10/13/1999 AgreementBRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS H~GHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 289-6027 FAX (305) 289-1745 olOage CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY SOO WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 292-3550 FAX (305) 295-3660 BRANCH OFFICE 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 FAX (305) 852-7146 MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Malloch, Director Community Services FROM: Isabel C. DeSantis, Deputy Clerk Date: November 17, 1999 As you know, at the October 13, 1999 Commissioners' meeting, the Board granted approval and authorized execution of a Contract between Monroe County and G. A. Food Services, Inc. for catering services from January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 at a cost of $2.41 per meal. Attached hereto is a duplicate original of the subject document for your handling. Should you should have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. County Attorney County Administrator, w/o document Finance File / CO~U NTY. o~1[~ 0 N ROE EY WEST ~ FLORIDA 33040 (305) 294-4641 Social Services Nutrition Program 5100 College Road, Wing III Key West, FL 33040 (305) 292-4522 (305) 292-4517 FAX BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAYOR Shirley Freeman, District 3 Mayor pro tem George Neugent, District 2 Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Nora Williams, District 4 Mary Kay Reich, District 5 NOV 15 1999 MEMORANDUM: To: From: Jan Holaten County Attorney's Office Moni Garrido, Director~,~..~ Nutrition Office Date: November 15, 1999 Re: G.A. contracts Enclosed, pleas find four original contracts executed by the vendor G. A. Food Service, Inc. Please have them processed to be fully executed and return my copy (ies) to be forwarded to the vendor. Thanks for your assistance in this matter. enc. CONTRACT This AGREEMENT made this /3Y1 day of cf}cjtJfrii2. ,1999, by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a body corporate and politic existing under the laws ofthe State of Florida, hereinafter called the SPONSOR, and G.A. Food Service, Inc. , a Florida corporation whose mailing address is 12200 32ndCourtNorth, St. Petersburg, Florida, hereinafter called the CATERER. WITNESSETH: Whereas, the SPONSOR desires to utilize the food preparation facilities of the CATERER for the purpose of providing meals for senior citizens participating in the Older Americans Act Title III-C, Nutrition Program, hereinafter called the PROGRAM, the CATERER is willing to provide for said services upon the terms and conditions of this agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual convenants and obligations to be performed by the respective parties hereunder, the parties hereby agree and undertake as follows: 1. The CATERER hereby agrees to furnish meals, in accordance with Attachments "A", "B", "C", and "D" of this Agreement and at the prices therein specified, to citizens participating in the Older Americans Act Title III-C, Nutrition Program, such meals to be furnish at each of the congregate sites in Key West, Big Pine, Marathon and Plantation. 2. The SPONSOR agrees to reimburse the CATERER for meals served according to the aforesaid schedule, payment to be made to the CATERER no more than thirty (30) days after receipt by the SPONSOR of the Caterer's claim. Claims for reimbursement shall be rendered as promptly as practical after the 10th day of each month. It is further agreed that the CATERER shall supply to the SPONSOR, Nutrition Program with the number of meals to serve the In-Home Services Program. 3. The meals to be provided by the CATERER pursuant to this Agreement are to be in accordance with Attachments "A", "B", "C", and "D". The CATERER may, upon request of the SPONSOR, make substitutions for the items of the regular menu. 4. It is agreed that the SPONSOR must inform the CATERER of individual service site orders no later than Friday two weeks prior to the delivery date. It is further agreed that deliveries of the frozen meals will be made to each designated meal and/or storage site weekly. 5. It is agreed and understood that the number of meals which the CATERER is obligated to provide shall not exceed 50% above the maximum estimated number. If the SPONSOR desires to have the CATERER provide additional meals, the CATERER shall be notified accordingly in advance. In such event, the CATERER may, but not be obligated to , furnish additional meals. 6. If additional services are requested by the SPONSOR, the Parties shall mutually negotiate for the additional services, including cost of providing the same to be paid to the CATERER. 