Resolution 385-1996 County Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 385 -1996 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, EVIDENCING THE BOARD'S APPROVAL ON MAY 9, 1996, OF THE ORDERS OF DETERMINATION OF VESTED RIGHTS PROMULGATED BY THE VESTED RIGHTS HEARING OFFICER PURSUANT TO THE VESTED RIGHTS HEARING HELD ON APRIL 18, 1996, FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS APPROVED UNDER THE ROGO SYSTEM BY THE MONROE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION ON FEBRUARY 8,1996. WHEREAS, on January 4,1996, the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan became effective; and WHEREAS, development applications "in the pipeline" as of January 4, 1996 are subject to a determination of vested rights pursuant to Policy 101.18.1 of the Plan; and WHEREAS, a hearing for determination of vested rights was held before the County's Vested Rights Hearing Officer, Mr. Randy Sadtler, Esq., on April 18, 1996; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the hearing held on April 18, 1996, the hearing officer promulgated Orders for Determination of Vested Rights granting vested rights to 68 applications for dwelling units throughout Monroe County as approved by the Monroe County Planning Commission on February 8, 1996, pursuant to the Monroe County Dwelling Unit Allocation System ("ROGO"); and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners approved the recommendations of the Vested Rights Hearing Officer for these ROGO applicants at a Special Meeting on May 9, 1996; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~F MON~E CeUNTY, z .;-> :-r ~ri?: C '-'-',r-o-._.'" 0 C":) --I J~ .-c FLORIDA that - c, ~" 0 A... C Z .-'~ ~V -0 1"'...,......, -< - C'~ C - :::D :-.,.. ....... r~-'l Section 1. The Board hereby adopts this Resolution as evidence of its approval on May 9, 1996, by a unanimous vote of 5-0, of the Orders of the Vested Rights Hearing Officer, promulgated pursuant to a Vested Rights Hearing held on April 18, 1996 for the application submitted by the Monroe County Planning Department on behalf of sixty-eight ROGO applicants, enumerated in Attachment A hereto, approved by the Monroe County Planning Commission on February 8, 1996 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 19thday of September ,1996. Mayor Freeman Mayor Pro T em London Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Douglass Commissioner Reich yes yes absent - ~ ~ B~e.