L.A.P. certified sponsor in order to be eligible for these funds. L.A.P. certification may be demonstrated by a L.A.P. Agreement with the FDOT. A project sponsor must be a recognized government entity and must enter into a maintenance agreement with the FDOT. Project Eligibility Please refer to FDOT website for the project eligibility guidelines. Eligible projects that may be funded include 1) facilities for pedestrians and bicycles, 2) safety or education activities for pedestrians and bicyclists, 3) acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic sites, 4) scenic or historic highway programs 20f5 (including the provision of tourist and welcome/entrance facilities), 5) landscaping and other scenic beautification, 6) historic preservation, 7) the rehabilitation of historic transportation buildings, structures, or facilities, including historic railroad facilities and canals, 8) preservation of abandoned railway corridors, 9) control and removal of outdoor advertising, 10) archaeological planning and research, 11) environmental mitigation to address water pollution due to highway runoff, or 12) the establishment of transportation museums. All projects must have a correlation with surface transportation. Procedures The application, instructions and all other information is available on-line at www.dot.state.fl.us/proceduraldocuments/procedures/ 525030300 .html. An Applicant must submit their application for preliminary reView to Susie Ladouceur, phone: (305) 377-5894 or Karen McGuire, phone: (305) 377-5895 both at the FDOT District Six Planning Office. Once deemed eligible by FDOT the applicant will forward the application to the DOT TACK for review and ranking on the following Project Criteria Score Sheet. The DOT TACK will submit a recommended project ranking list to the Monroe County Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator for placement on a Monroe County Board of County Commission (BOCC) meeting agenda. The BOCC may modify and should approve a project ranking list for submittal to the FDOT by September 30. The following schedule will be used for submission of applications. 3of5 2004 Deadlines January 15 February 6 March 1 April 15 May 14 By 5:00 pm June 1 - 15 July 1-15 August 30 September 30 Activity Get applications from FDOT workshop or website / DOT TACK sets enhancement program schedule for year Workshop - Call for Applications Submit applications to FDOT District Six Planning Office for pre-application eligibility review (1 copy) FOOT District Six Planning Office provides response to Applicants Applicant deadline to submit grant applications to DOT TACK Chair (1 original and 10 copies) who forwards applications to members for individual review DOT TACK meets to review applications as committee DOT TACK meet to finalize ranking list and recommendation to Monroe County. The DOT TACK Chair will submit the project ranking list to Monroe County. Monroe County Bicyc1e/Pedestrian Coordinator will submit recommendation to the BOCC BOCC will review and forward final approved ranking list to the FDOT before September 30 4of5 Florida Department of Transportation Technical Advisory Committee for the Florida Keys Federal Transportation Enhancement Funds Proiect Criteria Score Sheet Agency: Project Name: Project Description: Estimated Project Cost: Project Evaluator: Potential Point Points Evaluation Criteria Score 10 Projects that provide greater access or linkages throughout the region or county (multi-jurisdictional) 15 Projects that improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities 15 Projects that have significant impact on safety concerns 15 Projects that further a Comprehensive Plan, Local Mitigation Strategy, local Capital Improvement Program or the Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail Master Plan 10 Projects hat provide environmental mitigation to address water pollution due to highway runoff 5 Projects with completed Engineering and Construction Design documents (Project is ready for construction however lack of funding would prohibit completion of project) 5 Projects that provide historical preservation of a transportation facility 5 Projects that tie into or provide a Trailhead 5 Projects that provide evidence of community support including letters and resolutions 10 Projects that provide landscaping and scenic beautification 5 Projects that provide a local match, including other grant funds 100 Total Points Assigned to Pro.lect 50f5