Resolution 350-1996 Resolution No. 350 -Il)()(, ,\ IU:SOLlTION ,\l\IENDING RESOLlJTION 'ilI:\IBER 27-t-ll)<)(, (HIli Sd'l'dnll' Item 'umher II \VII ERL\S. it is the desire of the Commission to recti!\' Iw amendment such errors, now thcreforc. WIIEREAS, Resolution Number 274.1')')(, heretofore enacted It)f the rurrose of receiving lJna11liclrated Funds. contains erroneous int(Hmal1on and n\\\'. therefore. liE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF COlJ:-<TY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COl ':-<TY. FLORID,\.that the !<lllowing item III I{csll!U110n Number 27-1- 1')')(, I~e"euue: 404-14 1901-".1 1-400-0} 70') Fl\A-AIP09-K~y \Vest TCl1Illlinal - NL'\\ !\1cchanical13uilding: Total Revenues Apnronriations: 404-141 <)0}-541-110-1B 709 404-24 I ,)0}-541-1 I 0-03709 404-141 'iO}-541-} 1 0-03 70<) 404-14 I 90}-541-}40-03 709 404-141 <)0}-541-400,03 709 404-141 <)()}-541.490-0} 70<) 404-141 'i0},541-4<)8-0} 70<) 404-14 I 90}-541-510,O} 709 404-14190}-541-('40-0} 709 Salaries Fica Prolessional Serviccs (A&E) Contmctual Services (Construction) Travel Misc. Expense Advertising Operating Snpplies Capital Eqnipmcnt Totnl Appropriations IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: Revenue: 404-141 <)0},38 1-304-03709 FAA-AIPO<)-Key West Tell1minal - New Mechanical Bnilding Total Revenues Annroori<1tions: 404-141903-541,110-0}70<) 404-14190}-541-11 O-O} 709 404-141 <)0}-541,}I 0-03 709 404-14190}.541-}40-0}70<} 404-141 <)0}-541-400.0} 70<) 404-141 <)0}-541-490-0} 70<) 404-14190l-541-498-0}709 404,141 <)0}-541-510-0} 709 404-14190}-541-640-0}709 S..laries Fica Pro!essional Services (A&E) COlltractunl Services (Construction) Travel Misc. Expense Advertising Operating Snpplies CapitOl! Equipment Total Approprintions \.,.111111.1111 \.'.11011.1111 \lPll.50 \ ~2().50 -..., \ ()~ ~ \ G:) , O:z .- r~ \ O::::::J :r CJ \ 00 c-:' :r 0 ,.."-. \ 11"1 :;:J:: -. CJ ."r" --I \ II Cj C \ 11 -' I " - ex:> :z ,-"" -~. \}.OOO,1I0 -0 ,..,- ~ ~ ""'="'== N (--; i..il c=. W S},1I00,OO S}.OllllOO Sl,770511 1; 21C).50 \ 11 S 11 S 11 S 11 S 11 S 11 S 11 S},1I00.01l BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD. that the Clerk of said Board, upon receirt of the above. is herebv authorized and directed to make the necessal'\ changes. as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County CommiSSioners of Monroe COllntv, Florida. at a regular meetll1g of said Board held 011 the I <)th cia' of September AD 1996 yes Mayor Freeman Mayor ProTem London yes Commissioner DOllgla~ Commissioner Harvey t Commissioner Reich .. .... S"'~1 (Seal) Attest DANNY L KOLlIAGE. Clerk ~..I--.l~. ~J~ , ^mcnd Mechanical Building 28/29/969:49 ^M APl"Il.veo AS TO FO:~/ ~ AND L L SUFFlc;</~ BY NN~AAUTTON ~ I~ 9/1 I DATE