~~ Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By~a-f~ Mayor/C Irman ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK Pklmbing, Assistant ROGO R___od by PIlln. Eloctricol - BIdg AppIabon Key SubdlVillOfl La< BIod< RE' Rank Permit tJ Nome HRS BIdg Depl Biok>gi'\t Examim{ , Inspedor ,.Jnspoc1or Planning Official Ooto MARKET RATE DWELLING UNITS 1 95.'-1818 Geotae, Philip 19-Dec.95 2C>-Dee-95 21-Dec-95 21-0ec-95 03.J.n-96 28-Dec-95 IO-Jan-96 10-J8n-96 1 D-Jan-96 Big Pine Port PWle HelQhts 8 4~ 002i0437c-..O, 2 95-'-1791 Rut!. Wim & Judy 30-Nov-95 12-0ec-95 18,Dee-95 19-Dee,95 20- D~-95 19-Dec-95 O<4-J.n-96 04-J8n-96 04-Jan-96 Cud". Cud}08 Gardens 8 13 00174420-G 3 95-1-1122 s.ael. GecM'ala 27.Nov-95 01-Dec-95 08-[)oc-95 ,3--Oec-liIS 18.Dec-9S 18-[)OC-~5 21 -Dee-iS 08-Jen-96 08-JIlfl-~ Suaenosf Metes & Bounds 001194)O-O{ 4 95-1-17"5 Fr....., PhiOO A.. 12-Dec-95 13--0ec-95 18-Doc-~5 1 ~Dee-95 20-0ec-95 2O-()ec.515 04-Jon-96 OS-Jan-96 Oa-Jan.!)6 Su No_ SUl'l8r1011f Acres Metes & Bounds 00117-490-(1<- 5 95-'-1734 Nldrew, Joe 27-Nov-95 04-Dee-95 08-[)oc-~5 '.-0ec.95 15.Qec-95 '8-Dec-~5 29-[)oc-95 29.Dee-~5 29-[)oc-95 Ramrod Breeze'wept Beach eltat.. 5& 1/201 2 002OO96O-<JC 6 95-1-1723 ASbfecht. Robert 26-Nov-95 01-Dec-95 08-Dee-95 IS-Dee-95 18-0ec.95 18-Dec-95 03-J.n-96 03-J8n-96 04-Jan-96 Cud". Cutthr~l Harbor Estates 28 22 oo181530-OC 7 95-,.1125 Albrecht Robert 28-NO'J-95 o '-Oec.95 06-Dec-95 15-Dec.95 08.Dee-95 07.Dec-95 03-Jan-96 03-Jan-96 O4-Jan.96 Cud". Cutthroat HarbOr Estates 10 26 00182350.0; 8 95-1.172-4 Albrecht Robert 28-No\l-95 01-Dec-95 06-0ee.95 15-Dec-95 03-Dee-9S 07-0ec-9S 02-Jan-96 03-Jan.96 {).4-Jan-96 CudJOO Cutthroat Harbor Estates 27 22 00181530-0': 9 95-1-1726 AlbreCht, Robert 28-Noy-9S 01-Dec-95 06-Doc-95 15-0&<:-95 08-Dec-95 07-Dec-95 03-J8O-96 03-Jan.i6 04-Jan-96 Cudioe Cutthroat Harbor Estates 11 26 001B236D-OC 10 95-1-1383 PIke Peter & Cllrtl., 10nv 21-Sep-95 22-Sep...95 Q-4-Oct-95 O-4-Oct.95 05-Oct-95 05--Od-95 11-Oct.95 11-0ct-95 08-J8n-96 Cud". Cutthroat Harbor Estates 17 25 0018222D-OC 11 95-1-1735 Resclono. 00nII1d & Susan 27-Nov-95 0-4.0ec-95 08.0ec-95 12.Dec-95 13-Oec-95 14-Dec-95 29-Dee-95 29-Qec-95 06.J8n-96 Ramrod Breezeswept Beach Estates 25 & 112 of 2 00201160-0'. '2 95-1-1711 L~noer: James 28-Noll-95 29-Noll-95 JO-Nov-95 01-Dec-95 08-0ee-95 1-4-Qee.95 09.Jan-96 09-Jan-96 Q9-Jan-96 Summer1and Summenand Cove IsleS 36 , 00198931-0'. 