Resolution 348-1996 OMS Schedule Item Number I) WHERE,\S, It I' o,m'"'" "" th' "wd "f Couoty emnml"lo"," of Moo"" Couoty. F1o,lda. to make ,,,,dg,ted um"f'" 10 the Mo>"o' C ouoty Budg,t Ib, th' ""a' y,,, ,9')6. th,<<fo<<. .\ RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS Resolution No. 348 _ \ 996 "E IT RESOLVED RY THE ROARO Of COllNTY COMMISSIONERS Of MONROE COIIN'IS. FLORIDA. thot thee' ,hall h, tnm,fm of .,Muo" p,"iou,'y "t up iu th' Mo""" Couoty Budg" 1m th' ll<eal y", , >)06 ,,,. ,,,,,;.,,,Il" "t forth to ood ftOm th' followiog ",ouot" From: Fund No.: 00\ Fund Name: General Revenue Account Number 00\_080000-5\2-990 Acct. Description: Contingency For the Amount: $780.00 :z To: Fund No.: 001 Fund Name: General Revenue Account Number 001_080100-513-120 Acct. Description: Salaries c :z: ..-' ;::::; ("_:r ~~:r ':;J:: -, , , ,',om' fuod No.' 001 fuud Nam" G,o,,,d R<v'ou' ~.- ""ouot N umh" 00 I _0800.0-5\2-.9. ,\<Ct. O,,,,iptioo, Cootin.'~Y " For the Amount: $59.67 -.;:' To: Fund No.: 001 Fund Name: General Revenue Account Number 001_080100-513-210 Acct. Description: Fica ;~ From: Fund No.: 001 Fund Name: General Revenue Account Number 001_080000-512-990 Acct. Description: Contingency For the Amount: $135.95 To: Fund No.: 001 Fund Name: General Revenue Account Number 001_080100-513-220 Acct. Description: Retirement BE IT fliRT" E R RESOLVED BV SAID BOA RD. that the C",k of ,aid Bo..d. upoo ,,,dpt of th' above. I' ,,,,,by autho,lz,d aod d I"",d to make th' o"","ty ,h""g" of "Id item'. '" "t forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by th' Bo"d of Couoty Commi"ioO'" of Moo'''' Couoty. F1odda. ot a "gu'" meeting of said Board held on the 19th day of September AD 1996, Mayor Freeman yeS Mayor proTem LondonyeS commissioner Douglass 3.es - commissioner Harvey ab s en t_ commissioner Reich yes (Seal) ,"'.ttest: DANNY L, KOLHAGE. Clerk S>..W-c. ~jJ~ \\:r-.;tllH1i.:\ 'l, ~ 2\) 1J!1l)' -:';.1. .\:.\