7. The obligations of the CATERER under this Agreement are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated annually for its purposes by Monroe County, Florida and/or the availability of funds through contract or grant programs. 8. A reasonable effort will be made by the CATERER to provide meals as agreed upon and the CATERER will be given thirty (30) days notice of termination of the agreement if meals are not provided as specified herein and in Attachments "A". "B", "C", and "D". 9. This Agreement shall continue in effect from January 1,2000 to and including the 31 st day of December 2000 at which time the SPONSOR will have the option to renew the contract for one (1) or two (2) more years. 10. SPONSOR and CATERER agree that $2.48 per meal will be the price paid, with maximum payable under this contract to be 52,916 meals , and subject to the availability of funds. 11. This Agreement may be terminated by either party by giving written notice to the other party of its intention to do so thirty (30) days prior to said termination This Agreement is not assignable to any person, firm, or corporation and sub-contracts shall not be entered into without the written approval of the SPONSOR. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the date and year first above written. Board of County Commissioners Of Monroe County, Florida ~~ . . ~ \.J.:) . ~ 1i::l~..J v,' ~ By Mayor/Chairman ~ (SEAL) G. A. Food Service, Inc. By ~- Secretary ATTACHMENT "A" Annexed to and made a put of Asreem- terminating December 31. 2100, between ... Board of County Commissiunen of Monroe County, Florida. and G. A Food Service. Inc., providing lunche. (at the Senior Citizen. from congregate .. lit Key Well, Bfa Pine, Marathon and Plantation., the following items are qreed to: 1. Inaur.nea A. The caterer shall provide proof of ail insurance's as stated in Attachment A-I. 2. In. paction That MCNP. Alliance Ibr Asing and the Depanment ofHealtband Rehabi Iltadve Sorvl_ may IIlIPoet the food used In m_ls to detennine compliance with all specifications and to reject food not meeting said specifications and that any food rejected for failure to meet specifICations shall not be paid for by MCNP. 'Caterer mUlt provide hfCNp with copies of all health inspec:tiaa . reports within 7 days of'receipt. 3. Federal and State Regulations: State LlcenslngStalidards A. To confonn and cc.aply with the requirements of Title iU C of Federal Regulations,. <lJapter 13, Part 1321 and all amendments thereof. and the current edition of-OOEA Manual Older American Act Progmm," and all amendments thereof,'lIIId any relevant ",plations of the sa. of Florida, Department of Elderty Aff'ain. B. To comply with. alf applicable accrediting standards and amy other staadards or criteria established by the AginS and Adult Services Program Office to assure qaaJity of service. C. To comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulalions governing the preparing, handling and ~g offood, to procure and keep in efleet, ail necessary licenses, pennits, and food handler's cards as required. 4. Audit and Records A. To maintain financial records and reports offunds paid uDder the contract and submit reports to the MCNP. B. All records of caterer bearing upon food purchase. storage, food prepandion and transportation directly related to the meals or other food deli\i~red under this agreement including records ofreceipts, stomp and use of Government donated commodities, shall be made available to the MCNP or its authorized representatives upon request. C. The MCNP and other8lllllorized representatives of the State Examiner or Public A1:COUIItant and the auditors of the Alliance for Aging, the Department of Health and Human Services and the u.S. Central Accounting Office upon request, shall have access to all . such records for audit ad reView at a feuonableUtime and place. 5. Retention of Records A. To retain all book., records, accounting recorda and other documents relative to th III agreement for .lIch a period of 5 years after the date of submlision of the final quarterly report of accountability for the budget year, and in the caes of audit exception. until .uch eXception hu been cleared or resolved to'" sall'~cllon of the Department of Elderly alt'aln and the F.....o..nment. B. Record. for non..xp.ndabl. property acquJred with ficIerwI.... ahall be retained for 5 years after it! final disposition. C. Fedetal aUdltort, the Secretary andthc CompllOlI.r Oenenlafdle United States, the Department ofHea.lth of Rehabilitative s.mc.. Alliance for Aging,' and any persons duly authorized by the Department sha" have full8CCeSl to. and the right to examiliemy of .aid materi.l, during said period. 