13 95.1.1757 SparhnolNefthols, Geo & Lucv 28-Sep-9S 06-Dec-95 08-Dee-95 20-0ee-9S 13-0&<:-95 1-4-0ec.95 1o-Jan-96 10-Jan-96 10-Jan.96 Cud,oe Cutthroat Harbor Estates '9 19 OO180310-0C 14 95.1-1819 Tumer. Robert & GeneVle"e 0-4-0&<:-95 20-Qec-S5 21-0ec-95 22-Dec-95 27-0ec-95 27 -Dee-95 10-Jan-96 10-Jan-96 11-Jan-96 SuaaMoaf Indian Mound Estates 31 & 32 7 00170Q7IJ..OC '5 96.1-0001 Scharf. Wilham 28-0ec-95 29-Dec-95 02-Jan-96 02-Jan.96 03.Jan-96 03-Jan-96 12.Jan.96 12.Jao.-96 12-Jan-96 Bia Pine Eden Pines Colon 13 13 25 00271850-0C '6 96-1-001-4 Renier, Chartes & Leah 21-Nov-95 02.Jan-96 O4-Jan-96 05--Jan-96 OS-Jan-96 05-Jan.96 12-Jan-96 12-Jan-96 12-Jan-96 Slock Stuart SubdiviSkln A-26 Ni 00132333-1[, 17 95-1-1612 Krause, Gerald 03-No,,-95 O&-No,,-95 13-Nov-95 15-Nov.95 20-Nov.95 16-No".95 1S-Dec-95 15-0ec-95 05--0ec-95 Cud". CudJOe Gan:Sens 8th Add 6 22 0017-46J5-0( '8 95-1-1391 V.meur 0 12-Sep-S5 27 -Sep-S5 29-Sep-95 04-0ct-95 03-Cct-95 03-Oct-95 '2.Qct-95 12.Qct-95 05-Dee-95 Cud"", Cutthroat Harbor Estates" 15 11 0018547Q....OC '9 9S-1-13S2 'Ja:":'l8ur DouQ 12-Sep-S5 27.Sep-S5 29-Sep-95 04-Qct-95 03-Qct-95 03-0ct-95 12-Qct-95 12-Qd-S5 05-Dee-95 CudJ08 Cutthroat Harbor Estates" 12 9 0018S140..QC 20 95-1-1615 SaMJr Mgt _ Co 06.No\l-95 09-N:)y-S5 14-No,,-9S 29-No".9S 20-Noy.95 20-Nov-95 04-0ec-95 Q4-Qct-95 0S-Dee-S5 Cud"", Cutthroat HarbOr Estates 1 5t Add 13 10 00185290-0~ 21 S5--1-16H3 $.aaer MgL Co 07-Nov-95 09.No".S5 14-Noll-95 29-Nov.S5 20-No..-95 20-Nov-95 Q4-Dec-95 04-0ec-95 05-Dec-95 CUdJOe Cutthroat Harbor Estates 1 st Add '2 10 00185280-0~ 22 95-'\-1669 Pl8rce Robert 15-Nov-95 20-Nov-95 21-Nav-95 29--Nov-95 28-No...95 29-Noy-95 08-Dec-95 08-0ec-95 , 1-Qec-95 Suaaneaf Sugar10af Shores '3 Ni 0016332D-G: 23 95-1-1718 BundshuhlPope. Rob!. & Johl' 28-No,,-95 01-Dec-95 Q4-0ec-S5 0S-Dee-95 06-Dee-95 07-0ec-95 27,Dee-95 27.0ec-95 27 -Oec-95 Ramrod Rlimroct ShOres 3rd Addn 30 Ni 00209971-0C AFFORDABLE O~LLlNG UNITS 1 95--1-1799 NiekenkfThompson. G & W 1 1.Qct-95 14-Dec.95 19-0ec-95 21-Dee-95 22-Dee-95 27 -Dee-95 08-Jan-96 08-Jan-96 10-Jan-96 Cud"", CutthrOat Harbor Estates 5 22 00181300-00: 2 95--1-17-46 Barnett. Jerry & Susan 29-Nov-S5 05-Dee-9S 07-Dec-9S 11-Dec-95 OS-Jan-96 11-Dec-05 10-Jan-96 1 Q.Jan-96 1o..Jan-96 Big PUle Eden Pines Colony 304&1/2 33 3 00265370-00 3 S5-1-1273 Gner. Nelson 01-Sep..S5 07.Sep-95 2S-Sep.95 19-5ep-95 19-5ep..S5 19-5ep-95 29-Sep.95 11-Oct.95 13-Dec-95 Summerland Summenand Estates 31B 0020070Q..0C '~ 4 95-1~1272 Goer, Nelson 31-Aug-S5 07-Sep-55 28-Sep-95 19-5ep-95 1S.$ep-95 19-5ep...95 28-Sep-95 03-Qct-95 OS-Jan--86 Summer1and Summenand Estates 31A OD2OG7OQ-or 5 9S-1_1271 Goer Nelson 31-Aug-95 07-Se:;:-95 28-Sep..95 19-5ep...95 '9.Sep-S5 19-5ep-S5 29-$ep-95 03-0ct-95 05-Jan-96 Summer1and $ummenand Estates 31B 002OC~OO..