09/17/2003 Agreement DANNY L. KOLHAGE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DATE: February 4, 2004 TO: Reggie Paros, Director Public Safety Division ATTN: Stacy DeVane, Executive Assistant Public Safety Division Pamela G. Han~ Deputy Clerk LY FROM: At the September 17, 2003, Board of County Commissioner's Meeting the Board granted approval and authorized execution of a Contract for Use of College Facilities between Monroe County and Florida Keys Community College for the use of the Key West Campus classroom facilities by the Emergency Management Department. Enclosed is a duplicate original of the above-mentioned for your handling. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact tbis office. cc: County Administrator wlo document County Attorney Finance File ./ ~ FK<:C J-1I,'I' 1.'_ I' It '". '':LJ'~.'''. JrH'''' ''':lH I. -:t- FLORIDA KEYS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Contract for Use of Colle2e Facilities THIS AGREEMENT, MADE THIS 14th. day of August. 2003 between Florida Keys Community College and Monroe County, Monroe County Emergency Management, herein called the User. WITNESSETH The Colleae hereby agrees to permit the User the rental of the facilities specified below: Date 9/16.1 7.18.103",,- Hours of Use 8a.m.-5o.m. Purpose WMD Training Cost Fee of $840.00 waived FEES DUE AND PAYABLE TO FLORIDA KEYS COMMUNITY COLLEGE PRIOR TO INITIATION OF ANY ACTIVITY USING THE COLLEGE FACILITIES. The User has full understanding of College regulations pertaining to the use of facilities and agrees to the following stipulations: A. Failure by the User to make full payment of rental fees by the first class day will result in the cancellation of utilization; B. The User will not permit alcoholic beverages or drugs to be brought on or consumed on the College's property. Smoking is not permitted in the classrooms, locker rooms, or pool area. C. Damages to the Facility 1. The User will be held responsible and liable for damages to the facilities and such damages must be paid within a period of thirty days after use of the facilities. 2. The User recognizes and agrees that the College will be the sole authority in the determination and assessment of damages to the facilities. D. The User will not sell food or drink nor will the User allow consumption of same except in areas that are set aside for that purpose. E. The college reserves the right to cause the apprehension, removal or arrest of any individual the College feels is not exhibiting good conduct. Contract for Use of College Facilities (continued) F, The User, agrees to fully indemnify, save, and hold harmless the College and its employees from and against all claims, demands, suits, or judgments (including costs and attorneys' fees), which arise as a result of the use by the User of the facilities rented, and to accept, defend, and conclude to the satisfaction of the President of the College, or his designee, all such matters, when arising out of or resulting from: 1. Any possible injuries or death occurring to person on college premises; 2. Any damage to College property or premises, including buildings, contents, and equipment; 3. Any damage to the property of others. G. The college requires the user to return with the signed contract a Certificate ofInsurance, naming Florida Keys Community College as an additional insured. Limits ofliability for this lease shall not be less than: Bodily Injury, $1,000,000 for each occurrence and $3,000,000 aggregate coverage. Failure to comply with the above will result in immediate cancellation of the agreement and the College will be held harmless from claims or damages, This contract may be terminated at will by the college with or without cause. In witness whereof the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement: (S~) 7;l;"~ DE~ CLERK ~(~ , h 1/. $ M.f:r21~ Dean of Administrative & Business Services Date 2, 0 '2' .'t:- :;:c :z: 0""'-" 1"'1~:< 08/14~: ~-;o~ Date:z::. (:) -l C") r- ::< :-l 2: ;'] ~.~ ']',", 1< ~ <:::::) = ..s::- '"1"1 fT1 CD I .a:- -0 :x:: N o ,on r rr1 o .." o ;u ;0 rr1 C-) :::::J -- " Signature of User /Designated Official C:\Admin\Word doc\word docs\2003\Room Use\WMD Contract.rtf