07/31/1984 SpecialAA 191 Special Meeting Board of County Commissioners Tuesday, July 31, 1984 11:15 A. M., Marathon A special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners convened on the above date. Present and answering to roll call were Commissioner Alison Fahrer, Commissioner Wilhelmina Harvey, Commissioner Jerry Hernandez, Commissioner Ed Swift, and Mayor Ken Sorensen. Also present were Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk; Kermit Lewin, County Administrator; Lucien Proby, County Attorney; James Matthews, Finance Director; members of the Press and Radio; and the general public. All stood for the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Board first discussed the proposed budget of the County Attorney. Mr. Lucien Proby addressed the Board concerning his requested budget and the need for additional legal staff. He also addressed the Board concerning a salary increase for himself. Motion was made by Commissioner Harvey and seconded by Mayor Sorensen to extend to Mr. Proby a vote of confidence for the work that he has done since being appointed as the County Attorney. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Commissioner Hernandez and seconded by Commissioner Swift to authorize the addition of one attorney to the staff of the County Attorney's office. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded by Commissioner Harvey to budget contractual services in the budget of the County Attorney at $55,000.00. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was then made by Commissioner Hernandez and seconded by Mayor Sorensen to approve the County Attorney's budget with the amendments already approved. During discussion, the Chairman ruled the motion out of order. After further discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Hernandez and seconded by Mayor Sorensen to approve the County Attorney's budget as submitted with the amendments as approved by the Commission. Motion carried unanimously. The Board then considered the proposed budget of the Veterans Affairs Office. Mr. Jerry Parrish of the Veterans Council addressed the Board concerning their ini- tial request to Mr. Lewin. Motion was made by Commissioner Hernandez and seconded by Commissioner Harvey to approve the Veterans Affairs Office budget as submitted. During discussion, the motion was withdrawn. Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to approve the Veterans Affairs Office budget as recommended by the County Administrator with the removal of the increases as shown on the budget as submitted from the Veterans Council. During discussion, motion was withdrawn. Motion was then made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded by Mayor Sorensen to approve the Veterans Affairs Office budget as submitted by the County Administrator in the amount of ,..., $133,338.19. Roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Fahrer No Commissioner Harvey Yes Commissioner Hernandez Yes Commissioner Swift No Mayor Sorensen Yes Motion carried. AA 192 After further discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Hernandez and seconded by Commissioner Harvey to increase the salary account in the tentative Veterans Affairs Office budget for fiscal year 1984-1985 by $3,200.00 for the possible increase to the Director of the Veterans Affairs Office. Roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Fahrer No Commissioner Harvey Yes Commissioner Hernandez Yes Commissioner Swift No Mayor Sorensen Yes Motion carried. The Board then considered the proposed tentative budget of the Planning Department. Mayor Sorensen discussed the possible designation of the Department of Community Affairs as Monroe County's local planning agency. After discussion, motion was made by Mayor Sorensen and seconded by Commissioner Harvey to designate the Florida Department of Community Affairs as the local planning agency for Monroe County. During discussion-, motion was withdrawn. Motion was then made by Commissioner Swift and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to approve the Planning Department budget as tentatively submitted in the amount of $812,320.04. Roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Fahrer Yes Commissioner Harvey Yes Commissioner Hernandez No Commissioner Swift Yes Mayor Sorensen No Motion carried. Mayor Sorensen then called for a Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners on Thursday, August 2nd, at 4:00 p.m., for the purpose of discussing the County budgets and also the possible designation of DCA as the local planning agency. Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to approve the proposed tentative budget of Personnel/Safety in the amount of $94,765.27. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Commissioner Harvey and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to approve the Extension Services Department in the amount of $79,567.00. Motion carried una- nimously. Motion was made by Commissioner Hernandez and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to approve the budget of Civil Defense as submitted in the amount of $246,758.41. Roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Fahrer No Commissioner Harvey Yes Commissioner Hernandez Yes Commissioner Swift No Mayor Sorensen Yes Motion carried. 