{Y 6 95.1-1274 Gner Nelson 31-/o,llg-95 O?-Seo-95 29-Sep..95 19..Sep...95 19-5ep.95 19-5ep.95 29--Sep.95 12-Qct-9S OS-Jan-96 Summet1and $ummertand Estates 31B 002oo700-!}--: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT ALLOCATION APPLICATION FOR VESTED RIGHT::' LOWER KEYS _ 2ND QUARTER, YEAR 4, ALLOCATION. OCTOBER 14,1995 TO JANUARY 13, 1996 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT'ALLOCATION APPLICATION FOR VESTED RIGHTS MIDDLE KEYS. 2ND QUARTER, YEAR 4 ALLOCATION - OCTOBER 14, 1995 TO JANUARY 13,1996 Permit # Name HRS ReoelVed by Bldg. Dept Biologist Plan. Examiner Electrical Inspector Plumbing , Mechanical Inspector Planning Assistant BIdg, Official ROGO Application Date Key Subdivision Lot Block RE' 95-2-1333 Brandon. Rbl. & Dorothv 21-Nov-95 04-Dec-95 29-Dec-95 14-Dec-95 14-0ec-95 18-00c-95 04-Jan-96 04-Jao..96 04-Jan-96 Vaca Vemce 22 300332'90-0C 95-2-1364 etulBertram ! Oll-Dec-9 08-Dec-95 13-Dee-95 15-Dee-95 18-Dec-95 18-Dec-95 04-Jan-96 04-Jan-96 04-Jan-96 Boot Walonss " B 10035300().O( 95-2-1316 Baker, Roy 21-Nov-95 3()'Nov-95 29-00c-95 06-Dee-95 22-Dec-95 07-Dee-95 04-Jan-96 08-Jan-96 1 ()'Jao..96 Vaca Pariso Estates , 3 00343200-0(; 95-2-1222 Gradv, Robert 11-Oct-95 07-Nov-95 16-Nov-95 17 -Nov-95 2()'Nov-95 2()'Nov-95 27 -Ooc-95 27 -Dec-95 28-Dec-95 Duck Plantation Island 11 5 oo38351Q.OC 95-2-1373 Chn.!ensen, W & S 12-00c-95 12-Dec-95 14-00c-95 15-Dee-95 18-00c-95 1 B-Dee-95 08-Jao..96 08-Jan-96 08-Jan-96 V.ca Stirrup Key 99& 100 NIA 00333641-0' 95-2- 1370 Carney, Charles & Nancv 08-Dee-95 11 -00c-95 14-00c-95 04-Jan-96 18-Dec-95 05-Jan-96 09-Jao..96 09-Jan-96 1o-Jan-96 Fat Deer Coco Plum Beach 24 11 00364 73Q.OC 95-2- 1342 Vassilakapoulos. Olmitnou$ 21-Nov-95 05-00c-95 18-Dec-95 13-Dee-95 14-0ec-95 18-Dee-95 02-Jan-96 02-Jan-96 12-Jan-96 Vaca Imber 9 NIA oo347400-0C 95-2-1393 Elsen, Jeff Oll-Ooc-95 18-Dec-95 08-Jan-96 D8.Jan-96 03-Jao..96 27-0ec-95 09-Jan-96 O9-Jan-96 1()'Jan-96 Boot Sombrero Properties 31 NJA 0035537Q.OC 95-2-1423 Kellner, DenOlS 01-Nov-95 27-Dec-95 11-Jan-96 D5-Jan-96 05-Jao..96 05-Jan-96 12-Jan-96 12-Jao..96 12-Jan-96 Grassv Sunset Bav 14 2 oo360530-0( 95-2-1124 Richarda, Tom 12.od-95 13-0d-95 D6-Nov-95 2Q.Ocl-95 27.oct-95 27-Oct-95 07 -Dec-95 07 -Oec-95 08-00c-95 Vaca Meto. & Bounds 9 & 10 N/A OO1012DD-OC 92-2-3623 Faaa. Jeanne O4-Oct-95 18-00c-95 12-Jan-96 D9-Dec-92 22-Jun-93 21-Jun-93 1 1-Jan-96 12-Jan-96 12-Jan-96 Fat Deer Coco Plum Beach 30.31,32 21 OO36639Q.OC 