Resolution 400-1996 Community Services Division RESOImIOO NO. 400 -1996 A RESOImIOO OF '!HE BOARD OF CDJNTY CXHUSSIONER OF MamOE caJNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING '!HE FILING OF A GRANT APPLICATIOO CXJNCERNING STATE AID TO LIBRARIES WI'lH '!HE FLORIDA DEPAR'l14I!Nl' OF STATE, DIVISIOO OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATIOO SERVICES, AND AlmKlRIZING '!HE MAYOR TO EXEXlJTE SAME. BE IT I&soLVED BY '!HE BOARD OF COONTY CXMUSSIONERSOF ~- ROE caJNTY', FLORIDA, that the Board hereby authoirzes the filing of a grant application concerning state Aid to Libraries with the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and ITo/ :z '. :Aa_;; tion Services, and authorizes the Mayor to execute same. D~:z rT] :x: .. " PASSED AND ADOPl'ED by the Board of COlmty Camri.ssion~5 'of ~5:..~"- on the ....~_~!~ day of October .. ____.._-..__".._.____ I A.D. 1996. ~ -.... r~ 8 CJ --1 --r- N C. N ... ~~~~ ""tl ~ \N c: (,.j 0 U'I ~.> Monroe Connty, Florida, at a regular meeting of said BoarcI:.h~ld MAYOR, Shirley Freeman yes (XMHSSIONER, Wilhelmina Harvey yes <XHUSSIONER, Jack London ye s CXMUSSIONER, Keith Douglas yes <XMUSSIONER, Mary Kay Reich yes BOARD OF caJNTY CCMUSSIONERS ~~ Mayo 7Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY x.;. XOLKAmI. t!Iii1i ~~-}>>~