1 AA 93 7 Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to approve the Marathon Airport ten- tative budget in the amount of $159,905.40 and Key West International Airport in the amount of $488,318.00. Roll call vote was unanimous with Mayor Sorensen not present. The Board then considered the proposed budget of the Fine Arts Council. Mayor Sorensen read a letter requesting the Board of County Commissioners to consider favorably the request of the Fine Arts Council for the appropriation of $10,000.00. Mr. Grant Spradling, Director of the Fine Arts Council, addressed the Board concerning proposed grant funding. Motion was made by Commissioner Hernandez and seconded by Commissioner Swift to tentatively appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 for the Fine Arts Council for the fiscal year 1984-1985. Roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Fahrer Yes Commissioner Harvey Yes Commissioner Hernandez Yes Commissioner Swift Yes Mayor Sorensen No Motion carried. The Board then considered Special Districts. Mr. James R. Paros, Emergency Services Coordinator, addressed the Board and presented funding alternatives for the Special Taxing Districts. The Board discussed the budgets for the Special Districts. Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to include the funding for the newly -created position of Fire Marshall and also a prorata distribution of the EMS budget and to limit the departmental budgets in the Fire and Ambulance Districts to the same budget as the prior year. Motion carried unani- mously. Motion was made by Mayor Sorensen and seconded by Commissioner Swift to approve the budget of the Board of County Commissioners in the amount of $603,591.68. Motion carried unanimously with Commissioner Hernandez being absent from the meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded by Mayor Sorensen to approve the County Administrator's budget in the amount of $132,245.43. During discussion, the motion was withdrawn. Motion was then made by Commissioner Harvey and seconded by Mayor Sorensen to set the salary of the County Administrator at $40,000.00 per year. During discussion, the motion was withdrawn. Motion was made by Mayor Sorensen and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to adopt the County Administrator's budget in the amount of $132,245.43 and allow Mr. Lewin to set salary increases within the limitations of the budget as approved. Motion carried unanimously with Commissioner Hernandez being absent from the meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to reduce the requested increase in the Building Department's budget to reflect a 2% increase over the previous year's budget. Motion carried unanimously with Commissioner Hernandez being absent from the meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded AWL AA_ by Commissioner Swift to approve the budget of the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners in the amount of $360,084.11. Roll call vote was taken with the following results: I Commissioner Fahrer Yes Commissioner Harvey Yes Commissioner Swift No Mayor Sorensen Yes Motion carried with Commissioner Hernandez -being absent from the meeting. ° Motion was made b Commissioner Fahrer and seconded by Commissioner Swift to approve the budget of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in the amount of $6419895.75. Motion carried unanimously with Commissioner Hernandez being absent from the meeting. Q Motion was made by, Commissioner Swift and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to approve the budget for the � Microfilm Department in the amount of $112,731.87. Motion carried unanimously with Commissioner Hernandez being absent from the meeting. -1 Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded by Commissioner Harvey to approve the budget of the Clerk of the County Court in the amount of $367,239.38. Roll call vote was unanimous with Commissioner Hernandez being absent from the meeting. I Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded by Mayor Sorensen to approve the budget for the Data Processing Department in the amount of $260,053.74. Motion carried unanimously with Commissioner Hernandez being absent from the meeting. Motion was made b the proposed tentative bud with an increase of $49,34 second. Motion was then m seconded by Commissioner H Appraiser's budget as subm $819,658.00. Roll call vo results: i Commissioner Swift to approve et of the Property Appraiser .40. Motion died for lack of a de by Commissioner Fahrer and rvey to accept the Property tted in the amount of e was taken with the following Commissioner Fahrer Yes Commissioner Harvey Yes Commissioner Swift No Mayor Sorensen Yes Motion carried with Commissioner Hernandez being absent from the meeting. I Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded by Commissioner Harvey to ccept as submitted the budget of the Tax Collector in the amount of $900,000.00. Motion carried unanimously with Commissioner Hernandez being absent from the meeting. Motion was made.by Mayor Sorensen and seconded by Commissioner Swift to approve the budget of the Circuit Court in the amount of $140,854.14 with a 6% increase.' Motion carried unanimously with Commissioner Hernandez being absent from the meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded 1 1 AA 195 1 by Mayor Sorensen to appro in the amount of $25,265.0 carried unanimously with C from the meeting. Motion was made b by Mayor Sorensen to accep $76,500.00 as submitted. Commissioner Hernandez bei Motion was made b by Mayor Sorensen to appro no increase. Motion carri Hernandez being absent fro Motion was made b by Commissioner Fahrer to Supervi.sor of Elections an call vote was taken with t e the budget of the County Court with a 6% increase. Motion mmissioner Hernandez being absent Commissioner Swift and seconded the State Attorney's budget of otion carried unanimously with g absent from the meeting. Commissioner Swift and seconded e the Public Defender's budget at d unanimously with Commissioner the meeting. Commissioner Swift and seconded ccept the budgets of the Elections