92-2-3619 Faga, Jeanne 04.od-95 18-Dee-95 12-Jao..96 09-Dee-92 22-Jun-93 21-Jun-93 l1-Jan-96 12-Jan-96 12-Jan-96 Fat Deer Coco Plum Beach 271/2,28& 21 OO366360-0C 92-2-3618 Faoa. Jeanne O4-Oct-95 18-Dee-95 12-Jan-96 D9-Dee-92 22-Jun-93 21-Jun-93 11-Jan-96 12-Jao..96 12-Jan-96 Fat Dee,- Gael.. "r iU1" 8each 25,26&1/2 21 00366340-0' /ET RATE DWELLING UNITS AFFORDABLE DllVELLlNG UNITS 95-2-1144 Schmill, Allan lD-Od-95 17-Oct-95 12-Jan-96 07-Dec-95 Oll-Dee-95 18-Dec-95 07-Nov-95 12-Jan-96 12-Jan-96 Crawl Koy Melos & Bounds oo1oo260-QC RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT ALLOCATION APPLICATION FOR VESTED RIGHTS UPPER KEYS _ 2 NO QUARTER, YEAR 4, ALLOCATION - OCTOBER 14, 1995 TO JANUARY 13, 1996 ank Permit # Name HRS Received by Bldg. Depl Biologist Plumbing, Plans Electrical Mechanical Examiner Inspector Inspector Planning Assistant B1d9. Official ROGO Application Date Key Subdivision Lot Block RE# 'ARKET RATE DWELLING UNIT 11-Jan~96 Plantation Sunshine Estates Sec. 1 8 3 004351 1 95-3-3' 94 ESPinosa. Femando C1-Nov-95 22-Nov-95 14-Dee-95 29-No,-95 1 B-Dec-95 20-00c-95 27-Dec-95 27 -Oec-95 2 95-3-2697 Perez. Jr.. Or1ando 07-May-95 O6-Ocl-95 , 3-Dee-95 11-Dec-95 08~Nov-95 30-Oct-95 1 Q.Oc\-95 2()'Ooc-95 12.Jan-96 Plantation Plantation Beach TractM N/A 004151 3 95-3-3171 GreQlS. Ronald 16-Nov-95 22-Nov-95 14-Dec-95 14-Dec-95 15-Dec-95 3()'Nov-95 2()'Dec-B5 2()'Dee-95 12-Jan-96 Plantation Indian Harbor 14&15 7004212C 4 95-3-3418 Moms. Ed 07-00c-95 2()'Dec-95 26-Dec-95 02-Jan-96 27 -De0-95 27 -Dec-95 04-Jan-96 04-Jan-96 12-Joo..96 Plantation Venetian Shores 3 2B 0040975 5 9S-3-3200 DeSantis. RbI. & Jeannette 15-Nov-95 2B-Nov-95 26-De0-95 28-00c-95 16-Dec-95 22-Dec-95 ()8..Jan-96 08-Jan-96 09-Jao-96 Plantation Plantation Shores 4 4004186::: 6 95-3-2947 Paquette" Denms & Pam 0S-Oct-95 3'-Oct-95 14-0ec-95 04-Dec-95 22-Nov-95 14-No,,-95 , 5-Dee-95 15-Dec-95 09-Jan-96 Plantation Indian Waterwavs 39 2 004229t 7 95-3-2715 LewIS, E 03-0ct-95 10-0ct-95 12-0c'-95 02-Noy-95 09-Nov-95 13-0c'-95 15-Nov-95 15-No".95 1 O-Jan-96 Plantation Venetian Shores Plat #2 '2 17 004D821' 92-3-6806 Moms, Lambert 16-Jun-92 30-Jun-92 20-Auo-92 20-AuQ-92 2()'Auo-92 11-Jan-96 18-Sep-92 18-Sep-95 11-Jan-96 Laroo Port Laroo 481 NlA 004534 ; 8 9 9S-3-27'6 Hopman. Michael 09-0CI-95 1Q.Oc\-95 06-Nov-95 03-Nov-95 02-Nov-95 23-0ct-95 08-Nov-95 Q8.Noy-95 11-Jan-96 Plantation Indian Harbor '3 8 0042'53 '0 95-3-3454 FerruHo. Les & Carol 21 -Dee-95 28-Dec-95 11-Jan-96 '2.Jan-96 , 2-Jan-96 29-Dee-95 12-Jan-96 12-Jan-96 