Resolution 036-2004 RESOLUTION NO, 036 - 2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ENDORSING THE EFFORTS OF THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT TO PURSUE FUNDING THROUGH THE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT FUNDS FROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO IMPLEMENT BICYCLEIPEDESTRIAN PROJECTS. WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Transportation provides funding for transportation enhancement through Federal Transportation Enhancement Funds; and WHEREAS, in previous years enhancement funds have been used to fund implementation of the Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail and other bicycle-pedestrian projects; and WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Transportation in conjunction with municipal jurisdictions in the Florida Keys have created an application process and evaluation criteria for the allocation of transportation enhancement funds; and WHEREAS, Federal Transportation Enhancement funds may be used for improvements to facilities for pedestrians and bicycles, safety or education activities for pedestrians and bicyclists, acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic sites, scenic or historic highway programs (including the provision of tourist and welcome/entrance facilities), landscaping and other scenic beautification, historic preservation, the rehabilitation of historic transportation buildings, structures, or facilities, including historic railroad facilities and canals, preservation of abandoned railway corridors, control and removal of outdoor advertising, archaeological planning and research, environmental mitigation to address water pollution due to highway runoff, or the establishment of transportation museums; and WHEREAS, any recognized government agency, non-profit agency or interest group is eligible to apply for Federal Transportation Enhancement funds; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the County endorses the Planning and Environmental Resources Department's efforts to pursue Federal Transportation Enhancement Funds to implement bicycle and pedestrian projects in Monroe County. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21 st day of January, 2004. Mayor Murray E. Nelson Mayor Pro Tern David P. Rice Commissioner Dixie Spehar Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy (Seal) AtteG.~ Cle of Court (Seal) County Attorney's Office yes yes yP~ yes yes Monroe County Board of Commissioners By: ~(~ Mayor MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY ~~M ROBEe. . _L' - n . OLF'~ D;~IEF ~t!!~O!l:;'~~NIY. ....., = ~ 0 ~ % :1> .." :::e Z fT1 0....,- rr\~=< CD n' r ' on. 0'\ c::35:::::: z. 0 -0 '-in, ::r.:: :<:-i::'::' .." ;::; N r- "I' )'>' " (,,) - , -1'1 I rr1 Cl ." Q ;::0 :::0 rr1 ('"") '':::J '7J