Resolution 041A-2004 Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO. 041A -2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SUPPORTING THE NAMING OF TWO MANGROVES ISLANDS AS VENTURE KEY AND OUT KEY, COLLECTIVELY VENTURE OUT KEYS. WHEREAS, Venture Out at Cudjoe Cay, Inc. has maintained a condominium community on the southeast portion of Cudjoe Key, Monroe County, Florida, for over 30 years; and WHEREAS, there are located approximately one-fourth mile off shore and approximately one half mile off shore from the Venture Out community two mangrove islands which have never been named; and WHEREAS, the naming of uninhabited islands has a number of benefits to the citizens of Monroe County, including but not limited to establishing points of reference for purposes of direction to recreational and commercial users of the waters surrounding the Florida Keys and for landmarks to assist in rescue or law enforcement operations; and WHEREAS, letters and a long list of signatures show considerable support by the community for the naming of the two islands as Venture Key and Out Key, to be known collectively as Venture Out Keys; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. The effort of Gerald M. Nixon to suggest to the US Board on Geographic Names to have named as Venture Key and Out Key, to be known collectively as Venture Out Keys, those mangroves islands located at 24. 38'75"N, 81. 28'00"W and 24. 38'60"N and 81. 28'20"W is hereby endorsed; and Section 2. The US Board on Geographic Names is requested to name said keys in accordance with the proposal of Gerald M. Nixon. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ? 1 ~r day of Janaurv 2004. Mayor Nelson Mayor Pro Tem Rice Commissioner McCoy Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Spehar yes yes yes yes Yf>~ (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L.KOLHAGE, Clerk BG~~ Deput1 Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY~ (~ ayor/Chalrperson jresVentureOutKeys r-~ ." ;.}. c:::> 0 = 0. .z:- .- "Z ,j;> .." fT1 ::t:>~..,:z: f'T1 0 or-z CD fTl:;x-< I ~ C"') . r- ,l:'" 0 o C"') . ::0 c:ii?: z. 0 -0 ;0 -l (") r- :3: i'1 :< :--1 :r:: ~~' W (J -rj "~ i .. -",.,.... 1:11" .f:'" -::".~ r...:>