12-Jan.96 Plantation Venetian Shores 14 12 0040752 11 95-3-2044 Wynne. William 09-Jun-95 08-AUQ-95 06-Sop-95 10-Oct-95 1 1 -Oct-95 11-0ct-95 13-0ct-95 , 3-0ct-95 14-Dee-95 lower Mate. Port Anliaua ifl 54 NIA 003944' '2 95-3-26' 8 McLeod, Ron 13-Sep-95 29-Sop-95 12-Oct-95 08-Dee-95 27 -Oct-95 18-0cl-95 03-0cl-95 18-Dec-95 20-Dec-95 Plantation Tropical Coral Reef Estates Portion of Tract A NJA 0041929 95-3-241 5 McDaniel. Granger 28-Jun-95 '2-Sep-95 11-Od-95 '2-0ct-95 12-Oct-95 '2-Oct-95 ,,-Oct-95 12-Oct-95 27 -Dee-95 Plantation Tropical Atlantic Shores 10 8 0~373; '3 9S-3-30 16 Snowman. Fred 29-Sep-95 06-Nov-95 13-Nov-95 17-Nov-95 16-Nov-95 14-Nov-95 , 5-Dec-95 15-00c-95 27 -Oec-95 Upper Mate. Green Turtte Beach 7 NiA 0040491 -:4 '5 95-3-2783 Sandles, Lazaro 09-Oct-95 13-Oct-95 13-No,-95 13-Nov-95 1 -4-Nav-9S 02-Nov.95 , S-Nov-95 15-Nov-95 2B-Dee-95 Plantation Loko Harbor 1 sl Add, 5 NIA 0041831 '6 95-3-27'9 VeneZIa, RIchard 22.Nov-95 10.0ct-95 12-De0-95 OB-Dee-9S 06-Dec-S5 31-0ct-95 2G-Oec-95 20-Dec-95 2B-Ooc-95 Plantation Venetian Shores 33 NIA 004105C '7 95-3-24'6 McOaniel, Granger 26-Jun-95 12-Sep.95 11-Oct-S5 12.Qct-95 12-Oct-95 12-0d-95 12-Oct-95 12-Oct-95 03--Jan-96 Plantation Tropical AtlantIC Shores 11 8 004373: 95-3-3001 Sanchez. EnriQue 01 -No,,-95 06-Nol/-95 01-Dee-95 14-Nov.95 2D-Nov-95 03-Jan-96 07-00c-95 07-Dec-95 03-Jan-96 Plantation Venetian Shores 7 15004105: :8 95-3-291 B Garcia. Carlos 12-0cl-95 27 -Oct-95 12-Dee-95 OB-Ooc-95 17-Cec-95 14-No-v.95 2; -oec-95 27 -00c-95 03~Jan-96 Lower Mate Port Antiaua 4 NIA 003944l '9 95-3-3325 Hopman. M & L 28-Nov-95 11-Dec-95 11-00c-95 20-00c-95 13-Dee-95 26-Dec-95 27 -Dec-95 27 -Ooc-95 O4-Jan-96 Plantation Indian Harbor 14 a 0042154 20 S "FORDABLE DWELLING UNI 12.Jan-96 Laroo Plantation Kev Colony 17 .. 004263" 1 95-3-3049 100nius, Todd I 02-AuQ-95 09-Nov-95 13-00c-95 09-Jan-96 1 Q..Jan-96 27 -Nov-95 10-Jan-96 10-Jan-96 2 95-3-3436 lConlrol Air Corp -, 30-Nov-95 22-Dec-95 08-Jan-96 10-Jan-96 29-00c-95 27 -Dec-95 10-Jan-96 10-Jan-96 11 -Jan-96 LarQo Winston Park 4 1 OOS453' , 95-3-2605TRomeo, Raymond I 11-Sep-95 2S.Sep-95 '9-0ct-95 17 -Oct-95 16-Oct-95 ,0-0cl-95 23-Ocl-95 23-0cl-95 06-Nov-95 Largo Laroo Hitaods 7 5 005334' ~~-~-:~~~ l~~~:~~~;'~~~~dr: I 11-Sep-95 28-Sep-95 19-0ct-95 17..0ct-95 18-0d-95 1 ()'Ocl-95 23-Oct-95 23-0ct-95 06-Nov-95 L.rgo lamo Hilands 6 5 005334' &M 7e,.Au{"-95 02-0ct-95 1 2-0~~?~ ~~~:9~~~~~ S?_~~.~~~~~___?~~~~t~~ 02-No,,-95 02-No..-95 28-No,,-95 Planlahon Hams Ocean Pant Est 9 -4 004-48 F , TS EXHIBIT A