Resolution 380-1996 RESOLUTION NO. 3~O -1996 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMSSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 364- 1992 AND ANY OTHER PREVIOUS FEE SCHEDULES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH, AND AMENDING THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT FEE SCHEDULE TO INCLUDE AN APPLICATION FEE FOR VARIANCES TO THE SIGN ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners wishes to provide the citizens of the County with the best possible service in the most cost effective manner; and WHEREAS, the existing fee schedule, as passed by Resolution No. 364-1992, p:ovide~ a single fee for all variances but does not provide an application fee !ec~~c to~ SIgn varIances; ;:t; :;. C ~=: .:i E5 n: A -,. --I C") WHEREAS, as indicated in Attachment 1, the Director of Growth M~aglm1ent:: has demonstrated that the cost of processing an application for variance to the~igri: -0 ,e,'. ~ ordinance is approximately $500; and 0 - (Xl WHEREAS, we concur with the conclusions and findings of the Director of Growth Management and adopt them as our own; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that The fee schedule established by Resolution No. 364-1992 is hereby amended to include the following: Sign Variance $500 The new fee shall become effective immediately upon passage of this resolution. ,., fT) o . -r~ c ~ ........ :~c r'-~ c: C) ?J PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE BOARD, OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of the Board held on the th 19 day of September, 1996 Mayor Freeman Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Douglas Commissioner Reich ~ yes absent yes yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bycr~-F~ Mayor/C rman ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK By:Uo.L,_LL C. DuAcwtt~ Deputy Clerk ' BY I ' ATTACHMENT 1, ASSESSMENT OF COST FOR VARIANCE TO SIGN REGULATIONS Prepared By David Quigley, Senior Planner, July 16, 1996 ADVERTISING COSTS (1) Total Ad, Cost Avg. Cost Per Date # of Items ($) Item Mar. 07 5 170.10 34.02 Mar. 21 4 728.64 182.16 Apr. 03 5 1146.41 229.28 Apr. 18 7 771.53 110.22 May 02 5 204.12 40.82 May 15 10 495.40 49.54 Total 36 3516,201 $97.671 Average 6 STAFF COSTS Staff Req, Planner Devt Rev, Coord, PC Coordinator Attorney P/Comm. (2) Total Staff Time Total Advertis'ing Time (Hrs.) 10 Rate ($) Ins" FICA, etc. 12 44% Total 172.80 2 2 1 11 44% 15 44% 30 44% 31.68 43.20 43,20 100,00 390,88 97,67 Total Estimated Cost For Sign Variance $488.551 Notes: (1) Since items are not advertised individually, an average per agenda item is calculated. (2) The average cost per agenda item is based on yearly salary divided by average number of agenda items (6). VARIANCE.XLS