8'. Monitoring A. To permit the MCNP, the Alliance for Aging, the ~of Health and Rehabilitative Services and Federal, State and c-y personnel to monitor the aforementioned service program 8CIIlIIIdiag to applicable regulations of the state and federal govemm_.... to audit and review all records required to be maintained. B. Such monitoring shall consist of, but shall DOt be limited to "'inspection at any time, of the Caterer's food preparation, packaging and storage areas, and the food containers and autollllltive vehicles used in transportin~ meals and other food to the program sites to detennine the adequacy of the Provider's food handling. cleaning. sanitation lIIId.main~ce pna;cices. 7. Civil Rights Act of 1984, TItle VI and VII A. That there will be no discrimination apinst any employee orperson served on account of race, color, sex, religious bIclcground, ancestry or national origin in. its perfonnance of this contract. B. That Caterer shall comply wfth Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USA 2000d) in regard to persons served, and the replations issued pursuant there to (45 CFR. Part 80). C. The Caterer shall comply with TItle VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 20003) in regard to employees or applicants for employment, and any regulations iSSued ptII'Suant thereto. . D. It is expressly understood tha( upon receipt of evidence of sadI discrimination, MCNP, Al/iance for Agins. the-Depamnent of Elderly AffaiD sIaaIl have the right to terminate said Contract. 8. Indemnification . , That caterer shaH act as an independent contractor and not as an employee of the SPONSOR in operating the aforementioned service. Caterer shall be liable and agrees to be liable for and shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless, the SPONSOR, Alliance for Aging. and the Department of Elderly Affairs, for all claims. suits. judgments, or damages arising from the operation of the aforementioned scniccsduring the course of the agreement including all costs and reasonable attorney's..... ( As lpeclned in attaohinent A-I) 9. Bid Specifications Caterer hereby further agrees that all specifications, syIIeIns.. equipment, lupplles. obliptions, etc., which are described in" bid package submitted to me on 12-18-96 whloh are not InconIi.Ia with the spec:lt1c requirements called for under this A.......... hereby Incorporated byreferenc:e u part of the Aareemem u *r were specifically set forth. 10. Commodltl.. A. It is agreed that any and all commodities received shall I... only to the benents of the meals purchased under this agreement and caterer shall keep books and records pertaining to the bonus qammodities and its ~se in the meals for a period oftbree Ye&lS from the close of the federal fiscal year to which they pertain fer .inspection and audit by representatives of the Food Distributio. . Office, USDA, Alliance on Aging. HRS and MCNP at ~y reasonable time and place. B. Record keeping must include: (a) Meal production records; U.S.DA. foods must be di~ from each other and from purchased foods. (b) Perpetual inventory syste!1l recording cominodity, dalareceived. date used, transferred or lost and balance on-hand. (c) Quarterly physiCal inventory compared to book balanceoa hand. (d) Book inventory should be kept of foods stored in any __ r.;ility ad periodically reconciled against a physical count. ATTACHMEIT A-I 1996 Edition RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES CONTRACT ADMlNLWRATION MANUAL General Insurance Requirements for Other Contractors ad Subcontractors As a pre-requisite of the work governed, or the goods supplied under this contract (including the pre-staging of personnel and material), the Contractor shall obtain, at his/her own expense, insurance as specified in any attached schedules, which are made part of this contract The Contractor will ensure that the insurance obtained will extend protection to all Subcontractors engaged by the Contractor. As an alternative, the Contractor may require all Subcontractors to obtain insurance consistent with the attached schafules. The Contractor will not be pennitted to commeIllZ work governed by this contract (mcluding pre-:-staging of personnel and material) until satis&ctory evidence of the required insurance has been furnished to the County as specified below. Delays in the commencement of work, resulting from the failure of the Contractor to pmvide satisfactory evidence of the required insurance, shall not extend deadlines specified in 1bis contract and any penalties and failure to perform assessments shall be imposed as if the work commenced on the specified date and time, except for the Contractor's