Resolution 355-1996 OMB Schcdulc Itcm \'umhcr 16 Rcsolution No. 355 -19% .\ RESOLlTION CO\'CER:'tIING TilE TRANSFER OF FlI\'DS WI I ERE,\S, it is necessary Illr the Hoard of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida. to make hudgeted translCrs in the Monroe County Budget tilr the Fiscal Year 1996_ there!ilre. BE IT RESOLVED BY TilE BOARD OF COF\'TY CO~I"ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORII>,\, that there shall be transJCrs of amounts previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 1996 as, hereinalier set lill-th to and fi'om the (1)lIowing accounts: From: Fund i\'o.:304 Fund :\'amc: Onc Ccnt Infrastl'Ucturc ,\ccount Numhcl' 304-400101-510-(,20 Acct, Dcscription: Captial Outlay Buildings _ :\'ew .Iudicial Complcx Fill' thc Amount: $220,000,00 To: Fund No,: 304 Fund Nllmc: Onc Ccnt InfrastructUl'c Account Numhcl' 304-920000-584-990 Acct. Dcscl'iption: Contingcncy Fnllll: Fund No,:304 Fund :'-Iamc: Onc Ccnt Infl'llstructurc Account Numhcl' 304-400501-522-620 Acct, Description: Captial Outlay Buildings _ Kcy Largo Firc Station FOI' thc Amount: $196,000,00 'I'll: Fund No,: 304 Fund Namc: Onc Cent Infrastructul'e Account Numbcr 304-920000-584-990 Acct. Dcsc.-iption: Contingcncy c z- ?J '-.', z_ ~.:..-. ~ :!: :;I: Fnllll: Fund No,:304 Fund Name: One Ccnt Infl'llstl'Uctul'e .:;:; .... . cb Account Numbcr 304-400802-523-620 Acct, Description: Captial Outlay Building~Stock Island ShCJ'iff . -0 FOI' thc Amount: $100,000,00 ........., N CJ ~ r~ c c . ' ',,, To: Fund \'0,: 304 Fund Name: Onc Cent Infl'astl'ucture Account Numhcl' 304-920000-584-990 Acct, I)cscription: Contingcncy' i.i1 ~ c-: C From: Fund No.:304 Fund Name: One Cent Infrastl'ucture Account Numbel' 304-920000-584-990 Acct, I)csc.-iption: Contingcncy For the Amount: $500.000,00 To: Fund No.: 304 Fund Namc: One Ccnt Infrastructul'c Account Numhcl' 304-400400-510-(,20 Acct. Dcscription: Captial Outlay Buildings _ Tl'Umllll Scholll BE IT FlJRTIIER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board. upon receipt of the above. is hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes of said items, as set forth above, PASSEl) ANI) AI)OI'TEI) by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Hoard held on the 19th day of September AD 1996, Mayor Freeman ye s Mayor ProTem London yes Commissioner Douglass ye s Commissioner Harvey a b lil en t Commissioner Reich yes (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLlIAGE, Clerk A-.i~". ~~ .. ('(lllstructlon \l,lIl<l!!t'Illt'llt ~ ~/2()/(J(lX.-17 :\\1