as submitted. Roll e following results: Commissioner Fahrer Yes Commissioner Harvey Yes Commissioner Swift No Mayor Sorensen No Motion failed. Motion was seconded by Commissioner S Elections and the Supervis as 1_ast year plus requesti County Administrator conce purchases. Roll call vote results: Motion failed. then made by Mayor Sorensen ift to accept the budgets o- r of Elections at the same g a recommendation from the ning the requested capital was taken with the following Commissioner Fahrer No Commissioner Harvey No Commissioner Swift No Mayor Sorensen No Motion was made by Commissioner Harvey to Examiner in the amount of mously with Commissioner meeting. Motion was made by Mayor Sorensen to appr Communications budget at 7% increase. During disc Motion was then made by C Mayor Sorensen to tentati Medical Communications bu vious year. Roll call vo results: y Commissioner Fahrer and s approve the budget of the N $59,375.00. Motion carried ernandez being absent from y Commissioner Swift and se ve the EMS budget and the M he same levels as last year ssion_,- the motion was withd mmissioner Swift and second ely approve the proposed EM gets at no increase over th e was taken with the follow Commissioner Fahrer Yes Commissioner Harvey Yes Commissioner Swift Yes Mayor Sorensen No and evel iutlay conded dical unani- he onded d i c a 1 plus a awn. d by and pre- ng Motion carried- with Commissioner Hernandez being absent from the meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer and seconded -by Mayor Sorensen to approve the 911 Emergency System budget as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Commissioner AA- A -a Hernandez being absent fro Motion was made b by Mayor Sorensen to appro budget at the same rate as mously with Commissioner H meeting. Motion was made b by Commissioner Fahrer to budgets and the budget of vious year. Motion carrie Hernandez being absent fro Motion was made b by Mayor Sorensen to appro budget at $33,000.00. Mot Commissioner Hernandez bei Motion was made b by Commissioner Fahrer to $1,500.00 per AARP. Roll Commissioner Hernandez bei During discussion, motion_ minate the $1,500.00 in th pay the electric bill at t of a second. the meeting. Commissioner Swift and seconded e the Baker Act -Hospitalization last year. Motion carried unani- rnandez being absent from the Commissioner Swift and seconded pprove the Mental Health Clinic ARC at no increase over the pre - unanimously with Commissioner the meeting. Commissioner Swift and seconded e the Baker Act-Transportatjion on carried unanimously with, g absent from the meeting. Commissioner Swift and seconded pprove the budgets of the A'ARP at all vote was unanimous with g absent from the meeting. as made by Mayor Sorensen to eli- Lower Keys and to continue! to e Armory. Motion died for lack Motion was made by Commissioner Swift and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to approve the budget for Legal Aid as submitted. Motion carried unanimously with Commissioner Hernandez being absent fro,m the meeting. Motion was made b!y Mayor Sorensen and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer directing the County Administrator, to proceed to obtain a refund of 50% of the expenses of the County in, providing space and utilities to Legal Aid Services. Roll call vote was taken with the following, results: F Commissione. Commissione Commissione Mayor Soren Motion carried with Commissioner Hernandez being absent the meeting. Fahrer Yes Harvey No Swift Yes i n Yes from Motion was made by Mayor Sorensen and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to approve the Museums budget as siub- mitted. Motion carried unanimously with Commissioner Hernandez being absent froem the meeting. Motion was made Commissioner Fahrer to ap for travel to the Older A Board. Motion carried un Hernandez being absent fr .Motion was made Commissioner Swift to den B-ig Sisters for a $3,000. nimously with Commissione meeting. Mayor Sorensen and seconded by ove the allocation of $4,000.00 ricans Volunteer Program Advisory imously with Commissioner the meeting. I Mayor Sorensen and seconded by the request of Big Brothers and allocation. Motion carried una- Hernandez being absent from1the There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. 1 1 1 AA 197 1 1 A special meeting District 2, convened on th answering to roll call wer Commissioner Wilhelmina Ha Also present were Danny L. County Administrator; Luci Matthews, Finance Director and the general public. Chairman of this meeting. Special Meeting Board of Governors District 2 Tuesday, July 31, 1984, Marathon of the Board of Governors, above date. Present and Commissioner"Alison Fahrer,, ,vey, and Commissioner Wright. Kolhage, Clerk; Kermit Lewin, �n Proby, County Attorney; James ; members of the Press and Radio; :ommissioner Harvey was Acting All stood for the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Motion was made by Commissioner Wright and seconded by Commissioner Fahrer to "reject the proposal submitted by Mr. Paros for a proposed Fire and Ambulance budget for, District 2 for fiscal year 1984-1985. Roll call vote was unanimous. Motion was made by Commissioner Fahrer not to, approve any budget which required an ad valorem increase in excess of 15%. Motion die-6 for lack of a second. Motion was made b by Commissioner Wright to of the Fire Marshall posit Emergency Services budget Ambulance Department budge the current fiscal year. There being no fui adjourned. Commissioner Fahrer and seconded Include provisions for the funding ion and a prorata amount of the. lind to limit the Fire and �s to the same appropriation;as Eoll call vote was unanimous. ther business, the meeting was