failure to provide satisf3ctory evidence. The Contractor shall maintain the required insurance throughout the entire term of this contract and any extensions specified in the attached schedules. Failure to comply with this provision may result in the immediate suspension of all wodc 1Dltil the required insurance has been reinstated or replaced. Delays in the completion of work resulting from the failure of the Contractor to maintain the required insurance shail not extend deadlines specified in this contract and any penalties and failure to perform assessmems sbaIl be imposed as if the work had not been suspended, except for the Contractor's failwe to maintain the required insurance. The Contractor shall provide, to the County, as satisfilctory evidence of the required insurance, either: · Certificate of Insurance or · A Certified copy of the actua1.insuranccpolicy. The County, at its sole option, has the right to request a certified copy of any or all insurance polic~es required by this contract. All insurance policies must specify that they are mt subject to cancellation, non-renewal, . material change, or reduction in coverage unless a minimum of thirty (30) days prior notification is given to the County by the insurer. The acceptance and/or approval of the Contractors insurance shall not be construed as relieving the Contractor from any liability or obligation assmned under this contract or imposed by law. Administratjon Instruction . #4709.2 14 1996 Edition The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, its employees and officials will be included as "Additional Insured" on all policies, except for Workers' Compensation. Any deviations from these General Insurance Requirements must be request~d in writing on the County prepared form entitled "Request for Waiver of Insurance Requirements" and approved by Monroe County Risk Management. Administration Instruction .. #4709.2 15 ATTACHMENT A-I 1996 Edition MONROE COUNI'Y, FLORIDA RISK MANAGEMENT . POllCY AND PROCEDURES CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION MANUAL Indemnification ani Held Harmless for Other Contractors ad SIdJeontractors The Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Monroe County Board of County Commissioners from any and all claims for bodily injury (including death), personal injury, and property damage (including property owned by Monroe County) and any other losses, damages, and expenses (including attorney's fees) which arise out of, in connection with, or by reason of services provided by the Contractor or .,. of its Subcontractor( s) in any tier, occasioned by the negligence, errors, or other WI~ act or omission of The Contractor or its Subcontractors in any tier, their employees, or agalfs. In the event the completion of the project (to include the work of others) is delayed or suspended as a result of the Contractor's failure to purchase mmaintain the required insurance, the Contractor shall indemnify the County from any _ all increased expenses resulting from such delay. . The first ten dollars ($10.00) of remuneration paid to the Contractor is for the indemnification provided for above. . . The extent of liability is in no way limited to, reduced, or lessened by the insurance requirements contained elsewhere within this agreement. TCS Administration Instruction' , #4709.2 91 ATTACHMENT "S" (Annexed to and made a part of Agreement terminating December 31,2001. __ die...... of County Comml..lone,. ofMOftrveCounty, Floridnnd theO. A. Fooct..........sr.,...... Florida. . Both Partie. ...... th.t: I. PrQgram meal site. and/or ItOrage lites may be added or eliminated .. dds.. .. approved by MeNP and Alliance for Aging. In addition, ievels of __...,... J or decreased during the IOlOnb'acl bued on reductionl in funding or d..... for..... 2. Each me.1 ProvidedwlIJ contain. minimum ofJ/3 ofthodaJly ................,lIIowances for adults aged S 1 and over u established by the Food and Nutrition...... of.. NIIia.I Academy of Science.National Research Council. Meal pattemsshaJl comply... Tide Be - . 4. u noted In Appendix I and Appendix II. C.terer asree. that: I. To submit S week cycle menul to MCNP at least six weeks prior to apecIed -alfmPtementatlon. Menussh," Irate portion siks and fulfilled RDA requIrements. to nrriew ..... ......._ and to submit for MCNP lipproval. at lellllsix week. in advanc:e for aclop... My rniIioD 10 ldJutt for seasonal avaUabll/ty of fOod and for emerging patterns of clientele prefe..... (See Appendix III for sample menu). 2. Caterer will observe ethnic. religious and seasonal preference of speci&d foodl.(M........'tion with MCNP Director. 3. Caterer must work with McNP Director and Nutritionist to update aaddllnge__meal procedures to usure acceptable meal content and q!l8lity. 4. Site Supplies L Caterer shall supply for each site all site supplies to be utiliud willa meals ....~. bat not limited to: Serving trays. plllllic ware. napkins. straws. cups. squats, lids. 5Iima, 5IIIlhric:Ia bIp. prbase bags, plastic gloves. liquid detcqent and ....itizing agent. b. Such supplies shall be fumished in acccirdance with MCNP policy. c. Equipment that hu been installed by die Caterer shall remain the pIIIIpert)' aldlit em. until such time as the Agreed u~n per meal cost has covered the cost oldie ...:. ..1:.... At such time the equip-ment will be owned by the MCNP. . d. MCNP equipment shall be clearly marked and remain the property of the ..... and shall be returned in good condition at the conclusion of the contract, nol11lll_ ... far accepted. . . . S. . Caterer is responsible to train MCNP personnel in the proper method afspecial savia& lIIIIIIor heating instructions specific to frozen ineaJs. 6. Caterer agrees to provide, as agreed by both perties. 'ow sodium and JOIIJ calorie ~ meals at no extra charge. 7. Caterer agrees to notify Program Director of any radical food cost c..... Monme C,?unty Nutrition Program agrees to: I. To provide personnel qualified and capable to manage and supervise '-dUng and dBribution of meals at project sitos in keeping with agreed sanitation standards. 2.' To usure the availability of personnel fOf special instructions by catenlr. ATTACHMENT "e" (AnnexecllO and made a part of A.......,ent tenninatln. December 31, ~'-- lb. aa.nI of County Commllllonel'l of Monroe County, Florida and 0. A. Food ~... COMPONINT PftOGRAMlIIROZBN eNTREE AND ACCOMPANY-.EAL COMPLEMENTS A. The Caterer agre..: I. To lupply approximately 52.916 fiozen unitized proportioned ~vepabl.CClIIIpOnentS.: over the duration of the contract lit a COlt ofS2.4I1meal. 2. To supply approximately 52,916 portions of accompanyi.. ~ (such u iliad. butter. milk. dO'I.rt, salad, juice) over the duration of the contract at no . -"Gal COlt. 3, That all ftoozen meall mUlt be plCkaged to allOw hatingla ovena..rfartouter oVeaL 4. .AII frozen meals must be identified so participlllts can follow ~ plan. la addition" all . printing on paebaing must be labeled clearly with letters .....e..... to be rad.'by vilually . impaired; 5. All frozen meals delivered by c:atcn:r's drivers must be transpol1llllia sucIa a mlllUlCl' to insure rec~ipt by storage facility or site assembly point lit 0 degree. F~ or below. 6. PaY.l11ents will be withheld on all meals including any storage or ddiway charges which do not meet the prescribed requirements _ stIted in MCNP Meals StandIIIls 8dlor delivered defrosted or damaged. 7. All condiments and beverages to be incJudedin meal cost quoted. 8. bWwa L To submit for approval at leasttwoweeb inadvanceo(use,. I li"~ to be made in the approved frozen entree menu. b. A sample of all frozen meals to be served shall.be given to MCNP in such a time fiame u to allow MCNP to test said meals to assure.quality control prior.....S and to replace said meal, ifnecessary, if quality saandards have nOt been met. B. Both partl.. agree: I. That MCNP, is not responsible nor liable for loss of or. breakage to-.'s equipment left at sites. . 2. Upon delivery of meals to each site., an .-horized site representatiweafMCNP shall sign a receipt in double evidencing receq,. of sucla goods; one copy to be..... to the driver and one copy to be retained by site repr~d4tive to be seat to the CA TERa 3. Components for the frozen meals progJ'lllll may be delivered dail)' 1t....1ar ~ite hours Monda)' through Friday. No deliveries will be accepted on weekends or HaIidays stated herein. 4. All frozen meals must be pal:hpd to allow heating in ovens. tGa*rovens. and/or microwave ovens. 5,. All meals delivered in a defrosted andlordamaged state shall not"paid for by MCNP including and delivery charges. All meals must be signed for by MC'NP Staff or Designee. Those meals damaged or defrosted inust be so noted on the deliVll)' inoice by the person signing. Meals signed for with no DCtatioa will be CCIIISidered rroz.... uadamaged and shall be paid for. 6. All costs incurred Ily MCNP due to unUlllble food shall be covered byCA TERER. 7. All such meals must be transported in sucla . mlllUlCl'to insure receipt fly sites and/or storage , sites at 0 ~egree Fahrenheit or below. ATTACHMENT "OW MONROE COUNTY NUTRmON PROGRAM MEALS STANDARDS A. The special needs of the elderlY... be considered in all me-. P...... food "'ll ...... ...... meal preparation. . B. MenUl. appi'Oved by eateN.... cIIettd.tInutridonili and Pro..... Ol~.... ............ ..lid 10 Program Director no later than , WIeb prior to service. . C. Menu t:hlfil" dlhUned by ....... Directllr will be made............o.a r. ~.o ,. IDeal Al:GapunCllpreference. . . D. The food Items within the m_ wpIIble lIIId fruit, and deuat 1JUUpI_ be cIfIJiIIat for the same days of eaoh week. lhua providing a variety of food andDUtrien1l. B. Projeot menUl mu.t follow the m.I pattern set forth below. EMh lfOIIPor ill ....-....... a special contribution toward the ~ of providing at least.. ba'-I meal" (See Attachment B DOEA Ouidelilies forfimherdetaiJs.) I. Meat or Alternate: 3 oz. coobd edible meat serving or Its proteia equivalent of'lM/ouduateJy 3 oz. of eooked. edible meat i....: 6 0UIICeS of eggs (3 esP), 3 c-.s of dIedIIr dIeese. 6 ounc.. of cotta.. ohIO.. (3/4 ClIp). 1 0UIICeS of c:ookcd dried baat...... or ....(1.112 cupa). 3 ouncea of peanut butter (' tIIWeapoona). 'Thls applies to mixed dlshea.18eat .ubatituted dishes, and cu..... Examples: ClaUi (2 oz. beef, 2.5 oz. beans. macaroni IIId cheese (3 oz. cheddar cheese), '-gna (I oz. pIIk. 2 oz. cottage cheese, I oz. cheddardleese). . 2. Ve~etableslFruits: 2-4 oz. sem.p: Any' combination of vegetables or fruits may count toward mcctin&dIe 2-4 CIUIIIle-wap in the "Menu Pattern". The 2-4 0UIIIle .-vings of vegetables and hits '.....__ll the dniIed weight of the food. White potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, squash, dried IJeans, peas ....1entiIs may be included in this food group C8fepry. . Four ounces (drained weight)of'vegetables or fruits must be incfuded in any ... soup. casserole, gelatin or other CCMaIIiaation dish if it is identified as meecing a "VeptlWelFruits" serving. Vegetable or fruit sauces (i.e."lDInato sauce on. spaghetti) may not lie identified .. "Vegetable/Fruits" serving. Rice. spaghetti, macaioni, and noodle.... notv~ln J Ajiaice or drink which Is not full stnIft... but fa Vitamin A or C fardfied ~ be Idencmed .. . "VegetableslFruits" serving. . 3. Bread or Alternate: I servi. All breads. cereals or baked &'OOds used in this category must be wIIoJe.grain, earilted or restored. Breads and their I'l"Jf:>, ..........ded serving sizes include: I slice oflnad; I ..u, muff'm or biSCUit, I sandwich bun; I pieceof'comlnad(2_112' by 1-112j; 5 saltine crackers; 2 graham c:nclcn; I tortilla; I dumpling. 4. Fortified Margarine or Butter: IIaspoon with bread or bre8d substilute. FortifieIIlllUprine is served in the "Menu Pattern.... 5. Dessert: I serving The serving size of the dessert will depend on the food selected and its contributia. to the total nutrient content of the day's...... All fruit, full strength fruit juices. pwddings. custards, ice CI'CIIIII shatIet. cab, pie, CDOties and other similar foods are included i11111is group. 6. Milk or Milk Product: 8 flllid Ill. serving or its calcium equivalent.. The 8 oz. sa'ling offJuid . milk must be Vitamin A and 0 fortified. low fat milk. Cheese used in meal prepaationldllllmlbe : imitation cheese. FOOOPREPARAnONANDDE~ A. State and local fire. health, sanitatiaD. and safety regulations applicable to the partiC1lllr types of food preparation and meal deliYeIJ system used must be adhered to in all stages of food service . operation:' B. All staff working in the preparation of food shall be under the sapcrvision of a person who will insure the application of hygienic techniques and practices in fOOllltand1ing preparation and service. . C. Tested quality recipes. adj~sted to yield the number of servings ........ must be used to echieve the consistent and dlllitable quality and quantity olmeals. D. All fooda mUlt be prepared and served In ammneftl) prnIIIt o~fIavor and appearance, while retalnlnl nutrlenta and food value. MbL PLANNING A. Re: "Spec/.' ft." 0' the Elderly" (I) All mcalure to be low sodium (to average 1-1/2 grams sodium! m.rrw.gfven week). No . sin II. mellla to exceed 2 aramalOdlum or 811 acceptable ___ item will be offered.. (2) Requires creativity and adaptability of cook . . · Use of alternative herb, seasonings and salt aubstltutea. · Knowledse of food and condiment content. . (3) Requires knowledge and assurance offood cOntent from food suPJ6n. A. Menu planning should take into consideration the low-sodium _ low sugar intake. B. Incorporate seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables when possible within budget restrictions. MEAL COOKING I For RODle Delivered Meals PI'ognm 0.1f All Frozen m..... whether unitized or packlel u....,... entreaIvqlClblaa must be identified so panicipants can follow menu plan. la lcIdition, all printing on palling must be labeled clearly willi lettenlarJe enough to.be read "tJJe visually impaired.